
Boundless Wealth and Romance

A ordinary person, when he obtained extraordinary abilities, his legendary journey began. He is the new generation of gambling god, the king of jade, and a collector. The process of his appraising treasures has no unnecessary reasons, only true or false. He is known as the "Master of Few Words". "Master, can you tell if my Yuan Qinghua is real or fake?" someone asked. "Fake," he replied simply. "How is that possible? Master, can you explain in detail?" the person pressed. "Get lost! I make millions in a minute, who has time for that? Go find scientific instruments to authenticate it yourself!" he rebuked. This is him, a legendary figure, a master who values every word, a legendary figure who can see through the authenticity of treasures at a glance.

Kill_wolf · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
80 Chs

Everything is over.

Ye Fei came to a sudden halt, shocked by the unexpected turn of events.

Having drunk too much, he had said some offensive remarks and Wang Tianyu's girlfriend overheard them. Naturally, a series of events followed. As for Duan Fei, he was just a thug.

However, regardless of who they were, Ye Fei had no intention of letting them off, especially someone named Wu Tian.

Ye Fei crouched down and whispered, "Mr. Wu, I know your name. It wouldn't be difficult to spend some money at the store and find out your home address. If I were you, I would keep my mouth shut and pretend nothing happened. No one will know that I got information from you. Of course, you can also call Duan Fei and report me. But remember, unless I'm dead, if I find out that you're the informant, then you're in big trouble."

Wu Tian shivered in fear. He sensed the murderous intent in Ye Fei's tone. It was not an empty threat, but a genuine intention to kill. This intent was almost tangible, sending chills down Wu Tian's spine.

Wu Tian dared not say anything more and quickly shook his head, saying, "I wouldn't dare, I wouldn't dare."

Ye Fei stood up, opened his wallet, took out a stack of hundred-yuan bills, about a dozen of them, and threw them at Wu Tian, saying, "Take it and get yourself medical treatment!"

Then, he opened the door, started the car, and left the Little Fat Sheep Hotpot restaurant.

Wang Tianyu, Ye Fei firmly remembered this name! Just because he had casually said something wrong, to please a woman, he attracted a group of thugs who beat him up. Not only that, he was also locked up in a detention center!

Ye Fei had never hated someone as much as he did now. Why? Simply because they bullied him, simply because he was a rich kid, the son of an important person. If his father were the mayor, could he do whatever he pleased?

Forget it, why should he forget it? Did they really think Ye Fei was so easily bullied?

The current Ye Fei was no longer an ordinary person!

Because of Wu Tian's threat, because of Wang Tianyu's indifference towards him as a stranger, Wang Yue's words echoed in his mind again. This society is fundamentally a pyramid structure. I want power, I want status, I want to become an influential person, no longer a pawn to be manipulated.

Ye Fei had never thought that he would desire power and status so intensely.

He suppressed his anger and refrained from looking for Duan Fei for now, because he didn't have enough certainty, he didn't dare take the risk. Who knew if Wu Tian would call Duan Fei? These thugs were ruthless, and ignorance was bliss. If they discovered that they had come for the wrong person, they might set a trap and wait for him, making it possible to go in but impossible to come out.

There was another detail that made Ye Fei even more cautious!

Ye Fei was certain that his memory was not wrong; Wang Yue had mentioned a man surnamed Xiao. Were these two individuals with the surname Xiao the same person? If they were, then there might be a deep-seated hatred between him and the so-called Boss Xiao and Wang Tianyu.

Returning home to the empty house, Ye Fei took out the new suitcase and began packing his clothes into it. These clothes were bought for him by Wang Yue when they shopped together. As for his original clothes, he had long since discarded them.

After finishing the packing, Ye Fei lit a cigarette and leaned against the doorway, taking a drag. This cigarette had brought him endless joy but also unprecedented harm. He had wanted to leave long ago, but still held onto the fantasy of waiting for Wang Yue to return. Now, it all seemed like a joke.

After finishing the cigarette, Ye Fei picked up the letter left by Wang Yue, placed it in the ashtray, lit a match, and set the paper on fire, watching it burn to ashes. Throughout the entire process, Ye Fei's expression remained unchanged. This was his farewell to the past.

"Wang Yue, I don't know if what you said is true or false, but I want to thank you. Without you, there would be no Ye Fei today! Without you, I would still be that foolish kid! Let everything fade away. Goodbye, we are strangers. Consider this money as your compensation. Just like what Niu Jinda said, spending so much money enjoying your company, I've still made a profit. Haha!" Ye Fei murmured at first, then burst into laughter.

After laughing, he watched the letter burn to ashes, picked up the suitcase, and left the house where he had lived for over three months, without looking back, completely erasing the last trace of longing for Wang Yue.

Arriving at his car, Ye Fei placed his luggage on the back seat, started the car, and drove away. Unexpectedly, Wang Yue had asked him to move, warning him that Niu Jinda was not a good person. Perhaps she simply didn't want to know the reason for his departure.

If his guess was correct, the recording should have been made while Wang Yue was talking to that man. In addition to the reasons she mentioned, Wang Yue's departure had become the catalyst for the coercion by the mysterious Boss Xiao.

"Wang Tianyu, Boss Xiao, whether you are related or not, you have both become my enemies now. Regardless, Wang Yue was once my woman, she had suffered, and I will help her seek revenge. And Wang Tianyu, did you dare not retaliate against you when you were just a nobody? Once I find out that all of this was really done by you, see how I make you wish you were dead. Don't think I can swallow this humiliation and let you avoid going back to prison." Ye Fei sneered coldly.

Not seeking revenge, I, Ye Fei, am not a man!

Although Ye Fei lacked power and background, he possessed a special insight. He held a trump card and believed that money was not a problem for him. If he wished, he could easily convert the gold bars into cash, possessing around twenty million yuan. In Jin City, he might not be able to buy lottery tickets, but in other cities, he could. This was a big deal. He decided to travel around various cities by car. Even if he only made 5,000 yuan a day, he could easily earn 150,000 yuana month. He didn't think he would have bad luck, let alone win a jackpot.

Initially, Ye Fei had never thought of using his abilities for evil purposes, but now, for the sake of becoming wealthy, for the sake of being the master rather than the servant, for the sake of revenge, he no longer cared about anything else.

He pondered on justice and evil, good and bad, but different perspectives, different stances, and different people had different opinions. If he were a billionaire today, would anyone dare to disrespect him?

Would Wang Yue still dare to leave him?

Would Niu Jinda still dare to speak ill of him?

Therefore, the means were not important; the results were the most important.

"What I need to do now is to become the person who stands at the peak!" Ye Fei thought firmly in his heart.

He casually chose to stay at a luxurious hotel. Without hesitation, he selected a lavish suite; Ye Fei did not want to endure hardship. Since he had money, why should he suffer? It seemed that those gold bars could no longer remain in the bank; it was time to exchange them for cash.

After taking a hot shower, Ye Fei wrapped himself in a towel and walked to the computer. Skillfully, he turned on the computer and searched for crucial information on the Baidu search engine.

"Today, I've gathered too much intelligence and need to verify it carefully! We can't act unprepared. Whether it's Du Fei, Niu Jinda, or the mysterious Boss Xiao and Wang Tianyu, none of them are easy to deal with. We must be fully prepared."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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