

"Alright, class! Today we will be writing 'What I want to be in the future' on the flashcard I am just now passing out. So don't touch it yet. On the flashcard, you will write what you want to be in the future and why, and on the back of it, you will draw a picture of yourself in that attire."

The 30 first grade students all stare at the teacher in confusion when she goes on to explain by drawing an example on the whiteboard, "for example, if you want to be a doctor you can draw yourself in a white coat or a teacher with an apple or a veterinarian with a dog and cat. Now then, you may begin!"

The classroom was full of rowdy students as this was their last activity for the day, especially after lunchtime. The first graders are the first to walk out the gates and are usually reluctant to return to class.