
Passing the semester

*That night*

Fan Lin was in the cafeteria alone. He was gorging food. All his spirit rings were out in the open. He was storing energy for upcoming day.

" It is already the 213rd plate kid. This is the last." The chef said grudgingly. All of his peers went out a long time ago. He was the only one left in the dining hall cooking for Fan Lin.

"Ok Sir. And Thanks. I will pay double the price as compensation for your time."

"You don't need to kid. It is not going to my salary in any way and It is my duty." The chef said.


"Okay. Overtime tip then?" 

"Not allowed." 


He said after finishing the last plate and left the cafeteria. He went towards the forest near his dorms. He had been training his physique once again since better physique increased his body's limit on the age of the spirit soul and he wanted his next one to be as high as he can take. Maybe even hundred thousand year old spirit soul. Who knows.

His current absorption limit was 21000 years. He can advance his spirit soul till this age in the spirit ascension platform. Any more is not possible as the body will directly reject the spirit energy of the surrounding environment.

He took out his soul communicater and called Qiangu Dongfeng," Make sure the final preparations are perfectly done. I will come to supervise it tomorrow."

Qiangu Dongfeng said," The first grade have exams tomorrow, are you going to start from the day after tomorrow?"

"I will finish the exams by night."


Sitting behind at desk in the Headmaster's office, Elder Cai smiled at Shen Yi. "So the arrangements for the exams are complete?"

Shen Yi nodded. "Everything is in order."

"Good. There has always been a few surprises during the first semester exams for new students. Let's see what happens this year. Remember to be thorough with the body search though. These are clever kids we've got. Who knows what they'll do for an advantage?"

Shen Yi chuckled. "You can rest easy. I've gone through this once before, so I know exactly what they're all thinking. Anything they can come up with, their seniors have already done. Senior brother and the other proctors have already set out."

"Excellent. This will be a good learning experience for them," Elder Cai said.

In the early morning of the following day, all of the first grade students were gathered in Spirit Ice Plaza to prepare for their departure.

Any student who could make it into Shrek Academy undoubtedly possessed a soul storage device. The first thing Wu Zhangkong and Shen Yi did when they arrived was collect all of them. Apart from the clothes on their backs, the students were left with nothing.

Wu Zhangkong came to Fan Lin. He said," take out the cuffs you are wearing on your legs."

Fan Lin looked at them. He directly released his spirit rings getting several gasps. He used his second ability to remove the crystal weighs he put on himself. Since he was quite light, he put these weighs on to increase his training capacity and seldom removed them even after realizing that they were doing nothing since it was made from him and weighted nothing. 

"Happy?" Fan Lin replied.

"Absolutely." Wu Zhangkong just sneered. In the past months, he had now learnt how to handle Fan Lin most of the times.

"Can I leave or should I need to open something else?" Fan Lin said to him.

He stared at Fan Lin and then quietly nodded.

Immediately after he nodded, Fan lin used his second soul skill. Crystals emerged from the ground and turned into his boots. A pair of crystalline shards became his arm guard. And six big crystalline shards floated behind him like his wings. He flew from the Shrek City and was gun down immediately in the shocked eyes of everyone.

"No flying in the Shrek city!!!" 

So he teleported outside and flew into the horizon. After paying the fine. Exorbitant fine.

15 minutes later.

Heaven Dou City.

Fan Lin landed near an inn. His face covered in crystal mask, he pointed his crystal spurs at the people in the inn and asked(threatened).

"Where does the Evildoer Gang leader reside? Tell me or die."

The spurs got closer to people's throat. All of they said the same address.

Fan Lin then few to the wolf gang leader's base.

"Where is the gang leader?"

Fan Lin waited for the leader. The leader came. He was a thugish looking middle age man. The leader immediately released his spirit rings. He was a soul emperor.

Fan Lin albedo slapped him and crippled his cultivation. Justice should prevail. For Eternity it shall. I will make it happen. Given I am the criminal.

One city, one soul master above five ranks. Complete.

He immediately flew away. It took less than 5 minutes from entering the Heaven Dou city, to finding the Gang leader and then defeating him and he was onto his next target.

180 minutes later.

Heaven Spirit City

He found his target right away. A person who was beating someone. He went down on the ground.

"Hey, Battle me or die."

Fan Lin saw the man had five rings. He is level 46. The five ringed fellow must be above 51.


Another group Albedo slap. Could this guy not see his spirit rings configuration?

The scene happened in front of many people so he didn't lack any proof of him defeating this man. 

56 minutes later.

Skyorder City.

"Where is the evil Gang leader of this town."

"There's none." 

"Military city?"

"Okay. This is a hostage situation, I need someone to fight me. Requirements 5 ring Soul king. If I don't get someone in 5 minutes, I will cause property destruction!"


Bright City.

It was 7 in the evening. He also found who to challenge. It was a middle aged man. He was a soul emperor.

" Old man , fight me or die."

" Did your parents not te..."

There was a crystalline spur just between his legs. If it was just a little above, the eggs would have gone. The old man become furious. He immediately lit his spirit rings and attacked Fan Lin. He Albedo slapped one again.

It missed.

The old man was behind him. His soul skills were better than the others.

The old man attacked. The crystalline shards defended Fan Lin and attacked the old man at the same time. Suddenly the old man's leg got entangled in blue silver grass.


The old man got Albedo slapped.

Fan Lin teleport himself to Shrek City. He used all of his stored energy to do so. He went towards the headmaster's office to register his completion.

Elder Cai was drinking tea at her office.

Fan Lin knocked on the door, got the permission to enter, showed pictures of him terrorising the people with a camera that he had gotten from somewhere and some unknown time.

"I have completed my exam. I am going to the spirit ascension platform. Bye! "

After saying this and throwing the pictures at her table he gushed out of the room and immediately teleported near the spirit Pagoda.

After few seconds of running, he reached the Pagoda and went to Qiangu Dongfeng's floor at rapid rates. Qiangu Dongfeng was in a meeting with the other masters.

"I will come later." He went to the place where the blueprint and attack information was stored and sat down to meditate as his energy reserves had depleted.

*Half an hour later*

Qiangu Dongfeng came in front of the blueprint room. He opened the door and asked Fan Lin to come inside.

"Sorry, I was in a meeting with the tower heads."

"Holy spirit cult"

"How did you know?"

"As if I wouldn't know their faces. They were not them. None of them." Fan Lin said.

"They could also be someone else like the other important members or someone above me." Qiangu Dongfeng said.

"Then you wouldn't have the meeting at your office. The meeting would be held at the meeting place. Your office isn't one."

"We could have been having a friendly meeting."

"No friendly meeting happens without a beverage or snacks or straight backs. Now let's get to work. Shall we?"

"Your reasonings are BS but your conclusions are always on point. Let's get to the plan." Qiangu Dongfeng mumbled in bemusement.