
Bound by Moonlight

Dhalia: She meets a guy at school who resembles the strange being she saw that night. She can't forget his unusual eyes and captivating scent, but she's unsure if he's even human. Determined to uncover his true identity, she sets out to find the truth and understand her feelings for him. Henry: He is a man who has shut off his emotions after losing his love, encounters Dhalia, a pure and innocent girl. He finds himself unable to resist her captivating beauty, yearning to touch her skin and taste her tender lips. However, he tries to keep his distance, fearing the pain of losing love again. Despite his efforts, he can't resist their connection and must confront his feelings.

Tale_Teller · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

No Mark

As the group enjoyed a moment of respite, their energy rejuvenated by the serene surroundings, Alice's mischievous nature seemed to spark an idea. She turned to Dhalia, excitement twinkling in her eyes, ready to set her plan into motion.

Alice: (whispering) Hey, Dhalia, I have an idea. I'm going to approach Henry and convince him to take his shirt off.

Dhalia looked at Alice, a mix of curiosity and concern etching her features.

Dhalia: (whispering back) How are you planning to do that? And why?

Alice grinned mischievously, her mind brimming with a cunning scheme.

Alice: (whispering) Just wait and watch, my friend. I've got a plan up my sleeve.

Leaving Dhalia with a mix of anticipation and uncertainty, Alice made her way towards Henry, who sat comfortably with his coffee, seemingly oblivious to the brewing mischief. The rest of the group continued their artistic endeavors, engrossed in capturing the beauty that surrounded them.

As Alice mustered up the courage to execute her mischievous plan, a mix of anticipation and excitement coursed through her veins. With a calculated move, she intentionally bumped into Henry, expecting to see his coffee spill and create a playful mess. However, to her surprise, she realized that Henry had already finished his coffee, leaving nothing to spill.

Henry, feeling a tinge of irritation, stood up, his expression reflecting a mild annoyance.

Henry: (a hint of irritation) Always watch out, Alice.

With those words, he turned away and made his way inside, leaving Alice feeling a twinge of disappointment at her failed attempt.

Dhalia, who had been watching the scene unfold, couldn't contain her laughter. The sound of her laughter filled the air, and it was contagious.

Dhalia: (laughing) Oh, Alice! You certainly know how to make a memorable entrance.

Caught off guard by Dhalia's contagious laughter, Alice's disappointment quickly transformed into amusement. She joined Dhalia in laughter, realizing the humor in her own failed prank.

As the group wrapped up their work and settled into the cozy confines of the lake house, a sense of relaxation and contentment filled the air. Each person found their own spot to unwind and enjoy the tranquility of the surroundings.

Henry, taking a moment for himself, lounged on the sofa, appreciating the peaceful ambiance. Dhalia, holding a cup of coffee in her hand, entered the room, her focus momentarily diverted. In a sudden twist of events, she accidentally dropped the cup, spilling coffee all over Henry's pristine white shirt. Shocked by her mistake, Dhalia's eyes widened in alarm as she witnessed the stain spreading across the fabric.

Henry, initially caught off guard by the unexpected mishap, felt a surge of anger rise within him. He couldn't understand why Alice, in his mind, had carelessly caused the spill. His voice conveyed his frustration.

Henry: (irritated) What is wrong with you, Alice? Pay attention!

However, as Henry glanced up, he saw the genuine fear and remorse in Dhalia's eyes. Her expression melted away his anger. This unexpected reaction from Dhalia, which calmed his anger, stirred a complex mixture of emotions within him. He was taken aback by how easily she affected him, and a part of him resisted this vulnerability.

Dhalia: (nervously) Please, Henry, I didn't do it on purpose. I'm truly sorry.

Unbeknownst to Henry, his anger was subdued by Dhalia's genuine remorse and the vulnerability she displayed in that moment.

As Henry turned to walk away, contemplating his response to the situation, he felt a gentle grasp on his hand. Surprised, he looked back to see Dhalia holding onto him, her eyes reflecting a mix of concern and determination. There was a flicker of amusement in his gaze as he observed her action.

Dhalia: (pleadingly) Please, Henry, don't be angry. Let me take care of this. You can give me your shirt, and I'll wash it for you.

Henry, intrigued by Dhalia's unexpected proposition, found himself drawn to her. His guarded demeanor softened, and he slowly removed his shirt, handing it over to her without a word.

Dhalia, holding the shirt in her hands, was taken aback when she noticed something that puzzled her. There was no mark on Henry's chest, contradicting their previous assumptions and suspicions. A wave of confusion washed over her, and her mind raced with questions and uncertainties.

Dhalia: (whispering to herself) No mark... but... how is that possible?

As Henry's gaze shifted to his own chest, following Dhalia's line of sight, a hint of curiosity colored his question. Sensing the intensity of the moment, Dhalia looked up, her eyes meeting his.

Henry: (curious) What happened?

Caught off guard by his direct question, Dhalia stumbled over her words, trying to find a suitable response that wouldn't raise suspicion.

Dhalia: (nervously) Oh, um, nothing. I just... noticed. You have a perfect body.

Immediately after speaking, Dhalia realized her comment sounded strange and out of place. Her cheeks flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and self-awareness. She averted her gaze, feeling a bit foolish.

Henry, narrowed his eyes slightly, intrigued by her reaction. He couldn't help but be amused by the situation. With a playful yet confident demeanor, he reached out and gently lifted Dhalia's chin with his finger, causing their eyes to lock.

For a while, they remained locked in a silent exchange, the unspoken tension growing palpable. Neither of them uttered a word, as if their eyes were engaged in a secret conversation.

Finally, breaking the silence, Henry responded with a teasing tone.

Henry: (teasingly) Oh, really?

Blushing furiously, Dhalia nervously moved Henry's finger from her chin and swiftly turned away, overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. In a rush of adrenaline, she fled from the moment, her heart pounding in her chest.