
Book moved to "Suiyan" account

A wisp with a complete lack of common knowledge ends up in the middle of human society in the future. A Wisp? What is a Wisp? No one knows anymore. Follow this hilarious Wisp and his 'not so conventional' way of thinking as he tries to find his place in the world. --- Release Schedule: Two chapters per day. 9AM, PDT Time.

MyCatFelix · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
98 Chs

What Are They?

Sure enough, the released Primordial Energy from the wisp was absorbed by the Dajoras Man, like water being thrown into the desert. Not before long, the wisp was almost empty, and it wouldn't take much more for him to die without even knowing why.

However, his actions truly were the salvation of the Dajoras Man. The guy finally opened his eyes, struggling to sit up in the capsule. He held his hand against the head, complaining about the pain. "Fuck! They almost got me! Just you wait! I, Horan, shall have my revenge!"

Only then did he notice that he wasn't alone in the capsule. "Hum? A Wisp?"

The wisp was very feeble, having almost no energy left. And yet, it kept releasing its primordial energy, which the Dajoras Man's body absorbed automatically. That definitely took the man aback. "This..."

He then touched a few runes inside the capsule and closed his eyes. After a few moments, he seemed to understand what had happened. "That's quite weird... I have absorbed the Primordial Energy of many wisps in the past, but it is the first time I see one giving me its Primordial Energy of its own volution."

For a moment, the man thought about simply taking the wisp and absorbing the rest of the wisp's energy in one go. He was just like any other race, not thinking much about the wisps other than a good source of primordial energy. And yet, he immediately decided against that idea. "Hmph! I definitely don't like the idea of being saved by someone else, but here we are. Consider yourself luck."

He then touched another part of the capsule, and a lid opened. Inside, there were many rainbow-colored stones brimming with pure Primordial Energy. He tossed one of the stones to the floating wisp. "Here, take it. Absorb the Primordial Energy inside before you die."

However, the wisp didn't answer, nor did it seem to stop releasing its primordial energy. Seeing the lack of response from the wisp, Horan narrowed his eyes. "Are you trying to suicide?"

The wisp floated around, completely confused. Only then did Horan understand what was happening. "Wait... are you a recently born wisp?"

The wisp continued to float there, still no answer coming from it.

"As I thought," Horan nodded while absorbing the Primordial Energy of the other stones. "What a joke, saved by a wisp that doesn't even know what he is doing. No wonder they are such a piece of shit race."

Back in the present, Felia couldn't help but curse. "What is wrong with this guy?! You had just saved his life, and you did that unconsciously! He should be kneeling on the floor to thank you! He is the piece of shit! His entire family are pieces of shit!"

"Hahaha!" Linfel laughed in response. "It's okay. Trust me, behind that shell, he was truly someone worthy of respect. From that day onwards, he never touched a single other wisp again. If anything, he saved thousands of them in the very few years we lived together. Anyway, let me continue."

In the capsule, Horan smashed one of the Primordial Stones, which quickly filled the insides with rich Primordial Energy. The wisp finally seemed to have understood that his Primordial Energy wasn't necessary anymore, so Linfel began to absorb the Primordial Energy from the surroundings instead. Little did he know he was a hair's way of dying out of energy.

"And that's how I got my first interaction with my old friend, Horan. From there on, he brought me everywhere with him, and it was always just the two of us," Linfel explained. "He was the one to teach me how to speak as a wisp, the one to give me knowledge of the universe, to basically make who I am today. One day, he asked me to enter a cold box that had many runes inside. I trusted him, so I didn't ask why. The next thing I knew, I was in the ocean, and Lucau found me a few minutes later. Just where the hell did that guy go to?"

Lucau couldn't help but sigh. "That's quite the story..." He then looked at his son, who definitely knew much more about the Universe than him. "Alvin, have you heard about any race called Dojaras?"

Alvin shook his head. "Not really. First of all, from what I learned in the academy, our planet is found in a quite remote corner of the Universe, so we rarely get visited by any other races. Truth be told, our planet is quite shit when it comes to its reserves of Magic Energy, so the powerful races don't even consider getting close to this place."

Lucau was surprised. "I didn't know the Universe saw us in such a way."

Alvin shook his head. "It's not like the government would go around reciting how poor the Universe thinks our planet to be, you know?"

"I guess that makes sense..." Lucau sighed. He didn't quite like that his home was seen in such a way, so it was the right thing for such perspective not to be wantonly revealed. It wasn't hard to find out about it, though. Anyone more connected to the affairs of the planet and the outside would be aware of it. 

"By the way," Felia changed the topic as it was too gloomy. "You keep talking about primordial energy, primordial energy, primordial energy... Just what is primordial energy?"

Lucau turned to Alvin. "Have you heard about it in the academy?"

Alvin shook his head. "I have never heard about it. But then again, it is not like I went out there to look for this information either. Once I return to the academy, I can try to learn more about it."

Linfel pondered a bit before speaking. "Primordial Energy, according to my old friend Horan, is the energy that created our Universe. Whether it is true or not, I don't know. However, what I can tell for sure is that Primordial Energy is far above this Magical Energy of yours. In fact..."

Linfel concentrated on the Magical Energy inside his core. "I feel like Magic Energy and Primordial Energy are connected. How can I say... It feels like Magic Energy is a transformation of Primordial Energy. The Primordial Energy I had in my core easily changed into Magical Energy when I absorbed Lucau's Magic Stones, so I'm probably right there."

"Can you create more Primordial Energy?" Alvin asked, curious.

However, the wisp shook his head. "No. Wisps only gather Primordial Energy and store it. We don't create it. Now that it is gone, I have no way to recover more."

"Is it better than Magical Energy?" Felia was the one to ask now.

Linfel compared the two and couldn't give a definitive answer. "I wouldn't say it is better. Both seem to have their own advantages. Your magical Energy, for example, is countless times easier to manipulate than Primordial Energy, that's for sure. Primordial Energy, on the other hand, is a lot more powerful. However, it is also very chaotic. Even from where I'm from, training with it has always been very dangerous. Those who died because of it were too many to count."

"Alright, I spoke a lot of me and my past," Linfel finally decided to ask the obvious. "Now, tell me more about Maguses. What are they?"

They are also cyborgs! No, still just kidding...

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