
Boruto Raiden

This story is sequel "Boruto - Remake"

Damin_Typie · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs


"Yutaro, are you sure?"

"Yes, it's my fault that this demon came back to life, I want to take responsibility for my mistake and kill it"

Boruto smiled when he heard his son's words "Okay, Yutaro, create a Rasengan"

Yutaro raised an eyebrow "Rasengan, but I don't think this attack would be able to kill Ikamor"

"Trust me, I know what I'm talking about"

Yutaro nodded and began to create a Rasengan, Boruto placed his hand on it, also adding his chakra and making the Rasengan become bigger and bigger with each moment.


Ikamor, seeing what was happening, started to walk away

"Oh no Tou-san, he's running away!"

"He won't run away, get ready Yutaro" Boruto put his hand to his son's back, then they teleported over Ikamor "Now, Yutaro!"

"Rasengan!" Yutaro hit the demon with a large Rasengan

"Damn it!"

Ikamor failed to do anything and received an attack that completely destroyed him. And so, after a long and exhausting fight, Ikamor was defeated, Boruto and Yutaro fell to the ground exhausted from the fight.

"It worked"

"Good job, Yutaro"

"YUTARO!" Sarada appeared on the scene and, seeing her son, immediately ran to him "Everything is fine, what are you doing in such a place? We sensed a powerful energy that definitely belonged to this demon"

"Don't worry Okaa-san, me and Tou-san defeated him"

"What, wait, where did you get the Rinnengan?"

"Calm down Sarada, I'll explain everything to you soon"

Hearing a familiar voice, Sarada turned and saw Boruto



Sarada immediately ran to her husband, Boruto thought she wanted to hug him, but he was surprised when Sarada slapped him in the face


"Damn, I think I really screwed it up" he thought "I'm sorry, I should have visited you and the village more often"

"You can still fix it, just stay in the village longer this time to make up for the lost time before you set out on your journey again, only then will I forgive you"

Boruto sighed and agreed to it "Fine"

Before everyone returned to the village, Boruto talked to Toneri

"Thank you again for your help, Toneri-san"

"Remember, Boruto, don't miss your training, next time a much more powerful opponent may appear"

"Hai, I will remember"

When Toneri returned to his palace, the Uzumaki family and Kawaki returned to the village, after defeating Ikamor, everyone whose souls the demon had stolen came back to life.

"Kawaki-kun!\Tou-san!" Sumire and Miroka ran to Kawaki

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have to check something"

"Hey Yutaro, where are you running?"

Yutaro was running through the village looking for a certain girl "Since everyone came back to life, it means..."


Finally Yutaro found her, the genin immediately ran to her and hugged her tightly

"Wh...wait, what are you doing?" Yuki blushed at Yutaro's tender embrace

"I'm sorry it's my fault..."

"What are you talking about? And what about your eye?"

"Long story... If I hadn't rushed into that lab then, none of this would have happened"

"Okay, I'm glad you realized your mistake"

Meanwhile, there was a masked man on the battlefield "Damn, I didn't expect Ikamor to lose, it seems it's time to move on with plan B, but it will take some time..."

Next day...

The Uzumaki family ate breakfast together for the first time

"Huh, why do we have to go to the photographer?" Boruto asked

"We don't have a family photo, now that we are finally together, we have to change that"

After breakfast, Boruto, Sarada and Yutaro went to the photographer to take a photo, then everyone enjoyed their time together