
V. I Chapter 7: Rosenblade Attack

"Yeah. The assassinations last night are causing trouble for my normal life. Do you think you can make it tomorrow?" Ciel asked over the phone, pacing in his office. He'd called the range, telling them to put Jerry, Enda, and Denis on the line.

"Yeah. No problem," Jerry said. "I gotta go, though. Class of noobs just walked in."

Denis said, "I can do that, too. As long as it doesn't last longer than five hours, I should be free until then."

"I doubt it will last five hours," Ciel replied wryly.

"Good. See you then."

"I can come, too. I'll dress up in my fanciest outfit. See you then!" Enda giggled.

Ciel had a sudden rush of dread as Enda hung up, leaving the line dead. He sighed. This was more of a pain in the ass than he'd bargained for. He'd have to arrange a day off tomorrow if this was going to work. He picked up the office phone, dialing Jullian's number. "Hello. Yes. Can you substitute for me tomorrow? I know it's bad timing, but I have to do Phantomsight a favor if he's coming. Yes. Um hmm. Thank you. Yes, goodbye."'

Ciel sighed as he plopped down into his chair, rubbing his temples.


He looked up at the sound of his name, finding the girl from earlier that morning. He straightened, forcing a calm, kind smile on his face. "How can I help you, Miss Elaine?" he asked.

"I- I just wanted to come in here and thank you, but I heard you sigh through the doors..."

Ciel bit his lip. Had he really been that loud in his displeasure. "I'm very sorry you heard that. As your superior, I'm supposed to set an example," he said, laughing slightly bitterly. "As for helping you, it's what any good leader would do."

"You said this morning that I should listen to my superiors, but do not idolize their words. This is my one time I will not listen to you, Ciel!" Elaine suddenly shouted, startling Ciel. "You're obviously feeling down, so why don't you talk with someone? You do so much for us, and we don't even know it! And, no. A normal boss would just push all of the work onto the employees, but you and Miss President are always some of the last ones leaving and first ones coming. You turned a room that could have been used as another working space into a place where tired employees can rest. You give us all flowers every month, you organize parties, you even personally listen to each one of us and give us real advice instead of telling us we're useless. And for that, Mr. Ciel, I have to say thank you and you're wrong about yourself! So please treat us like your friends, so we can help you like you help us! Thank you!" Elaine turned and slammed the thick glass door, leaving a shocked and frozen Ciel looking after her.

Ciel blinked at the empty office, opening his mouth and closing it, sound refusing to come out. What... just happened?

"You know, I think that's the first time I've seen you that shocked," President Jaeyline said, a laugh in her voice.

Ciel looked up to find her leaning against the door to her office. "I-is there something I c-can do for you, Jaeyline?" he asked, stuttering a bit.

It was her turn to be surprised and she stared in surprise at Ciel.

He frowned. "What? Do I have something on my face?"

"Say my name."

"Excuse me?"

"Just say it."

"President Jaeyline...?"

"No, my name, Ciel Michaelis, not my title."

"J-Jaeyline Cordelia...?" His heart rushed again, beating frantically against his chest as she watched him from the door.

She shrugged off of the wood, opening the door and stepping inside. Before she closed the door, she peaked back over with those pretty dark green eyes. "I think I like it when you say my name."

Ciel clapped a hand over his mouth as his heart raced even faster than before, the red rising in his cheeks. What had just happened?

The rest of the day, his cheeks remained stained pink, and when he exited the building late that night, the guard posted asked if he was feeling alright. His only reaction was his face turning beet red.


Th next morning, Ciel put on black pants, a black shirt, black mid-shin boots, and thin, non-obstructing leather gloves. He clipped the silver extensions into his hair, placing the mask over his face. He strapped the katanas from the party to his waist, his two Desert Eagles to his upper arms. He'd just pulled Hecate over his shoulder when a knock came from the door.

"Who is it?" he asked.

"FBI! Open up! Kidding. It's Enda. You ready yet?"

Ciel opened the door, locking it behind him. "Of course. Let's get going, shall we? Are Jester and Nothingness driving?"


A slightly wicked smile. "Well then, let's give them all a grand entrance, shall we?"


"Where are they?" Jester asked.

"I don't know. But knowing Phantomsight's love of theatrics, I wouldn't put it past him to wait until the last second."

"Agreed. Though, I just kind of realized, we're seeing Phantomsight's personal life today. That's his boss in the grey-blue, right?"

"I think we all know who she likes."

"Except for Ciel," they both said, laughing.

Ciel ground his teeth on the roof above. He'd heard every word.

Next to him, Enda was giggling. "They got that right," he tittered.

A vein in Ciel's temple twitched in annoyance, but he kept his eyes scanning the buildings around them. A flash of reflected light blinded him for a split second, but his eyes widened. "Enda, get down there, now. Protect the civilians."

"Yes, Sir," Enda said solemnly, jumping onto an electric pole before sailing down to the stage set up below.

Ciel slid Hecate from his back, pointing the barrel where he's seen the flash of light. He waited before firing, a splash of blood the only sign of hitting the target. He was already moving, jumping along the buildings before leaping from the rooftop, landing lightly on the stage below, grabbing Jaeyline's arm and pulling her out of the way as bullets rained down on them. He spun, Jaeyline pressed against his chest, firing his gun twice. The first shot he missed, but the second, the bullets stopped, and a figure in black toppled from an open window on the seventh floor of a building.

"Are you okay?" Ciel asked, hiding his worry with a professional tone.

"Yes, thank you," Jaeyline replied, pushing away. She looked at the four masked assassins. "Jester," she guessed, nodding to Denis. "Nothingness," she said to Jerry's smooth, featureless mask. "Lolita," she greeted, bowing slightly. Her eyes turned to Ciel's. "And... Phantomsight."

"At your service," he replied, bowing. Ciel's eyes turned to the older couple standing at the other end of the stage, looking irritated and pissed. "You are the Rosenblades?" he asked.

"We are," the man said stiffly.

Ciel's lips curled into a smile. "Very well." He took the microphone from the stand and brought it to his lips. "Two days ago, during the Hope Auction, the English Mafia's Executive and branch were wiped out by us. After, we each went separately to eliminate our given targets. However, none of us have had any exchange between Miss Jaeyline Cordelia prior to the assassination. I am under the most suspicion since my order was to kill Liam Rosenblade."

"Then why was Ella killed, as well?" the Rosenblade lady demanded.

Ciel withdrew a piece of paper, handing it to the Rosenblades. "I was ordered to kill Liam Rosenblade by Emma Rosenblade. After the job was done, I decided the world no longer needed anyone called Emma Rosenblade."

"This.. can't be real..." Rosenblade muttered.

Ciel withdrew another piece of paper, one with Emma Rosenblade's signature. "This is all true. I swear it on Assassin's Honor. I have no reason to lie, after all. This is just business."

"Still... killing people for money... that's horrible. Have you ever thought about what the victim's families feel?"

A flash of memory rose. Chains, those piercing blue eyes, the cold laugh, and her sweet, cool voice. His lips curled into a cruel smile. "No, I haven't. You see, how am I supposed to know what I've never had?"

"Phantom..." Lolita whispered, pinching his arm.

Ciel recovered, hand going to his neck before he regained his composure. "As an assassin, you follow orders, and that's all. Anyone that gets in your way, you kill. In a way, that's kind of how life is, as well. People die every day. If I didn't kill them, they would have died by the hands of the Mafia. Only difference is, I make it quick and painless."

"You're a monster."

Ciel's lips curled up again, this time the smile insane and wicked. "Yes, I am. A well-sharpened tool used by my mother. Let's hope you stay out of my way, or you'll see just how much of a monster I am." He turned to Jaeyline. "We've done our part, right?"

"Yes, but may I invite you and your other assassins to lunch?" she asked kindly. "You did me such a favor..."

Ciel glanced at the camera crew before walking to them, smiling dangerously as he asked, "Is this running?"


"Good." Ciel withdrew a new slip of paper and held it up to the screen. "Watch your back, Peter Evergreen. This is your kill order. And I'm the one in charge of your execution." Ciel crumpled the paper in front of the camera before stalking to the sides of the others. He tilted his head. "What do you think, guys? Shall we take up Jaeyline Cordelia's offer?"

"I'm down," Nothingness said.

"Why not," remarked Jester.

Lolita bit his lip before saying, "Okay. Let's do it."

Ciel smiled slightly as he looked at Jaeyline. "Well, Miss President. You have four willing guests and also four very good bodyguards for the remaining lunch period."

"That's very nice. My... usual assistant called in sick. While I don't believe anyone can protect me better than him, it's much appreciated."

Ciel smiled unconsciously before wiping his face of emotion. He touched his Hecate. "Give us five minutes. I don't think they'll let me in with a sniper rifle. Where shall we meet?"

"How about the Chinese restaurant across from LEO Corp?" Jaeyline offered.

"Perfect." Ciel swept into a bow before jumping from the stage. "It's a date!" As soon as he landed on the concrete, he vanished.

Ciel tossed his mask away. "Get out of character. We're going as normal civilians."

"Really? Good. This mask is starting to get hot," Jerry said, removing his.

"I like mine," Enda said, slipping his off. "So, how are we going to get out of it this time?"

Ciel thought a moment. "Well, I already told her that Phantomsight is my friend, so I guess it wouldn't be too far of a stretch to tell her that he called and had some business to take care of, so I brought some other friends. Good thing we all brought a change of clothes. Suit up."

Ciel tossed his black clothes into the car, putting on a pair of casual jeans and a black T-shirt, throwing a long, dark coat over his shoulders.

Enda changed into a new dress, restyling his hair from down to tied up with pretty blue hair ribbons, the same color as his eyes.

Jerry changed into casual jeans and a shirt, and Denis wore nearly the same thing as Ciel, just with a black turtleneck sweater.

Ciel took a pair of silver-framed glasses from the glove compartment, placing the on the bridge of his nose before pulling the hair extensions out and clipping his hair up, forming a small tail just over his shoulder. "Let's go."


Jaeyline was already at the table, and she looked rather shocked to see Ciel join her. "What are you doing here? I thought you called in sick," she said.

"I did. Asthma attack, but it feels good to go out and eat with some friends that came to cheer me up," Ciel replied, face fairly impassive. "Phantomsight actually called, saying they were called in for an emergency mission. I figured you would need a bit of protection..." Ciel's eyes suddenly turned a bit sad. "Unless you'd rather us go..."

Jaeyline shook her head near-frantic, cheeks a delicate shade of pink. "No, not at all. Please, have a seat. What would you like to order?"

Ciel took the seat across from her, his back to the entrance door. "Hmm... I think I'll do the tempura with a side of steamed white rice and a cup of hot jasmine tea."

"I didn't know you liked that kind of tea," Jaeyline said.

Ciel suppressed a smile. "Making it for you every day rubbed off. I grew curious," he replied. Then Ciel flashed to his feet, guns in his hands. Get her under the table," he barked, but Denis had already vanished under with her. "Enda, how many?"

"Five, all in attic. Three to your right, one to your left, and one basically on top of us," Enda replied, her Desert Eagle drawn.

Bullets started to rain from above, semiautomatic machine guns, from the sound of it, all of the fire aimed at the table Jaeyline had occupied.

Ciel jumped back from the table, landing on another, pivoting and firing his guns, his feet mere whispers on the tablecloth. Then he jumped from the table, shooting again.

A waitress tripped, the tray of bubbling champange tumbling down, and Ciel took the chance. He kicked up the tray up, the metal tearing through the thin cloth above, giving him a clear aim at the attackers. He smiled. Game over.

Ciel shot, then whirled around, catching the champagne glasses on the barrels of his Desert Eagles, letting the waitress fall against his chest. "Are you okay?" he asked, letting her regain her balance. He moved the glasses to a table before kneeling before the table, lifting the crisp, white tablecloth, looking at Jaeyline, normally so composed, shaking.

"C-C-Ciel..." she whispered.

"Are you hurt?" he asked giving a small, apologetic smile.

"No... but I just got a bit of a shock. I just realized that I would be dead if it weren't for you, my genius personal assistant." She smiled warmly, the most spectacular smile Ciel'd ever seen, as she said, "Thank you."

Ciel's heart skipped a beat before he smiled in return, extending a hand. "Everything is safe again. Come on... Jaeyline."

"Who did this?" she asked once she was re-seated, once again professional.

Ciel replied in the same cold tone, "It was Rosenblade. If I had to guess, they wanted to use today to finally put LEO Corp out of business, but the assassins' appearance burned that to the ground. So they hired some second-rate killers to take care of you."

"So this way more about eliminating LEO than getting justice for the Rosenblade's son," Denis said, tilting his head.

"That's what it sounds like. Heartless bastards," Jerry muttered.

"Well," Enda said suddenly, springing to his feet. "I have a job to do." He dug around in his skirt, removing a slightly rumpled piece of paper, holding it up for the others. "I just got the kill order for the Bastard Couple."

Jaeyline tilted her head, but then she saw the mask stamp up in the right bottom corner. She cocked an eyebrow. "Well, thank you for today, Enda... or should I call you Miss Lolita?"

Enda grinned, turning away from them. "I'm starting to like her, Ciel! Well, see you later!"

Ciel just facepalmed, shaking his head. But he was grinning.

Ciel was happy with the life he'd built for himself, but very soon... he would realize that it was still covered in a shadow, and he was nothing but a well-trained tool.....




Luke Rosenblade (dead) - M - 25 years old

Likes: his fiance, his family, making friends, chocolate.

Dislikes: bullies, people bullying his family, bitter foods, being the heir to a corporation.

Strengths: purest love, making friends, capturing people's attention, couples counseling.

Weaknesses: saying no, fluffy dogs, martial arts, writing reports, playing pool.

I'm sorry, but at the moment, I'm going to focus on my first novel GRIMM Purification. I sincerely apologize to everyone who was looking forward to the next update. I'm going to try one week with an update every day for the first novel, so I can't do this and that at the same time. T-T

(Updated) I'm sorry! I just realized in my hurry to produce chapters, I forgot the bonus character facts! I'm going back and fixing them now!

Love_XYZcreators' thoughts