
book of transmigration: fairytale's of silver Star

Ren liked this novel named "Fairytales of Silver Star," by some fate he finds himself transmigrated into its world. However, to his destiny, this world is a fusion of both the game and novel versions, with a different plot and cast. Ren, now became a spoiled young master of the Valencrusin family, he realised he became sidecharecter from game. now his advantage of knowing about plot and story progression of novel is gone. Now this new merged world of silver Star contains diverse characters both game and novel. it has both protagonists and antagonist from game and novel. it Aldo has both heroines from both novel's. some characters may be inspired from fairytale and author sama changed their stories little or major and give them extra personality traits making new character for example story main heroine is snow white. what can i say this world is fairy tale world with modern fantasy and game like elements. which fairy tail character do you wanto see? main story will start in magic academy and their will join our fairytale heroine now she is heroine of my novel. plot became really unpredictable. Ren has illness it makes him forgot some part of memory he remembers it in rediculus situation and second he is**** go read the novel if you want to know? ******* stay connected to author sama here instagram loneystar_12 **** English in this book may not be good . Mr author sama is not writing his novel in his mother tongue and sometimes author sama will do spelling mistake.plase understand him. he will improve himself if you give him review and fidback . stay tuned and please make author sama winner it's just his fantasy . he just writing book for fun though he doesn't have any expectations from himself lastly thank you. author sama will write 3 to 6 chapters per week give him fidbacks. additional tags #noharem #multiplelead #fairy #demons #angels #gods #otherworlders #elf #mergedworld #summoning #demonking #outergods #dragons #multyverse

Loneystar · Fantasia
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10 Chs

Book of transmigration: Part 3

As we stood outside the vacant classroom, our tears slowly subsided and we found solace in each other's embrace. Mia's silence filled the air before she finally began to speak in a soft, trembling voice. "After I stood up to him and slapped him, his sister, who was also the club leader, accused me of being a bully. Everyone in the club took her side, and that boy, Leh, he just smirked at me - it sent chills down my spine," she confessed, her body still visibly shaken as she continued to share her experience.

Mia said, "They kicked me out of the drama club. It was the only thing I loved to do. But my friend helped me. She told everyone that the club leader was mean to me. No one believed her, but she didn't give up on me."

Sure, here's a simpler version with more details:

Mia felt really upset when the leader of the drama club decided to remove her. Drama was Mia's favorite activity, and suddenly she couldn't be part of it anymore. But Mia wasn't alone. Her friend saw how unfairly Mia was treated and tried to help. She told everyone that the leader was not being nice to Mia. Even though other people didn't believe her friend, she kept supporting Mia. She stood up for Mia because she knew what really happened and wanted to make sure Mia was okay.

She was fuming, her words sharp as knives. "It was bad enough getting kicked out of the drama club, but then my friend stopped coming to school. It's been three days. I went to her house, and she wasn't there. Her parents wouldn't tell me anything, but I saw them going to the hospital. I followed them and found my friend in the ICU, in really bad shape. The doctor said she had drugs in her system. Someone did bad things to her, things I can't even say. I'm sure it was him." Her voice cracked, the anger dissolving into sobs that shook her whole body.

Overwhelmed by her emotions, she collapsed to her knees, tears streaming down her face. With a shaky voice, she revealed, "Yesterday, while I was changing after swimming class, someone took pictures of me. I tried telling others, but no one believed me. I heard the camera click. And today, I found this letter." She reached into her jacket pocket with trembling hands and pulled out a crumpled envelope, her eyes wide with fear.

Feeling the heat rise in my body and my mind swirling with anger, I grabbed the letter and began to read silently. I didn't want to upset her further. The message was a threat: "If you don't want your photos out there, come to this address: xxxxxxxxxxx. Do as I say, or it's not just your photos that'll be spread, but your brother will end up in the hospital, just like your friend." The words were leaving me shaking with fury.

Suddenly, a strange sensation overtook me. My thoughts became foggy, and the world around me started to blur. A wave of dizziness washed over me, and I could feel myself slipping away. It was as if another part of me, hidden deep within, was clawing its way to the surface. Then, everything went black as I lost consciousness.


Third person pov

Ren's anger melted away, and his face relaxed into a calm expression. He walked over to Mia, his steps slow and steady. Gently, he patted her head and said in a soothing tone, "Don't worry, you don't have to take this threat seriously." Mia looked up at him, tears in her eyes, and sobbed, "But brother... you will... um... I have to go there...." Ren stopped patting her head, turned his back to her, and with a sweet voice reassured her, "You don't have to worry about me. Go home, and tomorrow everything will be alright. I'll handle this." A playful smile danced on his lips.

Mia stood up, worry creasing her brow. "But brother—" she began, but Ren cut her off with a reassuring tone, "Don't you know who your brother is? I'll take care of it, go home." Mia nodded, remembering all the times she had played pranks on him. He never got mad; he just went along with them. But now, for the first time since they were kids, she felt like her cool, kind brother was back. With a sense of relief, she gathered her things and headed home.

Ren walked into the library, his eyes scanning the shelves. He wasn't there for books about memory loss instead, he headed straight to the novels. It was as if he was someone else entirely. He picked up 'Fairy Tale of the Silver Star,' his favorite book, and his face lit up with a happy smile. As he was about to leave, an old, worn-out book fell on his head. The title was in symbols he didn't recognize. "I know every language on Earth, but this isn't from our world," he thought, curiosity piqued. He tucked the mysterious book under his arm and left the library.

The school was almost empty, and the noise from the day had gone. Ren was still standing by the school gate. It was 6 pm, and everything was quiet. He had been there since classes ended at 4 pm, just waiting by himself. The place felt really quiet without all the other students around.

Footsteps echoed in the empty schoolyard as a group of boys approached. Ren quickly hid behind a pole near the school fence, listening in. One of the boys, with a smirk in his voice, said, "I've called her over at 7 pm. My folks are out of town, and my sis is at her friend's place. We're gonna have a blast with this cutie." He was the leader, and the others laughed. One boy pulled out some photos, waving them around. "Check these out, don't they make you excited. how hot she is in this photo.don't they get you pumped?" he boasted about how he got nude photos of mia, holding a camera in his other hand. They talked about their plans, heading towards the leader's house, not knowing that Ren was following them quietly, like a shadow.

The leader's mansion loomed large, its opulence casting a shadow over the street. Ren paused at the gates, his eyes tracing the contours of the clouds above, a serene expression painted across his features. As his gaze descended, it landed on the ornate door, the barrier to the world he was about to disrupt.

A laugh began to bubble up from deep within him, growing louder and more resonant with each passing second. "**Ha ha... haaa haaaaa... ha ha...**" The sound filled the air, a clear challenge to the silence of the approaching night.

He wiped a tear of mirth from his eye, his voice now laced with a cold, hard edge. "You foolish insects, you're in for it now," he sneered, the words slicing through the quiet with precision. His stance was one of absolute authority, a king in his invisible castle. "I despise you all, except for my family. How dare you commit such vile acts? You're pathetic," he proclaimed, his laughter still echoing around him.


Ren approached the leader's mansion, his face hidden behind a mask, his hands shielded by gloves. The soft clinking of tools in his bag—a lighter, an aerosol can, and a vial of clear liquid—barely disturbed the silence of the night.

He reached the door and discreetly released the vial's anesthesia into the ventilation. Soon after, muffled sounds hinted at its effect. Ren cautiously opened the door to find figures collapsed on the sofas, succumbing to unconsciousness.

One by one, he moved them outside, laying them on the lawn with care. Inside, his anger directed every move as he destroyed computers and erased Mia's photos from their digital hiding spots


Ren stood in the shadow of the imposing mansion, feeling the darkness of the night enveloping him like a heavy cloak. The house, a stark reminder of the pain his sister had endured, stood tall and unyielding in front of him, its windows appearing cold and unwelcoming. Gripping a lighter tightly in his hand, Ren watched as the small flame danced in the chilly air, a preview of the fiery destruction that was about to consume the mansion.

Ren took a deep breath before moving forward, carefully pouring gasoline at the base of the mansion. The liquid seeped into the cracks of the stone, its strong scent lingering in the air. As he stepped back to a safe distance, a trail of gasoline followed him, a snake-like path of potential destruction left behind.

With a swift motion, Ren ignited the gasoline-soaked path with a flick of his wrist. The flame eagerly engulfed the path, racing towards the mansion with a voracious hunger that mirrored Ren's own fury. Within moments, the fire embraced the walls of the house, swiftly climbing upwards and devouring everything in its path.


Ren marched confidently towards Leh and his gang, his determination evident in every step. In one swift movement, he roused all five boys from their slumber with a series of sharp slaps and kicks. As they groggily came to, Ren loomed over them, his voice cutting through the air with undeniable authority, "You will never touch my sister again, do you hear me?"

As the flames consumed the mansion, Leh and his accomplices watched in horror. The fiery glow reflected in their wide eyes, mirroring their deep fear. Ren acted swiftly and decisively, incapacitating each boy with expert precision. He carefully placed incriminating evidence on one of Leh's associates and discreetly slipped a note into Leh's pocket. The message was ominous yet direct: "Join me in burning down the house."

With the scene set, Ren disappeared into the night, making his way back home, leaving chaos in his wake.


Be ready for rens transmigration in next chapter

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