
Dread and Sorrow

Pain is all I felt. Just what type of sadistic god did I come across? The pain etched my entire body before it ceased and instead focused onto my brain piercing through it. This caused my conscious to fade with it and along with my former life.

Waking up I found myself wearing my casual clothes from before I Died. Dark nearly opaque sunglasses that only I could see through with A black leather jacket with a black undershirt and black baggy pants.

Feeling something poking me I looked back to see that two pistols were behind me. Checking the clip's both were fully loaded. Luckily it both weapons was on safety or else people would know me as the two-hole meister.

Looking around I found myself In a dessert-like a biome great. I don't like sand. It's all coarse and rough, and irritating. And it gets everywhere. In life, there are three goals to have when gaining power. knowledge, power, and money. Such was the cycle of my old world and there ain't going to be the difference from what that god said.

Dusting myself I walked towards a sand-like hill and was greeted to a gruesome sight. Body mangled beyond belief and blood that etched the road. My eternal youth also granted me the feeling of not dying by natural causes such as hunger. neat.

Walking to the side of the ride I gestured for a pickup. What I was greeted too was a vehicle in the shape of a truck full of mentally ill people. Psycho's I would now call them.

Hiding my pistol behind they stopped right in front of me. Seeing me they aimed their guns at me.

"I love you!" one of them screamed.

"Come to me, my pasty cake!" another screamed.


Using my Sharingan it felt natural almost as if I used my whole life though I wondered what my second ability was. Looking at the bullet it paused itself inside the barrels as it was bolting through.

Moving my head to the side the bullet traveled and hit the ground.

"HOLY MEAT SACKS PRAY TO THE FORESKINCAKE!" One of the psycho's screamed which earned me enough time to aim my pistols towards them.

"Boom," I said before pulling the trigger killing all of them as my hands swiftly aimed to each of their heads.

"Damn this shits fire," I smiled before picking up the bodies and throwing them out of the car and picking up his gun it seemed like a semi-automatic pistol. Packing the ammo Into my pockets I stared into the sky.

A big H space station glared down into the planet. Just what type of planet did I get placed onto? Looking around I decided to take the road and see where it takes me. The car was automatic though there were 3 pedals. Interesting.

"Almost heaven, West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River Life is old there, older than the trees Younger than the mountains, growing like a breeze wait what the f*** is that dog thing, hold up," I sang before looking at the strange dog-like thing that was running around.

Seeing it vomit balls of gak at me I shot it dead in the face. I ain't experimenting with my life. Driving off I felt something was chasing me turning to see what it was it was a whole pack of them. Deciding not to waste any ammo I drove off.

"Let's see if this bad boy can go nitro!" I screamed excitedly before pushing the peddle and the one right to it.


Following the road, for how long it ever was I Managed to reach a town. Though everyone stared at my vehicle and backed off. Strange. Walking around I needed to find a bar. I needed the knowledge first.

Finally finding the bar I looked around and saw that there was no name for the bar it seemed torn out.

"So I heard you new around here fella. What can I get you?" The bartender asked. He looked to be about 60 years old.

"Get me the finest bear you got," I asked before looking around. Everyone was staring at me.

"Why's everyone checking me out I ain't into guys sorry to shoot you guys down but I ain't into that type of stuff," I joked which immediately turned off most off the citizens.

"Look here fella that ride you hitched cant be obtained through normal means your riding a bandit truck we folks don't handle bandit's very well," The bartender said pulling out a shotgun. The rest got up and pointed their guns at me aswell.

"Look man I just came here for a drink and some info I'm new to this planet besides's A few bandits tried robbing me you can tell from outside what happened to them," I said not even bothering with the men which piqued everyone's interests only two types of people were able to pull off the same levels of confidence. One was he was damn crazy and the other welp he's still damn crazy.

"Look guys if I were a bandit I would have had few of my friends with me no?" I stated which allowed the rest to put their guns down.

"So why are you guys on such a high alert," I asked.

"Welcome to Pandora a world full of chaos we folk are just the last few dahl workers who were left behind to rot. Pandora ain't the same as used to be," He sighed washing his glass cups.

"What do you mean?" I asked again I needed answers and hearing Pandora started making me connect dots.

"My Wife and I came to pandora seeking a job from dahl corporation this was during the winter when summer creatures that were hibernating woke up. This left Dahl to leave so quickly that their equipment, factories and even personal still litter the planet." He said sighing pulling a pendant of his lost wife.

"When we came here we thought of it as a new experience a way we can finally turn to we needed the money. Hyperion had just fired me for a new employee. I was left in debt and when Dahl came around We needed the money. When Dahl left us we still had hope. We settled here created a bar called Joe and Junes everything was going fine before the bandits...They... they... Raped her..." He stuttered before he tightened his grip on the pendant.

"Here take this ECHO device if you can kill those bandits and even steal their car unscratched please exterminate the bandit camp they've taken so much from us that we only live so that the memories of our loved one don't fade. Please kill those sons of b***** ," He pleaded tears dripping down his eyes. His wrinkled hands tightening on his pendant.