
BNHA: nanomachines

Kazuhira Miller is a boy reincarnated in the world of heroes with a single ambition. To be a better person, a different person. But will he be able to maintain that ambition when he sees the injustice of the world? Will it hold fair as long as it has the power of nanomachines, the pinnacle of technology and human evolution? warnings: 1st: English is not my native language, so don't expect a great quality of writing. 2°: this story will not end with a happy ending, read knowing this information.

GreatbookOFDAO · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

the three residents

"Not as bad as I expected"

I muttered as I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror and tugged on my school tie.

The outfit consisted of a white shirt, a gray blazer with green details on the shoulders, collar, and wrists, a red tie, and dark green pants.

It certainly wasn't the prettiest outfit I'd ever seen, especially the green pants, but it wasn't the worst either.

Now only the last part of my outfit was missing, my bandana.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror, a bandana slung over my shoulder.

It was impossible to walk away with a thumb-sized scar and not raise questions, especially with a bunch of teenagers around, a species known for their lack of sense and intelligence.

Therefore, I would wear the bandana to avoid harassment and to hide my name, as it would be easy to identify the story of a foreign student who has a gunshot scar right in the middle of his forehead, just looking at the foreign news a few months ago.

I placed the black bandana on my forehead and tied it behind my head.

I knew that I could only delay discovering my identity and I would never be able to hide it.

But I wanted to avoid comments as much as possible like for example:

'Too bad, you must have suffered a lot.'

' Poor guy, are you okay?'

'oh, poor thing. What kind of nonsense have you done?'

Such comments were impertinent and not I needed others' pity, they would need my pity when I became a hero and needed to save their asses!

I would be the one who would look at them with pity and do nothing!

* Crack

The bathroom sink shattered.

In my deep reflection, I didn't realize I was holding the sink until it broke.

I let out a sigh as I brought my hand to my forehead.

I had let memories of an irrelevant past become relevant, in a life that wasn't connected, and with that, I had lost my control and dignity, something I shouldn't let happen again.



"Young master, breakfast is ready."

A flat, feminine voice sounded from behind the bathroom door.

"I'm already going Cassandra."

I quickly answered the maid who knocked on the door.

The first thing I saw as I left the bathroom was the mechanical maid waiting for me.

Just like all the mechanical maids built by my father, her appearance was very similar to Melina.

Same attire and posture, same face and hairstyle, the only differences between the maids and Melina were hair color, voice, height, body heat, and body measurements.

The mechanical maid in front of me was a few inches taller than me and had red hair, an average bust, and a fairly slim waist and wide hips.

But what stood out about her, besides her ass, was her feather-light step that carried with it the dignity of a ballerina.

Influence of my mother, my father although he was fascinated by robotics, he was not used to putting personality in the physical of his Creations, my mother was fascinated by the inanimate, according to my father, she loved to add her 'personal touch' in the creations that he did.

"I see the sink broke."

Cassandra spoke in her typical monotone as she glanced over my shoulder and at the same time also interrupted my thoughts.

"Sorry I accidentally broke it, can you fix it?"

I gave Cassandra a quick explanation while feeling embarrassed that she witnessed my little accident.

"I see, it won't be a problem young master, by the end of the night it will be ready, now if you'll excuse me, I need to take care of the visit."

I nodded in agreement and with my permission she withdrew.

And as she walked out of my room, I watched her ass waddle, moving with each graceful step she took.

It was a pity that the feeling of sleeping with her was not the same as Melina's.

Melina had life, she had personality, she had warmth, she laughed and she was embarrassed, she made mistakes and she learned.

Cassandra had none of those things, she was simply a perfect robot.

The perfect maid, the perfect big sister.

Hell, even in bed she was perfect.

But that was it, perfection, a machine.

Even her personality was something dictated by numbers and gears, nothing was spontaneous or uncalculated and this was repeated for all the other machines in this house.

Thinking of machines, I'd better go down to the kitchen before Sebastian's temper scared Kendo.

In fact, that was quite likely.

So I hurriedly went downstairs to the kitchen, only to be met with my bad luck of getting my prediction right.

Kendo had her back to me, sitting on one of the chairs at the table while Sebastian, the two-meter-tall animated robot was leaning beside her with a book in hand as he spoke animatedly:

"See! This picture is from when he first went to the doctor for a Quirk evaluation! And look how small he was, milady, you'd be scared how big he is these days!"

I quickly approached Sebastian and put my hand on his shoulder when I heard the last comment, it was one thing to show photos of my childhood, another thing was to show supposedly inappropriate photos.

Sebastian jumped at my touch and closed the book with a loud thud and slowly turned toward me.

"Young-young master, how good it is to have you here!

Did you have a good sleep?"

I initially stared at the tall, muscular robot with butler attire and imperial mustache beard, after a few seconds of staring at him, I spoke only one sentence.

"Get out of here."

Sebastian shrugged his shoulders and walked out of the kitchen with his head down, but as he was clumsy he bumped into a property and almost fell to the floor before leaving the kitchen.

I followed him with my gaze until he left and when I discreetly looked to the side, I saw kendo covering his mouth with one hand to hold back his laughter.

That was good, at least she didn't seem to take offense at Sebastian's antics.

"Kendo-san, I beg your pardon if Sebastian offended you or showed you something improper, he doesn't have a bad nature, he's just very clumsy and excited."

I turned to her and offered my apologies while bowing my head, as being responsible for the household and consequently the robot family, bowing my head in apology was the least I could do for her seeing something indecent.

"No need for that, I wasn't offended, actually I'm being very well received and... It was quite sweet."

I just ignored the last part she mumbled as I circled the square table and sat down across from Itsuka Kendo, who I noticed was wearing her academy uniform, which didn't make much difference apart from her skirt and stockings reaching just below her knees.

"I must say kendo-san, the uniform suited you very well, it highlights your beauty and even more your competence for delivering at a prestigious academy."

As a master of dating advice, I knew women loved compliments whether they were a little tomboyish or not.

And as expected, Kendo blushed a bit and scratched his head sheepishly as she tried to respond to the compliment.

But it was interrupted by the arrival of breakfast placed on the table by Cassandra and her mother, who went by the name of Clare, the only robot that had a face among all my father created.

And just like Cassandra, she wore the same attire and hairstyle, although she had blonde hair and her hair had some loose strands, but that didn't give her a disorganized look, it just put more emphasis on her beauty.

She had a face that looked like it was specially carved by the hands of God, with the sole purpose of creating the most beautiful art, it was even hard to tell that she wasn't human if not for her bronze skin.

She had eyes a blue color like the sea and had permanent dark circles under her eyes from fatigue, which unexpectedly did nothing but add to the gentle smile always present on her face and, together with her low height and breasts, gave her a maternal aura.

And when I saw her on the first day, I realized why my dad said he missed the robots he had created in Japan during the academy.

I just put the pieces together and thought, why a man who grew up on the streets, who despised human beings, why would he create human-like robots?

And the answer came quickly, this was his family, his perfect family.

Cassandra, the cold but understanding and kind older sister, the sister who never was.

Sebastian, the clumsy, playful, lively dad, the kind of dad who would always embarrass his kids but would always be there for him when he needed him, the dad he never knew.

Clare, the always kind mother, worried, but strict in the same measure of kindness, a ghost of a memory.

And when I looked up her face in the database, well, I found out that she actually existed.

Clare Miller, my grandmother.

This robot was my grandmother's recreation, a ghost from a past that haunted my father, a miserable man who had suffered all the worst in the world.

"Eh?! All this food?"

Kendo exclaimed, pulling me out of the depths of my thoughts.

On the table was a variety of foods.

baguette bread, pancakes, petit gâteau, macarons, creme brûlée, fruits, dairy products, and various types of drinks.

"They got pretty excited, but don't feel pressured, just eat what you want"

I answered kendo and like any woman, she seemed to be a fan of sweets as the Petit gâteau was his first choice.

But I couldn't touch any of the food on the table, I couldn't feel hungry anymore and I lost the will to eat anything after reminding myself, the purpose of the existences in that robots.

My father was alone in another country, bound by a government contract to remain in the United States, and in the meantime, I would play for three years to be a superhero.

And the notion of that made my heart heavy with guilt, even if I called him every day, the guilt still wouldn't ease.

But I couldn't think of a future where I would drop out of academia and move back to the US.

It just... it didn't feel right.

"Do you by any chance intend not to eat?"

Kendo asked me with concern in her voice, although it looked like she wasn't going to drop the subject of me not eating.

"I was just stuck in my thoughts, if I didn't eat it would be disrespectful to Sebastian and the rest of the staff."

I made a convincing excuse as I grabbed an apple and bit into it, it was much easier to make that excuse than to spend time explaining how the protein capsule worked and that it made me not hungry.

No, wait a minute.

Wasn't it easier to say that it was a consequence of my Quirk?

But it was too late and words couldn't be taken out, so I just enjoyed the next ten minutes it took us to eat.

"You know, if you keep giving me so much good food, it's going to be hard on me in so many different ways and I don't think I can eat normal food right now."

Kendo commented as we got up and grabbed the backpacks Cassandra had brought with her a few minutes earlier during breakfast.

"That's good, you're someone comforting to be around and I like you."

I gave her a compliment as we walked down the hall to the exit of the house.

"Wind head."

I heard Kendo mutter in response as he followed behind me and I didn't even have to look back to see that she was flushed, after all, Kendo blushes easily.

I opened the door and went outside while looking to the right, admiring for a few seconds the gym building a few meters away.

"I must admit, it's quite convenient to live near the gym, and I also think it's quite expensive."

Kendo analyzed as he walked beside me towards the gym, which was about thirty meters away, a relatively quick walk.

"If you want, you can move in with me, we have more rooms than people living in the house."

I proposed to kendo while taking a moment to cross the street and hear what she had to say.

"No need, I wouldn't want to be a bother."

Kendo denied it as we waited for the light to turn green, but I certainly had a few words to say, even more so after she demeaned herself and branded herself a nuisance.

"You are not a 'nuisance', you are adorable and I already told you that I like you and your presence."

I admitted while making a point of emphasizing the word nuisance, but for some reason, I didn't understand, kendo blushed from head to toe.

"Y- you... You're doing this on purpose... and it's not fair!"

Kendo stamped his foot on the floor as she continued to blush and I was sure my face was locked into a stupid grimace as I tried greedily to understand what had embarrassed and outraged her.

But she bolted toward the gym as soon as the light turned green, giving me no chance to reply or even react.

"Huhu... Huhuhahaha"

I started out like an idiot in the middle of the sidewalk as I tried to hold in my laughter, but failing miserably, so I just started laughing, not caring what others looked at me.

For some unknown reason, I found her reaction to be hilarious and a bit...cute.