
Practical Exam: Koji & Kyoka VS Present Mic/Secret

"Yuno-kuuun," Denki said as he came through the doors. "I have brought back your phone!"

"Good," I said while taking it from him. I scrolled through all my apps and looked at my messages. It didn't seem like he did anything, although, if he was looking for Shoto, it'll probably be less obvious that he did something.

"Ohh, is Kyoka taking her exam now?" Denki asked as he walked over to watch the exams.

"Yep, Koji and Kyoka are up against Present Mic." Toga answered, then bit my ear while I carried her.

"I swear to god, Toga," I said to Toga. "If you keep biting my fucking ear, I will kiss you to death, you irritation of a vampire."

"Yes, sir," Toga let go of my ear and shuffled at me. "No fair."

"Team Koji and Kyoka, practical exam. Ready? Go!"

The exam puts us up against certain teachers that we would have a hard time against. With Kyoka and Koji, they both use sound for their Quirks to work. How will they do when their sound is drowned out by Present Mic's?

The two of them started running toward the escape gate. Guess their plan was to run away as soon as possible. Unfortunately for them, he was standing right in front of the escape gate.

"Can we hurry up?" Present Mic tapped his foot on the ground. "I don't like working with ardor in an arbor place like this."

Mic breathed in a large amount of air, preparing to attack. Here comes the stupidly ear piercing sounds he makes.


"So loud!" Kyoka tried plugging her ears. "Koji-kun! You can control animals with your Quirk, right? Can't you make some birds attack him or something?"

Koji made different hand gestures to describe what he was saying. It was hard to make out.

Even if I ask the birds to attack, Present Mic's voice will scare them away.

"Even if I plug my ears, it feels like my eardrums will burst. He's not just better. He's like new and enhanced. Even if we do get close to him, whether to handcuff him or run away, he's probably in front of the escape gate, so we wouldn't be able to void fighting with him."

The two of them kept heading toward the escape gate. That was their best bet, to escape. But Present Mic, honestly, looked like he was getting bored.

"Hurry up and…" Mic started. "COME OUUUUUT! I'M GETTING BOOOOORED!"

Name: Hizashi Yamada

Hero Name: Present Mic

Quirk: Voice

He's got crazy high volume crazy high pitched and crazy low tones. When he had his first cry, his parents and the delivery doctor had blood coming from their ears.


"If this keeps up," Kyoka said. "Our eardrums will be shot. What should we do?"

Kyoka looked around, seeing if anything could help her pass the exam. She turned to the rock they were hiding behind and saw a small ant. She picked it up and smiled. Some bright idea she came up with was now going to be explained.

"Koji-kun, you can control bugs and stuff, right? Look at this. An ant!"

Koji took a few seconds to process that. An ant?

"AHHHHH!" Koji screamed with hands in the air and started running away. He hid behind a tree and stayed there.

"He's not good with bugs, huh?" Kyoka deadpanned.


"This isn't good…for now." Kyoka stood up as her long earlobes traveled toward her shoes. They plugged themselves into the shoe speakers and canceled out Present Mic's sound with her heartbeat.

"Do you have a plan?" Kyoka asked Koji before he shook his head rapidly. "What should we-"


At this rate, they won't even be able to get close to him. If they don't come up with a plan, they're not going to pass.

"Koji-kun, just tell me if it's possible for you to control bugs! Hayaku(hurry up)!"

Koji gave a thumbs up with a shaky expression. It's possible.

"Good," Kyoka plugged her earphone jack into the rock. It exploded, which was actually pretty cool. An army of bugs was underneath the rock, it was disgusting.

"AHHHHH!" Koji screamed again.

"I know, it's scary, but-"


"He's too strong! I can't think of anything else…! You want to become a hero, don't you? If so, then let's pass this test!"

When Kyoka uncovered her ears, Koji was slapped with shock. Her ears were bleeding from the terrible sound Present Mic was giving off. It's not surprising since her Quirk is based on hearing, so her eardrums took a bigger toll then Koji's did.

Koji came a bit closer to the big pile. He leaned over, still shaking from his fear of bugs.

"Go on, little ones. Now is the time to take out the man responsible for all this noise."

"You can totally talk!" Kyoka exclaimed. To be fair, Koji never talks, at least, we never see him talk.

Present Mic was really getting bored now. He kept tapping his foot on the ground impatiently. "What's taking them so long?"

"Oh no," I pinched the bridge of my nose and looked away.

"What is it?" Izuku asked. "Are you…shaking?!"

Everyone stared at me, looking at me like I was dumb. I groaned, irritated that all eyes were on me. "I already know what's going to happen. And I absolutely hate insects."

"Hahahaha!" Denki held his stomach and pointed at me. "You're afraid of bugs? That's so good! Hahahah!"

Present Mic looked at the ground, hearing something weird. They ground cracked a little, a small head popping out. And then, I hated this so much, the army of bugs and insects exploded out of the ground and started crawling up his leg.

"They traveled through the ground where sound can't be heard." Tsuyu put a finger to her chin.

"Although, that really harsh!" Izuku said with a sweatdropped expression.

"I hate forests…" I muttered to myself.

"Team Koji and Kyoka have passed!"

That was such a terrible sight to see. And now I have to puke. Thats was just disgusting. I'd probably be creaming like a maniac if I had bugs crawling up my legs.

"Oh, Yuno-kun," Izuku tapped my shoulder, breaking me of my dumb thoughts about insects. "Could I borrow you for a sec?"

I studied Izuku's expression. He was holding something on his shoulders. A feeling.

"Sure." I answered. I followed Izuku outside the room. The door shut behind us closed shut. "Alright, what is this second going to be?"

"I was just wondering," Izuku fiddled with his fingers nervously. "Do you think I'm a bad friend?"

"Why would you ask me something like that? I may be intelligent, but I'm not emotionally intelligent. Why is this a question that's come up?"

"I feel like Kacchan hates me." Izuku interlocked his finger and and let his grasped hands dangle in front of him. "I'm not sure how, but you know about One for All. Kacchan, however, is my best friend."

"Best friend? Do you know what a best friend is? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think, according to my intelligence, a best friend should be going around calling you names like 'Deku' and wanting to scream at you all the time."

"I know, it's just, I've know him since childhood. Even if he did sort of bully me, I still consider him a friend. He's just trying his best to reach his goals."

My eye twitched as I held both hands out, pointing at Izuku. "Listen, that kid needs therapy. I will fight anything me who says so otherwise. But the fact that you have to ask me if you're a bad friend is ridiculous. Do you think you're a bad friend?"

"Um, no. I really hope I'm not."

"Stop, stop. You've said that too many times. You're thinking about others and how they think of you. Let me ask you again. Are you a bad friend?"

N- no."

"Okay, then. If you're not a bad friend, then you're probably not a bad friend. Whenever say you ate something, chances are you are that something. Learn to think for yourself. Some heroes think for themselves while others they no nothing of themselves. Those who think solely for theirself, let's just say nobody will ever enjoy their company. Those who don't care for everyone but theirself, that eventually becomes their downfall. Why do you think All Might is the way he is now?"

"I guess you're right. I'm curious though."


"How did you find out about All Might and One for All?"

Shit. I never actually confirmed I was a villain.

"I have my ways." I answered after a while. "Why are these questions coming up all of a sudden?"

"I never really had a chance to talk to you normally. So I just seized an opportunity."

I sighed to myself. Surely, he'd be okay with a secret or two. "Izuku-san, do you think, maybe, you can keep a secret?"

"Of course, I'm good at keeping secrets." He shot me a thumbs up. That just made me trust him less.

"Truth be told, I'm not entirely aiming to be a hero. That's never been something I've wanted in life."

"That's odd. You're in your second year at UA. You're basically a role model for all the first years, a really big one at that."

I blinked a few times before answering. "A bug role model?"

"Yeah, all the first years talk about you. Especially the girls. They always say they want to be like you. Powerful and smart at the same time. Confident, but not so much that it gets to your head."

"There are plenty of people who can do that, I hope you know."

"Right. Um, go on. I'm listening. I wanna know what you're going to say."

"Okay. Well, when I say that I've never aimed to be a hero, I mean it. I was actually dragged over to take the exam by Kisu, who sort of wanted to be a hero, even though it wasn't the first thing on her list."

"The historical even of you becoming a hero was based on whether Kisu would drag you here or not?"


"Oh, okay then."

This guy really doesn't give a shit about saying what's on his mind, does he?

"Remember during the Sports Festival? I'm pretty sure you ran into Yurei and Kage, the number 2 heroes."

"Oh, yeah. I did run into them, coincidentally."

"I'm sure you've been told that they're my parents. They probably blabbed their heads off about me, saying I'm supposed to be their little experiment and I needed to surpass All Might. They weren't the most caring parents."

I pulled my phone out and stared at the black screen. I already knew that if I turned it on, I would just look at my parents' number. "Everyday was hell with them. I was hurt everyday because I didn't meet their expectations. The other reason, well, I was Quirkless."

"You?" Izuku said. "You? Quirkless? Then how do you have a Quirk now?"

"Late bloomer." I lied. "I didn't get my Quirk until middle school." Pulling off some of my bandages, the cuts in my arm started to bleed. The droplets started to float around as we continued talking.

"That's a really long time to go without a Quirk." Izuku said as he lowered his head and his eyes met the ground.

"I'm sure you know what that feels like." I said. "My parents hated me for being Quirkless. The only thing that made up for that was becoming the smartest and greatest. Otherwise, I'd probably be in closet without food for days on end."

"Days on end? That- that's just terrible."

"I know. I'm sure you're aware that Kisu and I have known each other for a long time. She's the only me who saved me from that living nightmare in hell. And thankful she did that."

"Is this the secret?" Izuku asked, off topic. "You're telling me your life story and no one else knows about this, right? This has to be the secret."

"Actually, it's not. My identity is the secret. And so is Denki-san's, Toga-chan's, Shoto-kun's and Kisu-chan's."

"What do you mean?"

"Denki-san's parents also abused him. So I reached him from his own parents. Toga-chan is a bloodthirsty killer. Shoto-kun is related to a villain, and he was okay with becoming a villain himself. Kisu-chan is a thief and sells her stolen valueables."

Izuku was completely silent. I figured he didn't it all too well. UA has traitors. Villains in the form of a hero.

"As for me, I'm also a villain. I sell on the black market and I've killed many innocents."

"W- wait a sec," Izuku held his hands up as his eyes trembled. "When you said you were a villain during the Sporta Festival, I didn't think you were serious. You're a villain? What about All Might's secret? Do other villains know? I should report you!"

I tilted my head as the droplets of blood started to form into spikes and aimed at Izuku's head. So much for all of that. It was stupid of me to think that Izuku would be okay.

"Maybe you should've watch who you befriend, you moron."