
Born With A Divine System

This story follows the journey of our young lead, Zephyr Everwood, who was chosen to be the reincarnate of the fallen deity who watched over creation. How will he fare against fallen angels, the undead, monsters and demons alike.Then what would his system be like? What will it give him and what will it want in return? Finally, what sort of relationships will he form with those around him as all hopes of a normal life are ripped away by one tragedy after another. The path to greatness will be a long and arduous one, and he will face many struggles, but the question is will he be able to reclaim the glory/divinity of his past self or will he fall at the cruel hands of what appears to be absolute power.

CRSTALking · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

THE KEEPER OF LIGHT(2)- The Final Part

 We head towards the city, as day quickly approached. With my strength back it was quite easy for me to keep up, even with the stab wound hindering me.

'Well, it looks like regeneration is considered a divine skill. Though I don't know why, because if memory serves me right the hydra was able to heal too?'

[A simple explanation could be that as long as celestial beings can use it; it is restricted]

I processed what Alex said and continued on our mission. Before sunrise was complete, we had managed to reach the other end of the town without announcing our presence to the townsfolk. As we approached the towering castle crafted from stone, its imposing presence was undeniable. Divided into multiple sections marked by large cylindrical watchtowers, each topped with pointed blue roofs, the castle was certainly a home to nobility. Dark blue banners, adorned with an archaic symbol, fluttered proudly in the breeze, hanging below rectangular windows on the towers.

Passing through the ironclad gate, we entered a courtyard, soon to be bustling with activity. Stables and storage buildings lined the perimeter, while guards patrolled diligently. The central keep, hexagonal in structure, commanded attention in the inner bailey. Inside, the great hall welcomed us with its grandeur, its vast space adorned with tapestries and illuminated by torchlight. Nearby, the elders meeting chamber awaited, a private sanctum for conducting affairs of state.

A massive shadow hung over the rest of the town as the sun rose behind it, providing a suitable cover for Xavier as we followed the cobblestone path. I didn't need it due to stealth.

There seemed to be around three to four guard per tower, most of which were knights. Nothing the both of us couldn't deal with, but it seems that Xavier doesn't want to kill unless necessary.

[I'd expect more compassionate thinking from someone who wishes to be God. You talk as if their lives are more of a hindrance]

Upon reaching the gates, it seemed that the guards were in the process of switching out as no one was there. We stopped there, and Xavier taps the gate slightly, resulting in a fairly noticeable dent.

He then smiled before turning towards me.

"Your call, how do we go about this, piling bodies or a stealthy execution?" He said calmly.

"Let's punish those responsible." I responded.

With a nod he climbed over the walls, and I reactivated stealth. Entering through the front doors I was met with no problems and began my search for anyone who seemed important.

"Alex, since the day I got you, slaughter is all I've done. All day, every day I'm in constant battle and struggle for survival. Now you expect benevolence? You have to be joking."

There was a brief silence.

[Slaying evil is an act of nobility. They were demons that threatened your life and the lives of others. Surely you do not feel guilty?]

I stopped walking, taking deep breath.

"Of course not, they were monsters, monsters at the top of the food chain. So, what then happens when I reach the top, won't I become the greatest monster of them all? An all-mighty God whose will cannot be disputed."

[Zephyr, you are not evil]


"Your actions, they define you, not your intent. And I'm afraid to say, that my actions, in this life and the life before, have led to unspeakable horrors against life."

My attempt at stealth had worn off due to my outbursts shattering the silence like glass. I came to the realization that my cover was blown and the metallic clanging of armor in the distance proved it. Drawing closer with each passing moment the approaching footsteps announced the arrival of the knights, and before i knew it i was being surrounded.


The command rang out, as the knights encircled me, their blades gleaming in the dim light of the corridor. Each one clad in iron armor, with weapons at the ready. Yet, despite the dire situation, Zephyr remained still, his expression morphing into a sly grin that sent a chill down their spines.

A malevolent energy hung in the air like a thick, suffocating fog, a deathly aura heavy with an insatiable bloodlust. An aura of death and darkness enveloped Zephyr as he stood there with an eerie stillness. A bloody presence emanated from him, casting darkness over the once-quaint hallway. The seasoned warriors faltered in their advance, their resolve crumbling in the face of such overwhelming power. It was as if they were mere insects, caught in the web of a formidable predator.

[Bloodlust Active]

 A demonic skill which relies on the principle of wasted energy was surely difficult to maintain, especially in this dimension. Zephyr himself lost a tenth of his remaining strength just maintaining it, but stopped before he was completely drained.

His energy flickered rapidly, whilst his eyes expressed a hint of insanity.

"Now, who among you knows the whereabouts of the Lord?" Zephyr's voice cut through the silence.

One knight, however, refused to yield to the terror that gripped his comrades. Stepping forward, his armor bore the markings of a higher rank, his gaze meeting Zephyr's without a hint of fear. With a resolute tone, he began to speak. 

"My soldiers, why should a normal man intimidate us? Do not forget the disasters we once faced, united we've proven that no darkness can withstand our light. So do not be afra-"

But his speech was abruptly cut short as he suddenly lost feeling in both arms.



He yelled as his arms were blown off in an instant.

In a blur of motion, Zephyr struck, his movements fluid and deadly. Within a fraction of a second, he severed the knight's arms, the sickening sound of flesh meeting steel echoing through the corridor. The knight's anguished cry pierced the air, mingling with the metallic tang of blood as it spilled onto the cold stone floor.

"Huh, that was a good speech," Zephyr remarked casually, his tone dripping with disdain. "But you're wasting my time."

With a dismissive gesture, Zephyr turned away, his attention already focused on the next obstacle in his path. Then a hand tapped my shoulder. It was Xavier, and he looked displeased to say the least. 

"I found his room on the top floor, you coming? Or would you prefer to finish up here." He said sarcastically.

"Right, I may have been excessive to say the least."

I knew it was time to regroup and press onward. So, with a nod of agreement, I followed him.

Through winding corridors and up winding staircases, we made our way to the uppermost reaches of the castle. On the way there the trail of unconscious bodies littering our path served as a reminder of the skill and prowess Xavier had obtained.

Shortly after, we arrived at the massive, wooden doors to his chambers. With a light tap from me they were blown to splinters, releasing a lot of dust and chippings.

"Who in their right mind would invade the castle of the Lord?" He yelled.

We went into the room, and as we did Xavier pulled out his dagger and got into a battle stance.

"I'm just here to reclaim what is mine." Xavier announced.

The current Lord was a large, towering figure with an imposing physique. His massive frame boasts bulging muscles, fiery red hair cascading around broad shoulders, and a bushy red beard framing a rugged lifestyle. Clad in armored garments, by his side rested a massive metal hammer, imposing in both size and design. Crafted with intricate engravings and adorned with sparkling gems, it certainly seemed like a gift from the heavens. The head of the hammer, forged from gleaming steel, bore ancient symbols and motifs, while gems embedded within it shimmered with energy. Its handle, wrapped in sturdy leather etched with runes of power, provided a firm grip.

"Oh, so you have returned ay? Hmm well I suppose you are old enough for the throne. However, I'll grind your bones to dust before you get the chance!" He yelled, finally standing up to reveal that he is a staggering 8 feet tall, only 2 inches short of the undead king.

He grabbed the war hammer, lifting it effortlessly as his gaze intensified.

"You really betrayed your brother for this? A measly title and a little authority." I spoke.

He snickered at my comment, raising his weapon before speeding towards me.

"Scum, scum, scum, scum, scum." Zephyr repeated multiple times as his eyes lit up with a golden glow.

As the Lord was seconds away from attacking, he brought down the war hammer with pure destructive force. The air crackled with energy, as sparks flew, and pressure intensified. 


A resounding crash could be heard across the land in form of a sonic boom. The castle began to crumble under the sheer force, as many pillars and sections were reduced to rubble. Zephyr however stood there in a massive crater, unfazed as his left arm caught the attack with no issue. The divine weapon was in actuality damaged beyond repair as it was reshaped to fit Zephyrs fists.

"I-I-Im-Impossible!!!" He roared before leaping backwards in fear.

Zephyr's aura began to leak once again as he stared right at him. Without a moments' notice he appeared right in front of the behemoth of a man, and without hesitation grabbed him by the neck and brought him to his knees.

Xavier was on the sidelines, astonished and terrified of the man called Zephyr.

"Someone who would so easily betray their brothers' trust and faith in him deserves death." As he spoke these words Zephyr began to tear up.

Feeling the teardrops on his face he simply gets more infuriated; and luckily, he has something to take out his anger on.

"You are a stain on creation, a failure, a mistake; you are not worthy to be the Lord." More tears flowed as he began senselessly beating him.

Punch after punch, kick after kick, Zephyr dislocated, broke and outright disfigured the man before him.

"Die, die, die, die, die, DIE!" With that last roar he ceased his attacks.

The Lord was left in an unrecognizable state; both arms and legs were twisted and broken in different directions. His armor reduced to scraps as soars were present all over his body, accompanied by multiple broken ribs. His face was the worst of it, being reduced to a bloody, swollen pulp, his eyes practically ripped out of their sockets while his teeth lay all over the floor.

I gave a sigh of relief as blood stained my clothes all over, to the point where I smeared it on my face; then I turned to Xavier who understandably was shaken by the scene.

"I kept him alive enough so you can finish him yourself." I said with a relieved smile.

He waited for a moment, walking over to the unconscious body and looking down on it. Then he looked around the castle which was in ruin and took a deep breath.

"No I will not kill him and take the throne by force, he will be imprisoned and stand trial for his crimes, and so will I." He responded.

"Huh, are you sure about that? I did this, all of this." He then placed his hand on my shoulder.

"No, you were just an aid in my plan, now go. I'll turn us both in and take the blame for the chaos. Then it will be up to the people whether I shall inherit my fathers' glory." He said, satisfied with the outcome.

"Hmm, well if you ask me, you are worthy."

"Thanks." He said, and just then an entire battalion of armed guards approached the rubble.

Then a familiar voice spoke.

"You have successfully passed the second trial." The voice said.

"The simulation is now over." The voice announced.

The world began to reshape itself as everything was returning to the void it once was.

'Alex, will this world still exist and continue on after I'm gone?' I asked in my mind.

[I do not know; however, I do believe that this version of events will remain intact so long as no one else attempts the trial]

"So as long as there's someone on the throne this world will exist."


I looked at Xavier one last time as he seemed oblivious to the dissipation of his reality.

"You're worthy too, thank you for bringing life to my existence Lord Zephyr." A single tear shed and as it did, he waved goodbye.

Then it was quite all over again, the silence being forever present.

"The next trial will be one to test your wisdom and sense of morality with a question."

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, I am."

"There were two brothers who ruled over a bustling city, they divided evenly amongst themselves and ruled their people fairly. The younger brother was responsible for the correctional facility were all the criminals are to be imprisoned but found his job boring at times, so he ventured into his brother's territory. There he met a young woman whom he fell in love with, but he could not spend all his time with her due to his responsibilities. One day the younger brother finds that his love has been murdered by a local crime syndicate and he kills them. Then he barges to his older brother and demands an explanation for why she was allowed to die. He responded that he can't manage everything at once, emphasizing that she was the younger brothers' responsibility."

Zephyr listens closely and feels a sense of déjà vu.

"I've heard this before, but where?" He questioned.

"Now who is to blame for not taking care of her, the elder brother or the younger brother?"

It took no time for Zephyr to respond, as if the answer was etched into his soul.

"The ones to blame are those who committed the crime, those who were given the freedom to act out good yet chose to sin. Mortals, mortals are the root of all evil."

[Zephyr, your recent strain of thought has me concerned. Please reevaluate your priorities]

But he simply ignores Alex.

"But is it right to blame all mortals, Zephyr?"


"No, I will judge them according to their deeds in life, for mortals are also the source of all that is good."

"Correct. While the Lord and Diablo predate them, mortals are the first creatures to show kindness and hatred. Those characteristics were developed by the Lord, but he never experienced them at first, they were only a means to promote survival, but soon after even deities gained them."

"Congratulations, Zephyr Everwood. You are worthy to be God."

Once again, with a flash of blue light I was transported between dimensions. In an instant I appeared before the throne, with Uriel by my side and in his hands a crown rested.

The first thing I did was rejuvenate my Qi reserves with divine energy, however with no demon Qi here, I'd be lacking in some of my Qi for a while.

[The host has completed the mission]

[The host has received 1,500,000,000exp for completing the mission]

[The host has leveled up]

[Opening Character Profile]

[Name: Zephyr Everwood

Age: 16

Level: 22

Exp: 113,091,619.115/4,923,341,591.

Rank: SS-class







SP: 10

QI: 2300

HP: 100%

Forms: Nirvana 1st stage (5000Qi per 300seconds)

Skills: Bloodlust(0), Regeneration(2.5), Danger Sense(0), Hand of God(10), The Fist of God(25), Void Blast(50), Rot(50), Stealth(125), Detoxify(5), Eyes of Truth(0), Fission(500), Soul Tether(700), King of Kings(1000)

Techniques: Separating Heaven and Earth, Rising Tide Sword Arts Technique, Consecutive Dragon Fist Technique, Multi-strike Weapon arts 

Inventory/Items: Spawn Repulsion Heart, World Splitter (absent), Box of Calamity, Bracelet of Transfiguration

Mission: Complete

Realms: Divine Training Room

Soldiers: 100,001]

With a smile on his face, Uriel spoke.

"Let's celebrate."