
Briana and the Curse

19 years ago at Crystalball Palace, 21-year-old Prince Leonord was entrusted by his father to be the leader of the war, during the war Prince Leonord was injured and saved by a magician named Julie. Long story short, they fell in love with each other, but fate did not unite them. them, and instead cast a curse on innocent children

Tiaraa26 · Fantasia
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3 Chs

Territory Struggle

The sky suddenly became cloudy, thunder rumbled everywhere, the army commander ran looking for the king ....

"sorry our king just got a letter, the valcke kingdom, they refuse to make peace and raise the flag to fight the king, what should we do?" chief The soldier looked at the king who had just sat quietly on his throne

"Call prince leonord now he is 21 years old, sooner or later he will replace me as king, call him here" said the king, then the chief warrior went to run away from the king at the same time the queen came to meet the king. "what happened to the king" Why does your face look tense, and why does the warrior chief look in a hurry?" the king had not had time to answer his wife's question, Prince Leonord and the warrior chief had reached the king.

"father called me? what happened" said prince leonord to the king with a confused face, the king stood up from his throne and walked over to prince leonord "the valcke kingdom refused peace, even though our kingdom had given 1/4 of the land they asked for, as a my father really doesn't want you to handle this, but as a king I want you to be the leader of the war this time, to prove that you are worthy to continue my throne to be a king for this kingdom in the future" the king patted his only son on the shoulder and sat back on his throne, the queen who saw it immediately refuted the king's words "the king how can you make our only son the leader of the war? you yourself know that the valcke kingdom has a strong war army, what if something happens to our son? the queen begged the king, seeing that prince leonard doesn't stay still, he goes straight to his mother "mom it's okay, don't worry about what will happen di, I promise I will come home with victory, sooner or later I will replace father as a king, then I will risk my life for our people "Prince Leonord hugged his mother and said goodbye to the king" My father accepted this offer to prove myself worthy to be king "I'm going back to my room and I'll start training with Uncle Josh for the war later," said Prince Leonord while looking at the head of their royal war troop, Josh, who had long served the kingdom as a soldier, then was appointed chief soldier when he succeeded in becoming the leader of the war against the kingdom fire.

2 weeks have passed, prince leonord has been training very hard along with the other soldiers, prince is very sure that they will bring home victory, tomorrow is the day they have planned to go to the border region between crystal ball kingdom and valcke kingdom, josh and prince leonord agree to leave at dawn so that none of the enemies are aware of their presence....

Dawn had arrived, Prince Leonord and the other soldiers had finished preparing all the weapons, and prepared the supplies and some medicine they needed in case anyone was injured, before they left Prince Leonord came to the king's throne to say goodbye and ask for prayers so he could return home safely and brought victory, there the king and queen also couldn't sleep because they were worried about their children"Father and Mother pray for us" said the prince while kissing the hands of the king and queen....

The prince and other soldiers left the kingdom, they rode their respective horses, and passed through the wilderness, when passing through the forest the prince was amazed to see the old castle in the forest, for 21 years he lived in the kingdom of cystallbal only now he knows there is a castle in the middle the forest, when looking at the castle, the prince accidentally saw a woman peeking from the sidelines of the castle, seeing this the prince asked the soldiers to stop he also asked josh about the castle

"Uncle, since when was there a castle in the middle of the wilderness? I also saw a girl in the castle" said the prince to the head of the army "the castle has been there for a long time, but it is said that the castle can appear and disappear by itself, and about the girl who the prince said earlier I didn't know about it "let's continue our journey prince, the day is starting to light up