
20: Life Wakes You Up

Arda took a few seconds catching her breath. Afterwards, she let herself fall back to the bed and managed to fall asleep, her thoughts disappearing with that temporary welcome unconsciousness.

Arda slept for a long time and when she finally awoke, it was daytime. Her eyes scanned the walls, searching for a wall clock. The Indian ethnic wall clock she found which matched the house’s contemporary traditional vintage style, told her it was 8:07am.

She couldn’t believe she had slept so peacefully. But with consciousness came the unpleasant reality of her current situation. She picked up her phone and found a missed call from Jacob. Great, she thought. Maybe he would offer her some explanation. She still trusted him.

She was about to return his call when a knock sounded at the door and she sat up quickly, surprised by such show of courtesy. She had already written off the Alpha’s people as brutes, well, except for Karina.