
Chapter 73

“This is as beautiful as Chesapeake Bay,” Pauly said.

“Did you stay at my place last night?” Cam asked.

“No,” he replied. “I got here this morning. We flew in from the west so I only saw part of this lake from the air,” Pauly explained. “Maggie got here yesterday. I believe she stayed at your house last night.”

“How long are you staying?” Cam asked.

“I need to be back tomorrow night,” Pauly responded. “Michael was talking about bringing me back to Montreal in the morning and I can fly out of there. That way no one would see me flying out of Magog without you.”

“Good idea.”

“Or, if you want, you can come down to Newport with me tonight and fly out of there,” Chuck offered.

“We can discuss it over dinner,” Pauly said. “Thanks for the offer. Doesn’t Michael have to drive to Montreal to go to work tomorrow?”

“What’s tomorrow? Saturday? No, she doesn’t teach on Saturday. Besides, she’s been teaching recertification classes here in Magog for the last couple weeks.”