
Chapter 19: Daughter Acquired!

8 hours had passed and the Sandstalker still prowled the town. It would just climb on top of the building from time-to-time or bang on the steel walls.

When I opened a prompt to sell the limb of the Sandstalker, but nit actually sell it, it had shown it was a juvenile Sandstalker.

What was even more interesting was in the description of the limb, it had said that the numerous Sandstalkers all across Pandora, were Guardians of the Vault of the Storm, also known as the Vault if the Sandstalker.

There were two requirements to enter, but only one was revealed to me while the other wasn't mentioned and was kept hidden.

Turns out that upon killing a Sandstalker, you must then use requirement number 2 right after, and then a portal would be formed that would allow one to enter the Vault.

That meant each and every Snadstalker on Pandora is a "Doorway", a "Portal" upon its death to enter the same Vault, it just had hundreds of "doors" to enter the same place.

Very interesting...

But right now, Laura had awoken.

Everyone tried to keep me from her, a few even pulled out their guns, only 5 people in this village had a gun.

Jess tried to defend me and used my prior actions of saving Radgar, her and Laura and me fending off the Sandstalker as a way to calm them.

But I don't allow them to decide as I effortlessly dodged the bullets by teleporting to them and disarming them.

I could have used the speed of Raiden's cybernetic suit to dodge the bullets, but this is my first them wearing it.

I only equipped it so that I would have been able to grab the Muramasa as soon as I fired it from it's gunsheath.

The speed at which Jetstream Sam's Muramasa balde could travel at, when fired from them gunsheath, was 1/4 the Speed of Light.

If I tried using my Human arm and hand to grab it, it would have been torn off.

But with the suit Raiden uses, which is similar to Sam's own cybernetic suit.

I would gain even more strength and would be able to hold the balde without being torn in two by trying to hold and redirect the directional velocity of the balde traveling at 1/4 Light Speed.

I had to get used to this suit before I can do anything else as crazy as trying to dodge a bullet without teleportation.

I opened the door and saw Laura sitting on the bed. We were in a bunker basement of sorts beneath the structure above we were previously in.

I would have stayed with her until she awoke, but I was the only one that can protect the village from the Sandstalker and as such I had to keep watch at all the building's possible entrance points.

Laura had just been staring at her body in suprise as she touched and examined it along with her now Silver hair and reflection which showed her now blue eyes.

She was confused by everything that happened, but when she saw me...she didn't have the eyes of hate, but ones that showed she had questions to ask.

Laura: "Who are you?! What happened?! Why am I here?! What happened to old man Radgar?!"

I thought she was going to interrogate me, but it seems she experienced some memory loss.

I know this since I was made..."aware" of her condition via the connection of the Contract.

I guess it was only natural that she would wither suffer PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) from this whole ordeal, or would experience some memory loss.

She did have her legs crushed by a 10 metre object that weighed slightly less than an Outrunner vehicle, was in terrible pain that even full grown adult men would pass out from, was terrified of almost being killed by a Sandstalker, surviving a life and death scenario, and then ended up impaled by a sharp object and seeing yourself dying, and then having to go through an experience of having your own body's biology change and spasm out if control as your soul merges with a powerful Nephilim soul.

All while being a 10 year old girl.

It was natural she would have memory loss or PTSD.

There is a chance she will one day remember what happened. I will wait for that day.

Because now, I made my decision on what to do with her, and she isn't going to die from the Atlas raid that will happen here soon.

Raime: "Calm down, I'll answer all your questions. I am a visitor of your village since a few days ago if you remember? The name name go by is Spectre. There was a Sand Strom that had came, you had gone to help Radgar, then so too did I. You were injured by the Sandstalker when we got back to the shelter, I healed you with a special but...painful medicine and tahts how you're here. You may have noticed but your body and appearance has changed as a side effect of the medicine. And as for Radgar, me and Jessica had saved him."

She listened to my words and then realised something else.

She looked down at herself and noticed something odd, to cut it short...she now had b.o.o.b.s., not large and not small but average sized ones fir her age but still, she isn't a flat child anymore.

She now looked like she was 15 years old!

Her body aged by five years and she looked different and more youthful in this new body.

(A/n Image here.)

Why did she change so much?

I also theorised this would happen if I did this to myself.

The two souls would merge and in turn, the appearance would change as a result to match the identity of the soul.

That's why I injected her with the Serum at the same time I emerged the souls.

I wanted to do it to myself when I had the chance to ensure no consequences may arise, but I was forced to do it fur Laura instead. I don't regret what I did, bit I do feel sad that I won't be able to so it for myself for a long time now. I would need another Nephilim Soul to do so.

Laura git so exited of what happened to her body, she jumped around in glee and ecastcy.

Raime: "You aren't upset or shocked by all this?"

Laura: "Yes! I feel amazing! Like I could lift a building and crush a car with my bare hands!"

That's bad!

Raime: "Wait! Wait! Wait! Don't try and lift the bed!"

I quickly grabbed her and restrained her before she did exactly that.

Her new Nephilim body is immensely strong, while not as strong as a Charred Council empowered Nephilim like War, Fury, Death and Strife, or even a Corruption empowered Absalom.

She is as strong as an average Nephilim, while having the potential to be as strong as base firm Abasalom during the time of the Nephilim Purge.

At the moment, she could very easily lift and throw an Elephant like it was a ball.

She can even crush the skull or snap the neck of a T-Rex like breaking a branch.

Run faster than a cheetah, and can react to bullets and dodge them.

Create small crators from just her punches alone.

Fall from the stratosphere and crash into the ground, then get up from off the ground like it was nothing without a scratch on her body.

And even be I impaled by multiple blades and wouldn't die from that.

She also would have an increased regeneration to heal from virtually any injury, but not severed limbs.

In terms of what she can and can't beat in this Universe.

She can't fight against The Traveller, The Seer/Weaver, The Sentinal, The Warrior, Voracious, Wilhelm and similar beings.

She can fight against Athena, most Vault Hunters (Except Zero, me, Firehawk Lilith, Tyreen) Troy, The Rampager, Saturn, The Watcher maybe Graveward.

She would definitely have difficulty with a Raak Hive, but should be able to defeat it.

But as she is now, she can barely go up against any of those beings. She'd need to learn to control her strength first or she could accidently cause alot of destruction. And her mother is gone now...so I want to try and make things up to her, even if she can't remember.

When I restrained her, it was a little difficult since she is now insanely strong. She's 100% stronger then Sledge by about 7 times, and is 12 times stringer than Brick.

That's 700% of Sledge's strength.

And 1200% of Brick's strength.

And she had the potential to become stronger, as a Nephilim, they posses infinite growth potential and Eternal Youth, she is now Immortal and can never die of old age.

Raime: "Laura, I know you are exited, but I want to ask you something."

Laura: "Yes?"

Raime: "What is the last thing you remember?"

Laura: "...I-I can't remember what happened. But aunty Jess told me mum..*hic*.."

She started crying and I held her tightly.

I'm sorry I couldn't save your mother. But I promise to make it up to you.

After she had calmed down I looked at her again and she too looked at me with puffy red eyes.

Laura: "What happens to me now?"

Raime: "...I have a proposal for you."

She looked at me curiously, her curiously had overcome her previous sadness.

Raime: "You don't have any family left now. And this village won't be able to protect you of the Sandstalker comes back. The medicine I gave you changed you in some ways, and made you stronger. If you stay here, you might accidentally kill someone with your new strength. I can teach you how to control it, but I won't be staying here, you would have to come with me. The choice is this. You can stay here, or you can come with me and live a life of adventure...that and I can also adapt you-"

I couldn't finish what I said as I felt her grasp onto me and hugged me with all her strength. If I didn't have this Armour on right now, I would have been crushed to death. I could see her crying again for a while before she stopped once more.

Laura: "...Yes...I w-want to go with you...d-dad?"

She was hesitant to call me that. Definitely since she found it awkward, but not all too strange.

After all, I had talked with everyone and played with all those kids, even her, while I was here for the past few Earth days before the Storm came.

So my relationship with them was quite good, as well as with Laura's, which is is I think she accepted my adoption proposal.

And with that done, I had unlocked a secret achievement of the Borderlands games all thanks to my lucky Skyrim Hearthfire DLC child adoption expansion...

Daughter Acquired.

The Hearthfire part at the end was a koke. that's not real, he doesnt need the DLC to adopt children, it was just his sarcasim.

Knight_Rikucreators' thoughts