
Breaking Deception

Gently, his lips brushed against mine. Taking Trevor by pleasant surprise, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Our lips moved in perfect sync. His intoxicating beach scent washed over me. I could feel myself getting wet the more we kissed. All my surroundings disappeared. Only Trevor and his skilled warm lips remained. Trevor groaned and licked at my bottom lip. I opened for him and his tongue invaded me. He explored my mouth, tasting and teasing. Sensations I had never felt before exploded in every fiber of my body. “You’re just as sweet as I’ve fantasized about for so long.” He murmured, still kissing me. “I can’t hold back, I want to ravage all of you.” Something hard rubbed between my legs. I moaned into his mouth. He rubbed his erection against me intimately. I cried out in pleasure. Yes! Mine, he’s my true love. Mine! Mine? No! Trevor took enjoyment in torturing and abusing his women! But how was I supposed to resist this sinful man? Natalie is a half demon recently freed from her tormentor. She was taught her true love enjoyed abusing women with his pretend sister. Once free, she leaves her past behind for a new dimension, safe with her friend. She yearns to live a simple life as a baker. Trevor, an elemental human, was tricked into thinking his true love died. He goes to his sister's dimension to keep an eye on everything. He pretends to love his womanizing ways, but secretly longs for a family. Both are torn by deception. With an assassin attacking the nobility of their new kingdom, will they be able to sort through all the lies and work together? Or will past fabrications keep them strangers. *Warning-Sexual content/ triggers/ dark themes may be present.

AlysiaO · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
37 Chs

Nobody Hurts Them

Natalie POV

"Get away from my family!!" I screamed at the assassin, surprising myself again. Not only was I speaking up again, but I didn't care what I said or what others thought. I had to fight to keep my demon side from filling my eyes with dark red blood lust. My inner self was in control.

Shion was doing his best to stay calm as well. I was shocked he wasn't losing control of his elemental power. Surely he must have a lot bottled up in that little body from his Father. Any other child would be screaming for their Mommy.

Not Shion. He was crying out of fear for his brother and Mom. His eyes never left her bloodied back. To him, he probably thought she was trembling in pain. From that quick look, she gave prior to covering Kalum again, I knew it was fear and anger.

The assassin turned on his heel, keeping the blade close to the Prince's throat. With her back facing away from me, I called on my own ground ability. The floor wrapped around his feet, making him stumble. The assassin shifted his body towards mine and called on his wind again. Swirls wrapped around his body as he readied his knife in my direction. It was too late for me to stop now. Using the only chance to save the Prince was most important to me. I snapped a piece of the broken wood off the wrecked table and flung myself towards him. The sharp blades created by the focused wind danced across my cheeks.

For a split moment, the assassin's elemental ability disappeared. Without wasting the opportunity, I tackled the man to the ground. Swiftly, I shoved Shion away before we hit the hard tiled floor.

Flames encompassed Shion's tiny form, and his irises turned blood red. Not good! A child shouldn't be able to tap into a demon's blood lust. It's not supposed to be possible for full fledge demons until we're at least ten. And he was like me, only half!

*Then again, he is Demon Lord Shiuku's son…*

No! I'm done judging others based on information I've heard. I can admit my own faults. Being tortured and deceived by those around me has left me blind for too many years. I'll do my own investigations later. Right now, nothing would stop me from protecting Shion.

A loud crunch filled the room as I broke the assassin's nose. Once again, I could feel him trying to gather up his ability to no avail. Somehow his power was trapped.

Giving up on his wind, the assassin elbowed me below my ribs. I formed my hand into a claw and slowly squeezed it close. The ground around the killer latched onto him on all four limbs. He thrashed desperately while the flaming Shion walked over to us after giving his Mom a quick glance. He wasn't happy about what he saw. The blood lust grew darker crimson with every step towards us.

Panicked for the Prince, I got off the subdued assassin and hugged him through the flames. If someone saw his red eyes, they would know he was a demon. As skewed as this dimension's views on demons were, they would assume he's evil. The church would order his execution. Possibly his Mom's, dad's, and brothers too.

I grimaced and bit my tongue against the pain of his flames. The smell of my clothes and skin burning filled my nostrils. His fire was a lot worse than the pot Izzy had spilled earlier.

"I know you're worried about your Mother, but you need to calm down right now. They've told you our home isn't ready to handle the idea of demons, right? They won't separate us from the devils in religion." I explained the basics of our situation, although I was certain he had been taught that. When he was in danger, he didn't once use his power. "Doing great, Shion. I'm so proud of you."

This kid should have been my future nephew; had I believed in my true love and not the source of deception. My instincts knew he was supposed to be family, and I loved both those kids unconditionally. I had to protect them, even if Trevor chose Lydia over me.

After a few seconds, his fire went out, and his eyes were grey once more. Shion held onto my hand as he turned back to the man who attacked his family.

The assassin was still struggling with the ground. I had hardened the marble and made sure I used thick slabs to capture him. It seemed our black-clad prisoner was still unable to use either of his elements.

Around us, the nobles were staring both at the captured assassin and Shion.

King Ulrich helped himself up and out of the hole created from his back. He was the only one to watch me. I wanted to shrink away under his intense, unblinking eyes. Being brave and the center of any attention wasn't just a big no-no from Mom; it gave me anxiety. More sweat dripped down my forehead from the King than Shion's steam.

I had expected the King to speak first. I was surprised when it was a shrill sneaky voice.

"Elementals save this country?! Then what was that?! And why was the crown prince flaming! He's a monster too!" She marched over to the bloodied princess still on her stomach. Aileen had yet to get up. Smuggly, she added, "not only did she leave my brother, but she slept with a monster before her sweet husband."

Not completely untrue. Demon Lord Shiuku is evil with his disgusting goal of turning all humanity into his servants and slaves. So why did her words irk me so bad?

"I demand that Prince Shion and Prince Kalum be stripped of their titles immediately. I have doubt they are legitimate heirs!"

That was her game! She wanted Prince Trevor to take the throne here. Selfish. Those children did nothing wrong.

"Where is your proof! You get humiliated by your lack of knowledge and jump to the first story that benefits you!" I yelled back, unable to control myself again. Something really was wrong with me. It's gotta be this family. They bring my demonic nature. The need to protect them was more potent than my own will.

And that woman becoming his bride didn't help my inner self-control in this matter either.

Still, she was a princess, and I've already shown way too much of the real me and my skills. "Sorry, Your Highness." I bowed, pissing off my inner self.

Cutting off any retort the spoiled princess may give, the King's voice boomed. She immediately hushed, fearing the King of Lutz's wrath. "Enough!"

He stood tall despite his injuries. "The young Prince was just burned by that assassin, and you spin the tale to make him off to be a demon! You dare to call my daughter a whore! You are no better than your foolish brother!"

Stuttering now, "I….I will b…be your daughter….soon too. And you didn't…defend her…at the table…I assumed you knew."

Was the woman really that dim?

"My daughter is bleeding and unable to speak! One more insult to her, and you will be banished from this kingdom. All trade will stop immediately, and you will not wed my new son."

The King strode over to the assassin. He didn't spare the spoiled princess any more time. While passing me, he grabbed my shoulder and whispered, "thank you."

Simple and to the point. There was a hint of emotion I'd never heard in his tone before. Even while scolding Lydia, his voice was loud, but there was no waiver or feeling. It was just him spitting facts. I was beginning to like the infamous Dark King.

Heartless, my ass. He was a lot like my Mom.

He crouched down by the assassin. I could hear him growl lowly at the man, "I should kill you right here. Stab a pike through your skull and hang your head near our flag for all to see."

The ground holding the assassin down split and crumbled to pieces. The King was pulled back by one of the guards deciding now was a good time to do his job. A damn lousy time! I tumbled over them, both lost in my own confusion.

The ability wasn't the assassin's. His aura hadn't changed or sparked brown/green. What was going on in this kingdom?! There had to have been another elemental somewhere. One hiding well.

No one in the room had an aura glowing about them. There were only about two dozen of us that were invited here. Two were traitors, both skilled elementals, and at least one was an assassin.

With her limbs free, she called on her wind ability again. The assassin grabbed his knife and twirled it creating a small tornado. It was immediately snuffed out and replaced with breezes picking up dust and dirt again. Old castles are not dusted properly!

We all struggled with the gift of sight as we hopped off each other. I expected the King to chase after him, but he raced over to his daughter instead. Shion cried and latched onto his Mom.

Several guards and knights charged out of the dining room. Some chased after the assassin, and others immediately ran in a different direction, yelling for a doctor. The princess had lost a lot of blood already protecting the baby. The nobles gawked at the royal family until King Ulrich growled for them all to leave immediately.

I was on my way out with them when the King ordered me to halt. "Take the princes up to their chamber. Do not leave them unless either myself or another member of the Lutz family releases you. Trust no one else, or you'll be the next body buried."

Shion immediately screamed at his Grandfather, refusing to leave. He didn't understand how grave his Mother's situation was, but he knew she was hurting. Already, I feared he would lose control of one of his powers. I had to think of some way to get him to go willingly.

"Don't you want to protect your brother?" I can talk to children normally; good to know. "I could use a second set of hands to guard him. You Mom will be safe with King Ulrich. Er, that is if you so desire to escort her…your Highness! By no means would I order you! Ya know, er sorry!"

*And that's why I shut up and keep to my thoughts. I reminded myself.*


A simple command that I was happy to oblige.

I scooped up a shaking Kalum. He clung to me and pointed a trembling finger at his Mom. Snot covered his face along with tears, but thankfully not a single cut. The few specks of blood were from Aileen's wounds. A quick bath, story, and a long hug should suffice. Maybe it would help them relax and forget while they splashed around awhile.

We left the dining area, Kalum with his head nestled into my chest and Shion playing lookout. The toddler's eyes watched for any movement as we gained some much-needed distance from the blood bathed banquet hall.

Shudders ran up and down my spine at the screams in the background. The assassin must have been making a gore-filled exit. I squeezed Kalum closer and grabbed Shion's hand, picking up my pace. We needed to get up the steps fast.

As I hurried to the spiral staircase, I noticed a sweaty brown blur rushing in my peripheral. The man was sprinting in the direction of the terrified shrieks.

My heart hammered in my chest. Just the scent of him passing close to me filled me with many conflicting emotions.

He was either going to track down the assassin or protect his fiance. There was no way I could find out which one either. I had to save the two innocent princes. Risking the lives of children wasn't something I would ever forgive myself for. I doubted Trevor would either.

I had to believe in the strength of one of the DSS's top members.

Still, I mentally prayed for him. He had no idea two elementals were working together.

*Trevor, please survive. Your family is going to need you, and I need to tell you… I'm sorry.*