

Pack destroyed. Father dead, mother dead, sister dead. Little Brayden is left alone. If it weren't for the teenage Alpha that finds him and takes him in. Story excerpt As I run past the man I feel his arms take hold of me pinning me to him as he picks me up. "Let go of me! My father will kill you!" I scream. I kick at him but he holds me tightly. "He's the Alpha!" The man kneels down and I feel my feet touch earth. He continues to hold me tight. Eventually he loosens his grip not enough to free me just enough that he can look me in the eye. "Your father is gone." The man tells me. "No!" I yell at him. I swing as hard as I can punching the man in the chest. "I don't believe you!" I didn't see Daddy but he is a strong wolf! An Alpha! No way he is dead! I feel the tears run down my face as I look around. Fire, rubble, and death... everyone is gone. I fall into the man sobbing. I can't fight any more. My pack is dead. The man picks me up again carrying me to his car. "What's your name little guy?" He asks. I have a hard time making words through my tears. "B... Bray... Brayden." I stammer gripping his shirt. "Hello Brayden... I'm Alpha Aaron... I'm gonna take care of you." He says. This is backstory for Brayden from my book Alpha Lilly. This story runs from before Alpha Lilly until part way through Orphan Wolf so spoilers are certain for those books. I'd suggest reading them first but you don't have to.

RUHU95 · Fantasia
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32 Chs


Ok so about 8 years ago my family was destroyed... but you know I got a new one that I love. Ari is the Alpha of the Midnight Moon pack. The largest in North America. He's kinda like my dad when I'm in trouble and my big brother any other time. I love him but he is seriously overprotective.

"Byay! Get up now or you'll miss breakfast!" Beta Clay yells. I get up and run downstairs.

"What gives Clay!? Where's Ari?" I ask as I sit at the counter.

"Alph stuff... but you know I make a killer omelet!" He grins sliding me a plate. I frown. Ari has been a no show for months. I don't have many friends so with him off doing what ever it feels like I'm alone.

"Cheer up pup! He'll be better after the banquet." Clay says. I stab a bite of the eggs twirling my fork not really in the mood to eat.

"Yea... sure." I say highly disappointed. I haven't seen him all week and it's Friday.

"Come on its about time for you to get to school." He tells me.

"Crap!" I yell dropping my fork on my uneaten breakfast. I run upstairs to get dressed ensuring my tshirt and sneakers match. I mean what's the point in having shoes in every color if you don't match? I gel my hair to perfect points and grin in the mirror. I may be alone but I look good!

"Brayden Now!" Clay calls. I run downstairs as he chuckles. "I swear you are more obsessed with your looks than a teenage girl." He says as I run past.

"Love you too Clay!" I grin at him and he rolls his eyes. Clay is my friend, brother, mentor. He let's me help him with pack stuff which makes me feel more like one of them.

You see because I'm gonna be Alpha of another pack Ari can't accept me into his. So no mind link. It sucks and the other kids in the pack kinda look down on me for it. I mean it doesn't bother me that I don't have the link because I understand why but I don't like feeling like an outsider.

I run up to the group of kids walking to school. I quickly find Eric. Hes the first and only kid in the pack that likes me.

"Hay Eric!" I greet him.

"Ummm... Yea hi Bray... what's up?" He asks hesitantly.

"Nothing... what's up with you? You've been avoiding me all week." I question.

"Listen Bray..." he glances toward the other boys then back to me. "Were gonna be freshmen next year and I want to try out for the football team... it's all politics really. If the guys like you you get on the team if not well... and I mean you know how much I wanna play and the guys well..."

"They don't like me." I finish for him.

"I'm sorry Bray but I need to get in good with them if I want on the team! You understand right?" I smile and nod.

"Yea man! You've wanted to play forever... do what you've gotta do." I tell him trying not to show the pain I feel. First Ari now Eric! I think Clay is the only friend I have left!

"I knew you'd get it! Thanks man you're the best!" He slaps my back and runs up to the older boys. I slowly shift to the back of the group.

"Keep moving pup!" A guy only a year older than me yells pushing me forward. The high schoolers lead the group and make sure all of us get to school. I guess I won't be sneaking off. I sigh and pick up the pace.

At school I'm bored. I could get my GED any day if Ari would let me. I've always tested well above my grade level. I dont see why I still have to come here. Ari says its important for me to socialize with kids my own age. I say they are all idiots and need to grow up... but it's not my decision so I go to school.

Halfway through the day I'm done with this place! I look around the science room and smile. I find some soap water and the methane the high school chemistry class was using... it's a common experiment. You make methane bubbles and have some fun but I have a slightly different plan!

I make my bubbles in the back of the room conveniently hidden from my oblivious teacher. I turn on the bunsen burner and cover my arms in bubbles. A quick swipe over the flame and my arme are ablaze.

"Help! Fire! Ahhhhh!" I scream running to the center of the room. Everyone freaks out and runs. One kid pulls the fire alarm just as I shake off the burning bubbles unharmed. I laugh as I watch the kids run out of school from the window. They all look so panicked! I can see it all from my second floor perch.

"What's so funny Mr. Sanders?" The principal asks. I turn around to see my science teacher and the principal glaring at me soaking wet.

"The fire suppression system seems to be fully functioning." I say smiling at him.

"Brayden Michael Sanders! What would Alpha Aaron think of this?" The principal asks. Did I mention he along with half the teachers are from my pack? I shrug at his question.

"He'd think it was an awesome joke?" I ask sarcastically.

"Why don't we just give him a call and see!" He growls dragging me to his office by my ear.

"Oww... hay this is a public school! Use of physical punishment was banned in 1988 in our state! Get off me!" I yell at him.

"Right now I'm not your principal! I'm a warrior of the Midnight Moon pack disciplining an unruly pup!" He responds.

"I'm not a pup!" I yell pulling against his grip only causing more pain.

"You are! Now sit!" He orders tossing me towards a soaked chair.

"I'll stand thanks." I tell him. He growls and I return it with one of my own. He tries to stare me down but I keep his gaze. I've got Alpha blood he cant make me squirm. Eventually he pulls out a cell phone and makes the call.

"Yes!" I hear a less than happy voice come through the speaker.

"Your pup needs delt with." The principal says. I hear Ari sigh and growl.

"What did he do now?" Ari asks.

"Well we will have to close the school for a couple days to vac out the water and replace any cloth furniture oh and the computers..." Ari's growl cuts him off.

"Put him on!" He orders. I want to claw the smirk off of his face as the principal hands me the phone.

"My office 20min." He growls.

"Ari! It takes thirty just to walk to the pack boundaries let alone get to the house!" I argue.

"19min... Then I suggest you run." He says.

I throw the phone at the principal and run out the door with him laughing behind me. I take the back door and run to the woods. I pull off my shorts and shift shredding the rest of my clothes. I pick up the shorts on my mouth and run as fast as my legs will carry me.

When I stumble into Ari's office I am panting and soaked in sweat.

"24min... good time." He murmurs. "Have a seat Brayden."

"Yes sir." I mumble looking at my feet as I slide into a chair opposite him at his desk.

"Fire alarm?" He asks.

"I didn't pull it."

"Caused it?"




"Still funny?"

"No sir."


"Didn't want to be there."


I pause on this one. How do I explain that I have no friends and hate school. We've had that argument. He knows I don't want to go. Plus this is the first I've seen him this week!

"Brayden." He growls expectantly.

"Because..." I mumble.

"Not an answer." With tears in my eyes I break.

"Because! Eric ditched me! You've been ignoring me! I don't learn anything at school! Crap! I could be teaching every class! No one cares about me so why should I care! I'm not a part of this pack the kids have made that clear! You won't let me patrol or train with the warriors even tho I'm stronger than half of them! The only person who makes me feel like part of the pack is Clay and he's got his Beta duties so most of the day he's busy. At least he wakes me up for school! I'm just done with this Ari! I'm not a pup but I'm not an adult! What am I? Where do I fit!? The kids my age are idiots and they hate me! What's it say about you when your only friends are your Alpha and Beta and they are 15 years older than you!" I rant.

Ari stands up and comes around his desk to kneel in front of me.

"I'm sorry Bray... I don't mean to be distant. I've been focused on this God forsaken banquet and for some reason my wolf wont shut up. Honestly hes driving me nuts... it's no excuse tho. I should have been there for you. Sometimes you act so grown up I forget you're a pup." He sighs.

"Soooo... if I act so grown up can I start patrols?" I ask.

"Are you seriously asking me that right now?" He asks eyebrows raised.

"I know the answer but it can't hurt to ask." I shrug. I really just wanted to defuse the tension.

"Not funny pup." But he chuckles. "So now about the school..."

"I'm sorry Ari! I know it was over the top! It's just I was in science and I was looking at the stuff... I mean it's not entirely my fault considering the high school class left the stuff out. I mean seriously everyone knows what experiment they were doing it's like they were begging me to do it! And no one was in danger. I didn't pull the alarm people just panicked!... Okay! I guess I can see how someone Might think I'd get burned alive but I'm fine!... Seriously Ari I..."

"Brayden!" He cut me off. "Slow down pup... you set yourself on fire?!"

"Ummm yea..." I respond.

"Alright." Ari shakes his head trying not to laugh. "You're going to be running with me 3AM every morning for the next month..." I groan. "No complaints you wanted to spend more time with me." He laughs. "School will be closed next week to clean up your mess and you're going to help clean out the school. Then you're going to set up the computer system... you realize how much money you're costing the pack?... enjoy this weekend because starting Monday your butt belongs to Mr. Jackson (The principal) and he's not to fond of you right now." I groan again. I really don't like Mr. Jackson.

"Can't you just ground me like a normal person!?" I ask.

"Your distaste for your punishment makes it all the more perfect. You're not supposed to enjoy it." Ari says.

"Fine." I pout. Ari laughs.

"Come on Bray... the pain doesn't start until Monday." He says leading me out of the office and into the kitchen. I jump onto the counter. "Here!" He tosses me a push pop. "We good Bray?... I really didn't mean to ignore you... and I didn't know the pups alienated you..."

I stop him "Ari, were good... I just miss you... you're my best friend you know that?"

"Yea... I love you Bray... I just wish you had some friends your age too." He says.

"They are just to immature... I know today wasn't exactly mature but 98% of the time I relate better to you and Clay than any of them." I tell him.

"Hay it was funny I'll grant you that... you're a smart kid... genius even... sometimes you just don't think things through... it will come with age. One day you will be better than all of us I have no doubt. For now will you just relax and be a kid? Childhood only comes once. Maybe if you'd accept the other pups for who they are they'd accept you? Just think about it Brey." He tells me as he walks to the door. "I gotta get back to work. Clay was looking for you."

"Thanks Ari." I say as he walks out.

I finish my first push pop and head out the front door looking for Clay.

"He set himself on fire!" I hear a girl from my class say. Looking over I see all of the pack teens including the beautiful Geacie Beth.

"Who would do that?" Another girl asks.

"He's crazy!"

"Wouldn't that burn?"

"I'm to hot to burn!... speaking of hot!" I say walking over to them. They all roll their eyes.

"You're to young to be flirting." One of the older girls says.

"I can't help it." I say taking Gracie's hand. "I see a beautiful woman I need to get her attention... hay beautiful." I smile at her.

"I'm waiting for my mate pup." She blows me off.

"I could be him. You don't know." I tell her. She scoffs.

"As if! You're still a pup!" The girls laugh and leave. I sigh... she is beautiful.

"You realize she's a senior right?" Someone says behind me.

"Yes Clayton." I respond turning to face him. "She is a woman. A beautiful woman I wouldn't mind spending time with."

"Not gonna happen pup! Sooo you tried to burn the school down?" He asks.

"Nope just a... misunderstanding." I say and he laughs.

"Like when you put a speaker in the anatomy dummy that told the class the answers to the test lighting up the organs?" He asks.

"Hay! The juniors in that class loved it!" I argue.

"Or when you rigged a bookshelf in the library to chuck books at anyone who passed?"

"School is boring! Come on I have to entertain myself somehow!" I defend.

"So when does your punishment start?" He asks still chuckling.

"Monday." I answer.

"Wanna take a run to the eastern sector? Billy and Abigail had a pup. Alpha is sending them a nice blue baby blanket." He asks.

"Sooo... you got the info Ari is busy so you want me to make the delivery." I say.

"You know the drill." He responds.

"I've only been doing it for the past year." I chuckle. "I'd love to Clay... making runs for you makes me feel like part of the pack."

"You are part of the pack Bray. Never question that!... be back by dinner." He tells me handing me a package.

"Will do Beta." I grin and start running east.