
Boruto Uzumaki's Lewd Conquest (R-18)

(WARNING!! The novel contains gender bender, selfcest, incest, and other dramatic and graphic depictions of niche sexual acts. Please proceed with caution) As Boruto finds himself dwelling deeper within the lust of puberty, he dreams of conquering the Shinobi world's finest girls until, one day, he comes across something that will change the speed of his goal all too abruptly.

LiterallyAnApple · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Shigetsu Village; The Mansion

"Al's mansion is located in Shigetsu Village. Find him using whatever method necessary and bring both him and the liquid back here safe and sound. Understood?" the Hokage finished his info-regurgitation.

"Yes, sir!" each of the Genin spoke completely in-synch and they headed out of the Hokage's office.

Shigetsu Village was a village born out of a recent expansion of the Land of Fire. It existed betwixt the Land of Fire and the Hidden Rain Village.

It took a little less than a day for Team 7 to get there, perhaps around 15 hours. Of course, taking small resting breaks in between. When they finally arrived, there was an immediate feeling that something was a bit off.

Boruto looked around. A man was running a fish shop. No, there were two of them as one had just come around from the back of the small stand. Both of them seemed to be getting along well, but even the young Genin could tell that something in their eyes represented solitude. Though, it was a different kind of solitude. They clearly had friends and everyone got along quite well as shown by how friendly the two seemed to treat the incoming customers. The Leaf Ninjas decided to keep walking.

"There's something off about this place..." Sarada mentioned, holding her arms below her chest.

"There is a distinct lack of a certain presence. But what could it be?" Mitsuki questioned.

As they kept walking, they ended up approaching an open market filled with stands. Takoyaki, ramen, another fish stand (and a couple more, actually. The hell's up with this village and fish?), some frozen treat stands, anything you could think of. It was very lively, deep voices echoed throughout the walkway, and there were even sounds of children playing in the distance.

"Hey! You kids!" a man running a meat skewer stand called out to the Leaf Genin.

Each of them directed their attention toward the waving man.

"You ain't from around here are ya? Why don't you come over here and eat a while? First skewers are on the house!"

"This is ridiculous, we don't have time for-" Sarada tried to whisper to both Mitsuki and Boruto before she is so rudely interrupted.

"Ah hell yeah! I'm starving!" Boruto shouted as he quickly ran over to the stand.

Mitsuki agreed. "I could perhaps go for something as well." And he walked over to where Boruto had just previously run.

"Come on, guys! Seriously!?" Sarada shouted before she finally gave in and decided to enjoy a treat from a foreign village.

Each of them stood hovering above the hot stove in which the meat was prepared to be skewered, and each of them finally received their snack. Boruto, in specific, decided to not only eat the free one but also pay for a couple more and gobbled them up like hotcakes.

"Hm...not bad." Mitsuki praised, however, he needed not to devour the entire skewer for a reason beyond Boruto, so the crazy blonde-haired Uzumaki just ate the rest of that one too.

Suddenly, a little black-haired girl, maybe only 4 years old, came running from a little farther down the walkway holding a white grocery bag. When she got to the stand, she put on a big smile and began to hand it to the man who ran it.

"Daddy! Daddy!" she called. "I got the meat!"

"Good job, honey. Here's 50 Ryos, go and buy yourself some ice cream for your troubles." he handed some money to the little girl and she trotted off with the biggest smile one might imagine.

"She's so cute!" Sarada said as she watched the little girl run off. "She's your daughter?"

"Yep. She's the best little girl a father could ask for." He smiled while he praised his daughter to some random teenaged girl.

"So, where's her mother?"


It became a little quiet, almost tense.

"Well, she uh...she left."

Both Boruto and Sarada both expressed both surprise and sorrow for the single father. But that was just it, that's what was wrong with this damn village.

There were no women. At least, no women who had reached puberty, or even those who were almost at that point. Only boys, men, and pre-pubescent girls.

"If you don't mind me asking, sir." Mitsuki began. "You wouldn't happen to know why, would you?"

"No...she just...one day up and left without a single word. She didn't even take her stuff with her. She just...left."

That reminded all of the Genin, except for Mitsuki who somehow never lets his mind become truly sidetracked, about the mission.

"Oh, that's right." Boruto fished something out of his pocket, still with some skewers in hand. He pulled out a picture of Al Falker, the most hideous, disgusting, vile man on Earth as it seemed.

"Have you seen this man?"

The man studied the picture. He leaned in and even squinted his eyes until he finally retreated back into his normal posture.

"Uh...I believe that's Al Falker. He's the owner of a restaurant chain. We used to go to school together, didn't really talk to 'em much. He was never the popular kid, but hell did he do well after school."

"He did well, huh?" Boruto muttered. It didn't really make much sense at first. Why would someone so successful be such a horrible person? It could be the wealth, of course. But even then, that still wouldn't correlate to him using a potion to practically have his way with any woman he desires. No fucking way.

The man began again. "Though, not to sound rude, his looks sort of turned people off. He used to have his face plastered all over the village advertising his restaurant, but it turned people off from even giving it a chance. So he ended up having to remove his face and his presence entirely. He never shows himself anymore. The only sort of message we get that he's still alive is the fact that a woman comes down every so often and buys groceries, taking it back to the mansion. Poor bastard, hope he ain't depressed."

"We would like to have a word with him," Mitsuki said, pretty much hiding the fact that Al was soon to have his nuts kicked in. "Do you have any idea where he might live?"

The man used his thumb and pointed backward. "Take that there pathway. If you walk several kilometers, you'll come across a forest, and then beyond that, you should find a mansion. That's where he lives."

"We appreciate the help." Sarada thanked, nodding her head. "Come on, you idiots. Let's go."

The teenagers removed themselves from the stand as Boruto thanked the man for the food and slipped the picture of Al in his back pocket. Boruto also carried a bag, and within it held the three chemical-proof suits that the Hokage spoke of previously.

The Genin took the path the man spoke of. Funny, there were no houses along the path. It was merely a straight shot forward that led directly to a previously foreshadowed forest. They walked about two kilometers before getting to it and they stopped.

"Alright, here's the plan," Sarada spoke, looking directly up at the extremely tall trees before her. Beyond the trees, they could see a large fence that circled around the hard-to-see outline of a large mansion. How large? That is to be determined.

"Mitsuki and I will stay in the forest and put on our suits. Meanwhile, Boruto, you'll hop over that massive fence and knock on the door of the mansion to distract whoever answers."

"Wait, why am I the distraction!?" Boruto shouted angrily.

"Because if we let you do the sneaking around, then you'll just get us all caught!"

"She has a fair point," Mitsuki said, agreeing with Sarada at the expense of the dense Boruto.

"Mitsuki and I will find a way in and try to, as quietly as possible, secure the potion and knock out that Al guy. And a job well done will be rewarded," she explained.

"Hmm..." Boruto pondered. "Well, why can't you go to the door, M'lady Sarada? Then Mitsuki and I can wipe the floor with that bastard."

Sarada put her hands to her hips, looked down, and closed her eyes in frustration at Boruto's constant contradiction.

"Because if I were to go up to the door, the bastard would probably end up seducing me with that potion. I can't just roll up to the door with the suit on, obviously."

Boruto gasped. "If that bastard ever tries to take you away from me...I'll blow up that entire fucking mansion!!" he clenched his fist and gritted his teeth while grunting and groaning in fury at the mere thought of something like that ever happening.

Sarada sighed and Mitsuki giggled.

"...Alright, fine. Let's get this done." Boruto slightly reluctantly agreed.

The suits that the Genin are required to wear somewhat resembled Hazmat suits. No amount of skin was exposed. Even if a single drop of that liquid were to land on their skin, or even on their clothing, it would spell serious trouble.

Sarada and Mitsuki stayed behind and put on their special suits in the forest while Boruto traveled through the forest and met the fence.

The gigantic fence seemed to be made out of silver with some gold place in some areas. But the thing that caught his eye the most was the mansion.

Holy shit, talk about huge!!

This thing was more massive than any sort of architecture he had seen previously. How was this a single home? Is it possible to fuse two mansions together? Well, whatever.

The Uzumaki noticed that the fence was unguarded, but it was still locked. Didn't really matter too much.


Boruto grunted as he jumped over the fence which had to be, at least, 20 to 30 feet tall. No problem for the son of the Hokage. Using his brain, he decided to unlock the gate from the inside so that it looked as if it were still open. It also gave an opportunity for the other two ninjas to come through it if they so desired.

The mansion seemed so far away. It was only maybe 10 meters, but still. He made it to the door and hesitated for a moment. He didn't really plan out anything to say. He had stepped onto enemy territory without a lie planned other than the fact that the gate was already open.

While Boruto pondered to himself, completely exposed and in front of the door to a mansion, both Sarada and Mitsuki took their chance at going around the side of the mansion.

"Let's see..." Sarada wondered.

"I believe it's best if we were to climb atop the mansion. Then we could infiltrate our way in from there. Wouldn't you agree?" Mitsuki suggested.

"Hm...maybe. We still don't know the layout of the house, so it could be dangerous."

"Not to worry, just leave it to me."

Mitsuki proceeded to hop at least 70 feet in the air, skipping over the fence and landing directly on top of the gigantic fucking house. Sarada followed.

"So, how do you plan on getting us in safely?"

"Hm..." Mitsuki looked around at the roof of the mansion in which they stood. He seemed to be following something.

"There." he pointed, seemingly, to some random spot on the roof. He then walked over to that spot slowly and used his chakra to cut a decently sized hole in the roof, to which he then carefully removed the circular piece and set it atop the mansion.

"We'll go in through here."

"Wha-how the hell do you know it's safe!?"

"I sent a snake to go look inside the mansion whilst we were in the forest," Mitsuki explained.

"What? How come I couldn't see it?"

"I'm a lot more silent than you."

"You're dead after this."

Over at the front door, Boruto still pondered his lie. Unfortunately, he really couldn't come up with much.


The door opened with a ferocious noise, and out came a woman with a scary facial expression.

"Hey!! How did you get through that gate!?" she questioned in a high tone. Mitsuki and Sarada both could hear this before they began entering the mansion, but they just brushed it off and decide to just trust Boruto. Or to use him as bait.

"I-I-I uh...well-uh-!" Boruto was so nervous he couldn't think straight anymore. He couldn't even remember the lie which had 'proof' of it being the truth right behind him. He was caught off-guard by the sudden interaction and he started sweating profusely, putting his hand behind his neck and laughing nervously as he sputtered nonsense.

"Well!? Answer me, you brat!?"

"I-uh-uhm well-!"

The woman peered over Boruto's shoulder, noticing the open gate. Her face returned somewhat to normal and she didn't give Boruto such an evil glare anymore.

She sighed. "Hm...someone must have accidentally left the gate open. That's unusual. Anyway, what do you want, brat? This is private property, don't you know? You're not supposed to be here without permission. We don't have any scheduled meets, so what is it?"

Boruto's nervousness suddenly dropped like a fly. He realized that this woman must be under the effects of that potion as well. He felt bad for her, but at the same time, he understood that she wasn't necessarily doing this against her own will. It's a manipulation of someone's mindset, not necessarily entrapment.

Suddenly, he caught himself and shook his head side-to-side.

"No, no! What am I thinking?" he thought to himself. "It's wrong either way. It doesn't matter if it's consensual, she never wanted to love him in the first place."

He finally began to speak up.

"Y-yes, ma'am. The gate was unlocked."

Currently working towards a plot point. Don't mind me.

WRITER'S NOTE: The man who ran the meat skewer stand dropped out of the Ninja Academy, thus he never became a full-fledged Ninja. Al, on the other hand, became a Genin. But he, too, eventually dropped out.

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