
Born Again as a Wolf, I'm Taking It All Back

Good news: Alex is reborn. Bad news: He is no longer human!

JalenNv1024 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
117 Chs

King Level

From the moment he attacked the corpse, Alex was on guard for other assaults.

When the tree root attacked, he was already aware.

Through the fog, barely visible was a century-old willow tree demon slowly emerging from the ground, its trunk featuring a terrifyingly large mouth aimed at him.

Being of lord-level strength as well, the tree demon couldn't resist the temptation of Alex. Absorbing Alex's energy would advance its power even further.

"Let's see if you can actually swallow me, I doubt your bite is as good as your bark."

Alex halted his [Wind Wall] spell.


The tree root wrapped around the barely visible Alex, dragging him in front of the century-old willow tree demon.

"Cackle, cackle, cackle..."

"It's been hundred years, you'll be the second lord-level creature I devour!"

The first was an injured lord-level moose, which elevated it from a leader to a lord-level entity, and now was the time for the second.

A perfectly intact lord-level Wolf King, what could be a better meal?

The tree demon's mouth, akin to a black hole, gradually widened to a monstrous size, three meters wide and ten meters high.

And "utterly defenseless" Alex was delivered into the mouth of the tree demon.

Just as he was about to be engulfed, Alex finally made his move.

"Let's see who will be the one got devoured!"

"You disgusting tree demon!"

Using a beautiful woman as bait was one thing, but resorting to such a low and sneaky attack, Alex decided it was time to teach it a lesson.


The tree demon's sturdy vines couldn't contain Alex. As the vines shattered, a fifty-meter-tall white Wolf King emerged on the ground.

Seeing its meal right before its eyes but unable to swallow Alex was a helpless situation for the tree demon.

"Want a taste of me? Have some dessert first!"

"[Multi-Wind Blade]!"

Sharp wind blades shot out from the tree demon's mouth, wreaking havoc inside.

A pained howl echoed.

The tree demon was severely injured inside, in so much pain it wished it could roll around.

But Alex didn't give it the chance.

"Come on, I'll let you have a taste!"


With a massive headbutt, Alex forced the tree demon's mouth open and whirled through it like a tornado.


The tree demon was pierced through, leaving a large hole from front to back, revealing the scenery on the other side.

This attack left the tree demon on the brink of death.

The tree demon's strength lay in deceiving its enemies, leading them to their doom before reaping them. However, its eagerness exposed its true form to Alex, practically a death wish.

Finally, Alex split the century-old tree demon in half with his claws, ending its life.

"Ding, by killing the lord-level Century-old Tree Demon, you've earned 200,000 experience points. For defeating an enemy above your level, an additional 400% experience points are awarded, totaling 800,000 experience points."

"Ding, for slaying a century-old tree demon, you receive 3,000 wood essence."

"System, level up!"

Alex felt his strength rise to a new level after advancing two levels in a single go.

However, it was a pity that he only accumulated fifty thousand evolution points, still a significant distance from the required one hundred thousand for the next evolution.

Host: Alex

Race: Snow Wolf King

Quality: Lord-level

Level: 22 (3454/640000)

Talents: Super Evolution, Repetition, Wolf King's Might, Gold Sun Silver Moon, Sword, Experience Realm

Skills: Multi-Wind Blade, Wind Bind, Wind Walk, Earth-Shaking, Gigantamax, Wind Control, Shadow Wind Whip

Evolution Points: 56100/100000

Faith Points: 1290

Alex longed for another evolution, but the path was daunting.

"What's this?"

As Alex was about to leave, a faint green glow caught his eye.

Though it was a brief flicker, he was certain he hadn't imagined it.

Something lay beneath where the tree demon had fallen.

Moving aside the massive body, Alex dug through the soil with his claws, uncovering a piece of deep green wood, ominous in its depth.

Unsure of its nature but certain of its significance due to its placement by the tree demon, Alex suspected it could be a treasure.

"Sorry, but with your death, all your possessions are mine."

"Ding, a piece of Divine Wood discovered. Would you like to absorb its wood essence?"

It seemed to be another item like the Fire Radiance Stone, not much for evolution points, but better than nothing.

"Ding, by absorbing the Divine Wood, you gain 50,000 wood essence points."

Alex stopped in his tracks.

"How.....How much!??"

"System, how much wood essence did you say the Divine Wood contains?"

He doubted his hearing, urgently needing confirmation.

"Host, the Divine Wood is a world-class wood sacred item, valued at 50,000 wood essence points."

Alex's mouth hung open in disbelief for a long time.

He had struggled for a month to earn just over fifty thousand evolution points, and this piece of Divine Wood matched that value.

Such horror!

"So, does this mean I now have one hundred thousand evolution points?"

Ready for another evolution.

After ensuring no one could disturb him, Alex chose to evolve on the spot.

As the evolution began, the golden crown on Alex's forehead became increasingly pronounced.

Previously just a faint outline, it now almost solidified into form, its presence oppressive to any beast nearby.

Alex's body grew, from thirty meters to fifty, seventy, and finally a hundred meters tall!

Even the towering ancient trees couldn't obstruct his view; his howl dominated the land within a hundred miles.

Far away, in a deep black pond, a black creature with horns peeked out, its turtle-like eyes gazing at the distant sky.

After a long while, it sighed.

"In the Forgotten Forest, another king-level beast is born. I hope this buys me some more time…"

Near the pond, a winged red tiger leaped from a cliff, soaring into the sky, its king-level aura spreading far and wide: "I'll see which lord-level beast has transformed into a king among beasts."

The unmistakable aura of a king-level being in the Forgotten Forest was felt by many nearby great demons, their expressions turning grim.

The birth of a king-level entity often meant a reshuffling of territorial powers.

A joyful and liberating howl echoed.

To Alex's delight, he had transformed from a lord-level to a king-level.

The golden crown atop his head shone brighter with each evolution, signifying not just a minor improvement but a comprehensive enhancement from his lord-level status.