
Chapter 32: Hey, you. you're finally awake!

(A/n I return! Sorry for the absence, reason at end of chap. Normally, I don't write in the morning but since I've got ps5 and can finally play games after 5 years I am looking forward to doing a soul level 1, no hit, fists only, Lothric Princes and Slave Knight Gael boss fight challenge. Those 2 bosses are my favourite to fight in Dark Souls 1, and ironically, despite Gael being the hardest and strongest boss in the Dark Souls trilogy to date, he is actually the easiest to do a no hit challenge against. All his moves are easily telegraphed and if u are Light Rolling then u can dodge all his attacks. Mid rolling is gonna have him clip u with his attacks. BTW I'm playing as Zer0 for Borderlands 2 and will post a video on my yt as soon as I've done it.)





Lilith spoke with the Vigilants of Stender for a few minutes about the Werewolf before getting to the main topic.

Lilith: "Our friend here was greatly injured, we were told that he needed a Healer or a Potion to help him to recover."

Lilith explained as she pointed to the unconscious Raime on Kaal's back.

Vigilant Leader: "Then how about this, as we said already, we should reward you for having helped us with dealing with the Werewolf. I have a Healing Potion with me and if I can't heal your friend's injuries, we'll try the Potion which should help."

Lilith understood what he meant.

The leader of the group wanted to try healing Rwime first with their magic, but if that didn't work then he would try the Potion.

It probably costs a fair bit, to use an item that had monetary value against trying the free route, she naturally understood his reasoning and why he had explained it as such.

Lilith: "Thank you. We have no issues with that."

The man nodded and the went closer to Kaal, Laura was besides him attending to Raime checking up on him.

As the group got closer, Lilith heard that their movements had stopped.

She turned around and saw the disgusted expressions on their faces as they glared in my direction, or more specifically past me.

Lilith: "What's the matter?"

Vigilant Leader: "That girl and horse have Daedric auras!"

Lilith: "Oh, shit...oh well."

Lilith knew what they meant when they said "Daedric". While she was in the previous town, she learnt of the world and region she was in along with their beliefs and traditions so she could get on the good side of the locals when she needed information.

Especially when she would go the the Collage of Winterhold or to an Alchemist to buy a Healing Potion from.

The word the Vigilant of Stender group leader had used was a word meaning "Demon" or "Devil".

Knowing that a holy man of God like the ones I front of her had found out about Laura, things had gone south immediately when things were going well.

But he said Kaal was also like Laura?

Raime told the others about Laura's body and how its slightly Demon-like in nature, but Kaal being that too suprised her slightly but she put those thoughts to the back of her mind.

(A/n A Phantom Horse isn't necessary a demon, they are physical spirits of the Far Fields. They are neutral beings but are considered but Demonic and Angelic type creatures similar to the Nephilim of the Darksiders Universe. That was why they fell under the duristriction of the Horsemaster and the Charred Council didn't care too much about it.)

Just as the Vigilants of Stender were preparing to attack, one of them had fallen backwards onto the ground with a loud thud.

The itehrs looked at him and saw a hole in between his eyes with flames emerging from said hole.

He was dead.

Just as the remaining Vigilants of Stender had recovered from the shock of their dead comrade they heard a soft voice from behind them flow into their ears, carried by the wind.

A bright purple glow had shone from beyond them as well but as tge voice reached their ears, it was too late.


A explosion of purple energy occurred and the bodies of the remaining Vigilants of Stender had exploded into many bits and pieces of gore in bloody fashion.

Lilith now standing where they had had once stood, held a red vial in her hands.

She had snatched the Potion of Healing from their satchels before killing them.

Laura: "Hey! I wanted to fight them!"

Turning back to Laura, she saw that Laura had an angry expression on her face but it was replaced with adorable pouting.

Lilith: "Yeah, but keeping your Dad safe is more important isn't it?"

Laura: "I-I, ah-uh...your right..."

Lilith: "Come on lay him on the ground so we can give the Potion."

The two laid him on the ground dropped some of the contents on his wound.

Seeing that that didn't work so well, Lilith groaned.

Laura: "What is it? I thought it would work!"

Lilith: "Don't worry it will, but didn't think my first time will be taken from an knocked out guy."

Laura: "What do you me- W-What!"

Laura was completely shocked by what happened!

In just a few seconds, she saw Lilith pour the Potion into her mouth and them leaned forward to kiss Raime!

A few seconds later, Raime's wounds had begun to heal and moments later his body twitched as his eyes shot open.

The two separated from the kiss and he began coughing.

Laura leapt at him and hugged him tightly!



Raime pov

(R/n (Reader's Note) "About damn time you stupid author!")

(A/n It's all your fault, where are my shameless five star reviews? I start seieng them and u start seeing chapters. (Just joking))

My eyes slowly opened as I felt a warm feeling in my mouth, it felt weird especially when my brain feels like it got smashed into paste by the Hulk.

When I opened my eyes I was face-to-face with a really sexy red hair chick.


I'm kissing Lilith?!

Did I get drunk or something, I swear I would never drink alcohol so how would I be drunk? And I would never cheat on Angel!

She is my future Waifu!

(A/n Future Angel look, image)

I pushed Lilith off of me, even though I did that, I was a bit sad.

I mean, kissing beautiful girl was great and all, any guy would be sad stop such a thing....if they could at all...which they won't...

I began coughing for some reason, maybe lack of air? I was asleep so something happened?

Just as I tried piecing together what had happened, I saw in the corner of my a speeding bullet was heading my way!



I was tackled by said bullet and saw ut was Laura.

Lilith: "Hey, you. you're finally awake."

I looked at Lilith and knew instantly she is gonna tease the ever living fuck out of me about that kiss.

Wait as second...


Now I remember what happened...

I brought my hands to Laura's face, she looked at me with a face filled with both an happy and relieved expression.

Raime: "You..."

Her eyes were filled with pure happiness I was alive and was talking to her.


I pulled at her checks with such force that she'd be torn in two if she was made from paper.

Laura: "owbh thwat hubts! Dahp! stwop! I'm shworry!" (ouch that hurts! Dad! stop! I'm sorry!)


After getting up to date with what had happened from when I fell unconscious, I was suprised I was in the Elder Scrolls Universe.

I had teleported to aquire Nettlebane from those crappy Hagravens, which i did, and i used Nettlebane to cut off an Eldergleam branch.

After that, i went and got some Hist Tree sap. There is only one Hist Tree in all of Skyrim, and that was the Sleeping Tree.

After getting some Sleeping Tree Hist sap, i went to get myslef some Heartstones from certain Heartstone ore veins i still remeber from playing Skyrim back in my past life.

Next was the Atherium Pieces, I didn't need to use the Atherium Forge since I can just use the System to mold it into what I wanted.

Now I had 8 Atherium Shards!

Oh yeah, I never used the Atherium Shards when I had played skyrim in my character, and when I made my wishes for my Reincarnation, I had wished for my Skyrim Character, which had the 4 Atherium Shards in its inventory.

It was a waste to make those uses items in the game.

Only the crown was worth it but I powerleveled my character so what wS the need for it at that point.

I entered my Sytem Store and purchased a Mace with a magical enchantment that inflicts a great deal of pain, much like how the Lore version of the Mace of Molag Bal is supposed to do.

Next, I teleported to the Collage of Winterhold and kidnapped the Conjuartion Master from the Collage of Winterhold called Phinis Gestor which the player can get the quest to summon a Daedra in order to aquire a Sigil Stone.

I tortured Phinis into obeying my commands, via me breaking his body again and again using my magical mace.

I healed him over and over again only to rinse and repeat the process.

He gave in and summoned the Daedra as per my command.

Daedra: "Who dares to summ- Ahhh!"

The Daedra didn't even get the chance to speak as I immediately teleported to him and began breaking every bone in his body.

I tortured him in many different ways as he was helpless against me and my constant teleporting.

I even gave the mace to Laura to have some fun in fighting the Deadra. She did fight it with her bare hands at one point and I just felt pity for the Daedra.

Lilith took a try at it, she would PhaseWalk around his attacks as I did warn her that the Daedra had magical means of offense and an enchanted blade that can hurt her partially.

Lilith can Phase in and out of the same Dimensional plane we reside, but the Elder Scrolls Universe stands at the top of the most dangerous Universes in all of fiction.

Saitama would be an ant if he was in this Universe, no joke.

Lilith maneuvered around the Daedra and shit at it with an electric SMG.

The electricity served to harm the Daedra and disruption the glow of magicka 8j its body to the Sun Magnus, even though it didn't need to draw magicka from the Sun, since it had gained it from its master and their repspective Daedric Realms. While they are summoned to the Mortal Realm Mundus they did need to.

I made sure to rip out its heart every time before it died so I can profit the most from it.

Everytime he died, he was sent to Oblivion where i would have Phinis resummon the same Daedra again and again, even when he begged me to stop i kept going for at least 10 times.

Only then did i say my first words since i began torturing him.

Raime: "Get me 3 Sigil Stones 10 litres of Necroplasm, fill these 3 containers, each is roughly 3 and 1/3 litres. And get me 50 Cold-Iron Ingots from the Black Forge."

The Daedra was scared out of his mind at the possibility of angering got moving immediately to fulfil my orders before I could beat him to death again.

I tamed a Daedra, why does everyone think its so hard?

I had to wait a while since the Daedra Phinil summoned was from Coldharbour, which was Molag Bal's realm. Getting Sigil Stones was a little hard, but the high ranking Daedra should be able to aquire it at some point.

And he did.

When he was of no further use, I ripped out his heart for the 10th time and kept it for future uses.


The first thing I did after getting what i had needed was to immediately summon Vulgrim, the Merchant of the Damned so that I can get some questions answered.

Vulgrim: "Ah, my one and only Human friend! What can I do for you today, and what can you do for me, we are friends right, it's only natural for us to help each other out."

Raime: "Shut it Vulgrim, let's get down to business. Go and ask the Horseman Death or War how and what I need to achieve the Contents of this letter. Don't even try to open it, I'll know if it is opened and by who. Even your magic nor the Charred Council can bypass it so don't waste your time. If your curious about it then I don't mind if u make a trade, give me a Leviathan's Liver and I'll tell you. Deliver the letter and I'll give you this."

Vulgrim: "Ohhh! At once! Wait but just a few moments!"

Vulgrim vanished as soon as he saw what I was offering, it was the soul of the Daedra I had been summoning a dozen times I side of a Black Soul Gem.

The contents of the letter was me asking War or Death how they control their Nephilim natures and urges.

I wrote about what I did and how I resurrected Laura by giving her a Nephilim body I had created.

I knew they would tell the Charred Council and tell the Demon Queen Lilith, but I hoped it was towards the end of their respective timelines.

I hoped that Death would learn to be more reasonable and understanding towards the end of Darksiders 2 before he faces against Absalom at the Well of Souls.

And I hoped that War would realise that he was betrayed by the Charred Council.

That way neither would care about what I ahd done and wouldn't pursue me to this Universe. But I doubt they would, but ut was still a small chance I was wrong.

Soon Vulgrim returned and I had gotten a sealed letter by the Horseman War, he was the most honorable one amongst them so I had expected this.

When he had once gone rogue, Death had cut off his arm as punishment and hence why he has his metal arm now. The two loved each other as brothers despite that incident and War became more humble after that and more understanding of many things.

That is probably why he agreed to help answer my questions in the letter since be knew that Laura was just a little girl who didn't understand what was going on.

After reading the letter I knew what I needed fo do and it was fairly simple.

With that done I made one more stop to get some Stahlrim and I hoped onto Kaal's back with the Laura and Lilith.

We rode Kaal through a portal he created and we arrived back in the Borderlands Universe in New Haven.


hello all, I'm back

I've just gotten Elden ring and I've been min maxing the hell out of it in the last 3 weeks that is why I haven't updated in my other fics for the last few weeks, sorry about that if u do read them.

I've been really trying to get to NG+7 so I can farm Moghwym Palace for 280 million Runes so I can buy the necessary upgrade materials for every item and Spirit Ash in the game in preparation for my pvp build.

Yeah, ALL OF THE ITEMS, including that stupid Noble Raiper thingy that has a 0.4% drop rate.

I hate myself for doing this, imma be posting on my yt now that I have a console, yahoo!



