
Breath of the Galaxy

Born on the one day that all the stars align and the moon is at it's brightest, this young girl begins to realize the true extent of her purpose in this realm. Will she become who she is truely meant to be? Or will everything be sucked into the void......

dakyrasocial · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Where it all began

Andrea's Pov~~

"Come on Andrea! Push!, you can do it!"

"I can't, I can't, it's too hard" Says Andrea

"Yes you can Drea, do it for me, do it for little Xenavia!"

For my little Xenavia. Everything I had done thus far has been for MY little girl. I don't know how long that will last though. The Dinae take away everyone's babies at their birth. No ones ones how they know when your in labor but they do. They take them to their secret facility on the Dinae settlement in the north of our Galaxy to test them. I don't know what they test them on or how it will affect their lives. All she knows is, this time it might be different.

It's raining. Raining so hard that I can barely hear my brother telling me to push my baby out. Although it is raining, the sky is unnaturally clear. The moon is as bright as it can get, lighting up the room like a white LED bulb. The stars are also weirdly bright. Even weirder is that they are all aligned. In a cluster of a line, all together in the shape of an eye. I don't know what it means, but I'm sure the Dinae do.

They've been watching me, for the past 9 months. Lurking around corners. Sitting at close tables in local shops...watching me while I sleep...

I know that something is going on and it somehow involves my baby girl. But I have a feeling I won't be here to witness it.....

Hey there,

My names Dk and this is my first actual published story. I would like to say that I am just a 14 year old girl with a wild imagination so cut me some slack here.( please be nice;)) I will gratefully recieve your constructive critisism though! Another note, this story is completely from my imagination and sometimes it may or not make any sense. Anyways, I hope you like my story and have a nice day!

Your author,


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