
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs

Chapter 58: A Sorrowful Moment

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 58: A Sorrowful Moment

Days?: Trouble Everywhere You Go! Part 5

(Atlas: Atlas City: South District: Unknown Apartment Building: Temporary Bedroom)

"Narberal!" Yukiko cried out in excitement, causing almost all of us to attack her by reflex alone. "I finally remember who Izaya's cousin reminds me of! She the author of the book: The Man With Two Souls and its series!"

Yukiko pulls out a worn out, but good condition small book from the inside of her hidden pocket inside her skirt, along with a pen. Then, walk up to Kirihime with a bright smile on her face, "Can I have your autograph?"

Kirihime didn't even look surprised at Yukiko's action and calmly sign the limited edition book, that only made in small size for easy carry and there is only 20 made.

Blake seeing the limited edition book before her sight, then realize who Kirihime really is. And follow Yukiko's example to get a signature of her own.

Seeing these two acting around Kirihime, caused a few of us to feel a little weird at this sight before our eyes.

30 minutes later*

(Atlas: Atlas City: Central District: Underground Passage)

After both Jaune and Ren are healed up and ready to go. Kirihime leads us to another area, where she knows a hidden path straight to Weiss' place. Which happened to be an underground passage, much to Weiss' shock and horror of discovering that there is a way to enter her home without having to go through all the securities.

Furthermore, this happens to be the passage to reach her home faster than it takes to take on a [Car] or any [Vehicles] to reach her place. If it wasn't Kirihime, who is leading us, then Weiss would have outright demanded answers on where they find this and when it was built, along with other questions she dying to ask. Sadly, the person she wanted to question is also someone she is very afraid of.

Half an hour ago; that was a miracle on her end of being able to talk to Kirihime without flinching or broke down crying upon Kirihime making cruel remarks that she has no way to counter. Going for violence would make it even worse than getting a verbal beat down. And Weiss wasn't stupid enough to do that again after going through a sparring match with Kirihime in the past. She still has nightmare from that incident.

Of course, Kirihime went through this passage by herself at the time and with the rest of us here now. That changed everything; to make thing easier on us. I deployed my new improved [Drone] and now named as [Scout Drone], which could have been a better name and functions.

[Item Type]: [Gear/Tool/Robot]

[Name]: Scout Drone

Durability: 100%/100% (Drone)| 100%/100% (Power Storage[1% per 20 minutes])

Quality: Common

Grade: D-

Value:(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: This customization drone can scout out enemy locations and hack computers. Furthermore, this customization drone can recover its power by absorbing materials. With further upgrades, many other functions are possible.

[Visual Share]: Allow drone to share what they're seeing to the user's scroll.

[Hacking]: Allowing the drone to hack a computer system by connecting with it. Depending on the target for hacking, the time varies and will change the threat level of discovering the drone. Also, require being within 10 meters to hack into a computer.

[Power Recovery]: Allowing the drone to drain anything related to [Electric] in order to recover drone's power storage.

Sadly, I had to rush in the [Upgrades] during the time it took us to get from Vale to Atlas. Since I don't know when I will have the free time to improve some of my equipment. So I decided to work on something that would be useful right away, being the first [Drone] I ever made.

But, it is an improvement and actually shows its functions this time, where the previous one didn't even show it and had major flaws that I'm surprised it works up to now.

I let out a sigh, as I caught a few people keep on glancing at my scroll while we run through the passage. Mostly, with Kirihime and Izaya are more open in staring at my scroll to the point of just tossing my scroll to Izaya, but was intercepted by Kirihime and give Izaya a smirk.

As she begins to enjoy herself in what my new creation could do; luckily, I included the small details on what the [Scout Drone] could do.

I knew the moment these two glances at my [Scout Drone] right away when I took it out. Of course, I wanted to mess around with my [Scout Drone] to test out for all the kinks before I continue improving it later in the future.

But, with both Izaya and Kirihime with me; well, it got annoying when Kirihime started making some promises (threats) and Izaya doing the same, but more in a different approach compared to his cousin. By continuing to stare at me with an evil grin, to show he would use methods that would clearly affect me.

I'm pretty sure this is payback for all the kinds of stuff I annoyed with Izaya back in Mistral for who knows how many times. So, I just toss my scroll to Izaya, when I instantly know Kirihime would be the one getting it first.

I just picked Izaya instead of Kirihime, to show the others I'm not afraid of Kirihime's ways to get what she wanted from me. Even when there are some things, that Kirihime could use to do so. And I rather not have to deal with all the trouble.

So I left my scroll to these two until we reach Weiss' place before taking it back. I know for sure my [Scout Drone] won't be back in my hands upon reaching our location, because Kirihime is the one controlling it and has interests in it as well.

If anything, this pretty much Kirihime publicly saying to me that it's now her's until further notice.

I left those two alone and slow down my pace until I'm next to Ruby, which caught some of the others' attention right away, for many reasons.

"Hey, Ruby. Is your semblance literally just speed or there more to it?" I ask the youngest hunter-in-training among us. "Because if it's just speed, then how come you haven't used it to the fullest of its ability?" These two questions throw the leader of team RWBY into a loop and realize something important.

"Uh, yeah, it's just speed. What do you mean I haven't used my semblance to the fullest of its ability? Isn't it just speed above the average of aura user in speed via aura enhance?" Ruby asked back with her own question while thinking about what other things she could do around speed itself.

"Well, I don't know if you could use your semblance to literally speed up your natural aura healing factor, giving you an abnormal healing factor, but at the cost of using up aura further than it should from using your semblance normally." I give an example, where I remember back in my world's comics about a super hero's power based on the [Speed Force].

"Another good one is using momentum, which is one of your major usage in your fighting style. So I think you got that covered and trained, but mostly with that [Scythe] of yours. Have you tried with a [Combat Knife] instead of it? Pretty sure you could cut who knows how many times in a single second." I offer Ruby an advice on taking up [Knife] fighting, to be used as a secondary whenever she loses her main weapon somehow. After all, she had lost it once already before and couldn't do much without it.

Furthermore, I don't know if her semblance is linked to the [Speed Force] or it's just herself instead. Not to mention that weapon of her isn't that light, to begin with, so I could check it off as Ruby trained her muscles enough to use it without dropping it in overtime during a long-term fight.

"Um, why are you helping me?" Ruby asked me one of the main questions that everyone is dying to know the reason why I decided to help Ruby out to improve herself, which should be a bit bad along with the good side of this. Bad, because then she would have more [Skills] to capture me and anyone that belong to the Arcana.

"Want the truth or the lies?" I offer with a smile, causing poor Ruby to shiver at this and I didn't even activate [Evil Smile], but I guess after using the [Skill] so many times now. My natural smile adapted to [Evil Smile] without the whole [Fear] effect in play.

"The truth?" Ruby was unsure if she picked the right choice and maybe she should have picked the lies instead. At least, there a high chance of it being something cheerful than getting told about how bad you are, that even stranger would find it so ashamed. Where they could end up helping that person out of pity or outright demand them to stop and never do it again after seeing how horrible thing went.

"Well, the truth is I just felt like it." I didn't have such a big plan for Ruby or anything like making up an excuse that Ruby is a friend of both Pyrrha and Weiss, which wasn't that's a good excuse at all. So, I feel like helping for some reason and decided to give Ruby some tips to improve her methods of using her semblance than the standard she has been using it after she discovered her semblance on day one.

Everyone who doesn't know me that well was dumbfounded and feel like I'm making fun of them, but kept their mouths shut after knowing anything they may say could end up biting them back.

Before I could continue off my little help to the leader of team RWBY, I almost tripped when Kirihime pulls to the side and show me what's going on with my [Scout Drone]. Where I watch Weiss' place is currently being surrounded in all directions, with only this passage Kirihime found didn't have a single enemy nearby.

Ruby looks at me, with a confused look and how easily I went from helping out of nowhere, then stopped once my attention was caught and forgot about helping her in the first place. Making this experience for Ruby weird out.

"Huh, I guess we should change our plan." I thought out loud, not like it matter in the first place when my so-called plan didn't have much detail and more of just wing it until we approach the next phase (step) of the plan.

Since [Revelation] doesn't show me the number of steps and just the instinct on what to do first, then provide me the next step after I complete the previous one first.

So I can't really make up an actual outline plan and just have to improvise. Now, I have to meet up with Weiss' Mother somehow. But, not before using my [Scout Drone] to see how many enemies we may encounter once we reached Weiss' place.

I frown when I've already lost count over a hundred. I'm going out of my way and just think it's a battalion at the minimum in term of the number of enemies.

Tossing my scroll back at Kirihime, for her to keep track of them and report anything that could send our lives in hopeless situations.

"So...Weiss what you want us to do? This is your call now. Since you're more familiar with the area after we exit this passage." I said to Weiss, who was surprised to be the person to decide on what we do next and even all the time I spent hanging out with Weiss. Most of the time we stayed at her place, then go outside, where the White Fang still somehow continue to assassinate the members of the Schnee family.

Furthermore, if it wasn't for Pyrrha, Izaya, Shigure, Momoyo, and my presence in Weiss' life. Then, she would have to deal with several hardships within the company belong to her family. From what I could recall; White Fang killed most of her family members and friends. Well, friends that she actually cares about than some of the fake ones.

Another example, was during Weiss' tenth birthday, which we were too late to attend and never met with Weiss yet. The beginning of where Weiss bore witness to the fractured family as her parents had separate meals and sat on different balconies during her recitals.

This is also where Weiss' Mother descended into alcoholism as a way of coping with a marriage to a cold and uncaring man. Luckily, this didn't happen in this version of RWBYverse.

One: Weiss gained the friendship with the Arcana's core members and Weiss reconnected with her Mother after going through a few counseling by Momoyo's Grandfather and the reason why Weiss' Father doesn't dare to mess with his wife ever again, physically that is. Verbally, that's another story, but at least Weiss still has her Mother in her life.

"Are you sure? Nevermind, of course, you're sure." Weiss was unsure at first, then quickly accepted and begin to carefully think about how we're going to enter her home without alerting the enemies of our presences.

Weiss looks at everyone while we continue to run, then begin coming up with a plan to get us to meet her Mother alive, and if possible, none of us are badly hurt. Of course, Weiss could count on her friends to heal up the others without any trouble.

"Does this passage lead outside or inside my place?" Weiss asks Kirihime, who currently studying the enemies via [Scout Drone]. "Because if it's inside my Manor, then we only need to worry about the enemies inside, then outside and could just reuse this passage to escape later. However, if we end up outside of my Manor somewhere. Then, we need to figure out a way to get inside without getting anyone's attention by doing so."

Kirihime didn't look up from my scroll, "It's outside your Manor, but within the Courtyard." After answering Weiss' question, Kirihime begins speaking with her cousin about a few things and at the same time continue looking at the enemies outside of Weiss' place.

"That's better than being outside the Manor's walls. At least, I know all the routes to enter my home without any trouble. All we need is Emna's [Talismans] to help us out on our way towards Mother's Bedroom." Weiss begins to inform her plan to everyone while we continue moving.

10 minutes later*

(Atlas: Atlas City: Central District: Schnee Family's Main Household: Courtyard)

"Seriously? You have a hidden passage that leads to the outside from your Courtyard and the entryway is literally underneath the fountain of all things. How in the world did you manage to find this?" Izaya asks his cousin, with a disbelief in his tone and others can't blame when some of us couldn't believe it either.

"It's a good thing there a small gap for us to look outside if we wanted to check if there anyone nearby before opening the hidden passage." Kirihime said to everyone, with a cheerful tone and giving everyone the answer to the unspoken question on how the [Scout Drone] managed to exit from the hidden passage's entryway. While completely ignoring Izaya's question, which caused him to frown at Kirihime.

"Okay, enough wasting time. We need to go, I've already contacted my Mother to meet up with us. My Father isn't home as we speak, so we don't have to worry about him yet." Weiss called out for everyone's attention, as she leads everyone to the left side of the hidden passage.

"Enma, Shigure, Kirihime, and I will meet up with my Mother while the rest of you guys stay here to guard our escape route when the time for us to leave. Because some of us can't take on the army surrounding us, and I'm talking to you three." Weiss pointed at Ruby, Yang, and Nora, as she glares at them.

"I could understand Enma and Shigure, but why Izaya's cousin?" Blake asks her teammate before the called out ones begin to argue with Weiss, then things won't get done and we can't have that.

"Oh, right, I forgot you guys just met her." Weiss realized her team and Pyrrha's team as well doesn't know a single thing besides the fact that Kirihime is Izaya's older cousin since they just met her.

"Well, she is well known for creating countless [Aura Techniques] up to these days. Which I find myself wondering if you guys even watch the news at all since she all over the news most of the time." Weiss frown at her friends and teams at their lack of knowledge of the outside world.

"Also, on the top 10 to own the deadly semblance known to man. And that's saying something when she just 20 years old. Well, on the top 10 due to lack of knowledge on what Kirihime's semblance is, but what Kirihime has shown should be her semblance at least. But, Kirihime never told anyone but a few selected people about the true effect of her semblance, and even then, she could be still hiding part of it." Weiss informed every one of Kirihime's achievements.

"So is she the strongest out of all us then?" Ruby quickly asked before she forgets about it after a while.

When Ruby asked her question, some of us wonder the same thing and look at Weiss while she continues to lead us to a door, that leads inside the Manor before stopping and turn around to face everyone.

"Nope." Kirihime, who was the main person in the current topic, spoke out in her own place, "If we're speaking about overall in everything related to combat, then I'm not the strongest among us. But, if it's something related to using a few branches in combats, then I would be the strongest out of the rest here."

Kirihime pointed at me, then at Shigure and finally at Pyrrha, which made some of us surprised at the last one. Since some of us thought it would be Izaya instead.

"Izaya isn't specialized in open combat if that's what you're wondering about why I didn't point at him being the top main heavy hitter among us." Kirihime answered the unspoken question.

"And Enma is the one that helped me created 30% of my [Aura Techniques] before I gained enough of an outline for me to come up with the rest for myself." Kirihime continues off, which lead to the rest of us to stare at Pyrrha's older brother with a hint of fright that was close to being buried within our hearts, and now it back to the surface once more.

Not that I could blame everyone, since if someone like Kirihime gained 30% of her [Aura Techniques] from me, then that's saying something. Furthermore, I still say it's bullshit for Kirihime possessing the kind of semblance she has.

If it wasn't for that, then I'm very sure she wouldn't be able to create an [Aura Technique] with the similar effects as the [Magecraft: Gradation Air].

One time, I decided to use [Magecraft] for the heck of it and it was the same moment, where Kirihime decided to show up out of nowhere and saw me perform my [Magecraft: Gradation Air] since I wanted to test out if I could use it as a replacement for [Magic Bullet] when I'm not equipped with [Edea Florence] at the time.

So yeah, Kirihime's semblance gives her the gist and a few tips on how to recreate her own version of the [Magecraft: Gradation Air] and luckily not turn it into Shirou's version: [Projection (Trace Version)] or things would have been very bad.

Since she could already have the option to copy existing weapons without its history and experience from their wielder, which I'm pretty sure one of the reasons Kirihime only used [Gradation Air] for throwing half part of scissors instead or create complete scissors to fight with.

I still find myself bemused the choice of Kirihime's main weapon. But, decided that if she could still deal fatal wounds against other aura users, then who am I to deny her choice of weapons.

"Okay, enough chit-chat. We got stuff to do." Weiss didn't feel like wasting any more time, as she felt something wrong is going on right now. And if she wastes any more time, then that bad feeling will give her an unwanted answer she has no desire to find out.

"Here, keep an eye on the area while we're gone." Kirihime tosses my scroll to Izaya, then follow Weiss and the others inside the Manor, as we left those behind to guard the Courtyard.

10 minutes later*

(Atlas: Atlas City: Central District: Schnee Family's Main Household: Hallway)

So far, we didn't run into any trouble, and most of the time, I would throw a few [Talismans] to hijack the security cameras to hide our appearance in their sights before resuming back to original functions after a few minutes later.

Weiss started getting worried and rushing towards her Mother's Bedroom after a few minutes ago; she tried to contact her Mother again, but didn't pick up and Weiss begins to panic after the third calls failed to pick up.

Not caring anymore about wasting her aura reserve; Weiss uses her semblance to boost her physical speed up a notch and charge straight at her Mother's Bedroom from the end of the Hallway on the left.

Causing the rest of us to use our own methods to catch up with her, which wasn't that hard to do so. When the rest of us already have another way to boost our physical speed without resorting to using aura enhance.

(Atlas: Atlas City: Central District: Schnee Family's Main Household: Weiss' Mother's Bedroom)

Weiss didn't bother to knock on the door, but instead, she broke it down into pieces as she crashed through it and look around for her Mother.

Not a second later, Weiss let out a sorrowful scream as a white aura color covered Weiss' body and causing countless [Glyphs] to form around her in a matter of seconds.

As the rest of us made it next to Weiss, not after a few seconds later, where we discover the corpse of Weiss' Mother lying on the ground in a pool of her own blood.

Where her killer is still in the room and happens to be still in the progress of reporting their success in killing Weiss' Mother, who is currently sitting in Weiss' Mother's favorite chair like there wasn't a corpse next to them a few feet away from their spot.

All of us could tell Weiss' Mother's killer is shocked to see us, with a dumbfounded expression while unconsciously continue reporting to their caller.

Weiss' mind wasn't stable in the first place after not being able to contact her Mother, and now she looks at her Mother's corpse and let out a wail. Tears going down her cheeks, then she suddenly stops crying and sends her Mother's killer a murderous glare.

Without giving the killer a chance to comprehend what's going on, they got a body pierced by multiple [Ice Spears] in a blink of an eye. Too fast for them to react, then brown color [Glyphs] appear around the killer, where [Earth Chains] burst from them and wrapped around the killer's body, even causing the [Ice Spears] to dig in further into the killer's body. As the killer's aura shield protected them from getting implanted by multiple different sizes of [Ice Spears].

After just barely 5 seconds, the killer is captured by Weiss and lifted out of her Mother's favorite chair by the [Earth Chains], which bind the killer's body in mid-air, along with pushing the [Ice Spears] into the killer while draining the killer's aura at the same time from preventing the [Ice Spears] from breaking through the skin, then into their fragile organs.

Making the killer's aura reserve drained faster by the second, as the [Ice Spears] was thick and sharp enough to cause damage to the killer.

Shigure rushed over to Weiss' Mother's corpse to see if she has any life within her or she is beyond saving. However, the result has been already clear as Weiss' Mother is no longer in the living.

Of course, I already have [Samarecarm] to revive someone, but through multiple experiments. I could only revive someone within 3 minutes of their death, which Weiss' Mother passed the deadline and couldn't be revived. And Weiss knew this, as she saw me use [Samarecarm] more than once in the past.

Which is why Weiss is filled with murderous intent towards the killer of her Mother, but it's only thanks to the training she went that gave her enough control over her actions to stop herself from killing the person before her eyes.

And Weiss will get her answers on who this guy is, either way, after getting all the answers from the killer. Weiss will personally kill them with her own bare hands. Sooner or later, it just takes a bit of time before she shall have her vengeance.

40 minutes later*

Both Shigure and Kirihime made sure to interrogate the killer to the last pieces of information. And Weiss happy to help out inflicting the physical part just to release some of her hatred towards the killer, but Weiss knew she wasn't done with just the killer and waiting for her time to direct her rage at the people behind this killer.

After getting all the last details from the killer; Weiss took this as her cue to cut their head off and didn't feel gross-out, that some of the killer's blood land on her clothes and a bit on her face.

Giving a frightening image of Weiss, who is covered in a bit of blood and a corpse lay a few feet away from her feet, with a happy smile on her face.

When a whole minute passed, Weiss' brave front crumbles instantly. As she slowly walks over to her Mother's corpse and falls to her knees, where she buried her face into her Mother's stomach, even if it's soaked in blood.

Weiss didn't care about the smell or how it dirty her clothes. All she felt was the grief of losing her only Mother. There are only a few family members she cares and loves for, but it's mostly her Mother that she loved the most out of all her family.

All of us silently watch Weiss cried her heart out. No one tried to drag her away to escape from here when the place is surrounded by the enemies.

I give hand gestures to Kirihime, to let her contact Izaya and the others about the bad news.

Kirihime quietly stares at Weiss one more time, then walk out the Bedroom to contact the others. Leaving both Shigure and me to watch over Weiss while she is currently in a defenseless position.

While leaving Weiss to her grief, I activate my [Ecological Derviation System: 2D Map] on a large scale first, before deciding on what our next action.

Pausing for a moment to get the result back, and find myself wondering if I could possibly face an actual army by myself while protecting the others. After a moment, I know my limit and the chance of winning without any fatal injury on my side is just a dream.

Looking at Shigure, then at Weiss and back at Shigure, and wonder if I should be the one to comfort Weiss or Shigure should. But, after looking back on Shigure's childhood. I quickly dismissed the idea of Shigure comforting Weiss. Due to the methods, Shigure used to comfort other before, and let's just say it involved with sharp, many sharp, objects.

I open my mouth to say something, but a black blur pass by me and that happen to be Izaya, with the others here as well. Showing that no one is back in the Courtyard to guard it, for our emergency escape route out of here.

Shigure and I share a look before I rush back outside, seeing how my presence is no longer needed here, and seeing how the rest easily abandon their assigned job.

10 minutes later*

(Atlas: Atlas City: Central District: Schnee Family's Main Household: Courtyard)

Once I reached back to the Courtyard, the first thing I did was getting up a high place and hide on the rooftop, where I could get a better angle to shoot someone with height advantage.

I blink a few times once I realize that I could have saved Weiss' Mother if I had just used one of my [Fusion Skill/Magic] to get there in time. Hell, I could have gotten [Accelerator] to teleport all of us directly into Weiss' Mother's Bedroom within a few seconds and kill off the killer before they got to Weiss' Mother.

Then again, I haven't gotten used to having the ability to teleport just yet, which lead to the death of Weiss' Mother.

Switching to [Amakusa Shirou Tokisada] to use his [Revelation], and wonder if this was part of the instinct steps and was surprised it was. So, having Weiss' Mother's death was part of the plan?

I shook my head, where I should have included an additional condition to have Weiss' Mother stay alive, even if it makes things more complicated in the long term. At least, Weiss' Mother would be alive to the end of the Second Great War. Maybe.

I reach into my pocket to get my scroll, but grab empty air and just remember my scroll is still in Izaya's possessing.

"Crap." I mumble to myself quietly, then begin to think what way I could contact them without my scroll and quick solution pop up in my head. I just have to send in a small size [Persona] to them, where I hope they don't attack it for just being a messenger.

Omake: Shigure Kosaka's Childhood

Year 1: Emptiness

All I remember during that year was nothingness. I felt no emotions. No happiness, no sadness, even the emotion of caring was lost to me. All I felt was emptiness.

Year 2: Curious

Finally, I felt something but was a fraction of what I truly wanted. Nonetheless, I've finally felt something in this empty world. I started learning my so-called parents and family. Who and what they are. Slowly, I begin to want this new feeling of mine to stay.

Year 3: Lacking

My curiosity didn't satisfy me much long until I reached the third year of my life. The emptiness return and I didn't like that feeling one bit. Not long, my parents notice this within a few months and tried to make me feel happy. Happy is an emotion I still can't find myself experience just yet.

Year 4: Desire

After a few trials, my Father managed to bring back my curiosity by accident. And something that will help me in my future. I discover [Blacksmith], where the male side of my family are skillful of. Also, the time where I begin to be the first female in my family to learn about everything to do with [Blacksmith]. Also the same year I met my Grandfather, who taught me how to use those weapons.

Year 5: Impulse

I discovered from my Mother, that like in her childhood, she felt the same as I did, where all the female in the early of their life would feel like this at the beginning. And until they reach the teenage stage of their life is when they begin to feel something. I was among the lucky ones to find something to fill my empty heart at a young age, even if it's a temporary solution. So I begin to find more and more stuff to fill my heart until I could no longer feel the dreadful feeling known as emptiness.

Year 6: Yearn

I finally realized what my Mother was talking about, even when I tried to ask her many times to help me fill this emptiness. All I got in return for an answer was that I just need to meet that someone. And I have finally seen what my Mother meant by that as I met my fiance, and for the first time, curiosity wasn't what I felt at the time, but a feeling so new to me. That I wish it never to disappear. Ever.