It's all of that bastard's fault! That I am a wanted woman! Why can't he just let me fly free? He doesn't even love me so why does he cause all of this fuss over me leaving him?
Tons of carriages in a single file follow one large golden carriage. Every carriage has a swarm of bodyguards that rides on horseback to protect their respective masters. The eighth princess carriage stayed farther behind the other royal heir's carriages.
The princess sat inside her carriage refining her moon essence to its purer form. A sigh escaped her slightly plump lips, her eyelids open slowly with a burning furry place inside. Luckily she had fully recovered her other eye today.
They have been on the road for a few days now, she started to feel restless so she refined her essence to pass time. "Sir Lai how much longer will it take for us to get there?" I asked in a chilling tone "We are almost there my lady please be patience" Lai Shufen replied.
"I will go for a short nap, wake me up when we arrive Sir Lai" closing the curtain fully and blocking out the sunlight. I then pulled the quilt that Cheng Chin brought for me on this trip over my body and laid down.
The carriage that I am in currently has no bench it is just a thick bed mattress on the carriage floor, I stretch a bit before placing my arm underneath my head and closed my eyes to get some rest in.
"Your highness the devoice is successful I suggest you bring all of your belongings out of the prince's palace immediately" My lawyer Marie Shainworth brought the good news with her usual frown.
She is my best friend from middle school and one of the best lawyers in all of Lutum, I was worried that the scumbag wouldn't let me weasel out of this relationship this easily. That doesn't seem to be the case so far... Thankfully.
"Thanks, Marie, I already have my servants moving my belongings out of his house as of this moment" I gave this stoic woman a bear hug, showing my gratitude. Soon after I left the courthouse and arrive at the palace, I wasn't prepared for what I would see next.
My loyal servants lay on the ground with multiple stab wounds plunged inside their bodies, I widen my eyes in surprise and stifled my scream. "That bastard he did this!" Huffing in anger I storm inside the palace and burst through his study room.
He sat in his chair with no expression, I pointed my finger at him "You bastard how dare you kill them!" I yelled out my frustration, His eyes flicker on me they held nothing no remorse nothing at all.
"I dunno what you are talking about honey" his voice came out husky and his eyes held a playful glint "then explained the bodies?!" my face turn red from rage, he giggled like a child from a horror movie.
"You're the one that killed them love" He explained happily, I gave him a look of disbelief "How could I? I was at the courthouse all of this time?!" I exclaimed feeling a fiery volcano was about to erupt "Guards cease this madwoman!" He feign a scared expression.
Tens of well-trained guards burst in to see me gripping his collar "Lady Willow let go of prince Laim" one of the stronger and buffer-looking guards ordered. I head-butted Laim in the face and proceeded to dodge the guards to escape.
Somehow I was successful and left in one of the many cars that I own.
I snapped my eyes open and quickly got up from my sleeping position. The carriage seemed to stop but that dream… Why did I have to relive that moment its all behind me and if I do happen to see a bastard that looks like him I'll kill him!
Sir Lai Shufen called out "My lady where do you want to set up camp?" his question startled me for a moment "Doesn't matter" I replied bitterly. Ten minutes later Cheng Chin open up the carriage door with a bright smile on her young features "My lady the camp is fully set up, do you want help changing into your hunting outfit?" she asked.
I recunetly nodded my head and let her change my clothes, once she was done she dragged me out of the carriage and took her time to admire my outfit. "My lady our camp is this way" Cheng Chin lightly dragged me over to where sir Lai and the few other servants of mine were.
"My lady the hunt should start in a few hours" Eunuch Li lower his gaze afraid to make eyes connect "Prepare my lunch then" I give him a dismissed look and walked into my tent, it has a foldable bamboo bed with a soft single mattress on top.
A small desk sat in the middle of the tent with a chair, a lantern hung from the top of my tent providing light. I open up on the desk drawers and took out my ink and quill and then grab some paperwork related to my pavilion affairs.
Reading through the documents and then writing down some notes on how the affairs should be handled a rustle broke my focus. I looked up towards where I heard the ruckus and place my ink and quill away into the drawers along with my documents.
I got up from my wooden chair and poke my head out of my tent two gentlemen were scraping it out in front of my campsite. Sir Lai marched over to the fight looking displeased with their disturbance, I walked out of my tent and approach them wondering why they would make a scene in front of my camp.
"If you two knuckleheads disturb my mistress-" Sir Lai began to scold them after holding them apart with a scowl "Sir Lai what's going on?" I asked cutting him off from his scolding session.
Sir Lai toss the two to the side and bow down deeply "both of you get your butt over here and apologize for disturbing her peace" the two young males brought their sorry arses over and got on their knees.
"We are sorry for bothering your highness" they spoke simultaneously, a sigh escaping my lips "If you are going to fight do it in the woods instead of the middle of the camp where you are embarrassing yourselves in front of royalty" my voice came out as chilly as the morning winter.
"You may rise, if it were any of my siblings they would have made it more difficult for you gentlemen," I said before turning on my heels back to my tent to go and do more paperwork to wait for lunch to be ready.
"My lady two gentlemen are here to see you" Cheng Chin poked her head inside my tent, I stopped writing and tilted my head to the left "Who are they?" I asked feeling curious. Cheng Chin giggled like a little school girl before letting in two equally attractive teenagers.
One had blazing red hair that looks a lot like a phoenix flame and deep sunset orange colored eyes that burn furiously, he looked overall well built. He wore some type of sect uniform with a golden badge of the sun shining through the heavens.
The second individual has his silky black hair tied up into a long ponytail, thick dark eyebrows, and coal-colored eyes with a hint of forestry green. He has a rather strong jawline that matched his sharp-like features. He wore simple hunting clothing showing that he wasn't of nobility status.
"Who are you two gentlemen?" I asked with a slight frown, they got down onto one knee and introduce themselves "I am Yang Zhefen" the coal colored hair teenage said.
I looked towards the fiery red hair one who introduce himself energetically "I am Zhou Min your highness, I hope you will take my hunting offerings!" he exclaimed with joy. I blinked a few times to let their names sink in "I will kindly accept it" I replied in a lady-like manner.
Yang Zhenfen shifted a bit uncomfortably "I wish for you to accept my hunting offers as well" his voice came out low and husky. He fidgeted a bit before taking another bow before leaving the tent Zhou Min grinned at his love rival leaving "Goodbye your highness" he bow as well and left following Yang Zhenfen.
Going back to the paperwork I was once again disturbed by one of my servants "My lady lunch is ready" an eunuch poked his head in before leaving just as quickly not leaving me anytime to throw a temper tantrum.
I scooted myself out of my desk and put away my things and headed for lunch after this I will have to go over by the emperor tent since that's when the hunt will startup. After lunch, I made my way towards my imperial father's tent where my other siblings patiently waited for our father.
Emperor Qaihong stepped out of his tent, looking wild in his hunting gear "All those partaking in the royal hunt please step forward" A bunch of young folks stepped forth. Very few old foxes stepped up as well, five female cultivators stepped up along with me.
Emperor Qaihong's eyes scan all of those who stepped forward his eyes landed on me for a short while before he tore his gaze away.