
born guo fangxiao

born guo jia ,A psychiatrist was reincarnated into the Three Kingdoms era and became Guo Jia. Will he follow the historical trajectory to assist Cao Cao? Or will he choose a new goal? Born Guo Fengxiao, a hero who is the best among all the heroes. He has classics and history in his belly and armor and soldiers in his chest. His strategies are like Fan Li and his decisions are like Chen Ping. Unfortunately, he died first, and the pillars of the Central Plains collapsed.

M_fvg · História
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20 Chs

8 Young Wei Yan

Seeing these energetic children growing up day by day in this paradise-like settlement, I was relieved and thought that one day they would go to the killing fields, and most of them would never return. Can't help but feel a little sad. However, I feel excited when I think that maybe starting from these children, we can open up a new situation for the Han nation. Although I have not visited the other two settlements myself, Gao Shun, who was there for guidance, came back and said that although the children there did not have such strong combat effectiveness as those in the trapped camp, they were better than the so-called soldiers currently trained by the government. The elite soldiers are still much stronger. After all, in the terms of the 21st century, these children are already professional soldiers who have undergone systematic training. Naturally, they cannot be compared to those soldiers who throw down their hoes and pick up a gun and sign a few pictures to become an army.

In order to improve their combat effectiveness and give them a higher chance of survival on the battlefield, I designed half-body armor suitable for infantry and helmets that only senior generals at the time had. The coloring tone of military uniforms is bright red, so the choice of red is based on the impact of color on people's psychology. As a warm color, red is easy to excite people and can greatly improve the combat capabilities of the army.

The psychology books I read in my previous life included an introduction to the effect of color on people's psychology. The author of one of them once calculated that in a highly confrontational sports competition, if the two sides are equally powerful, they should wear red sportswear. The winning rate is much higher than wearing other colors of clothing. The most typical example is a boxing match. In a match where the winner is determined by points and the difference in points is within three, the ratio of the boxer wearing red shorts to the boxer wearing blue shorts is 66 to 34.

And I personally think that the reason why Guan Yu was almost invincible in the Three Kingdoms era, apart from his strong martial arts skills, was that he had a red face that looked like a jujube. When fighting Lu Bu, the red rabbit horse used by Lu Bu was also red. Later, when the red rabbit horse came into Guan Yu's hands, it was even more powerful, so he could easily kill the famous Hebei generals Yan Liang and Wen Chou who were said to be not much different from him in martial arts. (This paragraph contains personal remarks)

Just after the Chinese New Year in the fourth year of Zhongping, a servant from my hometown reminded me that it was time to return to my hometown of Zhaiyang to marry the wife my mother had chosen for me before she died. Although I was very dissatisfied with this kind of arranged marriage, considering that my mother had not paid much attention to filial piety during her lifetime, and because of the strong psychological shadow she had when she was looking for a wife in her previous life, she naturally accepted this daughter-in-law who was chosen for free. By the way, Ming Gao took a few older soldiers trapped in the camp to protect me as I embarked on my journey home.

It was noon that day when I passed through the boundary of Yiyang. I was leaning on the car and taking a nap when I was drowsy under the spring light and the car stopped. Guo Binghe (the adopted boys all took my last name) who was driving the truck asked for instructions: "Master, there is a restaurant ahead. Do you want to go and have a rest?"

"Okay! I happen to be a little tired. Gao Shun, let's go have something to eat before we go on our way." I greeted Gao Shun, who was following me on horseback from behind the car, and we entered the restaurant together. After sitting down, I ordered a few side dishes, took out a little wine, and drank with Gao Shun. In fact, I was the only one drinking. Gao Shun had never seen him drink wine since he followed me. This small shop is located next to an important road, and it is relatively clean. The business is also good. After us, people came in one after another to rest.

Just when I was taking a sip of wine and savoring a dish, I heard someone in the store say: "Shopkeeper, why don't you sell good wine to me?"

When you look up at the speaker, you can only see one side. The man looked about fifteen or sixteen years old. Although his arms were not broad, they looked strong and strong. The hair was gathered on the top of his head and the part above the back of his head was protruding. It is estimated that the bones at the back of the head grew deformed due to improper care by the family when the brain bones were still soft after birth. Just by listening to his voice and looking at his appearance, you can tell that this is your first time traveling far away. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the wine sold by the restaurant and the wine brought by the guests.

Wait...the article is long? Is there...an alien bone in the back of the head? It looks a little annoying! Could it be that this person is Wei Yan and Wei Wenchang, whom Zhuge Liang said were rebellious?

Wei Yan was a general who surrendered from Changsha (actually he should be considered a general of the uprising). Zhuge Liang saw that there was a traitor in the back of his head, so he temporarily spared his life because of his bravery, but he kept suppressing him, refusing to listen to his words or follow his plans. After guarding Hanzhong for fifteen years for Liu Bei, not a single enemy soldier entered his defense area. Wang Ping, who took over, completely followed Wei Yan's established policy and defeated Cao Shuang's southern expeditionary army with less force. Since he has this ability, it is natural for Liu Bei to make an exception and promote Wei Yan. After Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor, he paid homage to Wei Yan, General of Zhenbei. Liu Chan ascended the throne and made him the Marquis of Ting. After that, he was promoted all the way, and his last official position was former military advisor, general of Zhengxi, Jiajie, and Marquis of Nanzheng. The Marquis of Nanzheng was a County Marquis, the first-class title of a different surname, and was at the same level as Zhuge Liang's Wuxiang (County) Marquis. As soon as Zhuge Liang left Qishan, Wei Yan proposed a strategy for a surprise attack on Ziwu Valley: "I heard that Xiahou Mao (who was in Chang'an at that time) was young and his son-in-law was cowardly and without any plan. Now I will pretend to have 5,000 elite soldiers and 5,000 grains. I will follow him directly. Set out from Baozhong, follow the Qinling Mountains to the east, and go north at Ziwu. It will only take ten days to reach Chang'an. If Mao hears that Yan is about to arrive, he must escape by boat. In Chang'an, there are only censors, Jingzhao prefects, Hengmen Dige and scattered people. The valley is enough for a week's food. It takes more than twenty days to get together in the east, and if you come from Xie Valley, you will be able to reach it. In this way, you can reach the west of Xianyang in one fell swoop." Zhuge Liang: "I think this is in danger, so why not "An Congtan Road can capture Longyou in a level way, and it will be conquered without any danger." Therefore, his suggestion was not adopted. We don't know whether the Ziwu Valley strategy is feasible. However, compared with Zhuge Liang's "safe and easy road", the result of the strategy of "taking Longyou flatly" was that he failed to gain an inch of territory. We must also admit that Wei Yan's strategic idea at that time was not unfeasible.

Seeing that the customer was angry, the shopkeeper hurriedly stepped forward and explained that the wine was brought by the customer and was not available in the shop. I greeted him, "Is this strong man willing to move over and drink with me?"

He didn't recognize me when I arrived. After hearing my greeting, he immediately came over and sat across from me and said, "Thank you very much!" He poured himself a bowl and drank it in one gulp. When I saw him wasting this wine that was still worth thousands of gold like a cow chewing peonies, I felt heartbroken but I still smiled and said: "Who is the brave man's name? Who is the person from there?"

He put down his bowl and said good wine before replying: "I am Wei Yan, whose courtesy name is Wen Chang. He is a local and lives in the north of Yiyang City."

There is nothing wrong with this. This person is exactly the Wei Yan I thought of. Over the years, except for Gao Shun, I have not tried to recruit celebrities from the Three Kingdoms period as my subordinates. But that doesn't mean I don't want to hire a few people to show off. Since you delivered it to me today, don't even think about leaving. However, judging from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, although Wei Yan is not as ruthless as Guan Yu, he is also an arrogant person. We must first kill his majesty! After making up my mind, I noticed his attire. He should be preparing to leave his hometown and go out to work. So I continued to ask: "Is the strong man a local? Why does he look so dusty? I don't know whether he is traveling far away or returning from visiting friends?"

Wei Yan poured another bowl of wine and then said: "I heard that Jingzhou Mu Wang Rui was recruiting troops to fight against the Yellow Turbans. I have learned good martial arts and am willing to serve the court, so I went to help."

As expected, he was arrogant enough, not just to seek refuge but to help. Let me pour a basin of cold water on you first.

He deliberately whispered to himself: "Haven't the Yellow Turbans in Jingzhou been eliminated? And it is the spring plowing season. Recruiting troops at this time will hurt the people. How could Wang Rui be like this? Could it be that he wants to rebel?" At this point I took a peek at Wei Yan and saw that Wei Yan was a little confused after hearing my words and continued: "It's a pity that those strong men who only want to serve the imperial court will become rebellious vassals! What a pity! What a pity!"

Although Wei Yan was young, he was also a smart man. After thinking for a moment, he retorted: "Jingzhou Shepherd Wang Rui's talents are limited, and he is timid by nature and will not do such a disobedient thing."

What I'm waiting for is this sentence from you: "Since the strong man knows that Wang Rui's talents are limited and he is timid by nature, why would he go to surrender to him?"

This question really left Wei Yan speechless: "This..."

Strike while the iron is hot, I pointed to Gao Shun next to me and said: "The strong man is very good at martial arts, but my general has also learned a few superficial martial arts. I wonder if he dares to compete with my generals? If the strong man can't even do it with him." If you can't beat me, you'd better go home as soon as possible to avoid losing your life in the killing field!"

Wei Yan slapped the case and said, "Why don't you dare!"

OK! He was trapped, but not deep enough. I smiled and said: "Since the editor is so interested in competing with a general like me, there is no fun in innocent competition. Why don't we set up a gambling game? What does the editor think?"

Wei Yan thought to himself: Am I familiar with you? Those who were strong men and warriors just now have become more mature now. Also, you obviously want me to compete with your generals, so why am I so excited again?

I looked at Wei Yan with great interest. If he hadn't been fooled in another ten or twenty years, now Wei Yan would jump in even if he saw through that I was setting up a trap to deceive him.

Sure enough, Wei Yan asked: "I don't know what to bet on?"

I pointed to the wine on the seat and said, "If Wen Chang defeats my general, I still have two jars of this wine in my car that I would like to give to Wen Chang. If Wen Chang loses..."

Wei Yan asked: "What if I lose?"

I deliberately lengthened my voice and said: "Did Chang Wen lose... That means your martial arts skills are not good enough, so I will reluctantly accept you as a general, so that you can learn a few real moves from my general." effort!"

"That's unreasonable!" Wei Yan's little face turned pale with anger, "You want me to be your general with just two jars of wine."

I said: "Chang Wen, please don't be angry! Regardless of the fact that Chief Wen is very skilled in martial arts, he will definitely not be defeated by a general like me. Do you know that this thing is not for wine!"

Wei Yan asked: "What is it if it's not wine?"

I said confidently: "This is snow lotus jade liquid!"

Wei Yan exclaimed: "Ah! Is this the Snow Lotus Jade Liquid?"

In the past few years, the world has been in chaos, but the trend of hedonism has not been reined in in the palace and wealthy families. And I also understand the principle that rare things are more valuable, so the number of wines sold each year has been reduced from the initial three hundred or five hundred jars to only one hundred jars per year. In addition, I asked people to tell the merchants who came to buy that this product was brewed by Tianshan alchemists from the Tianshan Snow Lotus that took thousands of years. If you drink this product for a long time, you can stay youthful and prolong your life. After hearing this, the merchants tried every means to exaggerate their contributions in order to obtain greater profits, making wealthy people, especially the ladies, proud to drink the snow lotus jade liquid. Even the current queen mother and empress praised it after drinking it. Don't stop talking. Therefore, each bottle of this wine can be sold for a sky-high price, and the supply exceeds demand.

So it's no wonder that Wei Yan has such an expression. You must know that although he has heard of it, it is impossible for him to see this wine, and he drank several bowls of it today. If converted into food, the price of these bowls of wine would be enough to feed a family of ten for two years. What's more, there are still two jars full waiting for him!

Just when Wei Zhen was doubtful, I said: "If Chief Wen thinks he is no match for my family, then it's okay not to compete. As long as you return home, I will give you a jar of snow lotus jade liquid."

After hearing what I said, Wei Yan said angrily: "I will definitely win this thing without you giving me a free gift!"