
Boundless System in Urban World

Kyo's a ordinary teen. Well until the accident happened, though Kyo wasn't badly injure. But just before Kyo could think about how bad things turned out he heard something. [Boundless System Binding] "Hmm?" ---------------------------------------------- This is my first novel, there will be mistakes no doubt and I'll try my best to be consistent, so let's journey this together. It's gonna be slow in the beginning as I'm trying to introduce everyone and set their statuses, but I will gradually pick up the pace.

oldmanwintr · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


"You got all the answers correct..."

Though she spoke quietly everyone could hear what she said. Everyone was instantly stunned but Ryder.

Ryder looks at Kyo before sighing, 'I can't even be surprised no more.'

Kyo gets up for his chair and starts heading out the classroom.

Before he could take a few more steps he heard someone shout, "STOP! YOU MUST HAVE CHEATED!"

He stops and looks back only to see Ms. Lin huffing and puffing, she really resembled a chili pepper right now.

Seeing Kyo stop walking she thought what she said was correct, she was ready to add on to her lies until Kyo spoke, "Ms. Lin don't be shameless. Everyone was watching me finish the quiz I had no time to cheat." Kyo says flatly.

Ms. Lin was in a state of loss, it was obvious Kyo would not finish and get it all correct in time. She never thought Kyo was a Mathematical genius.

Ms. Lin gets an idea, "It doesn't matter if you cheated or not, please sit back down in your spot class will resume shortly."

Ryder and Kyo look at each other before bursting out in laughter.

"Ms. Lin, if I'm not wrong which I'm not. You clearly just agreed that if Kyo correctly finished the quiz in time we both get all A's and we are exempted for the rest of the year." Ryder retorted.

Ms. Lin was fuming in anger and embarrassment. She looked back at Kyo and Ryder while the two were getting ready to leave.

"I don't think anyone remembers any of that, you clearly must have been dreaming." she looks at the class with a smile which they return.

"Hmmm? A wager when was this made."

"I don't know what you're talking about, what wager are you talking about?"

"I only remember Ms. Lin saying something about the pop quiz, the rest is fuzzy."

Leigha looks up at Kyo with a smirk, "Heh, Kyo your good looks can't help you now. But maybe if you beg me I can ask the teacher to let you stay in class."

Kyo looks at Leigha with disgust and ignores her, 'I rather go through another body reconstruction than beg to you.'

Seeing as Kyo ignored her Leigha was angry, 'You don't know anything for your own good you ignorant bastard, wait till I get my hands on you.'

Kyo then looks at Ms. Lin with a face full of dissatisfaction, "Haiya, Ms. Lin you really are shameless, you clearly brought up the wager but you don't want to see it to the end?"

"What is this wager you keep talking about? I clearly do not know what you are going on about." Ms. Lin says confusingly. 'Nobody is gonna take your side without evidence, I practically have you dancing in my palms.' she then smiles to herself.

Kyo again looks at Ryder with a smirk on his face as the plan was going according to plan.

"Dear Ms. Lin since you can't remember anything on your own, why don't I refresh your memory?" Ryder says with a smug smile.

Ms. Lin was going to retort before Ryder pulls out his phone which was recording the whole time. In the video you can clearly see and hear Ms. Lin agreeing to the wager while Kyo finishes the quiz in 3 minutes.

Ms. Lin stood there in disbelief for a few seconds before shouting, "I-IMPOSSIBLE, YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO RECORD ME ON SCHOOL GROUNDS. GIVE ME YOUR PHONE THIS INSTANT."

Kyo buts in before she could grab the phone, "Technically it's only illegal if no parties agree for the conversation to be recorded, but in this case I allowed Ryder to record me and you were just caught in the middle." Kyo retorts with a smirk.

"You... BOTH OF YOU GET OUT OF MY CLASS, I DON'T WANNA SEE YOU HERE AGAIN!" she embarrassedly shouts.

The duo pack up their belongings before heading towards the door.

Ryder stops and waves his phone in the air with the video playing "Don't forget to update our grades Ms. Lin, CIAO!"

Ryder turns around and catches up with Kyo before Ms. Lin could say anything.

Kyo looks at Ryder and smiles, "What happen to not kicking someone when they're down?"

"It only counts if the person is righteous and has morals, Ms. Lin does not fit the persona at all." Ryder retorts.

Kyo chuckles before adding, "I'm glad your on my side."

The duo converses while continuing on their way out of school as they won't have to worry about going anymore.

The duo starts making their way towards the front gate when they spot 6 figures in the distance.

When they start closing distance you could see Connor and Ashley with what looked like 4 gangsters. The two finally arrive in front of the couple.

Kyo looks at Connor and asks flatly, "Is this what you meant by 'watch your back' Connor? You're releasing your dogs on me?"

One of the thugs clearly angry about what Kyo said retorted, "Dogs? Watch your mouth boy or I'll make sure you end up without one."

The 4 thugs slowly start to surround Kyo and Ryder. Though there was impending danger the duo was not phased at all, they were actually stable and composed.

Because Connor thought that they were frozen due to fear he started mocking them, "What happened to you're confidence from yesterday?"

Ashley thinking that they were going to learn a lesson also mocked the duo, "You dare slap me on my beautiful face? Even if you are handsome only the slums is the limit for you."

Kyo and Ryder still stood their motionless, "Kyo be careful these guys won't show pity just because we are high schoolers."

Kyo nodded at Ryder before they both dashed out, with Kyo's newfound strength he almost instantly arrived at the thug that was to his right.

The thug wasn't able to react to the sudden attack before all he could see was the sky before his vision blacked out.

'Damn I used little to know strength but he was still knocked out?'

[Would you like to activate Martial Arts 'Instant Comprehension']



Before Kyo could savor the feeling of the newfound knowledge he sensed a incoming fist coming from his right side, he dodged the attack before countering with a roundhouse kick to the thugs chin.


Kyo looked at Ryder's side only to see him finished up and looking at Kyo with awe.

Ryder didn't bother asking Kyo because he knew he would just get ignored and blow up Kyo's self-esteem.

Kyo and Ryder both start walking towards the couple who were frozen in shock and fear.

Seeing the duo walk towards them Connor and Ashley slowly started to retreat, "D-Don't come near me you d-devil, I-I-I'm your senior don't you forget." Connor says shakily.

But Kyo wasn't the type to easily forget and forgive.

Kyo dashes up to Connor before punching him in his stomach which sent him flying 5 meters back. Connor lays on the ground for a few seconds only to get up and start vomiting on the ground.

Kyo then looks at Ashley before giving her a slap on her cheek.






Every time Ashley would try to speak Kyo would add another slap on to her face. It wasn't until Ashley's face was all red and puffed up before she stopped trying to speak.

Ryder looks at Ashley and started laughing, "She really looks like Connor now, they both have a resemblance to pigs!"

Kyo then looks at Ashley's face which really did resemble a pig and he started laughing along side Ryder.

Ashley was embarrassed but didn't dare voice her opinions as she was afraid of getting slapped again.

Kyo turned to face Ashley with a face of hostility, "I let you go this time, but if I hear you are still speaking bad on my family's name..."

Kyo didn't finish the sentence but Ashley knew well what Kyo meant.

Ryder looked over at Connor before laughing again.

Ryder and Kyo collected themselves before leaving the scene of the crime.

After walking for a while the duo gets in the car, "Hey Ryder can you take me to the mall? I wanna dress myself up and get some things."

"I was planning on going there." Ryder says.

Ryder zooms out the parking lot and starts heading towards the mall.

After 20 minutes they arrive at the mall, it was more than 2 million sq. ft. in size.

Ryder parks the car and the duo heads inside. When they entered the mall it wasn't too packed but it was definitely crowded.

"Where do you wanna go first?" Ryder asks.

Kyo remembers a place he saw on 'InstantGram' once.

"Let's go to 'Global Streetwear' and we'll see from there." Kyo says.

The duo starts walking towards 'Global Streetwear' but not without people staring and complimenting Kyo's looks and some about Ryder's.

When they arrived to 'Global Streetwear' you could see how big the store was in person.

When they enter Kyo spots some clothing and starts walking over towards them.

Ryder decides to go shopping for himself too.

Kyo finds a black hoodie with a cool font on it and decides he wants to buy it.

But when he finds the price tag his heart skipped a beat.


It's not that expensive... right?

oldmanwintrcreators' thoughts