
Chapter 13: Sport's Festival Pt.1

"...SURVIVED A VILLAIN ATTACK, THE HERO COURSE CLASS 1A!" Present Mic announced excitedly to the audience in the stadium, breaking me from my thoughts. There were so many people attending and even more watching through their television. It does make me a bit nervous, especially since I'm still healing.

After being dismissed from the hospital I was given a mask that would help with my breathing. It's similar to a gas mask as it filters any harmful substances in the air but it's not anything special, just less bulky without any eye cover. I'll have to place an order when I can with the Support Course to get a better mask made, I'll send it in later with my requirements.

"So how are you feeling Ryu?", Mina asked from beside me as she eyed my mask. Ever since our conversation a few days back she's been expressing constant concern over me. It was awkward at first but I've gotten used to it.

<<<<< Few Days Prior >>>>>

"Why didn't you tell me?" I suddenly heard a voice speak up from behind me as I prepared to leave the hospital.

"Tell you what?", I questioned Mina with my brow raised.

"That you have a...you know, I forgot the name but you know what I mean!" Mina said irritably. Oh, she must be talking about my pleurisy but, how'd she find out about that?

As if reading my mind, she explained.

"When I came to visit you one time your mom was here so we talked and she told me about your condition and how this was your first real experience at a school. You could've told Kirishima and me, we're friends aren't we?", she said with a furrowed brow.

"I'm sorry", I sighed and shook my head. "It was a sensitive topic for me and I didn't want anyone to know till I was comfortable. I was afraid you could say".

"Afraid of what?"

"Pity. I don't want to be pitied. I want to be seen as an equal and not below anyone else, so I was unsure of whether to reveal anything more about myself".

"Well we're friends, I'm just worried about you is all", Mina scratched the back of her head and I couldn't help but smile.

"She said the same thing y'know. My mother. Thanks for your concern Mina". I'm pretty lucky to have people worried about me like this.

"Hehe, no problem Ryu. Y'know for a guy with a serious condition you're pretty reckless. I guess I'll just have to keep my eye on you and make sure you don't do anything stupid", Mina smacked my shoulder as she laughed and I couldn't help but join.

"As if. I'm pretty sure I'm way smarter than you"

"Eeeeh. That was low Ryuuu", she pouted.

"Haha", opening the door of my hospital room for her we walked down the hall together.

<<<<< Present Time >>>>>

"All's good. Mask is a bit stuffy but nothing I can't handle", my voice came out of the mask sounding hollow. Pretty badass honestly, definitely adds to my edgy points. Look at all those females entranced in my dangerous beaut-

"You're making that face again", Mina shook her head and sighed.

"What face?"

"Y'know the one, the face you make when you're totally full of yourself"

"What? Am not"

"You are"



"Hey guys, stop playing around Midnight is talking", Kirishima interrupted, cutting off our conversation and drawing our attention to the front where Midnight stood in all her...R-rated splendor. Deserving of the title, her assets are popping out. I couldn't continue that train of thought as an elbow hit me in the side.

"For the student pledge, we have Ryunosuke Akutagawa!" Midnight announced with a wave of her...sex whip? What the hell?

Walking up to stand on the platform I gazed at the still audience, all eyes on me. Ah, I should totally do a comedy routine or something.

"I wish good luck to everyone here. Thank you". Okay I know I could've said something better but I froze cause my mom's watching this. If I say something weird she'll have my head when I get home and I'm not gonna deal with that again.

After momentary silence applause rang out. No one was badmouthing me surprisingly, even Monoma seemed somewhat pleased. Walking back down to join my class Midnight started explaining the Obstacle Race.

"All eleven classes will be participating in this treacherous contest surrounding four kilometers on the outside of the stadium. I don't wanna restrain anyone, at least on this game, as long as you don't leave the course you are free to do as your heart desires! NOW THEN, TAKE YOUR PLACES!"


Everyone made a beeline for the tunnel, pushing and elbowing anyone around them. I chose to stay near the back instead of getting sandwiched in. I don't wanna get jabbed in the side like last time. Speaking of last time I still haven't found the bastard who threw that elbow.

Running at a steady pace at the back I broke out the darkness of the tunnel to see multiple people with their feet trapped in the ice. Another good reason I stayed back. Todoroki ices everyone indiscriminately.

Tapping the iced floor with my boots, I slid past the other contestants. Todoroki provided perfectly good transport so why not use it for me as well. As I slid on my way I dodged past some of Mineta's balls stuck on the frozen surface.

Coming up on the lead I found him sprawled out on the floor after getting hit by a Zero-Pointer. I walked over and picked him up by the collar before setting him down.

"You alright?"

"Eh? Oh yeah. Thanks, Akutagawa"

"No problem, I'm your Class President after all. Also, behave yourself today. I don't wanna hear about any perverted acts or schemes of yours. You have ingenuity but you're using it for all the wrong things, so prove to me and everyone watching that you're not just some pervert who lucked out", I looked down at him seriously.

Mineta looked up at me with a touched look as he nodded. I'm not sure if he'll take my words seriously but it doesn't matter. I didn't say this to him for any noble reason, I just found the method he used to finish the course...disturbing.

Running past him I continued on my way only to have a Zero-Pointer send its hulking fist at me. I have no need to show off for now so I'll keep my cards hidden and limit myself. I can't overexert myself either.

"Rashomon: Devoured Space", erecting my shield, the Zero-Pointer's fist couldn't get past it. Huh, Rashomon feels...different. I'm not sure what this feeling is but it's definitely not the same as using it last time.

My plan is to keep myself inconspicuous to avoid being targeted by Shinso and Monoma for the Cavalry Battle. I'm not sure if Monoma can copy my quirk or not but I'd like to keep his knowledge on my quirk to a bare minimum at least. As for Shinso, he manipulated Ojiro into being his teammate so I definitely don't want that.

Leisurely passing Todoroki's wreck I kept dodging or using Devoured Space to hold off the robots. Kirishima was racing with that Tetsutetsu x2 guy with the steel quirk.

A group of Three-Pointers surrounded me as I was deep in my thoughts. Ah, I should really stop getting distracted like this, could be the death of me one day.

"Rashomon: Kurohatou".

Rashomon tendrils sprouted from my unzipped gym uniform jacket, piercing through the robots. Finally, I came to the tight rope course which was obviously no sweat for me. Simply stretching Rashomon tendrils allowed me to cross the gaps from one platform to the next with ease.

Minefield up next. Most of the contestants were already tiptoeing to avoid the mines. I could see Midoriya digging up mines to perform his grand stunt. Making my way past him, I easily avoid the mines with Rashomon. It's almost like these courses were made for me.

As I neared the lead where Bakugou and Todoroki were contesting for the lead, a massive pink explosion drew the attention of everyone. Midoriya suddenly flew out, taking the lead. Todoroki and Bakugou were obviously in hot pursuit as they chased after him.

Once again, I thanked Todoroki in my mind as I skated on the ice trail he so generously left behind. I could already hear Present Mic announcing Midoriya coming in the first place so I must not be too far behind.

Running through the tunnel I emerged out the other end, greeted by thunderous applause. Looking at the contestants that already arrived, I spotted Midoriya, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Ibara. So I'm 5th huh? Pretty good honestly.

As the other contestants arrived I approached Kirishima and Mina.

"Hey Akutagawa. You came in before us huh?", Kirishima waved.

"Yeah. It was a pretty tough race"

"I'll say. Those Zero-Pointers totally caught me off-guard"

"That minefield was so tricky though. I was worried I'd trip on one", Mina added.

Midnight announced the standings but I only paid attention to the top ten.


1. Class A: Izuku Midoriya

2: Class A: Shoto Todoroki

3. Class A: Katsuki Bakugou

4. Class B: Ibara Shiozaki

5. Class A: Ryunosuke Akutagawa

6. Class B: Juzo Honenuki

7. Class A: Tenya Iida

8. Class A: Fumikage Tokoyami

9. Class A: Hanta Sero

10: Class A: Eijiro Kirishima

"Alright. Top ten isn't so bad!" Kirishima pumped his fist in the air.

"Aww man, top twenty?" Mina whined from beside me.

"It's not that bad. It's still pretty high"

"As if. You're in the top five"

The talking amongst the contestants quietened down as Midnight stepped up to talk.

"Only forty-two of you will advance to the next round but don't be too let down if you didn't make the cut. We've prepared other opportunities for you to shine"

"Now the real fun begins, the chance to fully move into the limelight! Give it your best!", and with a crack of her whip, the screen started spinning to display the next event.


"The participants will form teams of two to four people if they see fit. It's just like the regular playground game but it has a big difference. Each player has been assigned a point value based on the results from the obstacle course".

"The point values assignments go up by five starting from forty-second place that has 5 points and forty-first place has 10 points. The highest-ranking, first place, assigned points are an astounding TEEEEN MILLION!". And so Midoriya's grave was dug.

Everyone started eyeing him like a pack of hungry dogs. But he has plot armor and me of course, a transmigrator with some foreknowledge. So my plan for the cavalry battle is simply to replace Tokoyami's spot on Midoriya's team. We'll have a high point value and I can take measures against any problems that occurred in the anime such as Iida pumping his engines.

"The game itself will last fifteen minutes with each member's points being added together for the total value, meaning everyone will know your team's worth through headbands. Swipe as many headbands as you can to raise your team's score. Good luck to you all!"

Soon everyone started walking around grouping up. I didn't bother talking to anyone, specially Shinso, and only stood by, watching Midoriya as he slowly gathered his team till it was time for Tokoyami's turn. Walking over, I tapped him on the shoulder as he was thinking about his next teammate.


"Huh? Oh hey Akutagawa", Midoriya said, surprised.

"Can I join your team?", I asked with a plain expression.

"Eeeh? You wanna join me? But...why? You could've made your own team couldn't you?", Midoriya asked.

"Well as you can see", I pointed in Mina's direction. "Mina and Kirishima kinda joined another team, so I saw you had a free spot and came over to join. Can I join your team?"

"YES! I mean yes! You're exactly what we need. First I was thinking of getting Tokoyami but you both share similar quirk traits..." And so he started rambling about our quirks while Mei and Uraraka stood behind him giving him weird stares.

"Ahem. Midoriya, we don't have enough time. Maybe we should come up with a plan?", I interrupted his rambling. He could go all night but we don't have that long.

"Oh, right I'm sorry. So, I've already thought about the plan..."

The plan was pretty much the same as in the anime with him being the rider, Uraraka, and Mei on the sides, and me in front defending against any incoming threats. Simple and effective. This should be smooth sailing.


Maerdy Note: I actually have nothing to talk about today except it was really foggy. Went to the store and I could barely see my hand or any cars while crossing the street. Thankfully, it was truck-kun's day off.

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Have a good night or day

maerdyyyycreators' thoughts