
Bottoms Up, Top Down

A combination of interactions that had, happen years ago, now written as short novels and stories. Which story will you fall into?

ShayYuki · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 5

Justin arched his brow, surprised slightly that Zeke ever said no. Disbelief and more anger overwhelmed Justin's body.

"You're denying me to give you the pill… We'll see about you denying me again." He said. He let go of his husband and walked over to the cabinets. If his husband was going to refuse, he might as well scare him into it. Justin took two different whips from the cabinet. One that was skinny and long and the other a bit broader.

He walked back over to the man and spoke lowly, enough for him to hear. "I'm giving you one last chance. Open your mouth and take the pill. Or I'll whip you raw, so hard I will see ten red lines on you."

Zeke looked at the whips and went pale. Surely, Justin wouldn't actually use them on him. Would he? He wasn't being serious right? Only wanted to frighten him to take the pill. The blond was naive. Did his husband really hate him that much now? Surely there had to be another way. But what way?

"J-Justin I don't want to take it. I won't be able to do what you're asking me to do. I-It's impossible!" Zeke cried out shortly after recovering from the shocking sight of the whips.

The blond turned his head away from Justin and chewed his lips. He wasn't lying. He was telling the truth for once. Zeke still refused to take the pill though hoping, his words were strong enough to make Justin do so.

Justin broke out a growl. Infuriated with his husband's decision. He wanted to see his bride break down, hopefully, feel the pain he felt in his heart.

"That is the purpose of taking the pill. But since you refused the pill, I can just pump the liquid version inside of your ass, or inject your skin with it. So your choice. You only got ten seconds before you regret it."

Justin leaned down and picked up one of the whips and stepped closer to the man.

"The pill doesn't do anything but make my head fuzzy and the rest of me horny! I can't stop myself from orgasming if you put toys inside of me. You may think it is to help me but it doesn't. I refuse! I refuse it all!" Zeke snapped at his husband.

He hadn't meant to snap but he was losing it . He didn't want to take anything for a ridiculous reason. It was agony.

"I-I'm sorry Justin. I didn't mean to snap."

Justin snarled at him and an angry smile played on his face. Justin wanted him to stoop to that level and get angry. A small fraction of what he felt.

"Zeke no problem. I totally understand."

Zeke looked surprised. He hadn't excepted him to be so reasonable all of a sudden.

"You do?" He whispered.

The blond smiled softly and sighed with relief. He was worried for a moment. But maybe things could turn around, he started to hope.

"Thank you, love. I know I don't deserve to refuse anything. And I know you think I deserve all of this and more but I meant it when I said I am sorry. I know you won't believe me but I want you to at least know that I meant it."

Justin shook his head while grinding his teeth together. He leaned over the chained man.

"Do you really think I'm done with you? You are only mine and I want you to know that. So I might treat you like a toy. Even if I break you, I will still use you."

Zeke went pale again. Had Justin always been this cruel when he was angry with him? He felt his heart sink. Of course, he would only look at Justin from now on. Even while he was away for work, he would wait. He would be a good bride to his husband if only he had a chance to prove it.

"Justin.." He murmured and then it started. The tears. They poured from his eyes cascading down his cheeks and off his jawline.

"I was lonely without you. You never called me except to tell me when your flights were canceled or you were leaving the airport. You left me alone for weeks at a time. I thought you weren't going to be home for the holidays Justin. It's Christmas Eve… I had special things planned for us tonight… I had… Now you want to.." He wasn't sure why he was telling Justin all this now. Probably because he reached his limits. To Justin, he was a toy now. An object rather than his bride.

Justin straddles his husband's hips. He was dominant, and he hovered over the man in such manner and spoke.

"And tell me why should I believe you? Every time I came back from a long business week you just spread your legs for another person. It doesn't matter how hurt I was? Does it? What is funny is that I took freezing cold showers nearly every day to the thought of you. And you don't cheat with the same person. It is different every single time!" Just voice kept getting higher and louder with anger.

Waves of fear, anger, and lust were Justin's mixed emotions at this point. He didn't handle the situation as well as he thought he would.

The blond had no response to give because it was all true. Every single piece of information Justin said about him was true. Except for the fact he did care about his husband. He always felt a sense of guilt after he fooled around with another man than him.

"I always thought about you… I've always loved you. And I still do but you obviously don't think I do, so get on with it. I'll take the damn pill if that's what you want. Hell if it'll make you believe me, I'll take all three options you gave me.

The husband grinned evilly and got off his husband. He tossed everything aside and took the handcuff keys out his pocket, removing the cuffs of his bride.

"That's all I want to hear for now. The hard truth of you acknowledging it. I see all your vulnerability so I know you're telling the truth."

Justin sighed hard and sat on the edge of the bed with his hands clasped to his head. All this time Zeke kept pushing his button but he still can't come to hate him.

The blond sat up rubbing his wrist. He glanced a look at Justin, chewing his lips. Zeke was hesitating to say anything.

"Justin… You're really not going to do anything else? You're done being ridiculous?" He asked, treading lightly.

"Love… If you're so concerned that I'll do it again. I'll stay home. I'll do better bout calling you myself when you're away. I won't leave the house while you're gone either. I'll… I'll let you decide what I can and can not do while you're gone."

Justin gave a low laugh and he looked at his husband.

"Being ridiculous? Need I remind you how many people you cheated on me with? And you call me ridiculous?" He stopped before continuing. "Home? This is your new home. I don't want you to have any connection to anyone but me. You won't leave at all and this place as unlimited supplies."

Zeke looked at him, then looked away. His shoulder slumped, his husband was right. He had no right to call him ridiculous with what he has done.

"I'm sorry… I just meant the drugging and threatening to whip me was a bit extreme on your part." He mumbled. He covered himself with the blanket he sat on. This was their new home? Where in the world were they? He had never seen it before in his life.

"You're staying here with me as well right? What about our apartment? Justin, we can't just move somewhere in a day. Besides what about my job? My friends? What do I tell them? My own husband kidnapped me and is holding me hostage in an unfamiliar setting? That will go well." He chuckled sarcastically.

He snarled at his bride who hid behind the covers.

"Our stuff will be here tomorrow. This is a big cabin in the middle of nowhere so you can't run from me. As long as I know the IP address, there is no need for you to worry. Starting tomorrow you have no friends and your family have been contacted. They know you alive and with me on our 'vacation'. Oh and good luck finding a phone because I only have my phone and if I do even let you use it. It must be recorded or I have to be present when you speak." Justin laid down on the end of the bed. Taking keeping my breaths trying to calm my anger.

"You can't do this! Justin, I have a job back at home. What about that? I work in a cafe, how do you expect me to pitch in? I can't do that while I am here…"

Zeke sounded defeated, even to his own ears. They had been moved to someplace unknown to him and he lost everything under twenty-four hours. His friends his jobs, his family didn't matter as much to him since they weren't exactly close as they used to be.

"Justin what did you tell them? How did you explain to them my sudden absence? You can't just keep me here like this. I'm not your pet you can lock up. I'm your bride!" He said curiously. He pulled the blanket tighter around his shoulder. He had a sickening thought. Had he gone through his contacts and seen all the text and emails from the last three years? "Did you go through my phone?"

"I told your job I taken you away for a break. You should probably return in a year or so. I had one of my friends fill in your position." Justin was very aware that he would like to keep his job. Justin had found someone who is compatible with handling things just like Zeke would at the cafe and who is an overachiever. When Zeke mentions his phone he got anger all over again.

"Of course I went through your phone. What pisses me off more was that this been going on three years straight. Even through our marriage. At this point, I am at a loss with words with you."