
Bottoms Up, Top Down

A combination of interactions that had, happen years ago, now written as short novels and stories. Which story will you fall into?

ShayYuki · Fantasia
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21 Chs

Chapter 16 (Final)

Zeke swallowed the lump forming in his throat. He would have rather not cum at all than force his way through the ring and have it hurt. He shivered at the thought turning his head slightly to look behind him even though he couldn't see past the cloth.

"Is this... All you've got? Thrusting a toy until I cum? I thought you would have done more than this love." Zeke said flashing a devilish grin which soon faded.

He had spoken too soon. His back arch and his hips bucked as he came through the ring. Zeke cried out in pain but also in pleasure. He liked it when it hurt but he would never tell Justin that. Zeke feared he would never hear the end of it.

Chuckling the man saw Zeke in total bliss. He watched the blond cum through the pain and yet, he wasn't stopping it just there. Justin thrust the vibrator as far as he could inside Zeke and stepped away grabbing a bendable ruler and returning back to standing behind his bride.

"I'm trying to limit how much pain I am inflicting on you. If you're emotionally broken down I don't want to hear it. So I rather break your body instead, it is much easier." He sighed and then struck Zeke with the ruler across his ass and upper thigh.

Zeke hissed yelping in pain as the rules smacked against his skin. He looked away bending his head down toward the floor huffing already. How much longer did he intend to tease him with a vibrator? The faint vibrations were driving him insane.

"Aw come on now you know it's not that easy to break me, darling. You might want to try harder than that." Zeke said teasingly. He knew he was in no position to do so but he still did it, because he loved to set Justin off.

The husband inhaled sharply and landed one hard hit on his ass with the ruler. He jerked the collar back and bite his neck. The teasing was setting him off, he barely had a chance to control what he in him.

"I merely want you to know how much you frustrate me and you need to understand that I don't like to be teased in public."

He cried out shivering as the vibrations surged through his inner walls. The blond gasped almost unable to fight back the growing sounds in his throat.

"Ha... I can see that you don't like it. But does that mean I can tease you at home then?" Zeke chuckled and flicked his tongue over his trembling lips.

Grinding his teeth together, he reached the limit of self-control with himself. He kissed the blond then hissed his teeth. He said, "You really want to ask that now? When you got a vibrator shoved up in your ass?"

Zeke chuckled melting into the kiss. He shouldn't have asked such a question but he couldn't resist the temptation. Simply to see how Justin would act. It was thrilling, to say the least.

"Mmm. Yes, I think I just asked. So I'll ask again, does that mean I can tease you at home?" He asked pulling away for a brief second from the kiss.

Justin had no problem with Zeke teasing him at home because he knew Zeke would instantly take responsibility for his actions. But he didn't want to let him know the truth because he knew he might be hard every day. And he refuses to take another cold shower.

"No you won't and no you can't. And if you do, you will end up looking for another punishment."

"I'll take that as a yes anyway" Zeke chuckled and started to hum. Teasing Justin truly was fun. Far more than he imagined it to be. Ah if only he had thought of it sooner rather than later.

"Justin darling I'm always looking to be punished. Haven't you figured that out yet? If we're being honest I like it when you're angry"

Groaning in his ears he said, "Who said it was okay to take that as a yes? With a vibrator inside you, I might think you're just going off into subspace because you continue to talk. Should I send you there?" Justin was ready to tease Zeke more because he had it, playing Mr. Nice Guy.

The blond couldn't stop shivering. Every mark left on him by Justin left a burning hot remnant of the others' hot lips and salvia. Zeke was melting in pleasure and what Justin said made perfect sense. Maybe he was just blabbing on and if he was then who was to say he could help it?

"Oh. Would I ever love? You know I love it when you mess me up inside," he moaned.

The man groaned, giving Zeke a playful bite on his neck as he whispered hoarsely in his ear.

"Your teasing won't do you any good, so I suggest you stop right now."

Justin knew how much teasing of Zeke he can manage but right now he felt like he wanted to return the favor of teasing right back to Zeke.

"Oh, but what if I don't want to stop? You know I love teasing you, Justin. And you know I can handle what you throw at me because I love it! All of it."

Zeke shivered once again. He did love it when Justin was a bit rough with him. None of his partners ever seemed to understand that. He liked it when it hurt and sometimes he liked it when he couldn't move at all. But that was another thing entirely he didn't want to bring up to Justin just yet.

"I told you earlier love don't go easy on me because I'm not going to make this easy on you. I'm going to tease you whether you like it or not and you can't stop me."

Justin's last nerve had popped as he thrust the vibrator further up Zeke's ass. Reaching so deep inside the blond, if he removed the vibrator, Zeke would be feeling light buzzing still going on inside of him.

"I know you enjoy being punished that is why I am going to start punishing with kindness. Maybe you would learn something then from disobeying me."

"You mean besides teasing you to get what I want. That sounds boring. Besides, I think you're enjoying this as much as I am, love. I really think you do-uhn!"

Zeke felt his hips buck as well as his legs nearly caving forwards. Any more of this and Zeke was sure he wouldn't be able to stand. Or probably that is what Justin wanted from him, incapable of walking, let alone stand.

"Maybe I should leave you like this. This will be a good thing because now try finding self-control."

Justin stepped away from the man, slowly circling him and watching how his body reacted. He knew what nerves turn Zeke on more, which things to do to make him melt. But he wanted Zeke's focus to be on him, other than his need to cum. If it worked out for Zeke, Justin knew he could be on the right track to trust Zeke again.

"So cold my love... But if you must. I don't think you could resist for long either."

He couldn't help but chuckle however once that thrusting motion stopped Zeke was left with faint vibrations that did nothing. And for a body as sluttish as Zeke's, it drove him absolutely insane. To say the least, it brought Zeke to his knees. Panting and clinging to the edge of the bed it was frustrating for Zeke not to be able to touch himself and finish this off. Being bound to the bed would have been more of an act of mercy than this.

"Self-control huh? I have none or haven't you realized that yet? My body can't help it... I was trained to be like this for seven years it's not like I can be retrained..."

"Just like how you think you have control over teasing me in the supermarket, we will see if you can control yourself now… How badly do you need it, Zeke? How badly do you want to cum for me?"

The man wanted his bride as badly as he needed to cum. But he didn't cave in for his need, he was holding out to see how far Zeke can go himself. If Zeke can no longer handle it, neither can he. Tracing light marked down Zeke's back was a way of distracting his need for taking him. Starting more nerves in the blond body was a way of trying to switch the control over.

Zeke swallowed a nervous breath, shivering at the touch of Justin. Self-restraint was hard for him. Especially when he felt the need to cum but couldn't. It was hard for Zeke but still, he clung to the bed, gripping the fabric of the sheets tightly in his trembling hands.

"I won't... I won't until you say I can... I'm not going to beg for it, Justin. You decide because this- this is nothing compared to what I've been through before."

It was the truth, sadly. Zeke had suffered a lot through his time as a prostitute but never because he wanted to do it. But telling Justin about it would only make the man anger and want to hurt other people for his bride's safety.

Justin couldn't hold back a laugh, this one was very menacing. It threw the blond off guard a bit as Justin rubbed his hand over Zeke's shoulder trying to massage the tense muscles.

"You are so tense in your shoulder, is it painful that you're holding it for me? I hope so because I don't find you teasing me and other people in public a beneficial thing… Especially for you right now...."

The man pulled on Zeke's hair, pulling him upright once again as he slowly thrust his fingers in and out of the man's body. Feeling him quiver under his touch.

Zeke shivered in delight. Oh, it was sinfully worth this pain he felt deep within his core. The shivering heat descending down through his abdomen and straight through his nether regions made his mind swirl numbing his ability to think.

"Oh god, Mm-mn~"

The blond was rendered speechless. Unable to speak of think he rested limply in his current position. His body quivering with every touch Justin slithered across his vulnerable body.

Teasing the man more he said, "Isn't it painful for you to not cum all over yourself just for me? Wouldn't it be easier to just go against my words and find your pleasure?"

He knew Zeke would have already taken the pleasure that he was giving him, for his selfish needs. Lucky the cock ring was still attached to him preventing him from cumming again with would definitely hurt the second time with how much pleasure he is getting.

Even if Zeke was able to cum he couldn't. Not with the ring fitting snug at the base of his cock. Doing so seemed impossible no matter which angle he looked at things. And what if he fell into temptation? Would that give Justin the means he needed to leave such a pathetic excuse for a bride? No... Zeke wouldn't allow it. Despite his faults and flaws, he loved Justin dearly. More than any man.

"Mmn~!" Zeke softly called out in pleasure. How much more could he take? It was painful but did he cave in? Never. Not yet at least. And for as long as he could the blond would hold out.

"N-no... If I did what would you mh- do? Leave? I won't allow it. I'd suffer much more than this if it meant being able to remain as your bride..."

Justin's heart melted, he knew the void in his heart would soon close if both of them worked towards a better healthy relationship. Hearing what Zeke said and is currently enduring for him spoke a lot. Normally if Zeke wanted to he would have come the instant he felt the pleasure, but this time Zeke waited.

"Oh baby, see how frustrating I can get with you teasing me, tempting me, and aggravating me? Why not give up on me. Do it if you truly love me. Cum for me if you really love me." Once he finished talking he removed cock ring, and the blindfolds from Zeke's eyes then kissed him deeply.

Eyes watering, pain aching in his groin, Zeke was so tempted. And hearing his husband whispering words that he so dearly wished to succumb to wasn't helping. He closed his eyes melting into a much-wanted kiss. Would it be all over if he did? Would Justin leave him? No, the thought itself was absurd. Zeke would take on any pain necessary just to ensure that his lover stayed by his side.

"Please...." He whispered breaking from the kiss for just a moment. "Do you mean it?"

And just like that, he broke. Without another word. Without an ounce of struggling, his back arched as far as it could go. Hips bucking. Breath catching in his lungs, his seed released into the floor. Tears streaming down his face.

"I... Justin..." He swallowed the salvia in his mouth and realized he had failed. Hadn't he?

All that remained was a little fragment in Justin's heart that needs to be healed but it still would take time. Maybe some therapy for both of them will fill the rest of the void. But Justin was contempt with everything they endured, especially Zeke enduring a scene that extreme for him. Surrendering his sense of sight spoke a lot because Zeke had mention years before, being blindfold was very scary for him. During the scene, Zeke had not mentioned the blindfold once. Justin realized Zeke truly trusted and loved him.

"Hush, you did well. You can rest but before you do clean yourself up and shower. I will run the bath but I want this room clean before you get in."

For some odd reason, Justin still felt a bit of anger towards him. He wasn't sure why he felt so, especially after a scene. Usually, he would want to spend time with him and right now he wanted his space. Was it because they never really had such an intense scene that shifted Justin's mood so quickly. Without much thought, Justin spoke right before leaving the room. He just wanted to clear his head while Zeke cleaned up.

"Don't test my patience. I have very little right now."

Zeke lowered his gaze from Justin. He couldn't tell whether he had done right or wrong by allowing himself to falter for a moment. He gave a simple nod of his head but didn't budge.

"I... Yes sir..." Zeke murmured then rose to his feet.

He didn't have much strength now. All of it seeming to have gone to boost the limit that was slowly faltering. Reaching for a towel he began to wipe up the mess he had made all over the floor. Zeke decided to not push the limits any further today. He was exhausted.

Once Zeke finished cleaning up the room, Justin walked him and gave him a soft smile. Oddly, the anger he felt minutes ago had disappeared. Unsure of what set him off again he quickly dismissed the thought. Aftercare for Zeke was a priority and he needed to take care of right now regardless of what was going on with him.

"Good, now come on. Time for you to take a bath. I want you to rest my love. You did good, I'm proud of you. Honestly."

Zeke didn't feel very reassured however he took his husband's words and left to go take a bath. The blond took a long much-needed bath relaxing any sore muscles and cleaning himself thoroughly. The hot water felt amazing against aching skin. His body, which only moments ago felt as if it were screaming had finally relaxed much to his relief.

When he was finished he dries himself off with a towel and changed into a t-shirt and a fresh pair of boxers before making his way down to where Justin was. Spotting Justin in the kitchen unpacking the stuff from the supermarket, he said, "Do you need help, Justin?"

Shaking his head as he faced Zeke again, "No thank you, but thanks for the offer. Are you sure you don't want to rest up, that was a bit intense and I know."

Justin continued to unbox things and packing them into the cabinet. It has been a while since he did the usual packing stuff up. It used to be Zeke since he was the one who loves to cook.

Zeke frowned slightly. He liked helping Justin even in the smallest ways possible. The truth was he was tired but not physically just a bit mentally from the scene. Nothing that food won't solve for him. He didn't want to push his luck by suggesting they could go out of the house but perhaps they could. Maybe a trail hike would benefit them? Or a picnic. It had been a while since they last had some decent fresh air.

"I am not tired, just a bit sore. I want to do something though if it is okay with you. Why not go for a walk on a trail or for a picnic. If I recall, there's a lake not too far from here. Why don't we pack lunch and go there like we used to?"

Justin was fond of the idea that Zeke brought up. It wasn't a bad idea at all. Probably Zeke had telepathy because he was also thinking of ways to go back to how they used to be before the chaos. That is when Justin felt complete. Everything from here on out was going to sail safely as long as they communicated and took the right steps. Justin trusted Zeke completely. It just took over three weeks to trust him, surely he thought it would take him months. Probably because Justin is very forgiving but at the same time Zeke is understanding of Justin. With the way of tensions skyrocket and testosterone flying everywhere, things died down pretty quickly than expected.

"Yes, I would love to resume how we used to be. Let's go for a picnic, there is a park not too far from here. When we get there I want to talk this out with you. I want to move on, for our relationship to actually be a healthy one."

Not the best relationship they can have, it could be worse but both of them were about to make it better.

If you like this volume you should check out the next one called My Rich Boyfriend.

ShayYukicreators' thoughts