
Arc 4 - Chapter 1: Research

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.






Arc 4 - Chapter 1: Research

A few minutes later*

(Continent: Solitas: Kingdom: Atlas: Schnee's Main Mansion: My Office)

Sitting on my desk, then snap my fingers, where Radix places the [Scroll] in front of me, where General Ironwood's face is on.

"Greetings, Mr. Schnee. It's good to see you again. I must say if you were a few minutes late. I would have ended the call." General Ironwood said to me.

"What do you require attention from me?" I raise an eyebrow at General Ironwood, not showing how annoyed I was. As I was in the middle of messing around with Sebastian.

"Sir, we have made a big discovery. We managed to create an artificial soul." General Ironwood could barely keep his emotions under control.

I can't blame him. It's not an everyday thing, where someone managed to create a soul, artificial or not.

"That's good." I smile at General Ironwood, show a bit of emotion, but not too much. "So are you in the process of finishing project P.E.N.N.Y?"

General Ironwood grim at this, "Uh, no sir. We have just finally figured out a way to create an artificial soul and still doing our best to make sure it doesn't end up disappearing on us. We not at the phrase of creating the body for the artificial soul." General Ironwood now wonders what in the right mind was he in, to call their sponsor and only to reveal the soul part only, not even entering the final stages. Then again, this is a huge discovery and maybe was too excited for his own good.

"I see." I slowly tap on my desk, causing General Ironwood from the other side of the screen to sweat at the familiar sound.

For an entire minute, I didn't say anything and continue to tap on my desk, not caring if this made General Ironwood uncomfortable.

"Tell me, how long do you think it would take for finishing the project? Or at least have reached the final testing phase." I wasn't in a hurry to see the result, but I still want some kind of result than not having anything at all. After all, I'm willing to spend money to make a difference, but if all I'm getting in return for my money is nothing, then I'll get back my money one way or another. "It has been, what like 4 years now since I have given you the money to fund the project?"

"Uh, Sir, this is a soul we have managed to create, this something unbelievable and historic discovery." General Ironwood tried his best, not to lose the only person that funds 70% of the project's cost. Losing this sponsor would be a big blow and who knows how long they will gather enough funds to finish the project.

"Yes. I can understand this. One of the reasons why I still continue to fund the project. But, I'm asking for the time. I don't care if it may take more than a decade or two. I want to know if you know how long this will take, because if I don't see a result, then even if you managed to create an artificial soul. It doesn't mean much to me." I calmly speak to General Ironwood in a way, that I'm not finding fault from him. No, I just want to see my money is worth spending on. So far, I can see it is. As General Ironwood and his team made a big process.

General Ironwood frown, then look down at something, then raise his head back up to the screen. "I would say at the very least 20 years should be enough for us to at least done with the final testing phase and only need to fine-tune all the kinks that we haven't discovered yet."

"Hmm." I continue to tap my desk slowly, not once have I stopped until now, then leaning back in my seat. "Alright. I will continue to provide the Lien. Do be sure to inform me of anything big like how you made the soul. I don't mind not knowing about all the details, but I expect you to tell me the main points and not leave anything important out." I narrow my eyes at General Ironwood, as with my mastery over my [Magic] has already allowed me to affect people from long-distance, even if I can't see them physically, but as long I can see them through a camera and live feed. Then, I can still affect them with my [Reduce Magic].

So, seeing General Ironwood is sweating like crazy is due to me reducing his fear resistance, temporary, further whenever he speak with me. As long there's fear, I can bring that up easily to my advantage.

"Yes, Sir, I make sure to do so and thank you for continuing to sponsor this project." General Ironwood quickly salutes to me and said his farewell before ending the call.

Once the call ends, Radix grabs the [Scroll] to be put away. I didn't even say anything.

"So, when am I getting my magical armaments? I'm pretty sure I'm supposed to get four of them by now." I said to Radix, as mastering four [Themas] allows me to wield four magical armaments.

"Sorry for this master, but making magical armaments is a very hard and long process to make. Furthermore, after discovering how you mastered four [Themas] under the [Archive: Luxuria]. I have decided that making four different magical armaments would only be useful in the short term, master. So, after thinking about it while continuing to gather the materials was for me to make a single powerful magical armament, that surpasses four magical armaments if used by a team of four [Magus] that mastered a single [Thema]." Radix explains to me why for the delay.

"Alright, do whatever you need to do. I'm not an expert in making magical armaments. So my inputs would be useless in this subject." I didn't get mad at Radix for taking such a long time to make my magical armament. In fact, Radix's words alone hinted me that I would have one by now if I haven't mastered the other three [Themas] of [Luxuria]. No regret in my opinion. Rather master these [Themas] and gain access to another [Archive] than being stuck in a single [Thema] with a magical armament that may or may not put me on the same level of strength I possess today. But, I highly doubt it.

Now that I have some spare time before my next meeting. I should take this chance to develop my second main [Magic] as I gained the [Archive: Invidia] today.

After thinking about it for a moment and decide to go with the opposite of my [Reduce Magic] and go with [Amplifying Magic]. This way I have two ways to combat enemies, where I can reduce their attacks and amplify my own attacks. Plus, this should be the right type of [Magic] for the [Thema: Expecto] as it mainly used for myself. Later on, I should be able to use it on others.

Even though I have the [Cloud Flame Glyph] that does the exact same thing, but there will be a chance in the future that someone has a method to prevent me from using my [Aura], which leave me with [Magic] and having [Amplifying Magic] together with [Reduce Magic] seem like a good thing to me. In fact, I can use both [Cloud Flame Glyph] and [Amplifying Magic] together, increasing the effects even more than it normally should be possible.

"Master, if you haven't remembered, but you have a meeting with your fiancee today." Radix reminds me, causing me to groan, not caring how pathetic I look right now.

"What does she want this time?" I ask Radix while thinking if there any excuses I could use to escape from the meeting with my so-called fiancee, who has been trying to get me to marry her for the past 3 years since we met and I have used many excuses to avoid marrying her in those 3 years. 3 long years is big for people that been in an arranged marriage and the two are over the age of 20s, making this a good chance to marry early for certain types of family.

"She wanted me to inform you that promise you made with her for the book you needed on [Dust Spell Crafting]. Lady Raskreia wanted to cash in that promise now." Radix answered.

I blank for a moment and slowly stare to my right, where there is a bookshelf and among the books is a book on [Dust Spell Crafting] that I obtained from Raskreia and a very old one at that, to put it simply. This is the original book that hasn't been edited for the public and the complete version, unlike the one open for public and even the Schnee family only has part of the unedited version, but not the whole complete book.

Honestly, Raskreia was the one that brings it over for a visit when she saw me reading the one belong to the Schnee family one time. I had no knowledge her family have the original as I thought it was lost and/or destroyed in the past. So, the moment she took it out for me to see during the next visit. I had to get my hands on it at all costs; however, I knew Raskreia wouldn't give it to me for free or something less of a value for it.

The price was a promise from me. But, I made sure to place multiple conditions down before I agreed to promise whatever she wanted from me in exchange for the book.

In hindsight; I expected her to use the promise right there and then, but she just left after getting an agreement from me of the promise. There was no need for a contract or anything, because Raskreia knew that I am a man of my word. If I make a promise, then I'll keep it. Also, I vowed it under the name of the Schnee, which made it harder for me to break.

Luckily, I made sure that she can't use this promise to force me to marry her right away, which I been trying to push as far into the future as long as possible until she calls it quits and cancel the engagement. Though, I'm starting to feel the pressure as I'm running out of excuses.

"Remind me again why I needed the [Dust Spell Crafting]?" I ask Radix, rubbing my forehead in frustration why I took the deal at the time.

"You were thinking about making new [Dust Glyphs], but your research has a blockage as there weren't many books on making new [Glyphs] that require [Dust] and only a few that just mention how to create the [Dust Glyphs] only instead of explaining the how and why." Radix explained, "And if it isn't so rude of me, but master, I have to tell you that it's better to work on your [Magic] instead. It's much more powerful than what you could do with [Dust]."

"Oh, yeah. And Radix. I can't outright use [Magic] in public and [Dust Glyphs] are the answer for me in case I need something to give me the edge when I can't use [Magic]. Furthermore, my family's [Semblance] makes it much easier to use [Dust] compared to what most people can do with them in combat and very limited, while my family has endless possibilities with our [Semblance] and using [Dust]." I argue with Radix that I will continue to use [Dust] no matter how limited it due to [Dust] isn't an endless resource and require me to restock on them forever. Unless I figure a way to make a [Dust] that never runs out or find one that everlasting. "Did she say when she is showing up?" I look at Radix while quickly coming up with plans to use when Raskreia finally tells me what she wants me to do for her.

"She should be here around half an hour." Radix informed me.

"Crap, that's too soon." I lean back in my chair and thinking of any plans I just thought of, that could be used right away in 30 minutes, but so far, nothing.

Just as I was debating of just jumping out of the window and live in the snowy forest. I have for years when I was little and I can do it again as an adult.

The door to my Office Room open, with Raskreia walking in and the one that allowed her to enter the building was none other than Sebastian, my butler, who has a smile on his face that just show he knew I didn't want to meet with Raskreia or so early without giving me the time to find a good escape route, but still bring her here anyway.

"Thank you, Sebastian. You're a gentleman and someone should learn from you, to not keep a lady waiting." Raskreia said to my butler.

"Ah, thank you for your kind words, Lady Raskreia. I hope you have a good conversation with Lord Schnee. I have some cleaning to do." Sebastian said in a polite tone before bowing to Raskreia, then softly close the door.

'That bastard! This is payback for the spar.' I mental growl, but wasn't that mad as this happened more than once already; however, that doesn't mean I like it and I'll get my revenge later.

"Hi, Raskreia, great to see you again." I force a smile on my face, not a bit stiff or look in any way of being forced at all. Years of practice.

Raskreia raises an eyebrow at me, not believing my words one bit. Not bother to check if my smile is fake or not. "Uh, huh. Anyway, I need to claim that promise you owe me."

'And here we go...' I tried not to frown or show any sign of weakness. "Right, that promise. So, what do you want from me?"

"I need your help with something." Raskreia's eyes flicker over to Radix.

I wave Radix to leave, not that it would do anything as Radix has already placed so many [Detecting Magic] onto the Schnee's main mansion, that it's literally impossible to avoid her sight and hearing.

"Go ahead. I'm listening." I said to Raskreia once Radix left.

"My Father has given me a mission, that I find... difficult." Raskreia frown at the end, "The mission itself isn't what I find so hard to do, but more of what the requirements need to be followed to complete the mission."

"Okay?" I'm more confused than ever, but I could roughly guess that this mission must be very important to Raskreia if she dares use the promise I owe her for this. Instead of using it for something that would give her the maximum benefits or something.

"You remember when I introduced you to the Lord of the Noble Clans, my Father?" Raskreia asks her fiance, where she saw the slightest eye twitch. She counts that as her win for their little game.

"Yeah, how could I forget." I said dryly, with a hint of worry as the Lord of the Noble Clans wanted me to meet him again. Met him once and rather not meet him again any time soon or ever.

"Well, my mission is to gather a group of people from the Noble Clans to become my personal royal guards like how my Father has his royal guards from the other Noble Clans. It's a reason why he is called the Lord of the Noble Clans due to having members of the Noble Clans under his commands." Raskreia explains a bit, trying to detect anything on her fiance's face. Nothing.

"You want me to be one of your royal guards?" I raise an eyebrow at Raskreia and wonder how will that work if I were to marry her later in the future.

"I would if there wasn't an arranged marriage between us. If I had you as a royal guard, then it would lead to many problems for both of us. One of them would cause discord among the royal guards if you were in it. Since if you were to marry me, then your position and status would be above the rest, even the captain of the royal guards would be below you due to your status as being my husband. So, no. I'm not asking you to be part of my royal guards." Raskreia replied, then let out a tired sigh.

"I'm going to guess, that you want me to help you find someone to be your royal guards from the other Noble Clans? Because I don't think you can find one in mine. Unless you want Brise?" I narrow my eyes at Raskreia if her aim for Brise.

"Don't put words in my mouth. I have no desire to picking Brise as one of my royal guards. In fact, even with your Schnee family being a Noble Clan, but that only applies to the main branch. Unless you have other siblings or relatives somewhere, that part of the main branch?" Raskriea asks me with an eyebrow raise.

"Just Brise and me. I've already checked two years ago while regathering all the Schnee members to announce that I'm the leader and proven I'm from the main branch." I answered and explain a little. Of course, I had Radix check the entire planet just in case someone with the blood of the main branch was somewhere on Remnant and in hiding or just don't know about their heritage. Sadly, it just Brise and me.

"Then, no. I have no desire of picking anyone from the Schnee Clan to become one of my royal guards. No, what I want from you is to help me form the royal guards, something that shouldn't be allowed in my family at all and something I must do alone, but lucky for me and you, I think. Upon having someone in an arranged marriage with the heir/heiress of the Lord of the Noble Clans. The heir/heiress is allowed to have that person to help them search for people to be their royal guards." Raskreia began explaining the entire process of the royal guard is and why she needs to form one.

The whole royal guard system isn't to protect Raskreia, and the ones before her and the ones after her. No, that is just an extra service when they're not doing their actual duties. The royal guard under the Lord of the Noble Clans is more on the line of a small council and an elite team, that would have a set of roles they need to do.

For example, one royal guard would have the role of watching over the Atlas Academy of the students' safety and even sometimes become the Headmaster of the Academy.

Another example is where one royal guard would be the leader of a network of information gathering.

In a way, the royal guard is called as such, to not protect the Lord of the Noble Clans, but to protect the people of the Atlas Kingdom instead.

Of course, with great positions and all the benefits goes with it. There are strict requirements for people that have any desire of becoming one and there is a limited spot available to become one. The number of spots for the royal guards that Raskeria needs to recruit is three at the minimum number requirement and seven being the most she could get.

"Okay, so you need my help... with?" I made a hand gesture for Raskreia to go on since I still haven't figured out what my role in this whole thing, other than helping her finding these people to be formed into the royal guards.

"Out of everyone I know, not including my Father's generation. You're the only one I know who could read people like an open book and have an unbelievable resource to gather information in so little time, but with highly detailed information that makes one wonder about a few things." Raskreia looks at me, "And no this isn't a threat. We both know how you react to threats and I'm just stating facts."

"Alright, so you want to use my network, to search for these candidates to be your royal guards, then?" I really didn't mind if Raskreia uses the network I built over the years. In fact, I hope she does, then I won't owe her anymore.

"Does your network expand to the other kingdoms?" Raskreia asks me.

"Barely, but I do get some news from the other kingdoms, why?" I'm beginning to wonder if Raskreia planning to recruit people from the kingdoms.

"Because I am allowed to recruit people from the other kingdoms, within reasons of course. One of them is that as long as they haven't lived in the Atlas Kingdom for a year nor part of any of the Atlas kingdom's Noble Clans." Raskreia replied. "So, for the promise you owe me. I want you to help form the royal guards and be sure they are loyal without a hint of betraying me."

I caught something at the end, where Raskreia said herself, not the Atlas Kingdom upon mentioning about betrayal.

"Fine. Do you have someone you want to recruit already or do you want me to give you a list of candidates?" I may as well get this over with, then I won't have to owe her anything, but there is still that arranged marriage going on between us. Even with three years by now. I still haven't come up with a good way to null and void the arranged marriage.

Raskreia didn't say anything for a few seconds, as she gathers her thoughts and clearly wasn't expecting everything to go so well at this moment, then again, her fiance is prideful since she knows him over the three years and know he a man who holds his words heavily whenever he vows under the Schnee's name. Something she could relate and among the many things that she respects her fiance.

"Is there anyone that you think could be a royal guard at the top of your head?" Raskreia is a little curious about what her fiance's answer would be. "The Atlas Kingdom is the first place I want to check."

"Hmm. Give me a moment." I took out my [Scroll], to pull up a file and got what I wanted. "Well, the first question I have to ask you before I give you a list of candidates. Is it fine with any people from the Nobles Clan? As some of the members that already part of your Father's royal guards."

"No. I rather not gather any members from the Noble Clan under my Father. So skip the people from the Clans of Mergas, Landegre, and Siriana. These three are the Clans that my Father has recruited from the Atlas Kingdom and two others. One from the Vale Kingdom and another from the Mistral Kingdom." Raskreia informs me about the three Noble Clans not to recruit from.

"Hm. The Mergas Clan is known to specialize in defense and protection. Able to create wide area barriers and block even the most destructed attacks be its power by [Dust] or by a strong offensive [Semblance]. Landegre Clan's main fighting technique primarily involves destroying their opponents through a very strong frontal assault. Siriana Clan's battle techniques involve in, using a long chain to dominate any range, keeping their enemies at bay as well as striking them from a far distance, leaving close combatants, at an enormous disadvantage." I listed out the three Noble Clans' specializes in. "I must say, your Father builds up a balanced team with just those three. One to defend the others, another to be the attacker, and the third as a support to help out the two if the situation calls for it, but at the same time, they could deal with any other foes before they begin to overwhelm the other two. Your Father is good at picking people out for his royal guards."

"Of course, now anyone in mind? I didn't ask for a reminder of who my Father's royal guards are." Raskreia said to me.

"Well, I got three Clans that could help you out, not to mention they could be great in battles that require to be in a team or just fighting by themselves. Well, two of them can and the other one may be weaker alone than without someone to back them up." I've already found which Noble Clan to pick out from. "Here's the first one. The Elenor Clan is known to fight in long-distance due to their [Semblance], where most of them are based on distance alone. Furthermore, they develop techniques of [Aura Control] to create destructive beams in case they ever lose their weapons. In a way, if you recruit someone from the Elenor Clan. Expect to only use them for long-distance combat. Anything else, you would have to research them on your own. Since I mainly just research on people's fighting abilities mostly."

"Doesn't matter, go on with the other two you have in mind." Raskreia said to me, not too much in a hurry to decide. Though, she will look into these Clans later, after this meeting.

"Next up is the Kertia Clan. I actually did a bit more research on these people due to how my fighting style is close to theirs." I said to Raskreia, where she peaks up at this. "They specialized in speed, stealth, and pathfinding. They are also a Clan that develops their own techniques using [Aura] alone like with the Elenor Clan for their destructive beams. The Kertia Clan's technique being able to leave undetectable traces which can be read-only by another member of the Kerita Clan. Furthermore, they are like the Schnee, for they have inheritance [Semblance]. The Kertia Clan's [Semblance] is mainly towards illusions while my family is with [Glyphs]." I rub my chin, where I wonder if the Kertia Clan's [Illusion Semblance] is better than my [Mist Flame Glyph] or not.

"Interesting. And the last one?" Raskreia already got someone she has interests in recruiting now. But, for now, she wants to hear the last Noble Clan.

"The last one is like a counter to the previous two. But, that depends on the members of this Clan." I said to Raskreia, "The Blerster Clan is known for having inborn sensory abilities. As in, they didn't even need to develop techniques for sensing as they have these inborn sensory abilities that can be anything. If there was a specialize combat of the Blerster Clan, then it would be varied and based on what inborn sensory abilities they gain. Not including their [Semblance], which can be anything." I finished explaining the three Noble Clans for Raskreia to recruit. "These are the three Noble Clans I picked out of the rest for you to recruit."

"I see." Raskreia has a thoughtful face, thinking about what she learned so far. "Out of the three, who would you recruit first?"

"The Blerster Clan. Because out of the three; the Kertia Clan is the hardest one to locate and Elenor comes second." I replied instantly.

"Alright, I'll notify you when I have a meeting with the Blerster Clan." Raskreia said to me, "Consider your promise finished after I've successfully assembled my royal guards." Raskreia knew when not to push people, but she can tell that her fiance hasn't reached his limit of patience just yet, and she will do her best not to reach that point or he'll do something that will make her regret it for a lifetime.


Current Age:

Merlin Schnee: 21

Brise Schnee: 13

Glynda Goodwitch: 13

Sebastian Michaelis: 21

Kali Michaelis: 16

Jacob Ironwood: 25

Erga Kenesis Di Raskreia: 21