
Book moved to "Suiyan" account

A wisp with a complete lack of common knowledge ends up in the middle of human society in the future. A Wisp? What is a Wisp? No one knows anymore. Follow this hilarious Wisp and his 'not so conventional' way of thinking as he tries to find his place in the world. --- Release Schedule: Two chapters per day. 9AM, PDT Time.

MyCatFelix · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
98 Chs

Get Up!

"What?!" Alvin almost tripped after hearing that. "Why?!"

Linfel shrugged. "It should be pretty obvious. In a real situation, do you think there will always be someone out there to tell you ahead of time when danger is coming? Don't be ridiculous."

Linfel's memories went to the past when Horan was training him. Back then, Horan used some special runes to seal Linfel's Magic Energy perception before mercilessly throwing him into Primordial Beast territories and telling him to survive for days. Linfel still remembers how he got close to becoming some beast's meal several times. There were even instances where he had to survive against real Wisp Hunters.

However, it did pay off. Linfel learned to react to the various situations. There were plenty of methods back then for experts to hide their Primordial Energy from others' senses, and it also included Primordial Beasts. Horan gave him all the tools to achieve that, and Linfel made good use of them. Now, it was time to let Alvin experience it for himself. "Look at everyone else around. Quite a few of them had to fight the Boromes a while ago. Yet, none of them had me. You will simply be put in an equal field. Nothing more, nothing less."

Alvin wanted to retort, but Felia on his side was excited. "We get it, Linfel! Master will show you he is definitely prepared."

Alvin wanted to cry. He didn't feel prepared at all. "R-Right! I will do it!"

They continued to run, and more students began to stop filling the Receptors with Magic Energy to recover their reserves, which obviously took quite a lot of time due to the scarce magic Energy in the environment.

Suddenly, the guides changed direction again, running into a much denser vegetation path in the mountainous forest. The Maguses and Familiars close to them asked the reason, but they simply said they were following the pre-determined route and nothing else.

Linfel's group obviously followed closely behind. However, Alvin grew more tense. With this dense vegetation, it became hard to see the surroundings. Naturally, it also made it hard to spot any Magic Beast lying in ambush.

It was then that Linfel left Alvin and Felia's side, floating all the way to the front near the guides. Alvin and Felia were taken aback and decided to follow. Even if Linfel wasn't going to warn them about Magic Beasts, he could at least help if things got too dangerous.


However, it was right at that moment that a shadow fell like a rock from the top of the trees. The shadow then opened its arms before slashing its claws downwards against an unsuspecting Magus. 

"Careful! Above!" Alvin noticed the sudden change and immediately warned the guy ahead.

Instantly, everyone looked up and saw many other shadows falling in their direction. Yet, the one who should have paid more attention was Alvin himself.



"Master!" Felia was terrified when she saw that. The moment Alvin warned the maguses and Familiars ahead, his attention was taken for a moment. That was all that was necessary for one of the creatures to fall behind him and cut his back.

Felia quickly gathered her Magic Energy and used it to create a barrier of earth between Alvin and the Magic Beast. It was the same one Alvin used, but a lot smaller and weaker. After all, Felia and Alvin weren't using Master Familiar Connection.

"It's the Red Clawed Monkeys! Be careful! They aren't physically strong, but they are very agile!" One of the Magus shouted to the whole group, having recognized the Magic Beasts straight away.


Yet, even though it wasn't physically strong, it still broke Felia's Earth Wall with a single kick. It wasn't that it was an abnormal Red Clawed Monkey, but because Felia didn't have that much Magic Energy to spare!

Alvin and Felia managed to balance their Magic Energy replenishment against the Receptor's Magic Energy absorption. However, they truly only just barely achieved that balance. They weren't able to recover Magic Energy while keeping the receptor full yet. That would take time. Thus, Felia's Earth Wall was pretty weak.

The Monkey couldn't care less about Felia and immediately aimed its claw against Alvin's head. Alvin quickly turned around to face the Monkey, using the time bought from Felia's Earth Wall to compose himself. Felia and Alvin connected straight away, only having enough time to defend from the next attack.

*Shash! Slash!*


The Monkey's two clawed arms came cutting down mercilessly. Alvin and Felia haven't had time to fully complete their Magic Energy merging, though. Alvin desperately tried to create a shield of earth in front of his arms to fend off the attack, but it was hit before it could take a meaningful shape.


This time, both his arms were hit, and blood flowed. It didn't end there, though.


The Monkeys were indeed very agile. Alvin's opponent spun its body, using the G force of its previous attack to rotate fast and kick Alvin in the belly. Alvin coughed out blood and was sent flying, kicking a few times on the ground. Alvin quickly tried to get up, and it was then that he saw Linfel in the distance. Linfel was looking at him, showing absolutely no trace of wanting to help.

It was at this moment that Linfel's words reached his mind. 'Get up! If you go down, then get up again! Can your arms move? Then you can fight! Can your legs move? Then you can fight! Are you breathing? Then you can fight! There will be moments when you can only rely on yourself. Moments where no one will be there to save your ass. Grit your teeth, swallow the pain, look at your enemy, think about your next move, get up, and fight!' Again, Linfel was using that strange communication method that Alvin couldn't understand. 

That message's full content reached his mind in a split second, and yet it was as if he had all the time in the world to hear and understand it. Somehow, it lit up a fire in Alvin's heart. He truly gritted his teeth and got up just as the Monkey came crashing down on him.

Alvin's Magic Energy merged with Felia's completely, and his fist turned into two colored spear tips of earth. Alvin didn't notice at that moment, but he had never created such a hard Earth Element form before. Alvin's Earth Spear Fists soared against the Monkey's two Red Clawed Arms, clashing against it other.

Fight, fight, fight!

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