
Books Of Paladins: The Journey

In the shadowy realm of Threa, darkness and mystery are woven into the very essence of its history. The land is haunted by countless spirits, remnants of a turbulent past who relentlessly attack humans. Central to Threa's mythology is Origin, one of the revered Celestials believed to have created all things. Origin bestowed upon humanity the strength to advance and endure amidst relentless adversities. This divine gift has led to countless miracles, enabling humans to survive and even thrive in a world fraught with supernatural dangers. Yet, the greed of human's mirrors that of the spirits, as they keep seeking power and wealth that the action itself often backfire, leading to unintended consequences. The spirits with their perpetual hunger to absorb Life Energy, grow ever closer to the world of the living. This unnatural proximity begins to wrap reality, causing events that even defy the natural order. The history of Threa is rich with tales of heroism and despair, where the boundary between the living and the dead is often blurred. The spirits, driven by their hunger and emotions clash with humans, creating a perpetual cycle of conflict and survival. Yet, it is through these trials that humanity finds its resilience, guided by the celestial influence. ... Or so they believe. ... Would you be the same???

Ar7Storm · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

It's Time

A stark and sterile underground laboratory lies concealed from the world, shrouded by jungles, nestled among hills and mountains where birds sing, signing the no tale to the unmasked secret of those convenient and within an ease of reach.

The walls are blinding white, almost too clean if others might say, reflecting the fluorescent lights that buzz over someone's head.

The air is cold and clinical, filled with faint hum of machinery and occasional beep of monitors, seeing the test result of what might be seen from their observation.

Rows of metal tables and glass enclosure line the room, each one meticulously organized with various scientific instruments and medical equipment.

In a brightly lit room adjacent to the hallway, researchers in pristine white lab coats moved around as they're engrossed in their tasks, eyes fixed on the screens displaying complex data streams and charts.

Their faces were obscured by masks and googles, adding an impersonal, almost robotic air to their demeanor.

Some were hunched over microscopes, meticulously examining samples. While the others typed furiously on keyboards as they inputting and analyzing data. The room buzzed, with the soft murmur of scientific jargon. Papers and files were scattered across desks, filled with cryptic notes and diagrams.

Despite the chaos, there was an unsettling efficiency to their movements, as if every action was part of well-rehearsed routine. The researchers communicated in hushed tones, punctuated by the occasional beep of machine or the rustle of paper. Their focus was unwavering, driven by a cold, clinical determination to achieve their mysterious objectives.


Of human cost.

In a white room, a young girl around the age of eleven lay on a bed as her small frame restrained by numerous ties. She had a somewhat long black hair, with beauty mark on the lower corner of her lips. She wore hospital clothes as her emerald eyes are vacant, blankly looking at the ceiling.

A machine beside her slowly inserted a needle into her arm, pushing a strange colored liquid into her body.

A minute later, the girl began to tremble as her body violently shaking. Pain also etched itself across her face. This continues for what she felt like eternity in her dream like states.

After half an hour, her movements finally ceased, leaving her still and silent, with occasionally the rise and fall of her chest as a sign of her life still exist within her.


While in another place.

In a dimly lit, cold hallway of the underground lab, a guard roughly pushed a boy towards a small, foreboding room.

The young boy with no other choice, start walking as his footsteps echoed eerily against the concrete walls.

As the vision shifted, it clearly revealed how numerous other children, each being shoved into similar rooms with equal brutality.

Their wrist bound by special metal handcuffs, and collars with ominous red lights encircled their necks.

Blindfolds covering their eyes to adding disorientation.

Inside these rooms, the children were forced to confront wolves, with each beast is twice the size of a normal wolf. Their growl reverberates through the oppressive silence, with clank of metal from their chains that bound them in place.

The lights on their collar suddenly turned off as it with a clank, it falling to the ground. So do with their handcuff that giving sound of gear moving on its own, then released their arms.

After that, the children then naturally taking off their blindfolds.

With sharp eyes unbefitting of their little, baby faces as they looking warily at the beasts in front of them.

Sounds could be heard reverberated through the whole room, as mechanical voice suddenly tell the children inside, that it was their time. Their test to survives.

"The fourth test in June, 13 2993. Batch of 137. Officially began."

The beast chain then falling off as it growling. Their tails stiffly held in horizontal position as it ready to lunge at their prey. Their claws scraped against the concrete floor, producing a chilling, metallic screech as they charged forward.

The underground lab then echoed with a cacophony of primal roars and desperate cries from the children.

The children who were already altered by the experiments, fought back with a mix of supernatural abilities and raw determination that filled their lungs. Their breaths came in ragged gasps, punctuated by the occasional scream of pain or shout of defiance against their conditions.

The clash of bodies was chaotic, with the thud of heavy paws against the ground. The snap of jaws closing on an empty air. The dull thud of impacts also heard as the children used their enhanced strength to fend off the attackers. Amidst the turmoil, there was an underlying rhythm of heartbeats, fast and frantic, a testament to the life and death struggle unfolding in the depths of the lab.

In a certain room, a girl with black hair and emerald eyes who were just injected with the serum, now looking at the wolf in front of her that's thrice the size of normal wolf. Looking much bigger than what the others facing, with its light gray downy fur.

But weirdly, the wolf instead is the one who were retreating, as growl coming out in its mouth, seemingly warning the little girl in front of it to not get any closer.

Ignoring the wolf, the girl just walking silently approaching the former. The wolf with no other choice than launch itself at her. Opening its mouth wide, it wanted to just bite the little girl and be done with it.

But surprisingly, the girl just swiftly took the teeth as she held the wolf into a stop completely.

As the wolf struggle to actually retreat in such an overwhelming strength that unexpectedly come out from the human children in front of it, the girl just took her arm out to spread, trying to ripped apart the jaw of the wolf.

Then successfully, she did it with a seemingly comparable ease, while the wolf could only whimper, growl that turned into high pitched whine, a mix of fury and pain that gradually increasing.

It already trying to scratch the girl on front of it, but just like steel, the girl didn't even faze, much less moved in a single step.


It's jaw than ripped apart, as the sound is gruesome tearing flesh and snapping bone. Blood splattered across the sterile walls as the wolf's body convulsed, before collapsing in a heap.


Suddenly, an emergency alarm blared out of nowhere, sending guards into a frantic scramble to assess the situation. Meanwhile, the researchers clad in white who at first rejoice at the spectacle that the little girl they observe are already done with the test, stood bewildered.

Unsure of their next move.

"Is it time already?" the girl in the room asked to herself.

She glanced at the wall just as what been planned and explained, that actually a concealed glass window through which the scientists keep observing them.

Deciding swiftly, she sprinted towards the wall, ramming into it with such force that it cracked, nearly shattering the glass. The observing scientist panicked, one of them attempting to press a button to release a gas that would sedate one of their most precious experimental subject and specimen, the girl's name is Kalina.

But it was a step too late; Kalina with another charge had already broken through the glass.

She quickly overpowered the scientist and the guard. Although bullets occasionally struck her, bouncing off her skin, they still caused pain, which she did not appreciate in the slightest.

"Umm, time to run away," she muttered, stepping over the bodies that now lay in a bloody, gory heap. She hastened her pace, moving towards the rendezvous point where the other children, particularly those who were special specimens in the underground lab, had planned to meet and escape together.