
Chapter 4

Vers looked out the window, watching the stars pass by. She and Loki had been traveling for hours, but she had no idea where. At first she studied the stars, trying to pinpoint where they were, and more importantly where they were going, but after the first hour, she had to give up.

None of the constellations seemed familiar to her, which meant only one thing. Wherever Loki was taking them, it was well outside of the normal travel routes of the Kree Empire.

She had already asked him, even demanded multiple times where he was taking her, and what he wanted from her, but he remained just as tight-lipped about it as ever. 'Nowhere? What does that even mean?' she thought, incensed. 'He really expected me to believe he did everything he did, and he doesn't even have a plan?' But that was all he said, every time she asked where they were going, with that same smug, insufferable smirk on his face.

Her mind drifted back to how she found herself in Loki's lap earlier. 'How did it even happen?' She thought, recounting in her head exactly what had happened when they arrived on the bridge, but nothing had been out of the ordinary.

When Loki used magic, it was obvious. There was spectacle, there was light. It was impossible to ignore, but she hadn't seen anything like that when they arrived on the bridge. One second they were arguing, the next she was straddling his lap, their positions intimate and sensual.

She felt another blush color her cheeks as she thought about the implications, her mind drifting to his chiseled features, his strong corded muscles, and how his presence seemed to dominate any room he found himself in.

None of it made any sense. Why did her mind go blank every time she attacked him? It certainly hadn't happened planet side. What could have changed? When?

Loki looked down at Vers, seeing the conflicted expression on her face. Just like before, she didn't realize she had been sitting in his lap all this time, nor did she react to his hands, trailing up and down her back, cupping, and squeezing her ass as she continued to demand where they were going, and what his plans for her were.

He wondered if he could take her like this, without her even realizing what was truly happening, but surprisingly, the thought didn't appeal to him. There was something about Vers, something that drew him to her. He didn't fully understand it, but when he took her, he wanted her to know it. He wanted to bend her to his will, fill her so full of lust and desire that she screamed out in ecstasy whenever he was inside her, bringing her to heights of pleasure she had never experienced.

But before he did that, he needed to test the limits of his control, and find out if there were any more limitations to the mental suggestions he implanted in her mind.

He had already learned that when he gave her a command; she followed it, without actively knowing she was doing it, reacting physically to his touch, but not being consciously aware of it.

It was only when he told her, forced her to confront reality, that the command broke down.

Testing another theory, he sent her a mental command to Vers, telling her to drop to her knees and suck his cock, seeing how she would react to something more overt.

He raised an eyebrow when Vers slid off his lap, dropping to her knees in front of him. He felt his cock harden in anticipation as she rested her palms on his thighs and stared at his crotch.

He waited with bated breath to see what she would do next, feeling a little disappointed when she blinked, and looked up at him in confusion. "What am I doing here?" she demanded.

Loki sighed mentally, a part of him had hoped for some momentary relief, but it seemed that even that would be a challenge with Vers. 'Another limitation of the stone,' he thought.

Vers had only completed part of his mental command before it broke down, this time without him even pointing it out to her.

'The suggestion was too overt,' Loki realized after careful consideration. 'And also more complex, making it difficult for her to dissociate with what she was doing.'

Testing another theory, he sent her a suggestion to forget the last few minutes and return to his lap, smiling inwardly when she did just that, resting her chin on his shoulder. 'Now this has possibilities,' he thought as he got another idea.

He had no interest in taking away her memories or experiences, even if that was a possibility, suspecting that while the suggestion would work on short-term memories, long-term memories were another matter entirely.

Much of his attraction to Vers came from her spirit, her willingness to battle him even when she knew she couldn't win. The ebb and flow of their game of cat and mouse, domination, and unknowing submission turning him on like nothing he had ever experienced before.

He vowed to himself that any thoughts Vers had of her previous lovers would pale in comparison to him, but to accomplish all that, he would have to take things slow, make her yearn for his touch, then and only then would he claim her.

Loki looked down, hearing a grumble, realizing that she must be hungry, but was too stubborn to simply say so. "Let's go Vers," he said, slapping her ass lightly, and breaking the mental command.

Vers crawled off of Loki's lap, glowering at him. It had happened again. Somehow, she had ended up in his lap without her even realizing it. She didn't bother asking Loki about it this time, knowing that he would remain just as evasive as before.

She heard her stomach growl again, feeling another pang of hunger, remembering that the last time she ate was the morning before she and her unit landed on Ria.

She couldn't help but think about her team, about Yon-Rogg. He was her commander, and while they had always flirted with the idea of something more, it had never happened. It was against regulations, and if Yon-Rogg was anything, he was a stickler for the rules.

She hoped he was on her trail, and when they arrived wherever Loki was taking her, he would be there waiting, preferably with a team of elite Kree soldiers, to take him down.

She followed Loki through the unfamiliar corridors of her ship, noting that the layout she remembered had completely changed. When the door opened, she found herself in a grand dining room with a large, rectangular table dominating the room. At the head of the table there was a large throne-like chair Loki sat down in.

She moved to the other end of the table, intent on keeping her distance from him this time as she figured out a way to escape or, at the very least, turn the tables on him.

Loki raised an eyebrow as Vers sat down at the other end of the table. "Are you sure you wouldn't be more comfortable over here?" he asked, patting his lap playfully.

"No," Vers shook her head resolutely, fighting the blush creeping up on her cheeks as she used her arm to hide her breasts. "I'm not your guest. I'm your prisoner, and I have no intention of playing nice with you," she finished with a glare.

'If only you knew,' Loki thought with some amusement, remembering how they had spent the last few hours.

"As you wish," Loki replied, while sending the metal command for Vers to straddle his lap again as he considered his options. He had prodded her multiple times to see how she reacted to his commands, pointing out what she had been doing, and the futility of disobeying him, but she remained stubborn, a challenge.

He was learning to anticipate the breaking points of the mental commands he gave her, but still struggled with overcoming them. But if nothing else, he loved a challenge, and seeing how far he could push Vers before she realized what he'd done had its own rewards.

He placed a morsel of food in his hand, and sent the mental command to Vers to eat, watching as she ate out of the palm of his hand, like a trained pet, still none the wiser of where she was, and what she was doing.

Vers looked around as she ate her dinner, mentally reviewing the new layout of the cruiser, thinking about potential escape routes and how to get a message to her team, or at the very least, give them a trail to follow.

After they finished eating, it was already late, and Loki took Vers to his bedroom, eager to test out his most ambitious mental command and see how Vers would react to it.

As they entered the bedroom, he used their connection to send her another command, this time telling her that they shared the bed, and watched her for a reaction.

Vers let out a yawn as she made her way to the bed. She was exhausted, having spent most of the day in Loki's company while trying to figure out a way to escape.

She pulled back the covers, hopping into the bed before she puled up the sheets to her chin, resting her head on the pillow. She sighed, feeling the cool silk on her skin, relieved that she could finally cover up.

She looked up at Loki, silently observing him, wondering what he would do now that he couldn't leer at her anymore. She had felt his eyes on her all day, roaming up and down her body. She would never admit it out loud, but the way he looked at her, it spoke to something primal in her, and as much as she tried to bury it, it wasn't something she could completely ignore either.

Vers felt her mouth go dry as Loki shed his armor in front of her. First it was his chest piece, falling to the ground with a soft thud, then his shoulder guards, followed by his leathers.

She felt her eyes darken as he stood in front of her shirtless, seeing the lean and chiseled muscles of his chest and arms, now understanding why his race was thought of as gods.

Her eyes widened as Loki kicked off his boots, before undoing his belt and shedding his pants. She saw his cock for the first time. He was big, and from the smirk on his face, he caught her staring.

Her mind flashed with the thought of him ravishing her, his strong hands tracing up and down her body, cupping and squeezing her breasts as he took her from behind, or what it would feel like to wrap her legs around his waist as he pumped his thick cock into her quivering pussy. She shook herself, letting out a ragged breath as she came back to reality, a blush on her cheeks. 'Stop it!' She chided herself mentally. 'He's your captor not — not that!' she berated herself, unable to finish the sentence, even in her own mind.

She looked away, unwilling to meet Loki's eyes as she heard him pad to the other side of the bed, then the cool air behind her as he lifted the covers, then slipped in behind her.

She gasped as she felt his chest press into her back, then his arm wrap snugly around her waist.

'Why aren't there any other beds on this damn ship?' Vers thought, as she did her best to control her breathing. She thought about sleeping on the floor, but doubted Loki would let her to keep the bedsheet if she did, steeling herself for whatever Loki would try next, reminding herself over and over again she hated Loki, and what he had done to her.

Loki could sense the growing lust in Vers as he smiled inwardly, knowing that it was only a matter of time before he had her, but stopped himself from taking things any further tonight, wanting to savor his conquest like a fine wine. "Go to sleep, Vers," he whispered into her ear as the lights turned off.

Vers felt her eyelids grow heavy, despite the position she found herself in, and let out a soft yawn as she closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep.


Vers blinked, looking around in confusion. 'Where am I?' she thought. The last thing she remembered was going to sleep on the ship, but now she found herself on a lush tropical island, standing on the edge of a cliff, looking out over a picturesque white sand beach.

In the distance, she could see a boat approaching. It was gleaming white, and large, something that would have no difficulty navigating even the roughest of waters.

She looked around in confusion, wondering how she even arrived here. That's when she noticed what she was wearing, and her jaw dropped. It left very little to the imagination and was not something she would be caught dead wearing.

Around her neck she wore an elaborate golden choker necklace, along with a matching bikini top, and a very skimpy loin cloth, making her feel like she was living out some adolescent fantasy.

At her feet, she saw a quiver, along with a sturdy wooden bow that looked like it had seen a fair amount of use.

'What the hell is going on?' She thought to herself, trying to make sense of what was going on. Was it an illusion? Some sort of trick by Loki? But it all felt so real. She could actually feel the texture of the rock beneath her feet, the smell of sea air, even the heat of the sun on her skin.

Then she received her next shock when she reached down, picking up the bow and quiver. It was like she was moving on autopilot, not consciously making any decisions, a passenger in her own body.

She ran back, through the forest, hopping over fallen logs, and ducking under low branches, as if she had done it a thousand times before, and knew this jungle like the back of her hand.

She tried to stop, to shout, anything she could think of to take back control of her body, but nothing worked.

She could only watch as she arrived on the beach, drawing and notching an arrow as she aimed it at the boat.

She felt the strain on her forearm as she held the arrow, watching as the boat dropped its anchor, then saw a man make his way onto the beach. As he got closer, she recognized him. 'Loki,' she thought, trying to shout out a warning to herself, but it didn't work.

"You're not welcomed here, outsider," she heard herself shout. "This island is sacred, and not meant for you. Leave now, before I kill you."

She watched as Loki raised his hands, showing he wasn't armed. "I'm sorry. I got thrown off course. There was a big storm last night," he added, pointing out the damage to his hull.

"Leave now!" She heard herself shout again. "This is your final warning!"

"Alright, alright," Loki replied. "I don't want any trouble. My boat… it was damaged. My navigation system isn't working. It's going to take a few days to fix."

"Return to your ship," Vers repeated. "Make your repairs, and don't set foot on the island again," she added, lowering her bow. "This is your only warning!"

"Wait," Loki replied, stopping her. "My name is Sebastian, Sebastian Ashford. Who are you? What is this place? It isn't on any map," he asked, looking confused.

"That is not your concern," Vers said, raising her bow again threateningly. "You don't belong here, and you will leave! Do not set foot on the island. The ground here is sacred."

"Ok… sorry," Sebastian said, raising his hands again. "I don't mean any harm. I'll fix my boat and leave, I promise."

Vers gave one last glare at the intruder before she turned on her heel, intending to go back into the jungle.

'NO!' Vers thought in alarm, "don't turn your back on him!" she thought, struggling to regain control of her body, but it was too late. She saw it out of the corner of her eye, Loki reached behind his back, then the glint of metal before a dart flew towards her.

She felt the dark sink into her back, and quickly pulled it out, raising her bow to return fire only for her vision to darken. In a panic, she stumbled forward as she felt herself grow weak, intent on hiding in the jungle until she recovered.

She only managed a few more steps before she fell to her knees, now crawling forward. She looked over her shoulder, seeing Loki calmly walking towards her, dart gun in hand.

His face was the last thing she saw before her vision went dark and she collapsed onto the sand.


Vers woke up with a start, looking around frantically, but just like before, she wasn't in control of her body. She could feel a thick rope wrapped around her wrists, tying them behind her back, and could see a set of ropes wrapped around her ankles.

She tugged against the ropes, hoping to loosen them, or at least slip her wrists free, but Loki clearly knew his knots, leaving her absolutely no room to wriggle free.

She looked around the room she found herself in, knowing that she was in the bedroom of the yacht, but she didn't see Loki anywhere.

"I have to get out of here," she heard herself saying, only to go silent when she heard the door open and saw her captor walk in. "Release me!" She demanded, her face a mask of fury.

"I don't think so," Loki said, his trademark smirk on his face. "Not after all the trouble I went through to find this place… and you," he said, sitting on the edge of the bed beside her.

She angrily kicked her legs at her captor as she growled, "get away from me!"

"Temper, temper," Loki teased, easily grabbing her legs before her kick could land. "I assume you know why I'm really here, the treasure. Where is it?"

'What treasure?' What the hell is going on?' Vers thought, trying to make sense of what she was hearing.

"I'll never tell you where it is!" She heard herself snarl. "I'd rather die!"

"Well, we won't let it come to that," Loki said confidently, putting Vers's feet back down. "A beauty like you. It would be a shame to kill."

She glared at Loki, saying nothing.

"Not very talkative, I see," Loki said, amused. "That's ok, I'm a bit of a treasure hunter. I found a map some time ago. I thought it was a joke. Imagine my surprise when I actually found the island, and when I saw you," he said, looking Vers up and down, "I knew it was all true. How long have you lived on this island? A hundred years, maybe two hundred? And you haven't aged a single day, have you?" He pressed.

"How do you know all this?" She heard herself ask suspiciously.

"Along with the map, I found a journal," Loki explained. "It belonged to one of my ancestors. It talked all about this place, the island, the treasure, and you, Safira. You hunted down most of his crew. He barely escaped with his life."

Vers watched as Safira's breath hitched in her throat at the mention of the name, remembering that Loki had called himself a different name as well, Sebastian, something.

"How do you know that name?" Safira asked, narrowing her eyes.

"So it is true," Sebastian crowed. "Who would have thought it? All this time, everyone thinking he was crazy, and it was all true."

"Where did you learn of my name?" Safira demanded.

"My ancestor," Sebastian explained, holding up the journal. "When you killed one of his sailors, he was hiding in the trees beside you. He heard you give the sailor your name before you killed him."

"So this is revenge?" She asked.

"Hardly. Those men died long before my time," Sebastian dismissed, opening an old leather-bound journal. "But my ancestor was a bit of an artist," he said, showing a detailed picture of the island, flipping the pages to show several pictures of Safira as well. "My ancestor never did find the treasure, though. Just tell me where it is, and I'll be on my way."

"This place is sacred. You do not understand what you're meddling in," Safira replied, shaking her head. "And that treasure is not meant for mortals," she denied. "I will tell you nothing!"

'Mortals?' Vers thought, watching herself — no Safira, argue with Sebastian, she corrected herself. The more she heard, the less sense it made.

"I was afraid you might say something like that," Sebastian said with a sigh. "…Although," he said, looking at Vers's clothing, "if I'm not mistaken, you're wearing some of that treasure now, aren't you?"

Safira looked away, refusing to speak to Sebastian, knowing that she had revealed too much already.

"…You are," Sebastian said, his smile widening as he examined her loin cloth and choker. "This is gold," he said, running his fingertips over them, "woven so thin, it looks like thread, amazing."

Safira's eyes widened as Sebastian reached for the clasp of her top, deftly unclasping it, followed shortly by her loin cloth.

"Beautiful," Sebastian murmured, putting aside her clothes, his eyes never leaving the incredible sight of the island guardian's nude form.

"What are you doing?" Vers demanded, not understanding what was going on, or why Sebastian was looking at her the way he was.

"Tell me," Sebastian said, looking at her hungrily as he traced his fingers along the swell of her breast. "Have you ever felt the touch of a man before?"

Vers, trapped inside Safira's body, an unwilling participant to what was unfolding, knew exactly what Sebastian was talking about as she felt him fondle her breast, flicking his thumb over her nipple until it turned into a hardened nub.

"…W-What are you doing?" Safira demanded, feeling an unexpected spike or arousal. She renewed her efforts to escape, trying to work her wrists free.

"You haven't," Sebastian surmised. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You've never allowed anyone to get this close before, have you?" He asked, switching to her other breast.

Safira's breath hitched in her throat, feeling a stirring in her loins as she wondered how this man could make her feel this way. She stared at him as he traced his fingers down her chest and stomach, drawing slow circles along the soft hair between her thighs.

"W-hat w-whatever you're doing?" she asked, letting out another soft gasp, as she twisted her hips away. "You won't make me change my mind. I'll never tell you where the treasure is."

"Shh," Sebastian said, placing his finger on her lips, losing interest in the treasure for a moment. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt, then shucked off his pants.

Vers could only stare, feeling a growing wetness between her thighs, or Safira's. It was getting difficult to keep things straight in her head.

She saw more and more of the hardened muscles Sebastian had hidden underneath his clothes, looking down at his stomach, and biting her lip as she gazed at his abs. Then her gaze dipped lower, seeing his hardened cock. "W-hat's that?" She asked, her gaze fixated on it.

"I'll show you," Sebastian said huskily, a confident smile on his face as he used a pocketknife to cut the ropes at her ankles.

Safira shook her head, coming back to herself as her legs were freed. She tried to get back to her feet, kicking out at Loki, but he was too quick for her, already expecting something like this from her.

He grabbed her leg, holding it down to the bed, and preventing her from getting back up. "You're beautiful," he said, laying down next to her as he continued to trace his fingers up and down her body, "the most beautiful woman I have ever seen," he breathed.

Safira struggled in Sebastian's grip, feeling the rough texture of his hands on her supple skin. 'Why does it have to feel so good?' she thought to herself, trying and failing to put the sensation out of her mind, a thought echoed by Vers as she watched on.

Sebastian pressed his finger into Safira's dripping cunt, slowly pumping it as he felt her struggles wain, now hearing the muffled gasps and moans as she tried to hide her growing arousal.

"How does this feel?" He asked, as Safira shook her head from side to side, unable to meet his eyes. "You haven't felt anything yet," he whispered into her ear before sitting up on the bed and positioning himself between her legs.

Safira's eyes widened as she realized what he was going to do. "You can't," she gasped, a moan of pleasure escaping her lips. "It's too big!" she said, straining her wrists against the ropes binding them, trying again to free herself.

"You'll like it," Sebastian said with a knowing smile, teasing the tip of her slick entrance with the head of his cock.

"Ughh!" Safira groaned, feeling another spike of pleasure as Sebastian's cock pressed against her pussy. Her head was swimming as her body came alive with a pleasure she had never felt before.

She had pleasured herself on a few occasions to pass the time, but it had never felt as intense as this. It was raw, sensual, and despite her hatred for the man, she couldn't help being drawn to his touch.

"Get ready," Sebastian warned, easing his cock forward as he claimed the island guardian's pussy, letting out a grunt as he felt her slick tightness welcome him inside her.

Safira's eyes widened, feeling the tightness in her pussy as Sebastian's cock bottomed out inside her. 'What's wrong with me?' She thought desperately. 'Why does this feel so good? How is he doing this to me?'

Sebastian eased his cock back before pushing forward again, making sure to set a slow and steady pace, at least until the beauty beneath him got used to his size.

"Ughhhh!" Safira moaned as she felt her pleasure increase. Her struggles to escape fading as she lost all sense of her surroundings, her entire focus now on the pleasure coursing through her body.

Sebastian felt the slickness of Safira's inner walls hugging his cock. 'She's so tight,' he thought, enjoying every second of it, a sly smile on his face as the blonde beauty wrapped her sculpted legs around his waist.

"UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH!" Safira grunted, moving with her captor as he increased the pace, her pleasure reaching a new plateau as she felt his hardness pumping into her pussy with long, hard strokes.

Sebastian leaned his head down, trailing his lips along Safira's neck as he increased the pace again, now hammering his throbbing cock into her silken pussy. 'God,' he thought groaning, 'she feels incredible, the best fuck I've ever had.'

Vers struggled to comprehend what was happening, feeling every moment of pleasure Safira experienced, and now even Sebastian's thoughts as he took Safira.

"UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH!" Safira grunted, arching her back as her pleasure continued to mount. The thought of escape fled her mind as she continued to moan in ecstasy, hoping the feeling would never end. "UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH!"

Sebastian grunted, keeping up his relentless pace as he claimed the island guardian's pussy. He looked down at her, rolling her head from side to side as she moaned wantonly, a thin sheen of sweat covering her body as he took her.

It took every ounce of control he had not to cum inside her then and there, but he was determined to make Safira cum first.

"AWGAWWWD!!!!" Safira screamed out as her orgasm washed over her. She gasped for breath as Sebastian continued to move inside her, showing no signs of slowing down, much less stopping.

She only had a brief moment of clarity in the calm of her orgasm before her pleasure started to build again. She grunted and moaned alongside her captor as she rode the edge of another powerful orgasm. "UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH!"

Sebastian grunted, letting out a sharp exhale as he slammed his hips forward. He could feel his control slipping, taking everything he had not to cum inside Safira's tight pussy. He wanted her to remember this, and most of all pull another orgasm from her before he came.

He knew that after having a woman like this, there was no going back. The boring women from the country clubs his father frequented couldn't hold a candle to Safira. They were just be a pale imitation of the perfection writhing underneath him. 'Don't get ahead of yourself,' he reminded himself. A woman like this couldn't be wooed. She needed to be conquered, dominated, and more than once if he was to have any hope of keeping her.

Sebastian pulled his cock from Safira's pussy before turning her on her stomach and pushed her legs underneath her. He moved in behind her as he grabbed her hips, lining up his cock with her needy pussy before he pushed forward, claiming her pussy again.

The change in position bought him a little more time as he took her, his thighs clapping into her tight ass with each powerful thrust.

Safira turned her head to the side, gasping for breath as Sebastian moved inside her. The new position he put her in allowing him to penetrate even deeper inside her. She strained against the ropes binding her wrists behind her back, but this time, it wasn't to escape.

She ached to feel his hard muscles as he took her, his bulging arms, his tight stomach and strong chest. "UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH!" she grunted, feeling another powerful orgasm approach. "GAWWADD!" She screamed out, even louder than before, as she came hard.

Sebastian was not far behind her as he finally erupted inside her with a loud grunt, filling her with his seed.

Safira let out another moan as she felt Sebastian's hot cum flood her pussy, setting off yet another orgasm inside her. "Ughhhh!" she moaned. It wasn't as powerful as the last one, but still enough to make her toes curl.

She slumped forward, gasping for breath as she lay there, slowly coming back to her senses. She could feel Sebastian's hard body pressed against her back, his chest rising and falling as he caught his breath.

Vers didn't know what to think, experiencing all three of Safira's orgasms. She had felt every ounce of pleasure Safira had felt, even though she had no control over it. It had felt incredible, the most lucid dream she had ever experienced.

"What did you do to me?" Safira demanded as she finally came back to her senses.

"Enjoyed yourself, did you?" Sebastian asked with a soft chuckle, wrapping his arm around her waist. "Don't worry, we're far from finished," he added, nuzzling her ear.

Safira pulled away, turning her head to glare at Sebastian sharply, refusing to think about the mind blowing pleasure she had just experienced at the hands of her captor. ".. If you think… that was enough to convince me to tell you where the treasure is, you have another thing coming!"

Sebastian's smirk only grew as he pulled the jungle guardian close again, laying a kiss on her neck as she struggled against him. "You have it all wrong," he said lustfully. "This had nothing to do with the treasure," he said, rubbing slow circles between her legs, feeling the growing dampness between her thighs.

Safira shut her eyes tight, trying to ignore her building pleasure. She knew by now that escaping his touch was all but impossible with her arms tied behind her back, and more than anything, she would just be playing into his hands. She did her best to ignore his touch, the warmth of his skin against her back, his intoxicating scent, but it was a losing battle.

She could feel his manhood nestled between her ass cheeks slowly come back to life as their combined juices leaking from between her thighs, and his fingers exploring her depths, finding every crevice as he forced another shuttering breath from between her lips.

Safira couldn't hold back anymore, feeling his strong hand on her thigh, kneading it slowly before he hooked his arm behind her knee, pulling apart her legs, and lifting one into the air.

She gasped, feeling his hardness rub against her slick pussy from behind, her breath coming out in short gasps as she refused to react, knowing that was what he wanted from her, and determined not to give in to him again.

She sealed her lips, refusing to let him see the effect he was having on her, but failed again when his cock eased back inside her slick pussy, moaning as she felt him bury his hardness inside her again.

Safira expected him to move inside her again, a part of her even craving it, but it didn't happen. She frowned, feeling his hardness throbbing inside her, as she wondered what he was waiting for, her anticipation building with each passing second.

Finally, she couldn't take it anymore, looking over her shoulder at Sebastian in confusion, wondering why he hadn't done anything yet.

Their eyes locked as Safira felt a flutter of desire in her core as she saw the smoldering look in his eyes, her legs turning to jelly as he held himself inside her.

She looked away, hoping to hide the blush on her cheeks as she struggled to maintain control of herself, fighting desperately against her base desires.

Vers found herself in a similar state of heightened sexual arousal, aching to feel Loki pump his cock inside her, but helpless to do anything.

The seconds ticked by for Safira, feeling the wetness between her thighs continue to grow. She still refused to speak a word to Sebastian, despite the ragged breaths escaping her lips. 'I will not give in,' she repeated to herself over and over again, knowing what Sebastian wanted from her, and refusing to a participant in her own defilement.

Safira lay there stubbornly, refusing to move, until she felt a twitch in her hips. It wasn't voluntary. At least she didn't think so, but a spike of arousal tingled down her spine as a gasp escaped her lips.

Safira took a deep breath, trying to push the pleasure out of her mind, but when she did, she sunk a little deeper on to Sebastian's thick cock.

She felt her resolve begin to crumble as she slowly rocked herself back and forth on his cock, and before she knew it, she was taking his full length inside her. Safira bit her tongue hard, trying to give herself something else to focus on instead of her mounting pleasure, but it was like trying to hold back a raging flood with your bare hands.

More and more gasps escaped her lips as she squeezed her thighs around the stiff cock between her thighs, eking out a little more pleasure as her body slowly surrendered to the sensations coursing through her.

She could feel Sebastian's hand gripping her thigh, his fingers digging into her skin as she fucked herself on his throbbing cock, gradually picking up the pace.

Safira hated that this man could have such a profound effect on her. She could feel her pleasure mount until she couldn't take it anymore. She needed more, turning her head, she locked eyes with Sebastian, silently pleading for him to take her.

"UGH!" she groaned in surprise as Sebastian met her thrust, quickly falling into rhythm with her as he finally took over, slamming his cock into her needy cunt. "UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH!" she grunted, riding the edge of yet another powerful orgasm.

'Why does it have to feel so good?' She thought to herself, unable to look at Sebastian as he took her again, feeling her resistance crumble to dust in the face of the sensual onslaught coursing through her body. "UGH! UGH! UGH! UGH!"

Sebastian let out a grunt, still holding up Safira's leg as he pumped his cock into her slick folds. At the rate he was going, he wondered if he would ever get around to setting foot back on the island, and going in search of his treasure.

The jungle guardian was stunning, her body looking like it was carved out of marble. From every angle, she was absolute perfection, and he knew in that moment he would leave the island with more than just the treasure.

"UGGGGHHHH!" Safira let out a satisfied groan as another orgasm washed over, gasping for breath as Sebastian thrust inside her a few more times before erupting inside her for the second time.

She felt her eyelids grow heavy as her breathing slowed, totally spent from their recent activities.


Safira's eyes popped open as she woke up with a start, remembering where she was. She rolled over onto her back and sat up, looking around the room.

'I'm alone,' she thought, feeling an instant floor of relief. She could still feel the rope wrapped around her wrists, and looked around the boat frantically, searching for a way to free her wrists.

She knew it was only a matter of time before Sebastian returned, and her window of escape closed, possibly forever. She spotted something, a glint of metal on the nightstand and knew what it was instantly: Sebastian's knife. The same knife he'd used to cut away the ropes on her ankles before.

She shimmied off the bed, turning around as knelt beside the nightstand, a smile on her lips as she wrapped her fingers around the hilt of the knife.

She gripped it carefully, sawing at the rope around her wrists. The seconds ticked by as she kept her eyes glued to the door, relieved when the ropes finally fell to the ground.

She silently crept around the cabin, looking for her bow, or even her clothes, but couldn't find a trace of them. She knew there wasn't much time. Wherever Sebastian was, he wouldn't be gone for long, and without a weapon to defend herself with, she didn't like her odds one bit.

She looked out the window, noticing for the first time it was dark, making her wonder just how long she spent on the boat.

After a few more minutes of fruitless searching, she gave up on finding her possessions, knowing that the most important thing was to escape.

She crept to the door, pressing her ear against it, straining to hear any sounds. After she was sure there was no one on the other side of the door, she carefully pushed it open, hearing a soft creak. She poked her head out, breathing a sigh of relief when she didn't see Sebastian on the other side of the door.

Safira padded down the narrow hallway of the boat, making her way to the stairs that would lead her out on to the deck. She began to worry, still seeing no signs of Sebastian, knowing he had to be somewhere close by.

He had taken her by surprise earlier, capitalizing on her lapse in judgment. 'I won't let that happen a second time,' she promised herself, keeping her eyes peeled as she made her way up the stairs.

She stopped, her heart pounding in her chest as she heard the soft rustling of paper, and knew that it had to be him. He was on the deck. She looked around for another way off the ship, but this was the only way onto the deck.

She crouched down low, creeping up the stairs, glad that it was dark. If she could just make it to the railing and jump off the side, she could dive below the water and swim along the shore. Sebastian wouldn't know which direction she swam in, and as soon as she was far enough away, she could make her way to the beach and return to the safety of the jungle.

Safira peered out along the deck, seeing Sebastian just ahead of her. He was engrossed in something on the table, looking at it closely. Instinctively, she knew she wouldn't get a better chance than this.

The warrior inside her burned at the thought of running away, but without her bow, she couldn't risk taking him on directly.

Staying low to the ground, she snuck past him, holding her breath as she did, only rising to her feet when she wrapped her fingers around the railing. Just as she was about to pull herself over and jump into the water, she threw herself to the side, her instincts screaming at her to get out of the way.

She heard a sharp ping and looked down to see a dart land on the deck beside her. It had only missed her by a couple of inches. Turning around, she heard Sebastian cursing as he loaded another dart into his gun.

Without a second to spare, she jumped off the boat, landing in the water before he could get another shot off. She quickly ducked under the water, swimming away as fast as she could.


Vers woke up with a gasp, looking around wildly. It took her a moment to realize where she was, back on the cruiser with Loki. She could feel his arm wrapped snugly around his waist.

'Was it really a dream?' she thought, not sure what to believe. It had all been so vivid, so real. She could still remember the smell of the ocean, the feel of the sand between her toes, and what Safira did with… Sebastian. She felt her face go red as she played back the events in her mind.

She looked down at Loki's arm again, wondering if he had something to do with it, 'but how?' she thought, hearing him snoring softly beside her. Was it the stress of her situation? Was it a coincidence? She just didn't know.


Hi! Thanks for reading! What do you think about Loki and Vers (Carol Danvers) as characters so far? The dream/vision Vers had is also going to be a big element of the story as well, and tie in heavily to her character development. Did it read like that part of the chapter came out of left field? Please let me know if I need to make any adjustments to that aspect of the story or if it was unclear to read because of the switching of perspectives between Vers and Safira.

If you can, please take the time to review, and let me know what you think of the story.

For more info on my writing, character pictures for Loki and Vers(Carol Danvers), audio chapters, and early access to chapters 5-10 please visit: https://taplink.cc/jumpin

A big thank you to all my supporters, I really appreciate it.
