
Boruto: Protagonist Hentai System

More chapters are already on my patreon! patreon.com/matveyy The world of Boruto is one big joke. A lot of people fill themselves with hope that it's one solid filler or at the very least the aftermath of the eternal tsukuyomi. But unfortunately it's not... And as a consequence of some bad joke, Boruto gets a hero without any moral principles and with a system that took all the most famous abilities from hentai manga and not only. The hero does not care who will be his next target for seduction - mother, sister, aunt, or any other married or free kunoichi in his area of interest. Sooner or later, each of them will be in his grasp

Matveyy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


"Mmm...bitch, God forbid it's evening already..."

Finding himself in absolute darkness, the guy slowly drifted out of sleep. Feeling a strange tingling sensation throughout his body, he tried to fumble with his hand for his cell phone, which, as always, should have been somewhere on the bedside table. However, his limb literally refused to obey. The guy woke up much faster than usual, fear beginning to brew in his mind.

"Hey, hey, come on stop it! I couldn't have gotten that drunk last night! It's..."

[New User detected. Please wait for your operator. Starting the introductory video...]]

"А?!! Я..."

He didn't have time to finish. The entire space around him was flooded with a blinding white light, which, after a couple of seconds, revealed a small scene in front of him.

A small room, with a huge bed against the wall taking up most of the space. And three people. A tall blond man in his thirties, with a ridiculously short haircut. And a woman with very fair skin, about the same age, long dark blue hair, and huge breasts. She was feeding her child, a little brat who had completely adopted his parents' appearance.

- He's so insatiable. - The woman's voice was incredibly sweet and gentle. - Naruto, he will definitely be like you. Just as strong and brave...

- I hope so. - The cheerful voice of the man lying on the bed sounded somehow guilty. - I'm not sure when exactly we'll be able to do this again, our elders are preparing me to be the next Hokage, so I don't have much time or energy...Hinata, I'm sorry it's so rare that I can fulfill my conjugal duty....

- It's okay, dear. - Despite her warm smile, the woman's voice sounded quite sad. - I understand, being Hokage is very important.....

"Naruto?! Hinata?! It's just..."

Just as he was beginning to doubt that he was awake, the world around him was once again covered in a black veil. A second later, a bright white ball suddenly appeared in the same background.

[Welcome, User!]

The voice that sounded out seemed to belong to a young man, he was literally overflowing with enthusiasm and cheerfulness.

[I realize that you are most likely in a state of confusion. Your questions: "am I dreaming?", "is this real?", "am I crazy?" and all the rest, are justified!]

- Я...

[However, I must reassure you, you're not crazy and you're not dreaming, you're just dead, just like that. Isn't that wonderful?!]

- ...

[Don't feel anything wrong about it? Then the system is working normally, you shouldn't care at all about how and when your past body died. Now your soul, consciousness, personality, call it what you want, is here. It will soon receive its new body, a boy born from the union of a busty shy girl and a powerful shinobi. Congratulations!]

- Yeah, thanks...

[О! Now I can really see that you're really here. Let's finally get acquainted. I am your system operator and initial guide, and you are the User. My job is to provide an initial introduction to the general rules and features of the system you have willingly or unwillingly become a part of...ready to get started? Or do you still need time to think about it].

- Some choice with no choice...let's get started, what the heck....

[Great! Now we can begin, so...as you may have noticed, there are some pretty obvious difficulties in the shinobi world. The ninja of Konoha, and indeed other villages as well, are undoubtedly strong warriors and fearless guardians of the world, but as husbands or lovers...well, let's just say that a cucumber or a carrot will often bring a maiden much more pleasure, and more importantly, constancy!]

- I've been watching Boruto, though I'm not proud of it. - Finally realizing that for some reason he really didn't feel anything that a man should feel under such circumstances, the guy let his own curiosity take over the situation. - So you're saying that Naruto isn't the only one shirking his family's debts?

[Ha, but think about it, dear User! Sasuke is never in the village. Shikamaru is a hereditary slacker, it's literally in their blood. Chouji is a perpetual fatty who only sees his dick on holidays. Sai...no, I won't spoil it, you'll see. Yeah, they may have made an heir, but that's a thing of the past, but beyond that...]]

- Relaxed?

[That's right, User! When the pressure of the surrounding people subsided, because the next generation was born, they became so lazy that they literally forgot the way to the bed of their own wives. And I'm not talking about the ones who were left without a mate. Tsunade, Tenten, Shizune, Karin. Then again, the new generation has been generous with a couple of hotties...]

- I think we're getting distracted.

[Oh, right! I'm sorry! So...the current situation in this world will undoubtedly be one big plus for you. Of course, at first your new body will be weak and can't even go to the toilet without someone else's help, but that's not a big deal. Very soon you will grow up and then the real fun begins! Cute peers and their sexy milfochki mamas. Using the resources of our system, you'll be able to conquer them all, in different ways, in different ways, and repeatedly!]

[What? You're wondering how we know that's what you want? Oh, don't worry, only those who qualify get in here. No oyasha and shy one-liners, we know you've always dreamed of harem and anime chicks submissive to you...aha, I see your second question! Why you? Couldn't you find a better horny guy? Don't be so modest. You're a match, period. So, are you ready to get to the point?]

- It's about time. - Still not understanding much, the boy nodded slowly. - The introduction was a bit long....

[Great, let's start with the main point. In about sixteen to seventeen years, from the moment your new body was born, the Ootsutsuki will come to the world, take the tailed ones, kill all the extra ones, and after growing a chakra tree, just leave, leaving the planet completely devastated, like this...]]

- Do I have to ask, or do you want to continue?

[I like you, User! Yes, I'll continue. Of course, you can prevent all of this, but you'll have to work hard to prevent it, because your strength will depend not only on your training and chakra volume, but also on the number of girls you have time to possess!]]

- What...do you want me to fuck half of Konoha to save the world?

[Ha ha, what a funny joke, we had a good laugh. Of course not, we want you to do it with every more or less known kunoichi from the canon! In Konoha and beyond! Yeah, our demands are much broader than that! For starters, you'll have a real titty treasure at your direct disposal - your mother Hinata, don't you...though what am I asking, if you had a dick right now, it would probably get hard just thinking about her beautiful body! Well, I'm not judging or objecting. As a great man once said, "Family is the most important thing."]

[Okay, okay, I guess I got carried away again and never told you about how we are ready to help you accomplish such a daunting task! So, you will have an interactive system that reflects your personal characteristics, special skills, and unique abilities. In addition, you will have a window of relationships and parameters of other people, mostly girls of course. In fact, you will be playing a real erotic game, but all the actions take place in reality, which makes the adventure much more exciting. You'll be able to explore the entire available interface a little later, but for now...ready to choose two initial skills]?

- Has anyone ever answered "no"?

[Not once!]

- Well, then I won't either, go ahead and show me.


Numerous system windows began to open in front of the guy, as if he was actually playing a game. Without hurrying anywhere, he began to read.

Skill 1: Pheromone Boy;

Once you get a little excited, your body begins to emit an almost imperceptible odor that only a member of the fair sex can notice. Breathing in this scent just once, any girl will be instantly aroused to the max and the longer she inhales it, the more your image will possess her thoughts. Which will eventually make her literally obsessed with only you and completely eliminate the influence of other men, as well as make any circumstances preventing your intimacy less important;

Skill 2: Harem Hero;

From now on, your semen is endowed with truly amazing properties. Just a drop of liquid can make any woman stronger several times. A fully emptied "charge" will turn her into a real goddess, increasing all parameters ten or even fifteen times, depending on the initial. Among other things, your semen causes in women an incredibly fast sense of addiction. After cumming in her only once, you will forever conquer her body, and eventually her soul;

Skill 3: Alpha male;

With the acquisition of this skill, your aura gains the ability to become like the strongest and most desirable males. Any girl or guy will know at a glance that it is you who is in charge. The more your requests or orders execute a person, the more dependence he feels and the stronger he recognizes his secondary position. Also pumps your oratorical skills so that any, even the most insignificant words will be perceived as weighty and requiring attention.

Skill 4: You're a player, remember?

Brings even more computer game elements into your life. You are now capable of creating between one and ten save points. Now in case of careless or rash actions, you can always go back and correct any of your mistakes. In case of sudden death, excluding suicide cases, you will be taken to a selection menu where you can choose the desired loading point. Important: If you boot up, all skills and progress is not saved and will be the same as it was at the save point.

Skill 5: Total Makeover;

Now you are a true master of reincarnation, no, even the most keen eye can not distinguish the fake from the original. Want to frame some person or deceive another? This skill is literally made for you!

Skill 6: Hangman;

Is there a man on the horizon that for some reason is claiming your lady? Using this skill you will easily make him non-competitive, on the most important part of any relationship. Hanging in his pants will dramatically make him far less aggressive and certainly unable to fulfill his marital duties, even with the most active desire.

Skill 7: My body is my business, your body is my business too;

Provides the ability to alter one's own body within a limited range. To make a short guy a statuesque guy, and from a fat guy phytonyashka, now it is not a problem at all. At will can increase or vice versa reduce your sexual organ, as well as visually and biologically change your age. It is also possible to use the skill to change the same parameters in other people, but only with their own consent.

Skill 8: Chains of Heaven;

Are you a fan of hard non-story? Then this skill is for you, because it allows you to intentionally chain husband-boyfriend-father-son or any other person who will be unpleasant to watch your intercourse with the chosen girl. Now you can quite safely fuck your daughter in front of her father, and your wife under the protesting cries of her husband. Moreover, if you wish, the chains will erase all unpleasant memories from your captive's memory, so you can keep the process secret or repeat it as if it were the very first time. An important clarification: the chains will NOT have a full effect if the girl is raped. For the full effect, you must have her consent to your actions.

Skill 9: Death is not the end;

Allows you to bring any person or creature back to life, no matter how long ago they died, relative to a valid timeline. The resurrection is pure and completely complete. And the age of the new body is determined by your choice.

Skill 10: Impossible Cloning;

Allows you to create as well as fully control your own clones, essentially making them part of your own body. Always dreamed of sticking your dick in all of a girl's holes at the same time? Well, now you have that opportunity, because you are able to control several bodies at once, collecting their sensations in a single consciousness;

[Eeeee...that's it for now. Yes, the list here is really huge, and you know time is not rubber...choose from this list, and read about the rest later!]]

- Ahhhhhh...complicated....

Staring thoughtfully at the list unfolding before him, the guy waved an insensible hand.

- Okay, I choose...the third skill "Alpha male", as well as the fourth "You're a player, remember?", almost complete immortality and pseudo-biological control...aha, they look the most interesting.

[Excellent choice, User. There's a lot more I could explain, but I'm sure you'll figure it out on your own. Okay, go. The sweet kunoichi are already waiting for you, I suggest you familiarize yourself with all of them...Bye-bye!]]

In the same instant, the guy's consciousness faded, and then he felt alive again. His name was now Boruto Uzumaki and right now he was drinking milk from his mother's impressive breasts with incredible pleasure.

He had a wonderful life ahead of him, full of mouth-watering kunoichi and those who had yet to become them. However, that was out there, far away. In the meantime, there was at least some growing up to do....