
Dangerous or Lucky Encounter

Looking at the eye, Erik froze in the place. He couldn't move or think.

[Host, run]

Only after Aurora shouted did Erik come out of the daze and start to run. He ran as fast as he could, covering tens of miles within an hour. His comprehension of the White-feathered sky bird technique may be low, but the technique itself is considered one of the best.

After reaching far, he used the Black-feathered sky bird to enter stealth. It would have been better if it was night, but all he could use now were the trees and their shadows to cover his movements.

He didn't dare to stop even for a minute, nor did he turn around to see if that thing followed him. He ran the entire day and night. Only the following day did he stop running. More like he had no choice but to stop.

Even with his body physique and bloodline, his cultivation is low, and he hadn't had a decent sleep since he entered the forests.

"Aurora, what the hell was that? Is it still following us?"

[It doesn't seem like, but as humans say, I have a bad feeling about this.]

"I would say that too. Did I run into the Rank-3 beast that was supposed to live here?"

[Host, that is not a Rank-3 beast.]

"What did you say?"

[I'm 90% sure that it is not a Rank-3 beast. I don't think its rank is anywhere below Rank-5.]

"Say what now? Why the hell is that here?"

"I can tell you that, if you ask me," spoke a foreign voice. Both Erik and Aurora are startled by the sudden voice.

He turned around to see and there was a big bird-like beast, the size of a dragon, looking at him.

[Host, this is a dangerous one. Even I couldn't detect its arrival until it revealed itself.]

"You didn't because I didn't arrive; I was here all this time," the beast spoke.

"Wait, what do you mean by that? And how did you hear her words?"

"My main forte is mental strength. The moment you saw my eye, you entered an illusion. You thought you were running, but it's not what happened," replied the beast as if it were a normal thing.

[Even with greater mental strength, no ordinary beast can find me and talk with me?]

The beast chuckled and said, "You are right about that. I'm no normal beast. I'm what others called half-step divine beast."

[A divine beast!]

"What's a divine beast?" asked Erik with curiosity, forgetting that he could die.

"Half-step divine beast, actually. There is a lot of difference, even though it is a half-step away."

"Can one of you tell me what's s divine beast?"

[I don't have full information about them, but it is said that they stand above normal beasts. Even if they are from the same species, they will differ a lot.]

[You said you trapped us in Illusion. Why would you trap us? Wouldn't it be easier to kill?]

"Kill; why would I kill my chance of survival?"

"What do you mean?"

[What do you mean by your chance of survival?]

The beast looked at them as if it was seeing someone dumb, "When I saw at first, I wanted to kill and feed myself, but my plans changed after I felt the power of the hunt."

"What do you mean your plans changed?"

"You have the blood of one of the gods or goddess of the hunt, or you were blessed by one."

"Oh, I wouldn't exactly call it a bless."

"I don't care whatever you prefer to call it. It is my means of survival."

[What do you intend to do?]

The beast explained to them in detail, "Little one, since you are blessed, I can survive my death. You can see that I was heavily injured. While I was in the middle of becoming a divine beast, someone I once considered my friend betrayed me. If there is there a break while a beast is ascending to become a divine beast, the backlash would be severe, almost fatal.

Combined with the injuries I received while fleeing, I'm sure to die. I tried to survive as long as I could by feasting on the beasts here. They only extended my life a bit longer. I was waiting for a way to survive with small hope, and then you came."

Erik scratched his head, "I understand, but how can I save you. I'm only in Mortal Realm, and I don't have any life-saving pills with me."

"Hahaha, those can't save me at this time. No, I would die, and my body would wither, but I could be reborn with your help."

"I don't understand."

[Host, she meant to use your body to be reborn.]

"Yes, Indeed."

"What? That's the same as killing me. If you take my body, where should I go?"

"Hahaha, as much as tempting it is, your body would be more like a mother's womb to me. My soul would enter you and turn into an egg. All you have to do is nurture me and when I hatch, take care of me until I'm capable."

"Wait, you'll become an egg inside me. That means that I have to lay the egg and hatch. No, that sounds weird."

"Nothing of that sort, little one. Moreover, I will be in your soul, and you can pull the egg when ready as if you are pulling out of thin air."

"Okay, but why should I?"


"I mean, I would be taking a lot of risks to nurture you as an egg. Once you hatch, looking at you, you would need a lot of resources, and it's not cheap to come by."

"Hmm, fine, what do you want?"

Erik thought for a while and said, "I have no idea, but can I ask later?"

The beast agreed to it, "Fine, as long as it is reasonable."



With that, the beast's soul forcibly left the dying body into Erik's soul, forming a small egg.

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