
Book moved to "Suiyan" account

A wisp with a complete lack of common knowledge ends up in the middle of human society in the future. A Wisp? What is a Wisp? No one knows anymore. Follow this hilarious Wisp and his 'not so conventional' way of thinking as he tries to find his place in the world. --- Release Schedule: Two chapters per day. 9AM, PDT Time.

MyCatFelix · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
98 Chs

Didn't Know

Linfel didn't waste time there. "Alright, you two can go to sleep. I want to take a look at the missions. I saw there were a few missions that could only be performed at night. Since I'm not really your Familiar, I don't need to go into suspended animation while Alvin sleeps."

Alvin explained to Linfel back in his father's home during the first night. Felia was his Familiar and connected to his soul. Because of that, if she stayed awake, Alvin would still feel that connection, which was quite similar to when you use Master Familiar Connection, although to a much lesser degree. Simply put, his soul and brain wouldn't be able to properly rest with Felia active, so she and all other Familiars whose masters were alive had to go into suspended animation to allow them to rest.

Of course, there were ways to cut this connection. An independent Familiar can get it done if he wishes to. But cutting that connection was not a good thing if you and your Familiar still planned to use Master Familiar Connection in the future. They would truly become separate individuals.

Alvin sighed and nodded, knowing that there was no stop the wisp. "Alright, but try to not cause trouble." Alvin was indeed tired after today, so he went straight to bed while Felia deactivated herself.

Linfel, on the other hand, left the Dormitory, going to the Missions Hall. It was already close to midnight, so the number of maguses and familiars around was very low. No one paid attention to him, though. He looked just like any other Familiar.

In the Missions Hall, Linfel jumped in front of one of the terminals and used his Magic Energy on the receptor. Finally, the list of missions appeared. 

'I will only get the introduction to Magic Energy integration next week, so I might as well start accumulating Magic Stones. At the moment, I'm not really sure how to increase my level. It's too different from back when Primordial Energy existed,' Linfel thought.

Linfel scrolled through the list, and sure enough, he found the few that had nighttime schedules.

-Trash disposer: 33 Academy Credits, work schedule 12AM to 6AM.- [One Star]

-Janitorial Services: 33 Academy Credits, work schedule 11PM to 7AM.- [One Star]

-Restocking Magical Diagram Equipment: 44 Academy Credits, work schedule 1AM to 5AM. General Knowledge of Diagrams is needed.- [One Star]

-General Cleaning of Facilities: 33 Academy Credits, work schedule 12AM to 6AM.- [One Star]

'Alvin wasn't kidding,' Linfel looked at the options. All of them were obviously a single star, being the lowest rank available. As for the good missions, they were gone, most with mentions of higher-ranked class students on them. 'There are a lot of menial tasks that no one wants to take. Truth be told, the academy doesn't even need the students to do these things. They definitely have the resources to employ specialized companies for such things.'

Linfel then looked at a corner of the building, and there he saw a person starting the cleaning. 'Definitely not a Magus. Can't feel any Magic Energy in his body whatsoever. Well, the Academy needs them. After all, if the students don't take the cleaning tasks, there has to be someone else to carry them out when that happens. This is all so the students could at least earn some credits for their own training.'

'Still,' Linfel thought about all the technology he had seen so far. 'It is surprising they haven't used some kind of automated process instead. Maybe some robots or whatever. They definitely have the knowledge for such things... I wonder why they would have normal humans like that guy doing it.'

Linfel then shook his head and ignored it. He continued to scroll through the list when a certain task caught his attention. 'Hum?'

-Stars Magic Energy Receptor: 33 Academy Credits, work schedule 1AM to 4AM. Some degree of Magic Energy Sensibility is required.- [One Star]

'Stars Magic Energy Receptor?' Linfel wondered what it was about. Unfortunately, there wasn't much information regarding the specifics. Nonetheless, Linfel definitely had a high sensibility to Magic Energy, and the work schedule was the shortest one he had seen so far. 'Might as well give it a try.'

Linfel quickly selected the mission on the list, which changed its status to 'taken' straight away. Linfel still hasn't acquired an MCOM, so he read the location before coming out of the terminal.

Using one of the transportations, Linfel arrived at the place around 30 minutes later, located on the northwest side of the academy. A giant building with many arrow-shaped pillars stretched from its top, going tens of meters high, could be seen.

Yet, when he got inside, the place was pretty much empty. There were several pieces of Diagram Rune Devices running some programs, but there were no teachers, workers, or students around. 'Could it be I read the task wrong? It is almost 1AM, but there is no one here.'


It was then that he heard the sound of something falling to the ground not far away. He looked in that direction, and there he found a person lying. He quickly approached to check. "Hey! Are you dead yet?"

The person sat up slowly while rubbing the head. "Do you think dead people would tell you they were dead?" Asked a woman with messed hair and a terrible expression. Well, it looked particularly bad because she had enormous bags under her eyes, showing her deprivation of sleep. "This is truly a mess. Why can't I get a little bit more funding? The equipment here is pretty much Jurassic already."

Finally, she got up and looked at Linfel. "A Familiar, uh? What do you want?"

Linfel quickly explained. "I accepted the task for Stars Magic Energy Receptor, so I came."

"Oh!" The woman's expression immediately improved. "Finally, someone is willing to work for that pity amount of Academy Credits. You must truly hate the other menial tasks if you selected this one."

Too bad, though. Linfel didn't even know what he had to do.

Anther chapter, and another day, let's continue!

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