
Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki

Sir_Smurf · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
74 Chs

A diary from May of second year

May 3

A year has passed since I started high school at Sekitomo High, and I'm in my second year now. I've been trying to keep a journal for high school, and I'm already On my second volume.

Who am I writing this for, I wonder? My future self? Or is it Just practice? Maybe…I'm just writing things I wish I could tell a Friend I still don't know the answer Myself. not much happened at school today, either.

June 7

Today, something very good happened. I Stopped at the bookstore on my way home from school and found an Andi book I hadn't been able to buy Before.

It's a slightly older collection of short stories. Some are the same as the ones in the collection I already have, but I loved the cover. I wanted to show it to Kodan-san.

Oh I almost forgot! Today I also talked to Tomozaki-kun, the boy from my class who i see in the library a lot. It was a complete coincidence. Izumi-san, who sits right in front of me, said he needed a tissue, and that's how i ended up giving him mine. It was so sudden, and I wasn't able to say much of anything I felt a little nervous. Maybe I should brought up the Andi books. But I was too nervous to ask.

He said he had cavities; I hope they're okay.

June 11

Today, something very surprising happened. Tomozaki-kun came to the hamburger shop where i work, and he was with Hinami-san from our class.I never used to see him hanging out with friends, but lately that seems to have changed.

It's as if a fireling made friends with a human. The whole scene struck me as very strange. Is Tomozaki-kun a Poppol? Or can firelings and snow children become friends with human? I don't know, but that's why I'd like to think more about it.

Now the characters from Poppol are swirling around my mind. and making connections to the people in my class. It is really is such a great book.

June 17

Today I had a real conversation with Tomozaki-kun! I got up the nerve to talk to him in the library. My heart was beating so hard, and I feel like I Talked too much I'm so happy I managed to tell him I like Andi's books, too.

Also…I got carried away and mentioned something I haven't even written about here. I'm still a little embarrassed about it.

I'm writing a novel. I've been wanting to show it to someone else who likes Andi's books. What would Tomozaki-kun say if he read it? Just Thinking about it feels so strange. It's like I'm anxious, but like I'm floating, too.

I'm so glad I talked to him.