
BNHA: Heart of Iron

"The thing none of you will ever understand is that there are no sides. There's no heroes or villains. There's just what I want and how I'll get it." As time pushed into the 22nd century, the wars between mutant kind and humanity became nothing more than a subject of history books. Legends the likes of the X-Men, the Brotherhood, and the Sentinels became exactly that, legends. But more often than not, the past refuses to die and is brought back one way or another. Some look to the past as a cautionary tale, others for inspiration. Plenty have looked for a way to weaponize the past and Alice Darkhölme was one such attempt. She would have stayed that way if not for an infamous shapeshifter. ------------------------------------------------- I do not own the X-Men or My Hero Academia and ownership rights belong to their respective parties.

SMKenward · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

3. Recommendation Exams




"You know I got that recommendation ticket from Rumi as a joke, right?"

Mom watched as I put on the body suit I made that had steel wires weaved throughout it. It was just solid black, a prototype, but it was going to serve its purpose for the practical part of the exam.

"Well, it'd be worthwhile to at least try it. It's not often I get a chance to attend a normal school. A superhero school might be anything but normal, but it can't be any worse than Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters."

"Hmm. Well, whats your plan if you're accepted? You never held an interest in crime-fighting before."

"I don't plan on going into the hero course, but if that's where I end up thats where I end up. The main goal is the support course."

"Well then, I'll call a taxi for you. I have a meeting with Best Jeanist in two hours and I'm determined to train my new pet rabbit to go into heat just by seeing me before then."

She left me standing in the hallway as she went into the living room where a half naked and twitching rabbit woman was tied to the couch. Throwing my hoodie on and some sweats, I left the house just as the living room lights turned pink. The last thing I heard as I closed the door was the stereo blasting music.

"I heard you like magic~

I got a wand and a rabbit~

So baby, let's get freaky, get kinky~

Let's make this bed get squeaky~"

I made my way down the long driveway to wait for the taxi at the gate, shaking my head the entire time at the ridiculousness of my situation.

"Maybe I should try and find a less sexual parental figure..."

The ride to UA was pretty quiet, but I noticed quite a few other kids walking in the direction of buses or trains on the way there. Guess they held the non-recommendation exams earlier in the day?

When I got out of the car I saw several other teens walking towards some sort of gym area with instructors acting as guides. A few amongst the croud stood out. A rather tall man with a buzzcut, a boy with red and white hair, a boy with no lips, and a familiar large black ponytail.

The latter also seemed to notice me as she slowly walked over and sat in the seat next to me.

"You live in the house down the road, right? I'm Momo Yaoyorozu, nice to meet you!"

"Alice, and yeah, that'd be me. I thought I was the only one in our area to jog outside of the fences."

"Ehe, well I find it to be a good place to focus. Theres never really any traffic and the walls are high enough that all I have to do is look straight ahead and run."

"I see. Well, its nice to know I might have a travelling buddy after this. Had to take a cab."

"You didn't have a chauffeur?"

"Nuh-uh. My mom and I travel quite a bit, so the only people we ever hire are housekeeping."

"Well, you can ride home with me if you want! And good luck in the tests, Alice!"

"You too, Yaoyorozu."

"Ahem. Can I have your attention please?"

Our attention was drawn to the stage where a tried looking man with messy black hair stood at a podium.

"Many of you have come here in the hopes of attending UA, but out of the dozens present only twenty two will actually get to join the alumni. Each and everyone of you were sponsored and recommended by a licensed pro hero, and that means you must have already shown a level of promise higher than the rest of your peers. We expect you to live up to the expectations that endorsement has given you."

The several that might have been excited before had all turned silent. A certain weight that wasn't present a moment ago hung in the air. Determination. Intimidation. Arrogance. It was present on each of the teens present.

"Now, as much as I might hate it, this does mean you all do have it relatively easier than the non-recomended students in the practical portion of the exam," behind him a large screen changed to show a long line with a blue hedgehog standing on one end.

"Each of you will be going up against eachother in a race in groups of five. The race will be a straight line filled with various obstacles you'll have to get around. While speed will also be a deciding factor we will also be looking for how you use you're quirks in order to win. How you do so will affect your score and inevitably be up to you.

Before that, though, will be the written exam. You each will have an hour and fifty minutes to complete as much of it as you can with a high score. Then you will have to do interviews with one of the members of staff. The interview will be only a few minutes per person. Please follow the faculty to the testing rooms through the doors on the right."

"B-But, sir, I have a question?"

"I don't care. Through the right. Now."

The timid boy that had raised his hand quickly wilted under the hero's glare.

The written test was fairly easy. I did see some people struggling, but thats to be expected during any test I suppose. When I was taken into a seperate classroom for the interview I was met with a large man in a beige trenchcoat, large teeth, and a purple mask.

"Ms. Darkhölme, yes?"

"Yes, sir."

"Please, take a seat," he motioned to the desk sitting in front of him. "I'm Ectoplasm, a math teacher here at UA. Its nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Ectoplasm," I said as I sat down in front of him, only now noticing the camera recording us off to the left.

"Now, lets get down to it, shall we? Firstly, since you're technically an exchange student, would you be staying here at the school's dormitory or at a guardian's residency?"

"If I get accepted I would most likely end up staying with my mother for the foreseeable future, but if she needs to go overseas there might be a possibility of me needing to stay at the dorm if she is unable to acquire a babysitter of some sort."

"Noted. What type of hero do you wish to become?"

"I don't necesarilyy plan to become a hero. The title feels...restricting."

"How so?"

"My goal is to advance my engineering prowess, to help people through inventing and I already have plans on how to achieve that."

"Can you describe some of these plans?"

"Picture I-Island, but flying. My quirk allows me to form new islands by forcing the tectonic plates to move. I can then rip these newly formed islands out of the ground and into the air, where they would be equipped with technology to float on their own. These islands can be used to form new agricultural cities aswell as weather monitoring stations."

"That's...quite a powerful quirk if you can do all that. I guess your lineage would hold true if that was the case."

"Yes. Although, I can't do it without experiencing splitting migraines. Training might lesson the strain, but considering my abilities are also neural in nature and the brain doesn't fully develop until our early twenties it might just be a matter of age.

Even then, it won't do good to have these islands rely on my quirk. My goal is to use the understanding of the EM field that it enables me to be able to build these floating fortresses on long term-self sustaining scales."

"Alright, so you're goal is to help people through you're own intelligence. Why come to UA to achieve that goal, then? There are other academies more fit for engineering if its your sole focus."

"Because I still have a legacy, I suppose. My grandfather was a grey man morally, I'm not arguing that he didn't do wrong. But when it came down to it he still saved people. When a large earthquake hit New York, he used his powers to still the buildings and calm the tectonic plates. I might be planning on going into the support course, but I realise how useful my abilities are in large scale disasters. If I had to, being a rescue hero is alright for me. My goal is to help people, and thats all. Being put into the hero course or something doesn't prevent me from inventing, afterall."

He sat at the desk in front of me writing on the clipboard that had my picture and document. After a few seconds, he looked back up and motioned for me to leave the room.

"Thank you. Please make your way to the bus so we can take you to the obstacle course."

The obstacle course wasn't intricate by any means. Mudtraps, hurdles, a pit that we needed to jump over, simple things. Those of us that could use our quirks to ignore it all did, the kid with the ice quirk and wind quirk blasted through it all, and I just flew over them all just like the kid with the wind quirk.

Yaoyorozu was pared up with me when we went to run and manage to surprisingly finish just after me. Her quirk was surprising, especially since she created a motorcycle out of her arm and used it to keep up with me in speed.

The thing that disappointed me was the lack of people using inventions to help them win the race, but its not surprising. Having to lug around multiple things all the time uncertain of wether or not you'll need them would be pretty taxing.

After riding home with the black haired girl, all I could do was wait for word of acceptance or rejection.





Name: Alice Darkhölme

Age: 15

Height: 5' 9" - 1.75 cm

Hair Colour: Light Green

Eye Colour: Dark Green

Blood Type: O

Quirk: Magnetokinesis

Notable traits: Her hair colour was originally blonde but turned green from the iron levels in her body rising due to her quirk.

Power Grid: (Marvel)

Intelligence: 5/7

Strength: 2/7

Speed: 5/7

Durability: 2/7

Energy Projection: 6/7

Fighting Skills: 4/7


Electromagnetic Force Field Generation

Magnetic Armour Reinforcement

Electromagnetic Pulse Generation

Electromagnetic Flight

Geomagnetic Link

Matter Manipulation

- Metal Morphing

Organic Iron Manipulation

Electromagnetic Sight

Electromagnetic Spectrum Manipulation

- Electricity Absorption and Generation

- Radio Wave Absorption and Generation

- Microwave Absorption and Generation

- Infrared Generation and Absorption

- Light Generation and Absorption

- Ultraviolet Generation and Absorption

- X-ray Generation and Absorption

- Gamma Ray Generation and Absorption