
Why Not!!!!

Alester POV

It's been nearly a month since I tasted her blood. The taste never left my mind. It was sweeter than the last Blue Moon wolf I had. There was something about it that made my throat go dry and my veins ache with the need for more. I'm afraid once I get her I may have difficulty keeping my fangs to myself. I lick my lips again as the thought flits through my mind.

"Master, we are ready to try again." Natalia said. Not waiting for me to rise from my throne, she turned and quickly left.

I knew where she was headed so it didn't strike a nerve. We walk down the corridor in silence. Frustration built with each step I take toward the altar that I allowed Natalia to build. Every day, the same thing, trying to call her blood to me so Natalia can cast a spell and summon her here. The process wore on me and with every failure, my anger grew.

"Master, call her blood." She instructed and then began the chant.

I concentrated on her sweet blood. It was easy to pull it forward she was the only wolf's blood I've had in a few centuries. I used the need to burn my throat to coax her to me. The altar began to shine a deep red. Getting my hopes up, I tried to draw her to me. Natalia's chanting grew louder and more forceful. The light swirled like a tornado while the lights grew in intensity. It abruptly stopped causing dots to cloud my vision. I blink them away trying to see the alter again. I finally get my vision back and the altar was empty. Again!

"WHY!!! Why does it continue to fail?" I bellowed. Rage coursing through me I began to tear everything in the room apart. I have had enough of all this failure. I charged at Natalia before she could react. Wrapping my hand around her neck and lifting her from the ground where she stood. She thrashed and kicked out of desperation to stay alive. "TELL ME WHY IT HASN'T SUCCEEDED NOW OR DIE!!!!!" I yelled at her through gritted teeth.

Dropping her only to hear her answer, she stood and looked me in the eye. "She must be resisting. Her strength surprises me. I will think of something Master." She said bowing to me.

"You have 24 hours to get a plan together or I will end your existence." I growled before I left the room.

The ritual always leaves me hard as a rock, so I headed to my pleasure room to seek a release. The room is nothing but a bed and hundreds of lush pillows. A few sex slaves writhe on the bed ready for my presence. The potion I gave them kept- them in a constant aroused state making it easy to enter any of them I chose. They all resemble my precious Blue Moon Wolf. Stalking towards them, they begin to call to me, begging for me to pleasure them. I dive into the mass of trembling flesh, allowing them to ravage me.

Normally I would dominate the occasion but, I wanted to be worshipped today. Hours flew by in a blink when a knock disturbed my time in heaven. I tossed the two that had made their way on top of me and made my way to the door. I flung the door open once my hand landed on the handle.

"WHAT!??" I bellowed.

"Master, I have found a way to finally get her here." Natalia said through quivering lips.

An evil grin spread across my face. "Explain." I demanded.

"We need her hair to perform a different summoning spell." She said plainly.

"Well how do we do that. We can't just waltz in there and take it from her head, now can we?" I seethed through gritted teeth.

"I will disguise myself as a wolf and take some of the children from the dungeon with me, "make an escape" and make our way to their pack. I'll get her hair, flash back here and summon her." She finished with pride in her plan.

I kind of had to give it to her. She was a little clever. I can use her plan also to break their bond. Then take her when her shield drops from grief and betrayal. I let out a wicked laugh making Natalia smile wider.

"Yes. Very good. There will be another mission after we get her here. You will mimic her appearance and smell. Trick her mate into infidelity to break their bond." I said gliding closer to her with a seductive glint in my eyes.

All she could do was nod. Her arousal permeated the hallway. Maybe I should give her a romp before I get my princess. Just to sate that tension and make her do anything I tell her to. I reached for her cheek and caressed it gently. I flashed us to her chambers upon contact. She gasped at the sudden change in location. Lust filled her eyes when our eyes met again. With a flick of my wrist, I shredded her clothes baring her before me.

"Master." She moaned.

I levitated her while I slowly took my clothes off. With every step I took towards the bed she floated closer to her bed. She quivers and whimpered with every agonizing second she was left with anticipation. Fully disrobed and standing at the foot of the bed I lowered her slowly to the bed. I crawled slowly up her body watching her tremble as my breath fanned her core. I reached her breasts and flicked my tongue lightly across both nipples. I continued my ascent till I reached her face. I narrowly dodged her kiss and I spread her legs apart roughly. Before she could try again I entered her in one swift motion.

With quick thrusts, she becomes a moaning writhing mess. She has a magnificent body but loath her being. Her smell, her voice, ugh even her touch makes me angry. To hasten her release, I pretend to reach my end.

"Oh…. Mmmaster!!! Thhank you!" she sighed as she relaxed from her release.

I climbed off her and began dressing. "Your welcome. Begin your preparations. We commence as soon as you are ready. No mistakes this time." I turned and left. I went to my chambers and stripped down to get her smell off me. I'm glad I don't like these garments. I will burn them when I get out of the shower.