
Bottoms Up, Top Down

A combination of interactions that had, happen years ago, now written as short novels and stories. Which story will you fall into?

ShayYuki · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 6

"About a year? How long are we staying here, you can't just cut me off from the world."

Zeke huffed and laid down on the bed. He had nothing to say about the phone. Three years was a long time and he felt guilty about each and every one of those times.

"Cutting you off from the world? I did, and still am. Even if that means chaining you up, every time I leave."

Justin took a quick glance at the man, anger flashed through him as he suddenly remembers a message of his husband desperately calling over a man for a quickie. In such a sinful manner, he didn't even bother to hide it or even delete the messages.

"Justin, I'm your bride, not your pet you can't just keep me captive."

Zeke huffed tossing the blanket off of him. He stood up on the other side of the bed naked to his husband. He wasn't afraid of being naked in front of the man other than sex, but he has left no choice because he had no clothes.

"I understand you're pissed. I shouldn't have done any of it. I regret it, and believe me! I do and not because of what you're doing.

Justin looked over his shoulders at his husband through narrow eyes. He was mad because while he suffered on his business trips with having no relief his husband surely took anything he could get for him.

"Are you sure you're my bride because last time I checked brides don't cheat on their lovers with different men? It will take a lot in me to believe that you will never do it again. Besides that are you hungry, do you want something to eat?"

Zeke shocked his head, grabbing the blanket once more, and looked around the room. "No, I am not hungry." Zeke locked eyes on the door and slowly approached it. Stopping to check if it was locked by turning the knob.

"Where's the shower? I want to take one…" He stopped and clicked his tongue. He was still naked and felt chills on his back. "And get dressed since… Are we done or are you planning to do more to me, later?"

"Open the door and walk down the hall to the left. There is a bathroom. And when you come back you are going to eat. Because I have more I want to do to you later. Everything you need would be given to you when you get out. I don't want you wandering anywhere."

Justin stood up and walked over to Zeke opening the door for him and gesturing him to go out into the hallway.

"Yeah… I won't…" Zeke replied absentmindedly

He walked out into the hallway and headed straight into the bathroom, shutting the door. He wanted to lock it. For the first time, he didn't want his husband entering the room while he was there. But he didn't. He hopped into the shower letting the warm water cascade down his body washing away whatever dirt and filth on his body. He washed his hair and just stood there letting the water run over him.

When he was done he turned off the water and dried himself, leaving his hair dam like he liked it. After he dried himself he searched for the clothes.

Justin heard the shower stop and walked into the bathroom with a bag of clothes in his hand. Opening the door, Justin invaded the space in the bathroom. His dominance followed behind him, making the large room feel very small to Zeke. He handed the bag to Zeke.

"I don't want you wandering and getting lost."

As Justin stepped closer, he couldn't move his eyes away from the blond's lip. It looked so soft and pink, he couldn't help himself. He tilted his head up and kissed him.

Zeke took the bag, only to drop it shortly after. He met the others' lip almost intertwining his tongue with his but stopped. He pushed his dominant husband away with a gasp.

"I'll get dressed."

He bent down and picked the bag of clothes, back up and rested it on the sink. After sighing he took the clothes out and looked at them.

Justin was in disbelief once again, chuckling and stepping closer to the man.

"First you rejected the pill…Now you're rejecting my kiss?" Justin growled.

He grabbed Zeke's wrists pinning them on the side of his head as he pins him to the wall. He used his other hand and turned his face to his and kissed him hard. Justin felt himself getting hard again under him, but he doubts Zeke had the energy to let him go away so he pulled his lower half away from him.

Zeke didn't fight back this time from the kiss. He stayed still breaking away only when he needed a moment to collect himself.

"I couldn't…I couldn't stay in a towel. I was cold."

He admitted and quickly glancing at his husband. He wasn't quite ready to dive back into it. He just needed a few minutes to himself before reality sunk in again. Even though he didn't want to sink it in, because if he did, he had to face the fact that he really screed up and Justin might hate him.

Justin looked at him then backed away giving him some space. He knew he overworked the man, but he wanted to be sure himself of who he belongs to. Jokingly Justin spoke.

"If you cold, later on, I can warm you up in many ways."

He smirked slightly and removed his clothes. Zeke was not the only one who needed their heads to be cleared from a steaming hot shower. Justin needed to reflect on everything, before making decisions. They must learn to walk before you run, here Justin is, jumping to the next leaving Zeke to crawl behind him.

Zeke faced turned red instantly, he snatched his clothes and slipped out of the bathroom heading back to the bedroom he came from. He knew Justin could do just that, but he didn't want it. Well, not so soon anyway.

While he had the short time to himself, Zeke got into the bed and instantly dozed off into a nap after getting dressed.