
BNHA: Pain and Love

A man with barely any morals left was transmigrated as Izuku Midoriya about a year before the entrance exam. With Pain's (Deva path) modified powers, he hoped to enjoy his second life to the fullest. This is mostly a slice of life and no dark or really depressing things will happen to them. If you enjoy a light and fluffy read, try this out There is Inchest here, I'll let you guess who she is. There will be blood for a certain cute and misunderstood waifu too. Probably a harem with 3/4 members.

GuessMyName · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs

Chapter 48 - The Animal Whisperer

All might open the hidden cabinet from inside the class walls' and reveal everyone's hero costume within it. Izuku didn't expect it to already be finished when they had only sent the designs a week or so ago. 'The power of money is strong…'

"And don't forget! From here on out, you're all officially HEROES!!!" All-Might shouted, hyping the whole class up. Even Izuku couldn't fully escape from the clutches of his speech and couldn't help but be slightly excited.


(Izuku's costume.)

Inside the changing room, Izuku took his new costume out and couldn't help but be amazed at the quality it had. Even with such little time, they could produce something of this caliber.

He read the note within the bag and saw it was made with some advanced material that made it as flexible as it was durable. Durable enough to resist normal gunshots. He noticed a rat symbol on the back of it and guessed Nezu had something to do with his hero suit.

Izuku wondered how much the rat valued the discovery of a real animal with quirk-like attributes. He thought Nezu, with all his power, would by now find some animals with quirk factors inside them, considering how many animals live in the world but apparently not.

Other than the suit, beside it lay two somewhat shorter double-edged swords and several types of knives, with throwing knives having the most quantity. He lifted the sword with the blunt edges and then the normal one, and felt content with their weight.

His previous one was destroyed by All Might when he saved Izuku and a random girl from flying debris. It was unfortunate, but now he had a better one to replace it with.

The most important is the weight. It was roughly the same as his previous one, and it felt even sharper than the previous one. He thought that products from the best schools really overshadowed what a black market could produce.

"Whoa! You can ask for a sword?" Kirishima, who had changed into his hero costume exclaimed. He looked into Izuku's bag and saw the rest of his weapons, "Man, I should've asked for more,"

"Can I try it?" Denki Kaminari looked over as well and felt interested in Izuku's weapons. No one else had asked for something other than their suit and he felt he could have asked for some sort of item to help channel his lightning.

"Take the blunt one," Izuku said, but Kaminari took it before he finished. "It's heavy–"

Kaminari had taken it to his hands and he tried hard to lift the sword and managed to hold it uptight but couldn't hold it for long before Kirishma took it from him. He fared much better but still struggled trying to swing it. Everyone in the heroics department was to some degree, built in their own regard. Even Kaminari had muscles, but it looked like the sword was still a bit too much.

Shoji took the sword from Kirishima with one of his hands and swung it with ease. "This is nice, but too dangerous for hero work" 

Izuku nodded. There's a reason why heroes don't carry weapons such as swords or guns. They are, first and foremost, there to provide security to the people, and the populace wouldn't feel very secure if they saw excessive gore while being saved. It's not a problem for Izuku though.

"You should get four of them and be General Grievous!" Kaminari joked, causing everyone to let out a slight chuckle while Shoji took the two swords and pointed it at Kaminari. "Your sword would make a fine addition to my collection,"

"OI!!!" Suddenly, from the door, Bakugou blasted his quirk and shouted at the group, "We're waiting for you fucks!"

Shoji handed the swords back to Izuku who took the blunt one and stored the other and left with everyone. They noticed Bakugou's vein-filled eyes and worried it might actually pop if they took any longer.

Fully geared, Izuku is now ready to take his first step to becoming a full-fledged hero. 

At least in the eyes of the people.


While only Bakugou was displeased by Izuku and his group's lateness, All Might use the situation to preach that time is of the essence for a hero and that being late may cause problems. 

They weren't necessarily late, but it was a lesson the boys took in. Though Bakugou also got reprimanded for his lack of patience and crassness, earning a laugh from the group. 

"Indoor Battle Trial!" All Might said, garnering everyone's attention. "While the flashy clips of heroes at work are outdoors, statistically, heroes' jobs are more indoors than out!"

Even in his previous world, more crimes are done indoors where the villains, so to say, have more chances to gain an advantage. Izuku thought that anyone who commits a crime in public is usually doing so for attention rather than any other goal.

Everyone listened carefully to the trial's rules and soon drew their pair of teams.

"Let's do our best, Izuku-kun," Koji Koda, a man with a rock-like head said. His voice was so soft Izuku almost couldn't catch what he said.

Other than his quirk, Anivoice, which lets him communicate with animals, Izuku hasn't known anything else about him yet. It made him wonder whether Koji's quirk allowed him to fully communicate with his cat, Lin, as Nezu could.

After drawing everyone's pairs, All Might took two boxes and drafted everyone's matches. Everyone else's was irrelevant since no way the author was writing all that, but Izuku and Koji drew the first match against Momo and Tokoyami.

"Team Izuku and Koji will be the heroes while Team Momo and Tokoyami will be the villains. Villains have 10 minutes to prepare!" All Might said and after seeing the two pairs nod, brought everyone else who wished the four good luck into the observation room.

Tokoyami and Momo went to the highest floor to see a big nuclear dummy right in the middle of the floor. It was too big to conceal but light enough for the two of them to move it.

Tokoyami looked at the multiple glass-paned windows on the floor and felt weaker as the sunlight pierced through. He let his quirk out and it looked just as cute as it is weak, "Could you make blinds to cover every window, Yaoyorozu-san?" 

Momo had planned to do so from the start to prevent birds that Koji could control from monitoring their positions. She looked at the windows and measured them, "Blinds won't be enough Tokoyami-kun, Izuku could attract all of them with ease,"

" We're basically only fighting against Izuku but he's strong enough to make up the difference," Tokoyami said, having a headache trying to come up with a plan against Izuku's troublesome quirk.

"Don't worry, I made these instead," Momo's costume had much of her skin exposed, allowing her to create larger things faster. From her chest popped out a thin but jet-black rectangle sticker the size of the windows. "If he wants to have light, he'd need to destroy the windows,"

Tokoyami's quirk, dark shadow, looks excited when it sees Momo creating enough stickers for the whole floor and the two begin to plaster them, preventing light from coming in just enough to empower Tokoyami's quirk but not to make him go berserk.

Meanwhile, Izuku looked at the highest floor and saw the windows slowly turning darker one by one. "Looks like we can't use them after all, Koji-san," Izuku said and turned to the disappointed Koji who had multiple birds perching on his upper body.

Izuku used his quirk to catch the stray birds flying high for Koji to control before but it was all for naught. Though he wouldn't say that since there's no need to. As soon as Izuku heard the pairing, he knew it would mostly be on him to win the game.

While Koji's quirk interests him, it is mainly due to Izuku wanting to try and use it to communicate with Lin. Other than that, it proved to be quite useless in the current or most situations Izuku could think of.

Unless they are in a jungle or a zoo, Koji's quirk wouldn't pose any threat to anyone. Though, at least his partner isn't Bakugou so it could definitely be worse. 

Koji is somewhat relaxing for Izuku to be with, he has this natural gentle aura that attracts and calms animals within his area. He attributed it to his quirk's extra advantage and thought it would be good for Lin to try and meet him. 

'Is this what friends are? People that are not worth taking advantage of but are enjoyable enough to be around with?' Izuku thought, trying to define what friends mean to him.

He discarded the menial thoughts and looked at Koji who now had much more birds around him than before. He had called more low-flying stray birds and explained his tactic to swarm the room the nuclear is in as a distraction.

Izuku nodded, agreeing with his strategy. "If they're smart, the two will stay together on the darkest floor, the last floor, but just in case, send the birds in pairs to scout each floor so at least one of them can escape."

"What if they split up?" Koji asked.

"Then we'll win the game quicker," Izuku said as Koji looked amazed by Izuku and thought to himself to be more confident like his classmate.

'Let's do my best!'


(A/N: Give. Me. STONES!

Also also, I found this pic of BNHA girls today. Very hot and nsfw >.<)< p>