
Born In England

In the crucible of 1890s England, Li Lin, a tenacious individual, embarks on a personal odyssey of rebirth. The narrative unfolds against the backdrop of Li Lin's own metamorphosis, transcending the societal currents that threaten to shape or shatter him. Li Lin, cognizant of the fragility of his aspirations, navigates the complexities of a world in flux. His struggle mirrors the ebb and flow of personal growth amid societal upheavals. As he grapples with the dynamic forces of change, Li Lin encounters unexpected allies, adversaries, and challenges that threaten to define his destiny. Born In England paints a vivid picture of Li Lin's journey—his resilience, ambitions, and the inescapable weight of decisions that carve the path ahead. Against the canvas of his own rebirth, Li Lin becomes a metaphor for the delicate dance between self-discovery and the unforgiving currents of time.

Jokers_Theif_2023 · Livros e literatura
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13 Chs



The distant sound of a whistle echoed through the air, growing louder as night descended over Liverpool's port. Steam and mist intermingled, enveloping the surroundings. Before him stood the bustling Liverpool port, a sight that seemed to transcend time, and Li Lin couldn't fathom the surreal shift he had undergone.

In a mere blink, he had transformed from a young man of the 21st century to a laborer navigating the port of Liverpool in the year 1890. Another twist of fate labeled him as Li Lin once again.

"1890? It's over, Barbie Q~" Li Lin mumbled bitterly, grappling with the profound disorientation of his newfound reality. While Liverpool in the late 19th century was experiencing its zenith, flourishing as England's most developed city after London, Li Lin found little solace in these developments.

As a Chinese laborer, life in this era posed unique challenges. The scarcity of Chinese women in Liverpool made it difficult for workers like him to marry. The meager wages barely sustained the Chinese labor and seafaring community, discouraging them from bringing brides from China. The prospects of marrying local British women were daunting, requiring substantial wealth accumulated over a decade. Even then, marrying a British woman meant she would forfeit her citizenship under the Aliens Act of 1905.

Li Lin ruminated on the intricate web of challenges facing him and his fellow laborers. The lack of suitable marriage prospects, coupled with the financial constraints, painted a bleak future. His thoughts meandered through the intricate tapestry of Liverpool's Chinese community, where most, like him, struggled to carve a niche in a foreign land.

Three years ago, Li Lin and his four cousins, along with over a hundred compatriots from the same and neighboring villages, had been deceived by a profiteer. They embarked on a perilous journey seeking gold but found themselves immersed in the toil of bricklaying upon arrival in Liverpool.

Fate, however, had a twist in store. In the heart of Liverpool's Chinese community, they encountered their uncle, Li Dalong, abducted and sold into labor over two decades prior. Having escaped the clutches of labor, Li Dalong had thrived, using his savings to establish a laundry in the Huaxia community and marrying a local British woman.

Li Lin and his companions found refuge and support in their uncle's care, settling more rapidly than many others in the bustling city. Li Dalong's story mirrored the struggles and triumphs of countless Chinese laborers and seafarers in Liverpool during this era.

Upon returning to the ramshackle dwelling, Li Lin delved into contemplation. The challenges of his current reality weighed heavily on him, but a sudden revelation altered his perspective— the emergence of a "Family System."

The rudimentary system, requiring the family's assets to reach a thousand pounds for an upgrade, offered tempting rewards upon leveling up. Li Lin's mind buzzed with possibilities, contemplating ways to expedite his family's ascension.

His thoughts converged on Liverpool's thriving maritime industry. Armed with knowledge from the 21st century, he pondered avenues to enhance the lives of sailors and port workers while generating income for his family. Establishing a business catering to the needs of the Chinese community and the port's workforce became a promising prospect.

As he plotted his course, the rewards offered by the Family System captured his attention. The Chanel No. 5 perfume formula stood out, promising high-profit margins in a luxury market. Li Lin envisioned the potential establishment of a perfume business in Liverpool, a venture that could revolutionize his family's fortunes.

The challenges of the 19th-century world were significant, but Li Lin resolved to navigate them with resourcefulness and innovation. His journey into entrepreneurship and adaptation had just begun, promising not only personal growth but also a lasting impact on the evolving city of Liverpool. The tale of Li Lin's unexpected odyssey continued to unfold.