
Bounded by the shackles of fate

It came as a wonderment, that the elves were able to find a weapon strong enough to enter the realm, without them being apprised. This served as an advantage to them, as they were thriving in infiltrating a lot of space and managed to seize the important capitals, which served as pillars of the realm. They were well aware of where they should attack, and what stood as the support system of their Empire. It was prominent that they had a helping hand from within the realm, the individual must be someone who knows the secret which their enemies must never and they were after something, something within the palace walls, that was their main target. However, the battle only took them a month or less to end although a lot died, they somehow managed to conquer the elves and forged a new protective Impediment for the realm. The protective impediment that had been keeping them till someone found her mate. Sighing she couldn't help but wonder how he managed to do that, the spell they used to trigger the impediment was a very emphatic one, they had their best mysticism intellectuals conjure the powerful force field which had kept them for decades in peace without the intrusion of external forces. abruptly, she felt a familiar energy, one that was protruding from none other than Elder Burton, it was the energy of a furious light hyde, his entire body glowed white and he seemed like he was going berserk as he was carrying a crazy look like he had lost his mind. he launched a ferocious attack towards Xavier aiming with full speed and the beast bearly managed to doge because he was lost staring at his blossom. But Burton didn't end there, he created a spear out of his proficiency and summoned Attulac, his beast, and merged fully with it within the blink of an eye he was charging towards Xavier again as he roared in rage. Since Xavier was distracted Bacillia took this opportunity and snapped out of her daze as the rest had also joined in, Ekila had also resumed her stance. Xavier dodged his next attempt with little effort and frowned at the distraction " How dare you to bewilder the conversation between me and my blossom! " he seemed pissed and gritted his teeth harshly glaring at Burton, who didn't seem to care as he charged amuck towards Xavier, only to be thrown by him without much effort, " weakling!" he spat in disgust as his eyes searched for his mate frantically. #extractedfromchaper34

Missy_Ti · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Going through hell.

" Where—where—am I?" she faltered and stared at Xavier with fright written all over her expression. What am I doing here? She sniffed and frowned, this—I'm not in the realm? She gasped and tighten her grip on the soft bedspread. What did he do to me? She immediately raised the massive blanket that hugged her body and checked her tights and sighed in relief thereupon. I would not spare him if he tried anything witty!

" Don't worry, I decided not to" He then dropped his hand. " You're home blossom, this is where you're signified to be. So don't even think of making an effort to run away from me after I have successfully brought you here" He said all that whilst holding her balled fist tightly and grimacing at her sternly.

Bacillia huffed as all the memories before she blacked out came flooding in, she held her head with her other hand and groaned, " let go of me" she said weakly and tried to tug her hand from his hold, but instead, he flicked her head and she passed out again.

Xavier sighed, "Why are you so difficult my blossom? You made me bleak, seeing you trying to run away from me makes me sore." he released his frown and stood up abruptly.

Bounded by silver shackles, surrounded by slithering snakes, in a pool of blood with one blind eye, and half the side of her face gone. The rusty chains kept her hanging as she was already on the verge of death. She couldn't even lift a finger, she was brutally injured and was covered in dried blood that painted her fair skin to the most disgusting hue of black. Her head hung low and the only sound she could hear was the droplets of water from an unknown source. It was evident that she was already in her last stage.

Clop! Clop! Clop! Clop!

Came the sound of a gloaming figure making its way through the door. It stared at her for quite a moment before finally speaking, "You're the one who was foolish enough to mess with the Lord's missis?" and walked closer to her in steady steps. " my, you were really stupid, I must say." removing a sharp substance from his dark sleeves which created a slight cut on his wrist.

" Drink up you a malodorous thing!" he barked and held up her head harshly. " you'll need this" he smirked.

Alrak forced her lids to open but ended up getting her eyes stung by the tears that rolled down her face. They conveyed her to this dungeon three days ago. And those three days were grueling for her, she was sent through a sequence of torments day and dusk, and now she desired death. She wished for death but doesn't even have the rectitude to take her own life. She was sure her familiar was dealing with the same and the others back in the realm should have figured out what kind of position she was in. Yet none seeked for her.

How could they? Right! It would be fatuous if they decided to intervene without a plan. She was sure they had already started hatching a plan. They just couldn't leave their future Empress to die right? Or even their soon-to-be former Empress. She was sure Norab would come for her, he just couldn't sit back and watch her suffer. Norab would come for her. She hated it when she has to deal with relying on someone else for assistance, it made her feel weak and she hated any position that pushed her to dart weak.

" I said to drink up!" he barked louder as he folded his fist making blood drip on her face which he held up so she would be facing him directly. She parted her lips and welcomed the metallic taste of Blood in her mouth and gulped it. Almost instantly her wounds began to heal, she knew what this meant. They were feeding her demon blood so she could heal faster! And then continue to torture her. She was sick of it!

The snakes beneath hissed and parted from where they were standing. Hmmm, this is unusual. She thought and finally opened her eyes to meet the dark eyes demon who stared at her blankly and threw her face downwards like it was full of maggots.

She winced and gritted her teeth. They were all gonna pay she was going to make sure of that, these creatures who treated her like scum will face her judgment when she's with the right weapon. Should make them all bow before her and male life a living hell for them all! She vowed inwardly and a crazy smirk appeared on her face. " you all will pay" she laughed out loud like a maniac.

" Hmm," the demon crouched down to her level and held up her jaw. " you crazy creatures never seem not to amaze me."

She spat on his face and laughed at him, almost immediately she felt his strong palm on her face and spat out blood. She coughed up more blood after she got slapped the second time. " Bow before me!" she yelled.

" be my loyal servant and live to eat the fruit after you've favored me" she screamed once again.

" I will be powerful enough soon, don't look down on me" she reassured.

" Release me! " she commanded.

" I see the torture has gotten into your head you a sick thing." hayt disparaged.

" I bow before no one except my lord." he stood up and wiped the spit off his face. " you disgusting thing." he left and right after, the guards who were meant to torture Alrak appeared in the room. And began their regular session as the room was now filled with ear-deafening screams. Alrak was being tortured again. Hayt was the one in charge of making sure Alrak gets tortured regularly until Bacillia wakes up from her slumber and would be the one who gets to decide how she will die. He feeds her his blood so she would heal fast and they would begin another session of torture.

It was like going through hell.