
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
71 Chs

Chapter 36: This Is Not Good!

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 36: This Is Not Good!

Days?: Time Wait For No One! Part 3

(Vale: Vale City: Junior's Club: VIP Room)

As we settle in our seats while some of us look a little uncomfortable at the moment; well, it's mostly Yukiko with how she feels out of place with the setting being so tense. Plus, she still has memory on how Shigure almost injure/killed her fresh on her mind because she made a sound and she doesn't want to have that happen to her again.

The VIP Room is in complete silence. Pyrrha and Shigure are sitting next to me while Momoyo seating in front of me, with Yukiko on Momoyo's right and Narberal standing behind Yukiko instead of sitting among us.

Izaya is sitting in between Momoyo and Pyrrha, with a frown on his face to show how unhappy he is at the moment and was the first one to break the silence.

"So how are we going to do this? And where's Weiss?" Izaya may sound calm, but everyone in the room could tell he furious and wanted to go the Atlas Kingdom to give Weiss' Father a piece of his mind or maybe a few cut wounds, whichever make him feel better.

"She went off to meet up with her older sister, for some reason before we could even ask her why. She won't even pick up her scroll at the moment, but I'm sure she is currently talking to Winter as we speak." Pyrrha answer Izaya's question, with narrow eyes and feel her blood boiling with rage at Weiss' Father, as this reminds of how cruel her own Father is as well. This leads a bad taste in her mouth at this bad memory resurfacing.

I place a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. After all, even I know what she is thinking right now, but I'd let her know she needs to keep her mind calm at the moment. Afterward, depending on our future, then she could go full force on our parents if she wants to, with my full help on the matter since I got a bone to pick with them.

Izaya took a deep breath, then breathe out to calm himself since he knows how many things could go wrong if he let his anger control him. "Okay. Did she text you three that she arrived at Winter's place? Or close to the place?"

Anyone could tell Izaya is worry for Weiss' safety and the only reason he isn't running out of this VIP Room to find Weiss. Well, it's because Momoyo is the one forcing him to stay in his seat, along with his feet buried under the floor thanks to my [Earth Magic].

And the way Izaya continue to throw one of his [Throwing Knives] at me once a while, pretty much tells me he didn't like the way I'm keeping him from rushing out to look for Weiss.

'Man, mess up a guy's love for humanity for the unpredictability of human nature, including faunus, I guess, then throw in Weiss into his life. And you get an overprotected Izaya. At least he not a control freak.' I thought dryly, as I caught another [Throwing Knives] and pass it over to Shigure to hold for now.

"Oh! I just remember before I meet up with you, Enma. I was watching the news to see anything interesting was going on while waiting for the Vytal Festival tournament's double rounds to begin." Yukiko smacks her fist into her left hand at the sudden memory of her came to her mind just now.

"And what does this have to do anything with Weiss?" Izaya stares at Yukiko with a blank look and dull eyes, that caused Yukiko to shiver at this.

"Um. The place where Winter Schnee is staying was attacked by the White Fang. But, luckily she wasn't there at the time and only a few people got hurt." Yukiko quickly speaks out what she remembers when her instinct is telling to hurry up or something bad would happen to her.

"What?!" Izaya unconsciously broke free of his blinding and look at Yukiko with wide eyes, but at the same time, causing Yukiko to fall out of her seat due to the sudden shout from Izaya and breaking free from Momoyo's grip and creating small holes around his feet.

"Oh yeah, I was planning to tell this to Weiss right before the training begins. Must have slipped my mind." Pyrrha comments out loud her thoughts, causing Izaya to twitch before he sits back down and blankly stare at Pyrrha, then to Yukiko for them to continue off where they left.

"Wait, shouldn't Weiss got a text message from Winter herself?" Momoyo looks a little confused at this thought of her since the two Schnee sisters should be able to text each other with their scrolls.

This question from Momoyo had sent the whole room into a deadly situation as anyone could tell, that Weiss and Winter are in danger.

"Move." With a single simple word, but was enough for all of us to rush out of the room; leaving behind only Yukiko, Narberal, and Pyrrha to speak with them and also because Pyrrha speed isn't her strong point compared to everyone else in the top tier members of Arcana. Plus, she could help out the two new members about the unofficial rules.

few minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City)

"I knew I should have gone with Weiss today! But no! I should have kept an eye on things. Shit!" Izaya begins cursing while we search for Weiss and Winter in our [Arcana Uniform] in order to hide our identities from the people of Vale.

"How it's going with the others?" Izaya ask me while we carefully run the place in a stealthy manner, even with the help of our [Arcana Uniform]. Doesn't mean there won't be any selected few people who could easily see through it. Of course, we could use one of the [Talisman] I provide for all top member with [Arcana Uniform] to use in a dangerous time to get away or hide.

"Give me a sec." I pull out my scroll to message the others; as both Izaya and I teamed up to search for Weiss and Winter, and Izaya is the one who would do the talking also the one that would get the information out of people. For my role; I would keep in the shadow to detect the surrounding with my [Advanced Detection Mastery] in the case of a sneak attack aiming at Izaya while he is extracting for info.

Momoyo and Shigure are teamed up, with the similar role as Izaya and me, but more in the open and the legal part of Vale while my team is searching in the shady part of Vale. Making it possible for us to cover more grounds in the legal and illegal part of the Vale Kingdom for the search of Weiss and Winter.

"They still need a few minutes to meet up with Momoyo's people in a Bar. Furthermore, I still can't reach Weiss or Winter, just letting you know." I answer Izaya's questions and the unspoken question as well.

Izaya mumble something under his breath, but I decided to ignore it in the favor of not getting Izaya madder and glad I use [Accelerator] to cancel out the sound coming from Izaya's mouth for a few seconds. Since my [Advanced Detection Mastery] would easily allow me to listen to what Izaya is mumbling about, even if it too quiet for anyone to hear unless your ear is next to the person's mouth to hear them.

(Vale: Vale City: Cover Name: Need Something? We May Have it!: True Name: For the Right Price: Back Alley)

I let out a sigh; I took a step to my right and enter a Back Alley of the building, where we mostly get our info in Vale. Of course, Junior is also an info broker as well, but to my surprise after doing a little research on the guy in this world. He's not really that good and pretty much the lower tier of info broker in the underworld.

As I deploy [Eagle Vision] once to get the number of people inside, then tilt my head to Izaya to let him know I got the numbers of potential enemies while also giving him the numbers by raising both my hands to give him the exact number by every single digit. Which is two; this lets Izaya know there are 79 people inside the building.

Once Izaya waited for me to continue, for a few seconds before he nods in my direction before entering while I continue to use [Eagle Vision] every 30 seconds.

Sadly, this was a major mistake at my end, where my body to react badly due to me using [Eagle Vision] too many times.


[Magatama: Wadatsumi] is going wild. The host is inflicted with [Impact] internal damage.

I cough out a mouthful of blood before taking out a [[Diarahan] Talisman], then rip it in half and held onto the ripped pieces in both hands tightly for a whole second before I let out a blissful sigh.

[Item Type]: [Talisman/Paper]

[Name]: [Diarahan] Talisman

Durability: Durability: 100%/100% (Effect being held)|1% lost per 1 day

Quality: Epic

Grade: B+

Value: 120000 System Point

Description: A [Talisman] that contain magical properties within, where the possessor could recover their health instantly through this [Talisman] by ripping either by a small part or in half. By ripping it, the possessor much held onto the ripped pieces for just a whole second for the [Talisman] to take effect.

Talisman's Effect: Instantly recover the possessor's healthy by 100%

As the [Talisman] completely heals my lungs from having it attacked by my [Magatama]. After all, because of this thing. I can't use my aura for a while now until it goes back to sleep or else it ends up going wild once more, but this time, it may end up placing a deadly [Curse] onto me or attack another organ of mine.

'Why is [Nyarlathotep] trying to turn me into a [Demi-Fiend]?! Damn it!' I mentally curse at my deadly sleeping [Persona]. At the memory of upon summoning it; the first thing it did was implanted a [Magatama] belong in the Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne. But, what [Nyarlathotep] made it worst. Instead of just letting the [Magatama] turning me into a [Demon], or a [Demi-Fiend], the thing is slowly changing me into instead of instantly changing me.

Furthermore, the part where [Magatama] ever go wild whenever the protagonist level up. I got one that would react randomly on some of my [Skill] and [Magic]. Either at the worst moment or some out of the daily stuff, and it goes wild even when I'm not doing anything at all.

Another thing; there no random healing at all or increase one of my stats if I have one to see, but just plain outright attacking me and sometimes place a deadly [Curse] on me unless I purchase a [Item] to cure myself of it. Sadly, this isn't the end of the downside of being forcibly turned into a [Demi-Fiend]. Instead of slowly growing a horn on my nape to serve a symbol of my being one with the [Magatama].

'Oh, and [Nyarlathotep] came with the greatest idea ever!' I thought with sarcastic, 'The damn thing had to make the [Magatama] into a [Magic Circuit]. A shitty one too, in high quality with the price of deadly random attacks once in a while. Also, [Nyarlathotep] promises to me that every time it fully awaken within my Sea of Souls. It will implant another [Magatama] as [Nyarlathtop] somehow figure out a way to bypass the whole only one [Magatama] could be equipped thanks to being turning into a deadly [Magic Circuit] that's still alive while being one.'

I quickly switch over to [Edea Florence] to let her calm me down before I destroy any chance of Izaya getting some info on the whereabouts of both Weiss and Winter.

Slowly, my emotional state begins to stabilize while I still mentally swear to find a way to get back at [Nyarlathotep] since it looks like I can't use the [Fusion System] to merge with [Pyro Jack] to get rid of it, with all the troubles come with it as one of my [Persona].

'I hate this [Magatama]. Even with having a single [Magic Circuit], to give me the ability to generate [Prana] to use [Magecraft]. It's not even worth it with the thing always goes wild each time after I use a single unit of [Prana] that is produced by it.' I let out a deep sigh as I gaze at the blue sky above me.

'Not to mention every time I use a single unit of [Prana]. The tattoos appear instead of those circuits like those magus uses with [Reinforcement] above normal.' I grimace at the thought of using a [Magecraft] would lead to people having major misunderstanding upon seeing some random tattoos on appearing on my body out of nowhere.

After all, if a single [Magatama/Magic Circuit] could cause me this much problem. Just imagine gaining the other 24 of them later on. Who knows what would happen after having all 25 [Magatama] and turned into [Magic Circuit].

Shaking my head to stop from connecting those bad thoughts. Then, I pull out my scroll to text Izaya I won't be able to help him out by using my [Eagle Vision] at the moment since the [Magatama] inside me would act up again if I use my aura before it sleeps. Unlike [Nyarlathotep] who I could put to sleep thanks to [Persona's Slumber].

There is no [Item] inside the [Persona System] that could put a [Magatama] to sleep and I have to wait until then. It's a good thing; [Edea Florence] is a major help during this kind of moment at my weakest without using aura. [Edea Florence]'s [Mana Source] is limited to a few things, but it's something. Still sad I can't use any of my [Magic] I gained from the [Persona System] with [Mana], which is weird for me.

So in an overall; I'm limited to enhancement with [Mana] and my weapons, that don't require my aura at all. Also, I'm slowly becoming a [Demi-Fiend] and won't be a human afterward, with the [Magatama] speeding up the progress every time it goes wild. So that's something to keep track of.

'Just the thought of myself being reborn as a single child and abandon by my birth parents would likely have me broke by then, thanks to having some dangerous [Persona] that could easily influence me.' I thank my lucky star I have someone to love to keep my mind stable instead of filled with hatred and all kinds of negative emotions due to the lack of someone being there for me.

Hell, if Pyrrha wasn't the one I love and end up becoming like our parents and Shigure not here. Then, I would have joined Cinder in bringing down the fall of all Four Kingdoms. Just because of my childhood being bad and mindset would have changed to an even darker path.

(Vale: Vale City: Cover Name: Need Something? We May Have it!: True Name: For the Right Price: Roof)

Letting out a sigh; I use [Enhanced Strength], [Enhanced Speed], [Enhanced Durability] altogether for a small burst and jump on the Roof of the building, then sat down in a position for me to relax as I begin to wait for the [Magatama] to go to sleep.

'I should really find out a way to overcome this [Cost] of using my [Magatama/Magic Circuit] without ending up having a damaged kidney, or worst, a damage to my brain. And the only solution I came up so far is using the [Talisman] or a pill to speed up my recovery while waiting on the [Magatama] to sleep.' I knew that later in the future; I would have to use this 'gift' from [Nyarlathotep] more often after using up my aura and [Mana] won't help much in combat due to being limited to how much I could enhance my body.

Bring out my scroll to check if there any message sent to me, but nothing so far, so I check out the news report and see if there anything that could help us out.

few minutes later*

"Enma! We need to move!" Izaya called out to me from below; and is already rushing towards the north of Vale City while I'm still watching the news for anything and to my annoyance it just about the tournament being delay for some unknown reasons, which I could easily tell why.

Putting away my scroll; I follow after Izaya, who is currently madly running towards the north for some reason. I do wonder if he discovers the whereabouts of the Schnee sisters, but Izaya not stopping or slowing down to say, if anything, he goes above the usual running speed for long distance travel.

Now, I'm more glad I trained my body without the help of aura than ever since it looks like Izaya is using aura enhance to increase his speed faster, to show how much of a hurry he is to getting towards the north, but I find myself where in the north though.

30 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Port: Warehouses Area)

Just as I was about to shout at Izaya; he stops and looks like he struggling with something when I finally caught up to him without the help of aura or [Mana]. Sadly, the [Magatama] is still not asleep much to my frustration.

So until then, no aura usage for me and it look like I may or may not need it to rescue the Schnee sisters; well, unless the one that somehow kidnapped them are gone at the moment and left behind the grunts to watch over them. I do hope that is the case or Izaya and I may need to put more effort to take the leader down.

"Think you could [Stealth] your way in? The intel I gained told me how the White Fang managed to set up a trap for Weiss and her older sister. First: To attack Winter's place to draw her in and ambush her. I don't know how, but they got her and afterward. Two: They use Winter's scroll to text Weiss to meet up here, which of course was also a trap as well. It's just plain luck on their side when Weiss tried to contact Winter, which gives the White Fang the chance to get Weiss at the same time. From what I heard, the White Fang are still using them, even when neither of them is the heir of the Schnee family." Izaya quietly explains to me what he found out from meeting with one of his info brokers.

I stare at Izaya, then look at the countless Warehouses in front of us and they are pretty much the same one I used for my training here in Vale, but those are in the opposite direction from here in the south.

"Sure I can. Just going to take a while to find which Warehouses contain Weiss and Winter." I tell Izaya my honest answer, "After all, I still can't access my aura at the moment." Along with my aura shield shut down as well. So I have to be extra careful dealing with enemies with firearms. Now, that aura won't protect from getting [Bullet] wound or worst with [Dust Round]. Including melee weapons, which I would need to use my [Combat Knife] even more to block those.

"Alright. I'll hide around the place just in case and message the others to come help us out. Good luck." Izaya nod in my direction, then run towards a random Warehouse to use for a temporary base.

With Izaya gone; which leave me alone and blind without my [Eagle Vision] to help out. So, I have to do the old fashion way.

10 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Port: Warehouses Area: #254 Warehouse: Temporary White Fang's Base: Roof)

'I can't believe it took me this long to find them.' I thought dully; I mean, who wouldn't be able to find these guys when they continue to shout one of another without the care of someone coming to this area and find them so easily. All I had to do was follow the sounds of shouting, which may be harder towards human but easier towards faunus. Thanks to [Advanced Detection Mastery] improving all of my senses and detect them.

Bringing out my gear from my [Inventory] to help me out to locate all the enemies inside. It's a good thing there aren't many crates inside and most of them are scattered around the place for my usage.

[Item Type]: [Gear/Tool/Goggles]

[Name]: Recon Goggles

Durability: 100%/100% (Goggles)| 100%/100% (Power Storage)

Quality: Uncommon

Grade: C

Value: 7000 System Point

Description: These [Goggles] have many uses, from [Mapping Technology] to [Enemy Tracking]. Buttons on the side control [Night-Vision], [Thermal-Vision], and [Magnification].

One of the many [Gear] I built during my spare time just in case I'm required to rely on [Item] instead of myself.

'I really need to get this adjusted later. So uncomfortable.' I frown from having the [Recon Goggles] a little too tight for my taste. Then again, it has been over a few years of not using it at all. 'Let see if this thing still works and maybe a few modifications to it after this is all over.'

I activate the [Mapping Technology] first to scan the building; which I should have done back at the info broker, but I was a bit too impatience with the [Eagle Vision] and the agonizing pain came from the [Magatama]. Now, I could finally use the thing.

As a [Mini-Map] appears at the upper right of my sight, then I switch to [Enemy Tracking] to lock onto the grunts while activating the [Night-Vision] first before switching over to [Thermal-Vision] to make sure I'm not missing anyone as I let the [Enemy Tracking]'s program to lock onto them.

Once all the enemies are counted for; I send a message to the others and send them my coordination to my location. After's that done. I took off my [Arcana Uniform] and put it back in my [Inventory]. Since I can't have Winter know a member of the Arcana is rescuing them, along with the White Fang as well.

After making sure I got all the enemies, including locking on Weiss and Winter as well to keep track of them, I quietly and carefully get down from the Roof.

(Vale: Vale City: Port: Warehouses Area: #254 Warehouse: Temporary White Fang's Base: Roof)

I send another text message to the others on how many White Fang members are in the building; and that I found Weiss and Winter bound by their legs together and arms on their back.

Also, I made sure to inform them that I can't tell if the one that defeated Winter is in the building or not since my [Recon Goggles] don't have a program install to scan the enemies' aura reserve rank or see if they have their aura unlocked or not.

Furthermore, I even made sure to link my [Recon Goggles] with Shigure's scroll since I haven't got the chance to link it other scrolls beside my own and Shigure's. So now, that Shigure and Momoyo would be able to see what I'm seeing at the moment.

Of course, I could go right inside the place and beat the living shit out of those grunts, but I rather not risk it if the leader is among them or maybe there is a co-leader in there as well. And from the look of it; they somehow possess aura seal [Item] and managed to place them on Weiss and Winter, being the collar on their necks.

So they're pretty much civilians at this point without their aura and semblance to help them. Again. I find myself how in the world they managed to get captured. More with Weiss than Winter since I know Weiss' fighting ability is lots stronger compare to her canon version.

'Now to play the waiting game. Joy.' I let out a sigh and maybe the [Magatama] would sleep by the time the others come.

5 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Port: Warehouses Area: #254 Warehouse: Temporary White Fang's Base: Front Gate)

"What took you guys so long? Shigure and Momoyo I could understand, but you should be the first to appear, Izaya." I raise an eyebrow at Izaya, but no one could tell with my [Recon Goggles] in the way to show this.

Izaya glare at me, "We all know I'm the slowest among us here. Not including Weiss with her semblance to help her out. Anyway, let go rescue them already. I rather not stay here any longer. Plus, we really need to get Weiss back her inheritance or thing may get worse."

"What he says." Momoyo smirk at me and look eager to do some fighting, even against some grunts. A fight is a fight no matter how one side massacre is; well, not in her definition of the word: fight. As she cracks her knuckles in excitement.

"Let's be careful...who know...what else...they use...besides [Aura Seal: Collar]." Shigure is already looking for any traps on her scroll thanks to me using the [Mapping Technology] on my [Recon Goggles]. Sadly, this isn't the same level as my [Eagle Vision] that could easily detect some very hidden traps.

From the frown on Shigure's face, even a small one, just to show how badly I need to [Upgrade] these [Recon Goggles] later after this if I want to use them more often.

"Okay, this what we're going to do. Shigure and I will go in first to get rid of the one patrolling while the two of you stay near the entrance to take down those that try to run away to get reinforcement. You guys can use Shigure's scroll, for now, to see what I see. So you guys know what's going on." I begin to explain my simple plan while anything else is plain outright improvising.

I could tell both Izaya and Momoyo didn't like my simple plan because they won't get any action; well, more with Momoyo than Izaya since he wants to rescue Weiss as soon as possible. Momoyo just wants to fight, even if it's a one-sided slaughter, but it's a fight for her. As she gets to punch things.

"Remember. We need to keep our mind calm. Then again, I shouldn't be the one to talk." I mumble to myself near the end as the others ignored this, "Sure, we could go in and kill all the White Fang members to rescue both Weiss and Winter, but once again, we don't have enough information on rather if they placed something other than an [Aura Seal: Collar] on them. For all we could know, the White Fang could have planted a [Bomb] on them or something."

That was enough to stop both Izaya and Momoyo from acting recklessly when they knew this is dangerous like our usual missions and need to be done with caution.

'It's time like this. I'm glad to pick other [Skill] to use.' I reach into my hidden pocket in my vest, to take out my [Combat Knife] from its sheath.

I crave down a few quick [Rune] on the side of the Warehouse's Front Gate, with the [Rune] strengthening the windows and walls to stop the White Fang from trying to escape anywhere, but the front entry.

Carefully and quietly; I have opened the Front Gate just enough for Shigure and me to enter without having the other side notice they're about to be either knocked out or killed. Shigure passes her scroll to Momoyo before entering.

(Vale: Vale City: Port: Warehouses Area: #254 Warehouse: Temporary White Fang's Base)

I nod at Izaya and Momoyo before closing the Front Gate as Shigure took the right side of the place and with ease, moving between crates while avoiding all of the White Fang member's sights from landing on her.

I took the left side and did the same, but slower by a few seconds, with my [Recon Goggles: Enemy Tracking] reactivated. Since I'm still not used without my [Eagle Vision] compared back then where I haven't developed the [Eagle Vision] and its variation. But, not rusty enough to the point of taking a whole minute to move between hiding spots.

I've almost let out a growl out in pain due to my [Magatama] for acting up one more time before it went to sleep. 'Ugh. I hate how I have to feel the agony of the [Magatama] always causing me pain during the process of going wild and to tell me when it's about to sleep. At least, I could use my aura again in a minute.' I didn't let a sound out of me, even being in pain for a whole minute. I do wish the [Magatama] had chosen to sleep a few minutes earlier though.

Once I got in a good position; I switch from [Enemy Tracking] to [Magnification] to get a better look at Weiss first then Winter, for any hidden surprises later to be revealed. Not finding anything wrong. I switch over to [Thermal-Vision] while keeping the [Magnification] on, which I'm glad for making the [Recon Goggles] are able to access to two modes at the same time.

But, I had to switch out the [Mapping Technology] thought, but once I got a good look at Weiss and Winter again, I switched back. I could just tell Izaya at the moment is letting out a sigh of relief from seeing Weiss is okay through my [Recon Goggles].

Without giving the White Fang a warning; Shigure throws a dozen of [Smoke Bombs] in the center of them. Causing a panic among them. Not a second to waste. I switch [Magnification] back to [Enemy Tracking] and rush over to Weiss and Winter to get them out of the way while leaving Shigure to take care of any White Fang nearby.

And made it to the Schnee sisters without any problem, where I find them unconscious. Furthermore, I find this a little suspicious that it took almost an hour to find them this a little too easy. So with cautious; I place my [Combat Knife] in my mouth to be held just in case I need it and grab both of them by their waists.

However, much to my disappointment and annoyance; I managed to grab both the Schnee sisters and out of the area. But, I didn't let my guard down; and I was correct to keep my guard up as a White Fang somehow by pure luck swinging their [Sword] right directly into my eyes.

Of course, this guy was a bit too slow to hit me and I was just surprised that all and duck, then with a little difficulty and throw the [Combat Knife] in my mouth straight into their neck.

Again. I was disappointed when the guy turns out to be a grunt and it was really on pure luck they blindly attack without any target on their mind.

After taking the White Fang grunt down; I heard a loud noise near the Front Gate, which means some White Fang decided to escape and discover both Izaya and Momoyo waiting for them. "You're going to wish you never did this!" And there Izaya's fury being released along with the scream belong to a White Fang.

I place both Weiss and Winter on the ground while checking their health; well, more like checking their pulses and anything I know with my limited knowledge in the medical field as I wait for Shigure to come to check on them herself.

"Well hello, what's this?" I did find something interesting though; somehow they got new matching [Bracelet] and I know for sure Weiss doesn't like to wear one after what she told me about Ruby did that one time with [Handcuff].

Now, usually, I would mess around with it to disarm them, thanks to my [Official Trap Making Mastery] required me to disarm lots of traps to get the [Official Rank] at the time. But, this isn't the right time for me to do so because one small mistake could end their lives.

'Guess I have to wait for Shigure and the others to finish their part while I protect them until then.' I carefully move their bodies away from the fight while trying to move out of the way from the line of stray fire. 'Man, I feel like an idiot for letting Weiss going on her own instead of letting us help her out on finding Winter. Oh well, everyone makes mistakes. You just gotta learn through them and not make the same mistake later in the future.'

Omake: Blake Discover The Author of Ninjas of Love!

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe the author of my favorite book finally making an appearance!" Blake shouts in a cheerful manner as she drags Ruby once again for another book signing event, but this time, it's her favorite book of all time.

"Blake. Why do you always have to bring me with you? I mean, I like hanging out with you, but can't we do something interesting like modifying our weapons to make them even more amazing?!" Ruby look at Blake with puppy eyes but end up being ignored as it doesn't have an effect on her.

"Come on, Ruby! Do you have any idea how long the world been dying to know the genius author to ever write the best book to be ever made?!" Blake looks like Ruby slapped her silly for asking such a thing. Sure, there other things that are interesting, but this is the best day of her life and didn't want to miss the chance of meeting the author of Ninjas of Love in person.

"Fine. But! After this, we're heading to the Weapon Store! Got it?!" Ruby point at Blake with her right index finger just barely touching Blake's nose. Sadly, Ruby had to be on her tiptoes to do this and is getting hard to do so while waiting for Blake's response.

"Okay, but first, I need to get my book signed!" Blake quickly agrees; much to Ruby's happiness, and walk over to the table where they finally reach the front of the line.

To both of their shock and horror; more to Blake than Ruby and felt their world turned upside down. As they discover the mystery author of the Ninjas of Love happens to be their Headmaster of Beacon Academy: Ozpin, who is also surprised to find his students in front of him.

Neither side spoke a single word as they continue to stare at one of another until finally, one decided to speak.

"Well. This is interesting." Ozpin casual said before he took a sip from his [Coffee Mug] and calmly stare at his students: Ruby and Blake, as they're still in shock. "I do hope you girls don't say anything to the others. As this my only income to purchase more of my special brand of [Coffee]."

"Huh? Wah? Why? Uh? How? Eh?" Ruby look like her brain failed to reboot correctly and begin to stutter with random words while Blake looks like someone killed something she cherishes throughout her life.

"Please remember. I can and will silence you girls either through school works or by making your lives in Beacon Academy awful. We don't want that to happen now, do we?" Ozpin stares at them like he didn't just threaten them with the chance of sabotaging their grades and maybe find a way to make their daily lives in Beacon Academy much harder than it already is.

Both Ruby and Blake numbly nod their heads while Blake unconscious passes her copy of Ninjas of Love to get signed by Ozpin himself, but under his pen name, then calmly return the now signed book to its owner. As both girls walk away in a still shocked state without much of a goodbye from them.

"Rude." Ozpin stares at their backs before turning his attention back to the other readers to get their books sign by him. "The day is almost over...at least this is much easier for me to do than the paperwork back in Beacon."