
Intense Cavalry Battle

"Now, let me explain the rules of the game!" Midnight pointed her whip at the hologram. "The time limit is fifteen minutes. Each team is worth the total of it's members' points, and the riders will wear a headband to represent that total number of points on their forehead. Teams will try to grab each other's headband into time runs out and try to keep as many points as they can. Stolen headbands must be worn around the neck up. So the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them. And the important thing is even if your headband is stolen, or if your team falls, you're not out!"

"Which means," Momo said while giving a thoughtful look. "There will be about ten or twelve teams, since there are 42 people, on the field the whole time."

"One strategy could be to let someone take your points first so you'd be more free." Mina put a finger to her cheek.

"That's just stupid." I rolled my eyes. "Who would use that strategy? It's not logical. Besides, it's be too hard to say since we don't know how all the points will be slips up."

"It is too logical!" Mina complained. "You're just a big genius! Of course you'd think that far ahead."

"During the fight, it'll be a cruel battle where you can use your Quirks." Midnight continued on. "But this is still a cavalry battle. You'll get a red card for attacks that are trying to make people fall on purpose! You'll be removed from the battle immediately!"

"Damn." Katsuki scoffed. How expected of him.

"Now," Midnight said as a timer appeared in the hologram. "You have fifteen minutes to pick your team. Start!"

Picking teams, huh? That would be interesting. People started asking each other to be teams. Everyone in class 1-A wanted to team up with Katsuki. Considering his Quirk of multiple use, it's no wonder he's popular among everyone.

"Oi, Yunooo!" Kisu waved a hand in front of my face.

"What?" I moved her hand out of the way. "What do want with my life?"

"Can you please team up meee?" She pointed at herself and moved her hips from side to side.

"Actually, that might not be a bad idea." I put my hand to my chin, thinking about a strategy. "With your Quirk, it might work. Only if you were a rider."

"Haha! Yes, baby!"

POV Third Person

"There's that kid with the chocolate hair." Mt. Lady pointed at the screen in front of the table.

"What kid? There's way too many to just look at one." Kamui Woods said as he opened his water bottle.

"You know that kid who had the support item during the qualifier round? He's picking out his team. He hasn't revealed his Quirk at all."

"The one who said he's both the Hero and Support Course?" Death Arms said as he blew smoke out from his mouth. "I don't know how that's possible."

"Maybe his Quirk wasn't suitable for the entrance exam specifically." Mt. Lady put a finger to her chin. "He seems different compared to everyone else. Not to mention those girls that follow him around. It sounded like one of them is, uh, what was it?"

"Kisuma Aoni or something." Kamui said as he put the bottle of water in the table and watched the screen, the students picking their teammates. "She seems like a competitive girl. What piqued my interest is the fact that her and the Tsumuyuki boy work together. Almost like they do it all the time."

"Curious, huh?" Death Arms sighed. "Either way, this cavalry battle is going to give the contestants a challenge of decision. They'll have to team up with people. Kind of like how you both are business rivals, you still work together pretty well."

"Oh, yeah! Like that cavalry battle. If you win, then so do your teammates." Mt. Lady said as she pointed at Kamui.

"Coordinating with your sidekick and joint Quirk training with other agencies." Kamui said. "The kids are doing stuff now that will be their way of life after they become pros."

"They've got it rough."

POV Yuno

"Hahh?!" Izuku and Ochaco exclaimed while Mei stood behind them with a dumbfounded look on her face.

"You want us on your team?" Ochaco pointed at herself, and then at Izuku. "I thought you were-"

I put a finger to Ochaco's lips and smiled. "Just like everyone else, you judge before you think. Why don't you see what happens, then you can judge me when we win."

Ochaco nodded quickly before I pulled my hand away and walked back to the stage area. I turned my head around to look at them and put my hands in my pocket. "By the way, Kisu will be the rider."

"Times up!" Midnight yelled out as the timer went off and she started stretching her arms. "It's about time we've started!"

"Oi, oi! Wake up, Erasure Head!" Mic said, slapping Mr. Aizawa lightly. "Right, let's gooo!"

"Start!" Midnight slapped the whip in her hand.

Everyone immediately started running toward my group. Izuku, Ochaco, Kisu and I were now targets since Izuku came in first place. Ten million points, the main target. This is why I chose this team.


"Here, take these." I gave Ochaco a pair of white shoes.

"Huh? Is that a support item? Is that allowed?" Ochaco put her hands up and started moving them around like jazz hands.

"I'm also a support course student. And to make things fair, the teachers put something on me to stop me from overusing my Quirk. Considering that I can control pretty much everyone here with my Blood Control, the teachers put a certain machine on me. So yes, I'm allowed to use support items, which means so can you since I'm the one giving them to you."

"What are they supposed to do?" Izuku got closer and started inspecting the white pair of shoes. "There's holes on the bottom. What's it for?"

"They'll help with staying in the air for longer. Think of them as hover shoes, sort of like Mei's but less bulky. We designed these together. This is why I chose you to be on my team, Ochaco."

Kisu crossed her arms as Ochaco put the shoes on. I stared at her. Sometimes I wish she would just chill out. I rolled my eyes and pulled out another support item before looking at Izuku.

"Here." I gave him a bracelet. "This'll help you with your own Quirk. I know you break bones whenever you use your Quirk, so I made a little something to help with that. Also, a word of advice," I got up close to Izuku and put a finger to his chest. "Stop acting like nobody knows your secret. I know everything about you and your Quirk. And before we start, one more thing, try spreading the power throughout your body. The image of an egg inside a microwave is really weird."

Izuku looked at me with shocked eyes. There's that reaction again, I love it so much. I really do have a specialty for that.

"And you," I pointed at Kisu who stood up straight with her arms by her sides and smiling awkwardly. "You better not shut alll over us if we lose."

"Ahaha, what? I would never!" Kisu waved a nervous hand and rubbed the back of her head.


"Yuno, you bastard!" Katsuki yelled as explosions came from his hands. His team were getting closer along with all the other teams. He reached out to grab Kisu's headband. Instead of grabbing his target, Kisu moved out of the way and reached her own hand out. Katsuki's headband flew to her hand as Izuku, Ochaco and I ran away.

"Heheh, nice try, buddy." Kisu taunted as she spun the headband around her finger.

"We won't let you get away!" Someone yelled and stomped his foot on the ground, the dirt becoming mud and traveling toward us fast.

"Ochaco!" Kisu yelled. "Jump, jump, jump!"

"O- ok!" Ochaco answered while jumping up, sending us many feet into the air. "A- ahhhh! So high!"

"W- waaahh!" Izuku exclaimed. "K- Kacchan is coming!" Izuku pointed at Katsuki flying toward us, using his explosions to boost him up into the sky. Once he was high enough, he loaded an explosion that was meant to catch us off guard.

I reached into my pocket and pulled a blue card out. I smirked as Katsuki let loose a large explosion, causing smoke to fly everywhere around us. When the smoke appeared, a blue shield was revealed, surrounding and protecting my team from the explosion. The shield had a few small cracks in it.

Damn teachers. They made me use a weaker prototype shield so the battle would be "fair." There's no such thing as "fair" in life.

"It's been seven intense minutes now!" Midnight said, waving her whip around. "Let's take a look at the rankings on the screen!"

"Ohh!?" Present Mic exclaimed. "Look at the rankings! Class A is t doing too well! The only ones from class A with points is Kisuma Aoni's team! Everyone else…they've got zero points!"

Katsuki's headband was pulled off, by none other then the class 1-B, Neito Monama. He smiled and twirled the headband around his finger before putting it around his neck. "Class A is too simple-minded, well, except for that supposed second year. Tsumuyuki, is it?"

"Hey! Give that back you damned extra!" Katsuki demanded with pure rage. "Get back over here! I'll kill you!"

"Hm, but I need this, Bakugo. You should've thought about the other classes." Neito gave a cocky and confident grin. "Class B has been observing all of you from the back. Midnight said it was the FIRST game, so they theoretically wouldn't just eliminate a whole lot of people. Assuming they'd keep about 40 people for the next stage, we just stayed within that range as we ran. Instead, we observed the most threatening opponents from behind, strengths, weakness, Quirks, even personalities. After all, there's no point in being obsessive over a win in the prelims, right?"

"You did this all as a class?" Katsuki questioned.

"It's not consensus, but, well, it was a good idea, wasn't it? It's better then going after a temporary 'top' like a carrot being waved in front of a horse's face."

"Tch! Damn bastard!"

While Katsuki and his team were chasing down Neito, Shoto and his own team were trying to get Kisu's headband. We were currently in first place with the ten million. Less then have the time was left now, only two minutes.

"Tenya," Shoto said to Tenya with focused and confident eyes. "Go."

"Yes, Shoto!" Tenya said while preparing for a speedy run.

"Kgh," Kisu claimed in surprise as Tenya started powering up. "Ochaco! Jump!"

"Forget that." I said as I closed my eyes calmly, then opening them with a smile and a glare on my face. "Let them come. Let me take care of everything else."

Momo's eyes widened. She looked up at Shoto, then at Tenya. She reached a hand out and tried warning Tenya before they went zooming across the field toward us.

"Yuno," Izuku said nervously. "Yuno! What are we supposed to do?!"

I grinned wider every second that Shoto got closer. Shoto's eyes then widened with shock and realization as Tenya grew faster and closer. I lifted my hand and curled my fingers.

Instead of heading toward us, now Tenya was in a completely different path. He started heading toward other teams before crashing into the teams. Everyone started wobbling and falling over.

"Tenya, what are you doing?!" Denki asked while he was barely holding onto Tenya.

"It's Yuno!" Shoto answered for Tenya. "It's his Quirk! He controls other people from their blood."

Almost everyone had fallen over. I waved my hand toward the out of bounds area. Tenya started heading over where I waved my hand, getting closer to the line.

"That's time!" Midnight yelled as the timer went off.

I dropped my hand, allowing Tenya to stop running before crossing the line. He sighed and put Shoto down. Shoto had a disappointed look on his face. He was upset with himself. Why didn't he realize it earlier?

"Wow, wow, wow!" Midnight wiggled and hugged herself. "What an intense competition! Let take a look at the results! The top four teams!" She cracked her whip as the hologram showed the results.

"In first place is team Aoni, in the end, still standing with the ten million points! Second place, is team Bakugo!"

"Aw, man." Mina waved her hands around. "We were so close."

"Eh, second place is pretty good though." Hanta rubbed the back of his head.

"Do you think Katsuki is thinking like that?" Eijiro asked, deadpanning at the sight of Katsuki yelling in anger.

"In third place is," Present Mic took over of revealing results. "Team TetsuTe- wait! It's team Shinso?!"

"Heh," Hitoshi grinned while holding the headbands. "Thanks for the service." He walked away as his previous teammates looked around, puzzled.

"And fourth place is team Todoroki!"

Shoto clenched his fist, disappointed in himself for coming in one the last places, barely making it into the next round. I walked up to him after Izuku and Ochaco thanked me and apologized for judging me so quickly.

"Shoto, it's fine." I put a hand on his shoulder, surprising as he unclenched his fist. "Thers always next time. Don't rush yourself."

"Thanks." Shoto answered with a small smile. "That's means a lot."

"Y'know, you should smile more often. It suits you." I pinched his cheek before waving over to the exit of the stadium.

"We'll be right back after an hour lunch break!" Present Mic said before the stadium started clearing out.

"Man, Tenya! You were so fast!" Ochaco said as she pretended she was running as we walked. "I didn't know you could run that fast!"

"I was simply trying to move as fast as possible in the short time." Tenya waved a stiff arm.

I rolled my eyes as Shoto, Denki and Kisu walked by my sides on the way to the cafeteria. We grabbed our trays and lunch from Lunch Rush and sat down together at an empty table.

"Excuse us," Ochaco tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see practically the whole class standing there behind her with guilty looks on their faces. "Deku and I told everyone about what happened during the cavalry battle and how nice and amazing you were."

"And also about how you give good advice too!" Izuku said while smiling.

My classmates bowed, all saying in unison, "we're sorry for judging you so quick!"

I smiled brightly. How nice of them. They were actually apologizing. It made me think that they weren't as bad as I thought they were. Maybe they were better then most people.

"Heh, thanks. I guess I judged you all too quickly as well. Just make sure not to tell anyone my secret."