
Breaking the ordinary

Ethan, your average modern boy in modern society, ignorant of the hidden society, gets a system in his mind by some accidents. It's tale of a young man to reach the highest point of the hidden society and to know the hidden creatures living beside them.

samandridaku · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
50 Chs

Rainstorm antic

Ethan was still looking at the pen. It was some kinda mixture of silver and gold color.

Its texture was also pretty smooth. To sum it up, it was a good pen and Ethan could smell that his good time was coming again.

As he was pondering about it, the boy also felt that his life wasn't in danger. But he was a bit regretful of giving away the pen. He had to go through many troubles to get that pen. Of course he stole the pen too. He truly was a top notch thief.

"What's your name?", Ethan asked in simple tone but the boy straighten his body.

"Morgan. Umm can i ask yours?", Now Morgan was a bit relieved as the other party was okay with talking.

"Oh yeah of course. I'm Ethan. Nice to meet you.", Ethan said while giving a nice friendly smile.

Morgan relaxed as he could tell that he was fine now. This man wasn't here to kill him or harm him so it was fine. Morgan looked at the pen like he was being separated from his old lover.

Actually Morgan was in the market today to just sell this pen. It's not like these kind of special things can be sold everywhere. But Morgan was kind of pro at this stuff as he normally made transactions. He had alot of sources to find buyers and dealers. Morgan stole the pen with quite difficulties. He even nearly lost his life. So he could tell that it wasn't something normal.

"So Morgan, where did you get this pen?", As Morgan was still busy in his own thoughts, Ethan's voice broke his transmission of thoughts.

"Oh yeah I stole it. Hah man you wouldn't believe how tough it was. When I saw the security level, I once thought of not stealing. But you may not know but a thief can't just ignore something once he sets his sight on it.", Morgan accounted his little heroic adventure that wasn't something to be proud of.

Ethan could tell that this pen wasn't some easy going stuff. This was serious.

"Why are you carrying such thing on yourself?", Ethan asked as he was confused because if this pen was so important, shouldn't Morgan be keeping at safe at home.

"No. I came to market today because I had an appointment with the buyer.", Then Morgan told Ethan about all the black market and stuff.

"I see. Okay so what time was the deal to be taken place?", Ethan asked as he thought of something.


"Okay. We're going to the buyer. Tell me the location.", Ethan hold Morgan by collar and vanished again.

Ethan was doing all this because he thought that if the person was looking for the pen then he surely knew it's worth and background. He might even know something about [book of ignes].


In a bar, a man was having a beer while using his phone. This man was wearing casual jeans and shirt. His hair were of black color. He was a nice, decent looking man of around 30 years old.

"So a kid stole the pen haha. Their security has been dulled or what? Oh well I'll kill the kid and get the pen anyways.", The man gave a sinister laugh and drank the beer while noting the time.


"You alive man?", Ethan asked as he looked at the foaming Morgan.

Due to fast pace movement of Ethan, Morgan felt as if he saw the lady in white waving at him. It was a dangerous experience to be exact.

"Y-yeah barely. But well we are here so please if you please put me down now.", Morgan asked as he signaled towards Ethan holding his collar.

"Oh of course. Here you go.", Suddenly Ethan let go of it.

Ouch ...

Some consideration won't hurt bro.

"So how are we gonna identify your buyer dude?", Ethan asked Morgan as he surveyed the entrance of bar and was also looking around to see any weird stuff.

"Let me call him. He asked to call after arriving."

*Ringgg ringggg*

"Yes hello. I contacted you on the website to sell you something."

"Oh yeah. I'm at the meeting location. Where are you sir?"

"I'm in bar. Can you let me know your location?"

Suddenly someone tapped on Morgan's shoulder.

As Morgan turned around, he saw a dude, smiling at him. This was his buyer.

"Sir you might be ..?"

" Haha we just talked on call. Can't you recognize my voice?", The man said in a very friendly voice. His voice too was very friendly. Nothing felt off.

"Let's go over there."

As the man was guiding Morgan to the seat, Ethan quietly appeared beside Morgan. The buyer didn't notice anything.

"You sure this person is your buyer?", Ethan whispered to Morgan. Of course the buyer also heard it but he didn't pay attention to it. But suddenly he froze on the place.

When did he appear?

Morgan was also looking at Ethan with inquiring eyes that what was he asking now.

A few lines appeared on the buyer's forehead. "You know the rules of black market. We can't bring other people, other than the dealers to our meetings." Some aura started emiting from the buyer and there was also hint of killing intent directed towards Ethan and Morgan.

Morgan also felt the aura from the man and so obviously Ethan also did. Ethan also noticed the killing intent. It was well hidden but was still detected by Ethan.

Ethan stepped forward and looked at the buyer. Then he turned towards Morgan and asked seriously " where did you steal this pen from?"

Morgan was a bit surprised but he knew hiding wouldn't help. " From [rainstorm antic]."

Actually Ethan asked all this because of just one thing.

"Level 33 freelance mercenary

Hired by [rainstorm antic]"

Haha ...

So they already guessed his identity and sent this man to finish the story.

"You are lucky Morgan or unlucky. I don't know. But just know one thing, you're gonna owe me hella from here on."

Suddenly a dangerous, savage aura started emiting from Ethan. This aura was very unique. It gave a feeling as to destroy anything in it's path.

The buyer's face also turned serious. As he could tell that his identity was revealed and this man in front of him, was no pushover!!
