
Punching Power of Imre (8)

Liam happily went to Imre's house, the last stop he would be going since he'd all convinced his other brothers with his request to make peace.

Liam already reaches Imre's home and he was already at the main gate and the guard who was guarding the main gate recognizes him. He immediately made a call to announce that Liam has arrives.

Imre heard the announcement while he was in his room resting. He already expected that because he already seen that in his vision. He slowly close his eyes and send a message to Liam through their inner thoughts. Imre told Liam to talk at the same place they went before.

"Let's meet at the same old place." Imre uttered it in his thoughts to send it to Liam's thoughts.

Liam who were standing at the main gate suddenly stood up and heard the inner thoughts of his brother Imre, whom he wanted him to go the place they were always going whenever they wanted to talk about something important.

When Liam got the message, he directly walks his way out of their land and went to the place where Imre wanted him to be.

The guard who was staring at Liam was confuse when Liam just walk out of the house without a word.

Liam went to the highest mountain peak wherein you can view the whole city.

Imre was the first one to arrive next is Liam.

Liam was already there but he can't seem to see Imre but can feel his presence because Imre was hiding himself from him.

Imre was hiding because he was planning to attack Liam. He wanted to test their ability to show who amongst them are the most powerful.

Liam was looking around trying to locate where Imre where'd been hiding. His eyes were very vigilant in observing his surroundings.

He was on that state when something was flewn away in front of him and Liam was stunned and wasn't able to get his posture back when he was been stumbled on the ground. That something or rather someone was Imre.

He flew and attack Liam with a single power of his punch. And because of shocked Liam wasn't ready on that attack so he got hit straight on the face and he was been thrown away.

'Thud!' A sound of his body that was flewn and hitted feel his back on the ground.

Because of his surprise Liam was still on the ground while trying to caress where Imre hitted him. It got a little blood on his lips, he wipes it and then he look at Imre with a very powerful and animalistic look in his green eyes. It was burning like fire but it was not a red color but a brightening sparkling green diamonds in his eyes.

Liam already knows that attitude he got in him but he wasn't expecting that, so he hadn't had the chance to fight back when he hitted him.

Liam slowly stood up with an angry look in his face. The grip in his hand has been so tight and he brought out those teeth signaling Imre that he was mad of what he did.

'Wooshh!' A sound of Liam hand blasting while flying in the air to attack Imre.

But Imre was all ready prepared on that attack and he used his strength to fly up in the air.

'Whoosh!' They both stopped in the air and had their face to face with each others got their madness most powerful look.

Liam tried to punch Imre but he turned around and never hitted by the attack made by Liam. After the avoidance of that hit, Imre punches Liam using the back of his fist and Liam didn't notice that and he got a sudden hit from his face.

'Thug!' It was a blasting punch that made Liam thrown away and thought that Imre was done but he followed him to where he was been flewn.

Imre was about to kick Liam in his stomach but Liam block that kick that was about to hit him. Liam uses his strength to grip on his foot and pushes it away from him. He thought Imre will be shocked of what he did but he didn't.

Imre had his grinning smile on his lips while giving out a full power on his grip. That blasting power that was about to released in his hand were circling around.

"Knuckle punch!" Imre shouted with a blasting circling power created he pushes up front going straight to the body of Liam.

Liam had that prepared so he immediately cross out his hands in his chest to blocked the power that was going to attack him.

"Hmmmmm!" Liam uttered those words while creating a strong green color shielding him from the attack.

But Liam's shield was not enough to protect him from the powerful punch that was created by Imre and he got hitted so hard on that.

'Thud!' A sound of Liam's body that has been flewn and fell on the ground.

He has been rolled out six times on the ground because of the big force that has been given to him.

Imre at the other hand, was in the air got the very angry look in his face. And when he saw Liam rolled up in the ground, he slowly moved his body down to the ground until his feet felt the ground he was stepping. He lay low his power until it slowly disappeared.

"It's been a while since I used my power." Imre exclaimed while he was looking at his fist and then he glance back to Liam.

"Thanks for visiting me Liam. I gotta' bring out those power in me again." Imre continuous while he chuckles looking at Liam who were slowly standing up from his fell.

"Urggh." Liam utters when he finally stood up and then he look vividly into Imre who were still chuckles.

"What is your true purpose why did you come all the way to meet me?" Imre ask while staring at Liam.

Liam slowy low down his power when he heard Imre.

He didn't actually use all his power and strength to fight instead he made himself loss from Imre because that's what Imre wanted to. And Liam gave that privilege's to him. He already knows that kind of attitude of Imre's to always be the first from everything.