
Born Again

Tania is an only child born to parents of Russian and Indian origin. She has lived her entire life in Russia. After the demise of her parents in a car accident, she is left all alone in a huge house. Her paternal and maternal grandparents want to take her into their fold and plan to come to Moscow to convince her to join them in India or Ukraine. Since her childhood, she had been having these recurring dreams in which she sees herself visiting certain temples and forts. These dreams feel so real. The doctors she visits in Moscow are not able to figure out what is wrong with her. On the contrary, they tell her that she has a vivid imagination. Tania decides to search for a reply herself and reads a book on dreams as well as a few volumes on 'Past Life Regression'. The day her relatives arrive from India and Ukraine, she, in her dream, travels to India and meets her past self. Tania's past self had another name. Her name was Sanya and she had lived centuries ago as a princess of Kalibangan during the Indus Valley Civilisation. Sanya tells Tania of a plot to kill her in the present life. A plot had been hatched in her past life too. At that time her brother, mother and father had been murdered. Who was the murderer in the past and what connection does he have with her in the present life? Please read on to know more. Folks, this is not a Fantasy Romance novel. Unfortunately, the genre for female lead novels gives the term Fantasy Romance only. There is no choice. Maybe I will add a Romance angle at the end. I am publishing 1 chapters a week as I need to do a bit of research for the chapters.

RenuKakkar · Fantasia
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74 Chs

Meeting the Psychiatrist for PLR

"Dada ji has just phoned up a psychiatrist who knows hypnotism as well as PLR," thought Tania.

"He got the number from the psychiatrist I visited. What was his name? I remember he said that there was nothing wrong with me and that I had a vivid imagination!"

"What a jerk," she thought with a scowl on her face. "I don't even remember his name. Yes! his name must be on the prescription slip that I handed over Dada ji."

"Anyway, I hope his friend is a better person and can help me."

"Tania! Girl, are you listening?" asked her Dada ji with concern written on his face. "I have been calling you for quite some time but you seem to be miles away. In some dreamland I presume."

"Physically present but mentally absent."

"Isn't this what the professors say to students who are not paying attention in class?" Dada ji asked her with a smile.

"Sorry Dada ji, actually I was thinking about your conversation with the psychiatrists."

"Hmm, do not think much about it. It takes all types of people to make this world. If someone is trying to act smart, he will one day meet someone to outsmart him."

Your psychiatrist must be thinking that he has lost a patient. If he had leant hypnotism, he could have retained his patient."

"I am sure that he will try to keep checking up with his friend to know how your case is progressing. your case. I have a gut feeling."

"Based upon the result of your case, he might actually consider doing these separate courses."

"Anyway, we have got an appointment for 3 p.m. So, we need to proceed straight after lunch. Please do not take a heavy lunch."

Nani ji was preparing lunch and Tania's Dadi ji was lending a hand.

Igor uncle wanted non-veg. She had tried to reason with him to avoid non-veg as it was not cooked in his sister's house. But he had not listened.

"Igor is so stubborn. Why can he not use common sense?"

"Svetlana and Mahesh did not eat non-veg and Tania is also a vegetarian. His sister and her husband died a few months ago, at least he should respect the sentiments of his niece."

"I have prepared his food and he can eat at the other end of the table. I will sit with the rest and eat my lunch as even I will not eat non-veg as long as I am in this house."

Soon Lunch was served and as Nani ji wanted, Igor's seat was placed at the end of the table. He was not amused.

"Why are you making me sit at the other end of the table? Am I a beggar or something?" He enquired from his mother.

"Nothing like that Igor, we are all having a vegetarian lunch. If you sit next to us you might unknowingly let meaty gravy slip our way and our lunch will be ruined."

"So, your seating arrangement is away from the rest of us. Nothing to get touchy about."

Just see, you have dropped pieces on the tablecloth not only near your plate while taking it out of the bowl but some of the pieces have traveled half the table length. No need to be touchy."

After lunch, Tania and her Dada ji left for the appointment with the psychiatrist. Tania drove her Dada ji and within an hour they had reached their destination. These smart phones and apps practically lead you to your destination when you filled in the address on your mobile app.

Dr. Viktor Demetrius had just finished with a patient and was seeing him off when Tania and her Dada ji walked in.

Introductions were made and done with.

"Now, can you tell me what is the problem?" Dr. Demetrius asked.

Tana recounted what had happened with her in the recent two dreams. She also told him how she had been seeing temples and forts in her dreams since childhood. When ever, she missed out something, her Dada ji added his words. Soon the entire story was told.

"Have you ever gone for hypnotism before?" the psychiatrist asked.

"No, this is the first time." Tania replied.

The Doctor then started to explain the procedure he would be following: -

"I will take you to the inner room. There is a couch there, on which you will lie down. You will lie on your back facing the ceiling."

"We will not get disturbed in the inner room during the session. This room is the office and people do keep dropping in. My assistant will handle anyone who comes to meet me."

"By means of some words, I will take you back to your younger days as a college student, school student, kindergarten and as a toddler. I will also take you back to when you were in your mother's womb."

"I will be doing all this to ascertain if you had undergoing any trauma at any of those stages in life."

"There is nothing to fear. I will be using standard procedure and take you back through hypnosis."

"You see, a person who has had a bad experience at any stage of time will suppress it and not face that situation. The situation gets imprinted in your memories and will come out in your dreams when your brain is at a subconscious level."

"Don't worry, your grandfather will be in the inner room also, but he will be sitting at the back seeing what is happening. The session will last about 2 hours and you will be required to come again a few times."

Saying this the Doctor got up and led Tania and her Dada ji to the inner room.

Tania went to the couch and lay on her back. She was a bit scared. But realised that she was in safe hands.

Her Dada ji went to the armchair at the back of the room and sat down comfortably. The armchair was placed near the door from where they had just entered. He assumed that the session would last for at least 2-3 hours.