
Bluest Realities' Anthropology: Creation Of Phantasies

[Reader discretion advised: There'll be usage of mature language. There's currently a weak amount of sensual scenes, and no gore yet: later in the story when I add more content.] Series: (Chronicling Bluest Realities) Hiding many unknown secrets beyond what the chaos eyes see... For what a false sense of safety, only leads to a false sense of happiness... That cannot be judge to the entities beyond. As we together are the one watching above as one of them, staring down upon those mortals wanting a change... Throughout one of many realities, depicted as one of many phantasies. Are solely letting them experience outside the box of unknown taboos... True-Synapsis: In an overly-developed cloudy dystopian world. Colton [Kyhireol] always dreams childish wonders upon a fantasy beyond. Always trying to find ways for himself to somehow enjoy his desiring emotions inside. Before deciding to test out another test with his friends that he wishes were real… In which, prepares a technical helmet created by his mother and helped by his father to do some functional testing again… Which creates his “neurological copy” into the cyberspace data network into the enchanting “New World.” Solely there to experience what he wished he experienced here now over anew. Letting many unknown factors slip throughout the slipstream of his vision. Because, a bright happy world he may see may bring new happy memories together with his friends and new friends… Forever? But there’s something inside him watching he fears - waiting for something to happen beyond. Because what creation brings, destruction comes after… For what history falls into a whirlpool of temporal repetition. Seeing only eyes, eyes staring down upon him from above the foggy clouds of the ȼīⱦɏ. Raining paint that splashes and spreads into multiple black puddles of unknown certainties. Looking at a reflection of the “New World'' being perceived as what lives on tainted… Or what story closes in his hands to follow a new story ahead from the tragedy upon infinity. Peeking through the spectrum of pressure and emotions away. Letting colorful tones bleed and change the feeling beyond the story's comprehension! Loosely letting the warm colors bring his soul a light while his friend’s antics are soothing alright. Tearing and ripping the walls beyond these fantasies. Traveling deeper, darker, and harsher into the abyss where it shall go. Cause nothing at heart, will stake along… Only reminding him the paper he has at hand, glaring through the portraits of unknown histories, arts, changes, and emotions—for what experience and reality beyond these “New Worlds” ahead…

LykhosRegula · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

| What Is He Planning?

I open the wooden door into the animated library. Where I see Vialtogen silently reading a bluish-orange thick cover book in the middle of the tree's library.

Wearing a stitched up polka dotted blue and white bunny sweatshirt-hoodie. Then my heart begins to ache a bit, but it wasn't that bad.

I begin to look for books to read, but all the bookshelves are paneled with glass. So I was going to ask Vialtogen, but then a thin sheet of paper flew into my face:

Please~ doꞥ'ⱦ bother me. Simply go select a book application up the stairs where you'll see a panel and a hologram.

Decide if you have to study for a bit before we go out later. It's not important.

If you need food and/or water - go enter the cafeteria from the left room on the first floor - where there'll be a selection menu to your right.

If you're thinking about Cronixel, they are busy maintaining important work in the temporal stargram room.

Should've given you a device to make it easier to get what you want. So, one of the cleaner robots in the library should be giving it to you right about now.

I look from my side, seeing a little circular white robot scoot towards me to nudge my leg. Before opening its top to reveal a wrist band and a cute memo.

Reading the pink memo note that says: Enjoy yourself. While showing a sharply light doodle of Vialtogen offering his heart to me.

Which reminded me of my father's goofy artwork that's somewhat a sad familiar feeling to regret as well. Causing me to become lost in thought reminiscing more and more about my old life's reality.

Until I begin turning the memo to the otherside from something drawing me in, magically writing: I'm sorry…

I didn't understand what it meant exactly, they are sorry for what? The ceremony?

I stick the memo back onto the robot's front out of artlessness, before running upstairs.

Then I begin viewing the application panel. What greets me, was the enormous amount of book selection options to the point that my mind became overwhelmed for which books to choose.

And I wanted to ask the professional in the middle of the room for any suggestions either way.

Making my move to the giant light blue bark tree to get Vialtogen's confirmation. "I need to ask, for... If you'll, uh, suggest a few books," I awkwardly said, while slowly peeking above to see Vialtogen's response on top from the branches and vines.

While the time ticked the seconds away—there was no response, only hearing the sound of page flipping and birds chirping quietly in the distant ambience.

Before he mumbles a few syllables, "Er-, ne~vermind," he sheepishly beeped. Slowly turning his body away from my sight - fidgeting with his zipper uncomfortably.

Until he freakishly snapped his body back at me, while fluently rotating his body under the branch like a monkey.

"Here's the book," he gladly notified, while dangling his book he was reading from the second floor.

As he was preparing to drop the book intentionally. The book's eye-tree-symbol cover flew open—spilling out hundreds of books out of its pages that looked disorientating to the eyes.

As the books spilled, they began to flutter and float mid air—descending onto the wooden counter neatly stacked into categories.

A few minutes passed after I began reading a book, which I randomly chose from the pile with Vialto. It's a historic religious book called, "Yalestistosic Ether Theology."

While Vialto is relaxing comfortingly in silence beside me the entire time when I started reading - trying to not be a bother.

"Um, Vialto, could~ you explain what these symbols read?" I comfortably asked Vialto, carefully showing him the page while I tried to point at the scripture for him to analyze.

Vialto, who only took a glance, lit up a blank expression before explaining it. "Multiple types of 'Yalestistoses' appeared in the religious theocratic nation of Xraakzialft, believing that those are the creations from God's blood.

Which shook the heavens and planes of 'Uhiriftva' - bringing new blessings to the land. Believing it's the Yalestistoses' field that enlightens one's soul, intellect, and being with one's affinities." He eloquently spoke - leaving a lot of information out to compile without explanation.

Until I realized… Who even translated this book? And why didn't they translate some of these sentences? Actually, that's a useless thought…

Taking a quick glance at Vialto, who's shaking his head - supposedly reading my thoughts and saying, (I didn't translate it.) Ri~ght…

"Little brother, where would you like to go see in this supposedly small world?" Vialto changed the topic while he asked me in a pleasant tone—lowering himself to look straight up at me, while wagging his tail excitedly.

I was a bit flustered from what Vialto said to me.

Little brother? Wait, wait, nevermind that myself, for I should be answering his question. "I don't know where to go in this world. I would prefer to stay here with you."

Vialto didn't say anything while probably staring off into space—shifting his hoodie's ears erratically.

"If that's your answer, so be it," he respectfully said before reverting back to his original laid back position - apparently not caring in the slightest...

🜛 🜛 🜛

In a vast open field being shone by the sunlight; brimming with orange, yellow, blue, and violet plume and cluster shape flowers blooming from the greenish blue grass. Where it was peaceful for animals and creatures to locate, as the soft noise of the wi–

"P-please~ I don't want to beat up anything—I just wanted to read some books!" I irritatedly said towards Vialto, who's glancing at me as if I was a child having a tantrum - looking ever so glad without a hint of irritation.

"The input, 'stay here with you,' is exactly what you had elaborated. And look on the bright side, we're outside." Vialto excitedly noisened while bouncing his ears and tail at the same beat—letting his hoodie's ears fly in the temperate breeze.

"Yes, indeed it is very beautiful… But about my consent to smack nature, isn't really that exciting… Unless we are only sightseeing for something new we can create together," I apprehensively voiced my minor complaint again.

Vialto stopped in the midst of the field from my words, before sitting down to look up towards the skies, talking to air. "You're so~ fun at events and parties. How would you even try the many fun games in these worlds then? But, at least you like books and art..."

As his ears and head lowered slightly, before looking right back at me. "You can spar with me in the future, and I'll limit my capabilities as well!"

After that awkward silence of imaginary crickets cricketing. I finally laid next to Vialto in the patch of grass and flowers, and I began to skygaze as well. "Isn't that the same thing?" I lowly-bitterly spoke. "And I don't even have a weapon, or ah, and accessories," pausing in long silence while my intrusive thoughts kick in, "could I~ ride on you till we get there?"

Vialto looks at me, while immediately changing his outfit in a snap of his fingers into his regular over the top steampunk outfit. Except it has an added soft brown leather saddle and golden strap attachment onto his back - somehow knowing one day I would ask this futile question in advance.

He lowers his back in front of me, while waiting for me to get on—so I did.

He begins warming up for a marathon, before trusting at full speed ahead on all fours towards the mountainous terrain far ahead.

I felt the breeze overtook me with my eyes unable to keep themselves open. While I struggle to hang onto his fluffy vibrating fur; feeling the changing temperatures and electricity coursing through my entire body - trying to shoo the random aching feelings away inside.

Where I believe I saw a hundred bugs pass by from the field of grass through the ever changing terrain. While I continue to count the new things I see. Then the world begins to turn ever so slowly…

His speed lowered significantly as I opened my eyes in a daze.

Viewing the tall black trees expanding everywhere, as the foggy terrain is filled with cliffs, mountains, and brooks; raining an endless amount of water and lighting from the canopies. I also saw a lot of bright insects glowing a bluish and purplish hue—dancing in the damp fog.

"The galvanic forest's ecosystem of electricity. A perfect place for stealing nature's equilibrium, which'll probably happen either way in the future.

Now wouldn't it be sad if we exited this place quickly," Vialto spoke like a tour guide while his fur began to puff up erratically from the electrical currents in the air. Maybe reminiscing about his past

"Vialto, why didn't you solely teleport us to our destination?" I loudly asked out of curiosity, while trying to steady my words from the wind taking it away.

During that short awkward pause, Vialto finally answers. "The dimensional waypoint is linked to that electric field, and it's the closest to our destination; setting a new one will take extra data and resources.

If you are asking about my 'far' teleportation powers; it only works in the pocket dimension. Unless I use stored dimensional-synergy from Lykhua's powers, but that's too~ precious to use and arduous to obtain." Vialto hurriedly explained, while still traversing the forest from tree to tree within the understory.


A long passage of time has passed while still riding on Vialto all the way to the supposed destination. Giving me a gut feeling that Vialto was arbitrarily taking me to explore the area, which I'm not against.

The view was of a similar field of grass, that bears an out of place colosseum in the middle. Where the winds weren't strong, only clear skies up high. Filling the air with an unknown fragrant aroma that feels calming.

When we entered the bright-silent colosseum up the stairs to the first tier: which is overgrown with shrubbery, vines, and grass.

Seeing unknown symbols written on the limestone pillars and walls that spread in an orderly fashion, which are slightly withered from the cracks that formed.

Vialto stood right back up on his hind legs, suggesting I get off of him—so I did. "Sit down in the podium row, or anywhere you wish," Vialto spoke, while twacking the dirt off his gloves, clothes, and boots.

I begin looking around the overgrown colosseum, before looking back where Vialto last was—he's gone…

I guess I'll lonely go to the podium alone then, I disappointedly thought to myself...