
Bound By Love : The billionaire’s Contract wife

Alexander Whitmore, a billionaire heir with a seemingly perfect life, faces a daunting ultimatum from his domineering father: marry a woman of his approval or lose his inheritance. Desperate to retain control over his future, Alexander devises a plan that leads him to Elena Carter, a struggling waitress burdened with her mother’s medical bills and mounting debts. Elena’s world is turned upside down when Alexander proposes a contract marriage, promising financial stability in exchange for her hand in marriage. Torn between skepticism and the dire need to provide for her mother, Elena reluctantly agrees to the arrangement. As they navigate their lives under the constraints of a loveless marriage, Alexander and Elena discover hidden depths within themselves and each other. The initial coldness and distrust begin to melt away, giving rise to unexpected emotions and a burgeoning connection. However, their path to true love is fraught with obstacles. Alexander’s manipulative father, a vengeful ex-lover, and the ghosts of Elena’s past all conspire to tear them apart. Misunderstandings and betrayals threaten to unravel the fragile bond they’ve built. In a story filled with passion, intrigue, and the transformative power of love, Alexander and Elena must confront their deepest fears and insecurities. Can they overcome the forces against them and forge a genuine relationship, or will their contract marriage end in heartbreak? **Bound by Fate: The Billionaire's Contract Bride** is a compelling dark romance that explores the complexities of love, sacrifice, and the unbreakable ties that bind two souls destined to be together.

Queen_write · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 2 : The unexpected proposition

As he walked towards the stables, he decided that a ride might help him think. The Whitmore estate had acres of land, perfect for horseback riding. It was one of the few activities that made him feel free.

Saddling his horse, Midnight, Alexander rode out into the vast expanse of the estate. The wind whipped through his hair, and for a moment, he could forget about his father's demands, the family business, and the crushing expectations. But the reality was always there, lurking at the back of his mind.

He needed a solution. A way to meet his father's demands without sacrificing his own happiness. As he rode through the forest, an idea began to form. If his father wanted him to marry, he would—but on his own terms.

The next few days were a blur of planning and contemplation. Alexander poured over files and background checks, searching for the perfect candidate. It had to be someone who wouldn't complicate his life, someone who needed money but wouldn't expect love in return.

Elena Carter wiped the sweat from her brow as she finished her shift at the diner. Life had never been kind to her, but she always managed to find a way through the hardships. Her mother's medical bills were piling up, and her job barely paid enough to keep them afloat. The dim lighting of the diner and the scent of greasy food clung to her clothes as she leaned against the counter, taking a moment to catch her breath.

"Elena, you're working too hard," David, her best friend, said as he helped her with the dishes. David had been with Elena through thick and thin, always ready to lend a helping hand. His warm brown eyes were filled with concern as he watched her.

"I don't have a choice, David. Mom needs her medication, and we're behind on rent," Elena replied, exhaustion evident in her voice. Her dark hair was pulled back in a messy bun, and there were shadows under her eyes from lack of sleep. She had been juggling multiple jobs for years, always putting her mother's needs before her own.

David sighed. He had always admired Elena's resilience, but he wished she didn't have to struggle so much. He had feelings for her, but he never dared to confess, fearing it would complicate their friendship. Instead, he supported her in every way he could, hoping that one day she would see him as more than just a friend.

As they walked home, Elena's thoughts drifted to her dire financial situation. She needed a miracle, something to change their lives for the better. The streets were quiet, the city lights casting a soft glow on the pavement. Elena and David walked in comfortable silence, their footsteps echoing in the night.

"I heard there's a job opening at the new hotel downtown," David said, breaking the silence. "It pays better than the diner."

"I'll look into it," Elena replied, though she knew the chances were slim. She had applied to countless jobs, only to be turned down again and again. The weight of her responsibilities was a constant burden, and it felt like she was running out of options.

When they reached Elena's apartment, David hesitated. "You know, if you ever need help, I'm here for you."

"I know, David. Thank you," Elena said, giving him a tired smile. "I'll see you tomorrow."

As she entered the small, rundown apartment, Elena felt a wave of despair wash over her. The walls were thin, and she could hear the sounds of the city outside. Her mother's frail figure lay on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. The medication was helping, but it wasn't enough.

"Elena, you're home," her mother said weakly.

"Yes, Mom. How are you feeling?" Elena asked, sitting beside her.

"Better, now that you're here," her mother replied with a small smile.

Elena took her mother's hand, feeling the cold, fragile skin beneath her fingers. "I'm going to find a way to make things better, Mom. I promise."

Her mother squeezed her hand. "You've always been so strong, Elena. I'm proud of you."

Tears welled up in Elena's eyes, but she blinked them away. She couldn't afford to break down. Not now. She needed to stay strong for her mother, to keep fighting.

The next morning, Elena woke up early and made breakfast for her mother before heading out to search for another job. She walked the streets, handing out resumes and filling out applications, hoping for a break. Hours passed, and with each rejection, her hope dimmed a little more.

By the time she returned to the diner for her evening shift, Elena was exhausted. But she put on a brave face, determined to keep going. David was already there, setting up tables.

"Any luck?" he asked, his tone gentle.

"Not yet," Elena replied, forcing a smile. "But I won't give up."

David nodded, admiration in his eyes. "That's the Elena I know."

As the evening wore on, Elena couldn't shake the feeling of hopelessness. She went through the motions, serving customers and cleaning tables, but her mind was elsewhere. She was so lost in thought that she didn't notice the man watching her from the corner booth.

Alexander Whitmore had been observing Elena for a while. He had learned about her financial struggles

Alexander Whitmore had been observing Elena for a while. He had learned about her financial struggles and her unwavering determination to support her mother. She seemed like the perfect candidate for his plan—a woman who needed financial stability but wouldn't demand emotional intimacy. He watched her move with grace and resilience, qualities he admired. As she approached his table to take his order, he made a decision. This was the woman who could solve both their problems.

"Excuse me, miss," Alexander said, his voice smooth and authoritative. "I'd like to speak with you about a business proposition."

Elena looked at him, her tired eyes widening in surprise. She had served many customers, but none had ever made such a request. There was something about him—his confident demeanor, his expensive suit—that told her this was no ordinary man.

"A business proposition?" she asked, skepticism creeping into her voice.

"Yes," Alexander replied, leaning forward slightly. "It could change your life."

Elena hesitated, glancing around the diner. "I'm not sure I understand. What kind of proposition?"

Alexander gave her a small, reassuring smile. "Why don't you sit down, and I'll explain everything."

Intrigued and desperate for a solution to her problems, Elena slid into the booth across from him, unaware that this moment would set her life on an unexpected and transformative path.